One hundred and sixty casualties in the Tanks of the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces were reported yesterday. All of Hie casualties occurred in the early pnrt of this month, and Hie classification is as follows: 28 killed in action one died of wound*, ami 131 wonnded. in. cludini; tvo members of Hie Maori Contingent. The names of the nexl:-of-kin are given within parentheses, relationship being denoted by in. for mother, f. for father, sis. for sister, b. for brother, w. for wife, a. for aunt, u. for uncle, d. for daughter. Particulars follow:— KILLED IN ACTION. New Zealand Field Artillery. May, .T. Jr.. 2/2R72 (J. jr. May, Wahgamii, f. Jfay 6). Knmear. W." D.'. in/2048 (Mrs. J. Kinnear, Forfsir, Scotland, m. ' May 7). Auckland Infantry Battalion May 5." Fox. C, 31,623 (Mrs. C. Fox, Auckland, TTanlon. '1 , . V., 12/4(101 (Mrs. .T. Jr. Kanlon, Auckland, w.). Tiippiatt.-.C, 18.R17 l\Y. E. Lippiatt, Otahuhu. Auckland, f.). Ahier, W. It.. 10.25+ (G. M. A. Ahier, Tc Awamutu, f. Ma.y G). Scanlon, J., 12/2106 (J. Scanlon, Fentonburpt, Tasmania, f. May 8). Canterbury Infantry Battalion. May 6: Bsiird. A, 1-1,050 (Miss L. O'Grady, Pouth Beach, Grey-mouth). Davison, C. IT., 0/4020 iMrs. 1,. M'Millian, IG Alma Street, Wellington, sis.) Taylor, J... H.I6H (Mrs. M. Taylor, Eady, Orkney Island, m.). May 7. Drnnimond, M. C 29,2:13 (J. Dnunniond, Braeburn, Motueka, f.). Dryden. K.. ,T., 11.<)57 (Mrs. E. Dryden, Christchurch, m.). Tue, W. J., 27,367 (Mrs. E. E-ac, Peel Forest, S. Canterbury, m.). Borers, H., 13/3072 (A. Sogers, Ellerslie, Auckland, f.). Otajro InfaJitrj- Battalion. Ashley, J. H-., 25,171 (Mis. F. Ashley, 21 Moxham Avenue, Kilhirnie, AVeilin"ton, m. May 8). New Zealand Itißo Brigade. May 5. Caviiuagh; X. N.. 23/1259 (Mrs. E. Lindsay, Inverca-rgill, sis.), Donaldson, S. J.. 23/J2st (Mrs. .T. A. Donaldson, 135 Onepu lioad, Lyall Bay, in.). Heughton, Sergt. G., 23/1072 (Mrs. G. Houghton, Te Awamutu, in.). U'Nanghton, W. A.. (J. G. M'Naughton, Buncdin, f.). Smith, 6. A., 23/1582 (Mrs. B. Shckleton, Christchurch, m.). Cattanach, W., 21/2159 (J ; Cattfinach, Meanee. Hawke's Bay, f. May 6). Hume, M., 2J/4GO (J. Hume, Fealherslon, f. May 6). May 8. Gardner, T., 12.37G (Bev. E. Gardner, Woodville, f.). Gibbon. H., 26/792 (T. Gibbon, Masterton, f.). • ' Lennan, 2G/539 (Mrs. D. Lonnan, Waiwera, m.). M'Annally, H. J., 21,055 (Mrs. ,T. M'Annally, Jlanurewn, in.), Miller, U. S., 21,051 (T. Miller, Waiuku, Auckland, f.). Welch, Sergt. H. C, 26/910 (G. E. Welch, Horshaiu Downs, Waikato, f.).
DIED OF WOUNDS. New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Bevcvley, T)., 25,791 (P. Beverley, Kiwitea, b. May 5).
WOUNDE'D, Machine Gun Corps. Downie, C, 8/2581 (Mrs. G. Ashor, Wai-kaka,-Southland, eis. May 5). Man-is. C.S.M. H. A. S., 6/672 a. B. Harris, St. Helens, Westport. May 5). Penrose, Seigt. L. 1 , . E., 25/363 (W. Penrose, Dunedin, f. May 8). Wilton, L. W., 25,130 (R. Wilton, Masterton, f. May 12). New Zealand Field Artillory. May 6. Allen, A.-Bomb. S. J., 2/147 (Mrs. J; Allen, Auckland, m.). Charlton, A. E., 2/2770 (Mrs. E. Charllon, 5 Pipitea Street, Wellington, m.). Dykes, Spec. C. W., 2/2985 (C. A. Dykes, invercargill, f.), Irvine, Corpl. D. T. A., 2/2446 (Mts. A. It. Irvine, St. Clair, Dunedin, rn.). Jack, B. H.., 2/1860 (J. Jack, Mt. Eden, Auckland, f.). Ballard, H. V., 11/1514 (J. Ballard, Mangatera, Dannevirke, f. May 7.). Luxon, A. J., 5/1032 a (Mrs. T. M'Cullough, Awa-moa, Oamaru, sis. May 7). Beatson, D., 7/1827 (Mrs. if. Beatson, Cavereham, Dunedin. May 8). New Zealand Engineers. Carr, Lce.-Corpl. C. R., 4/14 (W. Carr, 10 Broadway Terrace, ■ Wellington, May G). Walkor, Lce.-Corpl. S. J., 4/1014 (Mrs. S. H. White, Mt, Eden, Auckland, m.' May G). Smith, W. W., 4/846 (W. H. Smith, Norfolk, England, i\ May 7). Auckland Infantry Battalion. Greenland, 8., 21,256 (Mrs. M. Greenlaud, Auckland, m. May 5). Richardson, J. I<\, 21,333 (live. E. Richardson, Oldham, England, m. May 5). Maxwell, Sergt. 12/1714 (J. Maxwell, KirkmaUoe, Dumfreshire, I'. May G). Mansell, F. W., 24,461 (W. H. Mansell, Mt. Albert, Auckland, f. May 8). Peiinell. H. E., 12/426 (Mrs. M. Pennell, Paeroa, m. May 8). May 9. * Emmerson, W., 19,135 (Miss ,T. Enimerson, Christchur'ch, sis). Marriner, C. C, 12/2371 (Te Marriner, Paroti, Whangarei, b.). Pattillo, G., 19.173 (Mrs. 1. Pattillo, Taumarunui, ni.). Wellington Infantry Battalion.r,ainb, F. C, 10/3623 (A. Petrie, Auckland. May 5). M'Dongall, J., " 22,277 (P. M'Dougall, West Plains, Southland, f. May 6). May 8. Burns, 8., 25,455 (Sirs. W. Burns, Forliir, Scotland, m.). Cairns, G., 25,458 (Mrs. W. Cairns, Kurow, m.). Hammond, ,T. C, 15,717 (Mrs. E. Hammond, Marton , ra.). Johnson, M., 10/3613 (W. J. Johnson, London, f.). Macfarlano, A.,E., 23,080 (E. Macfarlane, Onga Onga, f.). M'Lennan, D., 24,786 (Miss E. M'Lennan, Mangamaivi, Pahiatua, d.). Parkin, H. B. C, 25,580 (His, M. Parkin, InvercargiU, m.). Pedersen, S., 11,931 (J. Pedersen, Napier, Pope, Corpl. S. , I)., 19/220 (Mrs. E. H. Pope, New Plymouth, w.). '' Sniitli, A. G., 14,687 (Mrs. J. Long, Barking, Essex, m.j. Jallop, G. W., 3W2 (Mother, Wellington). Wells. R. J., 15,810 (J. Wells, Taradale, f. liny 9). Oanterburv Infantrr Battalion May 6." Black, If. 1., 26,240'(A. Black, Waikari, Brown, W. G., G;2Ga ( J. F. Brown, Crewe, England, l>.). Burton, A., 0/4004 (Mrs. M. B.urton, Nottingham, England, m.). Clancy, J., 6/4219 (J. Clancy, County Tippcrary, Ireland, b.). Patrick, K., fi/4335 (W. Patrick, King's Lynn, Norfolk, Enj., f.). SnmliliHHls, B. V. 6/3455 (Mrs. M.Sandilands, Tooting, Surrey, Eng., m.). Walsli, ,T. J., 6/2790 (t. J. Walsh,. St. Kilda, Dunedin, f.). AVaterson, Lce.-Corpl. W., 6/175 (H. ,T. Waterson, Kirkdale, Liverpool). May 7. Bryant, F. C, 27,158 (A. Bryant, Sedlescombo, Sussex, f.). Cooper, 8., 8/4109 (Mrs. K. Coopor, South Balmore, Scotland, m.). Guthrio, Serjt. 1,.. R/.17& (Mrs. .T. Guthrie, Chn'stchurch, m.). Mayo, C. E., G/40'.M (E. Mayo, Tab una, Nelson, f.). Mortland, S. G., 26,29.1 (A, Mortland, , Ohoka, Canterbury, f J.
Story, Sergi. 1. J. W., 6/HOB (A. Story, Palmerjton Kortli, }.). Leslie, E. T\ 7 ., 27,01!) (Mrs. E. E. Leslie, Cliristcliurcli, m. May 8). Hutt, J. p., 6/3049 (Mrs. A. Hiitt, AVaiJiinte, m. May 9). Olago Infantry Battalion. May G. Wilson, W. D., 8/G32 (W. Wilson, KosJyn, Dunedin, f.}. Armstrong, C, 21,951 (Mrs. W. Armstrong, Kaikorai, Dunedin, in.). Bvown, C., 21,308 (Miss B. Brown, Dunedin). Campbell, D. C., 8/3203 (Mrs. Campbell, Cromwell, m.). Cotton, J. F., 27,861 (Mrs. .T. S. Cotton, Jackson Sheet, Petone, m.). Cuttance, W. L., 23,520 (H. J. Cnttance, Ururua, Balelutha, f.). °r y, . yt-i 0 " w '"- m < T - 1,,0 le s'. Albany, Scott, W. S., 2/H9Sii. (Mrs. W. TChdsworth, Roslyn, Dunedin, m.). v Walker, I'., 16,017 (Mrs V. M'Kiiilev, fitirling, sis.). Wood, A. E., i!3,C47 (Mrs. M. Wood, 2V.E. Valley, Dunedin. m.) Vt "i\ J -> 8/159S (Ti'rs. A. Perry, Port Chalmers. May 7). May S. Ghadwiok, A, 32,133" (y. W. ChaJwick, Hastings, f.). Marshall, F. D., 23,578 (R. Maveliull, Uyal Bwh, Invcrcargill, u.). Speedy 118., 14,690 (D. H. Speedy, Flag Creek, Masterlon, f.). New Zealand Eifle Brigade. . May a.
Bailey, E., 26/858 (A. Bailev, Ouuberwell, Loudon, S.W., b.). " Berry, (J., aj/iM imrkwi'tli, Chriatchurcli sis.). Biddle, 11. 23/GSO (J. Biddle, Biriiiiisgiiaiu, Jf.j. Bodaiuglon, A. G., 26/85 (W. 11. Boddimrtou, Oliakune, i.). Bruce, A., 26/71-1 (J. Bruce, Te iwauintu. i'.). Clark, JJ. Af'C, 20/BI)0 (Mrs. E. Chrk Paruell, iu.)'. ' Clark, Lance-Corpl. S., 26/88 (Miss 1?. E. Clark, logle'wood, sis.). Crabbe, 8., 23/106 (Mrs. i\\ Miller, C'oalbrookdaie, Westport, sin.). Donnison, W. Ji., 23/123S (T. Ueanisuu Hilderthorp, f.). Goymoiir, W., M/lat (J[rs. H. Goyntour, Tiinchouse, London, m.). Hastic, H. J., 26,570 (J. T. Hastio, Jhiseelburgh, Buncdin, f.). Hatlon, S., 12.383 (.1. Hatlon, Cudworth, Yorkshire, Bug., f.).' Horan, J., .is,fißS (Mrs. E. Horan, N.Ji. Valley. Bunedin). James, 1., 23/1070 (I. ILnichings, l'ukcnui). Lee, Sergt. J.-.Wim (0. A. Lee, 21 Adam Street, Brooklyn, Welliiigton, w.). Lovido, T.ance-C'orpl. N. S., (E. Lofido, Cromwell; f.). Alaclachlan. ]?., 13,070 (K. Jlaelachlau, Devonporl, eis.). Stubbing, C.M.S.' A. G. L., 23/925 (SI. Stubbing, Cambridge, f.). Thorns. A. f!., 13,830 (A.' Thome, Marton, f.). Walker, J., 33/1276 .M. Walker, Invercavgill). May fi. Barrow, N., 15,327 (L. liarrow, To Puke, £.). , Bray, J., 20,187 (Mrs. E. Bray, Colyton, Feildiug, jii.).
Cojjgins, W. A., 12/22-13 (W. Co S sins, To An-aiuutu, f.). Crook, H., 20,506 (F. Grumivakl, Glcu Oroua). ■ • I'Hith, Bortft. 11. L., 24/755 '(Mrs. B. Peters, Nnpier, a.). Grogan, Lance-Corpl. 0. 1 , ., 20,523 (Mis. 11. Grogan, Wangunuii, in.). Lester, I\, 24/1107 (W. J. Ustcv, Murchison, t'.). Miller, Livncn-Corpi.. J. 1< , ., 23,105 ,i\lrs. Pruut, Warrenlierp, Victoria, sis.). Murray, A. H., 25,308 (Mrs. T. Murray, OtaUnhu, m.). Newport, T. J-1., 2-1/ iSO (Ci. Newport, Barrpw, EuglanU, f.) O'Neill, P., 10,«H (1-. O'Neill, County Galway, Ireland, f.). Eobson, J. N., 2i),912 (N. Kobson, Gore,
I.). Stevenson, A. 1!., 24/1-191 (JJre. JI. Stevenson, Pihuma, m.). Taylor, K., 24/303 (A. Taylor, Pukckohe,
Thompson, Lance-Corpl. H. VV., 26,210 (J. W. Thompson, Takapau, f.). May 7. Cnsttc, F. E.,-12,135 (N. E. Castle, Blaketown, Gteymoutli, in.). . : PlintoiT, E., 18,934 (Mrs. H. HintofV, 'Colxlcn, Greyiuoutli, in.). Kitchen, J. R.,,:.3/221(i (Sire. K. Kitchen, Mangonui, Auckland, m.). WUeavty, P., 13,159 (V. W hearty, Eiffel-, ton, Ashbuvton, f.). Jlay S.
Crocker, W. T., 2-2.V10 (Mrs. V. Crocker, . Lyttelton, w.). Cuwniings, I). P., 11,237 (Mrs. 11. Garner, i'etone, sis.). Duff, L., io/l/OS (J. Duff,, Koelyn, Diuiedin, f.). Guniett, ■'!'., 15,361 (Mrs. iM. A. Ellis, Hikutaia, Thames). Hanwl, S., 17,781 (11. S. Harroil, Thames, 1). Hay, A. 0., 14,809 (T. Hay, Kaiteratahi. Uisborne, It Kerr, Lce.-Corpl. W. 1 , ., 24/4SS (F. G. Kerr, Waikouaiti, I'.). Maher, J., 21,101 (Mrs. M. Maker, Auckland, m.). - Miller, Corpl. J., 26/678 (A. Miller. Catlms River, i.). Newman, A. 0., 24/869 [G. -Newman, Paliiatua, i.). • Niccolls, C. W., 25/1133 (J. H. Niccolls, Epsom). Rodgers, H. W., 17,319 (Mrs. A. E. Rodse,r=, Hamilton, m.). Sherlock, W.,' 22,177 (T. Sherlock,. Waimangaroa, Weatport, f.). Stuart, W., 26/1719 (W. Stuart, Tostoii-by-Turi, Scotland, f.). Thompson, G., 19,070 (R. Thompson. Mnynbck, Banffshire,' f.). Welch, I/se.-Corpl. C'.-1... 25,660 (Mrs. M. J). Welch, Hovsliaiu Downs, Hamilton, w.). ■Williams, G. V.. 23/2303 (E. Williams, Eltham, f.). TouiiK, H. W-.. 25/922 (A. Eichardson, Freeman's Bay, - Auckland). Pollard, C.-H.. 23.043 ■ (C. Pollard, Kamini, f. Mav 9). Adams, G., 26/700 (J. Adams, Pukekohe, f. May 10). .■ . Maitland, E.. 2G.643 (Mrs/ H, Mnitland, Aberdeen, Scotland, m. May 10). Kennedy, N. L., 21,027 (Mrs. T. Kennedy, Highton, Victoria, m. May 11). Norquay, D. S., 29,061 (.T. Norquay, Oakney, Scotland, sis. May 11). WOUNDED SLIGHTLY, REMAINING WITH UNIT. . ; Auckland Mounted Rifles. Gray. H., 7/960 (Miss Harris, Henderson, Auckland. May. 9). Neiv Zealand Field Artillery. May C. Hickson, A., 2/730 (E. J. S. Hickson, Civil Service Club, Wellington, f.). Searchfield, T., 13/2910 (F. Searchfield. Onehunga, £.). Slater, Corpl. G. G., 2/239 (E. Slater. Rockyside, Dunedin, f.). Whiting, H. E., 6/774 (D. H. Whitinj, Maitai, Nelson, f. May 7). Robinson, H. E.. 10,667 (Mrs. K. Robinson, Eltham, m. May 9). Canterbury Infantry Battalion. . Adamson, H. E., 6/3503 (Nelson. May 8). Beker, J., U,9?.8 (G. Rice, Kaiapoi, u. May 8). Woodward, D.. 28.057 (Mis. Woodward, 4 Bay Hd., Eilbirnie .Wellington, m. May 10). Otago Infantry Battalion. Johnston, J. M., 29,787 (Mrs. E.' Cassals, Masterton, sie. May 5). May 6. Dcwe. A. U. L., 27,787 (A. Dewe. Inverc'lirgill, {.). Watt, Lee.-Corpl. J. W., 24,421 (J. Watt, ■Otikaiko, f.). Wilks, A. J., 16,021 (Mrs. E. Wilks. Purangi. Inglewood, m.). Walker, H. G., 22,381 (A. Walker, Gore, f. May 11). ( New Zealand Rifl& Brigade. Eiley, A. J., 24/1471 (Mrs. M. A. Riley, Armstrong, Victoria, m. May 6): Parr, P. R., 23/252 (C. C. Parr. Stockwell Green, London, f. May 6).
MAORI CONTINGENT. WOUNDED. Curie, F. N.. 16/166-i (J. Curie, Jlorniiißton, Duncdin, f. May 19). Skipwortli, W., 16/1*64 (W. Skiuwortli, Hiieavai, Bay of Islands. May 10). "WOUNDED SLrOHTI.V, REMAINING WITH UNIT. Kituber, A., 'J2;815 (0. lumber, Surrey. Enuland, b. Maj 6).
HOSPITAL AND PROGRESS REPORT. The following soldiers are hospital patients:— CONDITION STILL CRITICAL. Lamb, P. C, 10/3G23, Auckland. STILL SERIOUSLY ILL. Henderson, A. K., 2-1,776, Wellington. Stove, J. K., li/27G(i, Kaikoura. REMOVED FROM SERIOUSLY ILL LIST. Leadley, Bomb. A. 11., 2/901, Bournemouth. M'Donald, C'., 27,325, Geraldine. SEVERE CASES. Berry, Bomb. A. L., 2/207, Wellington. Birss, C. W., 13/3093b, Browns, Boys, Lce.-Corpl. J{. A., 12/20-19, Frankton. Junction. Broderick, D., 9/HO7, Waitahuna. Brooke, G. \V\, 8/2851, Shag Point. Bruce, A., 26,711, To Awanintu. Brown, Lcc.-Corpl. Xf, G., 6/2lia, Crewe, England. Clancy, J., 0/1219, C'oun'ty "I'ipperary. Downie, Lce.-Corpl. C, 8/2581, Waikaka. Dykes, Spec. C. W., 2/2955, Invercaifill. Firth, Sergi H. L., 21/755, Napier. Foley, W. D., 13/2770, Auckland. Goymour, AV., 23/154, London. Harcourt, R-., 29,011, Chriatchurch. Ilastie, H. S., 26/570, llnsselbiirgli. Horne, \V., 21/MlO, Eltham. Howard, Q.ll.S.'C. H., 17/88, Petone. Hoxiuan, C. E., 25/330, St. Albans. Jack, J). R., 2/ISGO, Eden.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3093, 25 May 1917, Page 6
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2,075ROLL OF HONOUR Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3093, 25 May 1917, Page 6
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