(By Imogen.)
SOCIAL ANB PERSONAL Cfts for Soldiers in Hospital. The Acting-Matron of tho Hospital acknowledges the following gifts for tho soldiers at the Victoria Hospital during tho month of February:—Cakes, Soldiers' Comforts Guild (weekly supply), Mrs. Conder, Petono School, Mrs. Salek, Mrs. Strang-Muir; eggs and grapes, Hutt Patriotic Guild (per Mrs. Cameron); fruit, Government Experimental Farm (20 cases), Soldiers' Comforts Guild (6 cases), Vivian Street Salvation Army Corps (4 cases), ~Mrs. Luke- (2 cases), Mrs. Deck (Motueka, 2 cases) South' Wellington Salvation Army (per Adjutant and Mrs. Walker), J.f/.ss Cousins, Women's Auxiliary'of Chur-jh of Christ; one case jam and sauces, Mrs. Deck (Motueka); scones, Mrs. Salek,' Mrs. Strang-Muir; cakes, oranges, sweets, soap, tooth-brushes, handkerchiefs, socks, paper, stationery, magazines (weekly supply), eggs and old linen, Salvation Army; one case eggs and two fowls, Vivian Street Salvation Army Corp; tomatoes, sauce, jam, cigarettes, Mrs. Cook, Mrs, Mason; books, papers, magazines, News Company, Mrs. Thornhall. Mrs. W. J. Helyer, Captain Marshall; eggs and flowers, Hutt Patriotic Guild; _ fivo dressing-gowns, 30 sheets, 40 pillowcases; 36 linen hats, 15 slings, one case books, magazines, old linen, Red Cross Society; cigarettes, soap, preserved fruit, arrowroot, jelly, tobacco, cards, shaving soap, five dozen eggs, Soldiers' Comforts Guild; one case Rainbow trout, ono tin blackberries, Mrs. Rolloston (Lowry Bay); ono box vegetables, Ballanco residents; one dozen bottles sauce, per Mrs. Cornish; ono bag tomatoes, ono box cakes, Mrs. Mackay. Women's National Reserve. The annual meeting of tho Lyall Bay and South Kilbirnie Branch was held in tho Maranui Church-room last week. Mrs. Porter, organising secretary, presided. Miss Hackworth (secretary) read tho annual report, recording tho various meetings hold during tho yoar and tho patriotic work that had been helped, namely, tho Nu-rso Cavcll Cot Fund, the Y.M.C.A. Fund for AVonndcd Soldiers, the Christmas Tree Fund, etc. The report was adopted, and a hearty vote of thanks accorded Miss Hackworth, who also had succeeded in getting in all the subscriptions for tho second year. Messrs. Allen and Domb, of tho Soasido Picture Palace, also received a vote- of thanks for their help most willingly given. Tho rcsigna-tion of tho president, Mrs. James Doyle, had been tendered some timo before All expressed regret that this had to bo accepted, owing to Mrs. Doylo having been appointed to take charge of tho headquarters offico, her help being greatly needed there. Consequently it left her no time to properly work this branch, though sho has promised to give all tho-timo in tho evening sho can spare. Tho election of officers and committeo for tho ensuing yoar, rosultcd as follows: —Mrs. Morrah, president; Miss Lily Frances, secretary; and Miss Jenkins, treasurer. Mesdamos Rowe, Trigg, Sandham, Doylo, Sherriif, and Miss Hackworth woro elected tho committeo. One. great difficulty this branch has had i to contend with'has booh* tho having no room in which to hold tho meetings. Mr. Morrah has now kindly placed tho Maranui Church-room at tho disposal of tho W.N.R., and all feel most hopeful that good work may bo done in the coming year. An availing mooting will bo hold shortly for tho purposo of arranging work for tho branch. Already it has contributed most genorously to tho Wednesday afternoon tea.
Mrs. Jamioson, who has been visiting Wellington, loft for her homo in Auckland on Saturday. Mrs. Maurice Richmond returned to Cliristclmrch last week from a visit to Wellington. On Friday''.the Catholic Knitting Guild had charge of the Wellington Red Cross Shop on Lamhfcon Quay, and made the satisfactory sum of £106. The day was well organised, thoso iu chargo being Misses Kennedy, Mosdames Gamble, Macarthy-Rcid, Bolton, Mackin, Rylands, Sullivan, Chapman, Corrigan, and Miss A. AVheelcr (hon. secretary, of the guild). The Patriotic Guild brought buyers and givors from all parts of tho city, and the wish to help tho Red Cross all they could was their chief aim and ohjeot. Their effort was a -wonderful response. Ono pleasing fature of tho day was tho number of men buyers. Tho promoters of tho shop desiro to enlist tho sympathy of the men ai' well as tho women, and trust this interest will keep up. Thero is always something for them to buy, such as cigarettes, fruit, sweets, etc. Tho takings for the week amounted to £112. This includes tho previous Tuesday's sale of cakes from tho Seatoun Red Cross Guild and flowers on Miss Cooper's and Miss Moss's stall. To-morrow tho Wadestown Women's National Reserve are providing tho shop with home-made cakos; there will bo a plentiful supply. Buyers aro asked to como early, as the demand is very great. Every Tuesday it is hoped thero will be home-made-cakos as well as flowers for sale. On Friday the Hobson Street ladies havo charge of the shop. This day promises to bo as successful as previous Fridays. Great preparations are being made, and the results will bo eagerly looked for. Home-made jams and chutneys havo got very low in tho shop, and Mrs. Firth, hon. secretary, who is present every morning, would be glad to receive these gifts from friends who wish to help on tho Red Cross work.
No better introduction exists than a clear, clean ekin. How to coniliat the havoc caused by grime and dusi. Miss Milsom -will tell you how. If you cannot call, writs for outfit of preparations for treatment in the seclusion of your own home. Local ladies will be 'atisfied. that Miss Milsom's treatments are perfected, and equal thoso obtainable in any part of the world. Just brief montion of our leading complexion lines with prices. Cultene Sk:n locd, 35., a night cream, and Culteno Balm, 3s. Bd., a day cream. Hygienic Face Powder, a skin food in powder form. 2-s. Cd. and is. (id. Lip Food, 2s. Cd. Full nnd simple instructions on all labels. Purchasers taught frco how to apply. Complete up-to-daio stocks hair, all hairwork. Superior English quality -used and attractively finished. Clients taught the professional way to keep. DetcotJro defied. Miss Milsom, Barnett's 3u.ildir.ge, 91 AVillis Street. Thono 814,-Advt. Ladies will be interested in our special lino of Gh-oy and Brown Silk Hose. Price 1 , Bs. Gd. These colours are extremely scarce, and early choosing is wise. White and Black Silk Hose, ss. Gd,. Cs. fid., and "s. Cd. up. At Price's Store, 51-oG Willis Streot.-Advt. Mothers, buy your bejs Raincoats early before prices soar, \ve have opened a specially well-made line for boys, 2J to 18 years,' Ms. Gd. lo 3Cs. Gd. Geo. Fowlds, Ltd.-Advt. Sufferers from Bay Fever will enjoy speedy relief by breathing in 'NAZOL.' A unique nevor-failing remedy, GO doses Is. Cd. Use the Nazol. Inhaler.— Advt.
Wedding at Kimbolton. A wedding in which much interest was taken took placo on Tuesday, February 27, in St. Saviour's Church, Kimbolton, when Miss Vera M'Bcth, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M'Buth, of Kimbolton, and grariu-daiigiitcr of Mr. G. V. Shannon, late of Wellington, was married to Mr. Ernest. E. Short, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Short, of "Parorangi," Feilding. Tho bride, who was given away by her father, woro a gown of white crepe do chino and ninon, -the court train lined witll shell pink, and a Limerick lace veil fastened with orange blossoms. The Misses Evelyn and Thelma Short, sisters of the bridegroom, attended as bridesmaids, and wore cream crepo do chine, with fiats to match. _ Two tiny children, Miss Jean Beedie, niece of the bride, and Miss Josio Parsons, were also in attendance, and were dressed in white -muslin'. Mr. T. R. Taylor was the best man. A reception was afterwards held at the residece of the bride's parents, when Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Short received tho congratulations of a. wido circle of friends. Mr. Conway proposed the health of the bride and bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Short left by motor on their honeymoon, the bride's going-away dross being a pale blue cloth costume, with hat to match, and a set of white fox furs. JTr. Short, having enlisted, goes into camp almost immediately. Dance for Soldiers..
A dance for soldiers will be held at the Soldiers' .Club Room, Sydney Street, on Saturday next. All young ladies who hold red tickets are invited to attend, and to be at the club rooms at 7 o'clock.
At St. Michael's Church, Alphington, England, oh New Year's Day; the wedding took place of Mr. Philip Hastings M'Douall, R.E., third son of the late Mr. WillougEby Crichton M'Douall and Mrs. M'Douall, of Oamaru, to Miss Ivy Harrie Sanders, daughter ol Mr. H. C. Sanders (lato P.W.D.) and Mrs. Sanders, Rajputana. Tho ceremony was performed by the Rov. B. Bennett. Mrs. G. P. H. Davidson, of Kelburn, is spending * short holiday with her parents at Fairfield, Hawke's Bay.
Miss Poole, Art Florist, 70 Manners Street, for "Bon Voyage" Posies, Theatre and Wedding Bouquets, Wreath's and Crosses, Cut Flowers, etc. A plentiful supply of beautiful Asters now on hand. Ring 'Phone 2409.—Advt.
Mow a Missing Soldier Was Traced. y As is well known, th© Christchurch branch of tho Red Cross organisation 14 an Inquiries Department for Missing Soldfers, and, according to a writer iu [the Christchurch "News," an incident occurred recently in connection with the work for prisoners of war that must ma?ro the secretary feel, re- . paid for lier trouble. "From time to - time the Red Cross of Geneva has sent Miss Todhunter .'(tlie secretary) postcards of groups in Turkey and Asia Minor. On these cards tho faces of tho prisoners have been quite recognisable, , and 011 several' occasions they < have been reproduced by the illustrated papers. On one oocasion, about August 0 f ] as t; year, a Christchurch resi1} dent came to the Inquiry Bureau, having seen one of the reproductions, and asked to see tho original, saying that lie thought 110 could recognise his son in a group of prisoners, taken in a' hospital ward at Bagtche, a_small village 'on the coast of Turkey-in-Europe, about 111110 miles from Constantinople. . 'This photograph proved to be the son of our Christchurch friend. The lad was an air mechanic in-the Australian Flying Corps, and was taken prisoner in Mesopotamia. Tho father followed up the recognition as .quickly as possible, and has at last received an an-
swer saying that his son is well, <and asking him to let the Australian Base Recordsknow that three other men are there with him, and giving their num-
hers. This was the first intimation the Australian office las had of the men's whereabouts, and they have written to the boy's father a most grateful letter of thanks. Anotuer interesting fact in connection wdth this man's post-card is that ho suggests sending money, in small amounts only,- to Turkish prisoners of war, but never parcels, as they are very unlikely to reach their destination." Women in Railway Work. Oat of 3500 employees on the underground railways, 550 are women, and the military demands,have necessitated the employment of women as guards on the Bakerloo Radlway (wT-ttes the London correspondent of a southern exchange). Twenty-four are now ongagedon this duty. An official says that railway work appeals to domestic servants. "We have heaps of applications from parlourmaids in the Kensington district, some of whom describe themselves as tall, active, and anxious to be guards." Of the 293 lift operators on the Tube railways, 85 a?e women, and more would he accepted; but it is work that requires some skill. Thirty-five per cent, of the men on the District Railway have passed into the Army, and here boys and men over military age are doing guard work. It is agreed that the women have fulfilled their duties wdth satisfaction. Mrs..J. R. Lanauze and Miss Lanauze (Hastings) are visiting Mount Cook. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kebbell, IJansdowno (Masterton), left on Friday for Rotorua.
Mrs. and Miss Horsnell (New Plymouth) havo come to Wellington to meet Sergeant W. Horsnell, who is returning to New Zealand from tho front, after having been wounded.
According to recent advice, Miss Agnes Boyd Allen (Waipiro Bay) Las returned to England after some months' service in Mesopotamia. Sho is a member of Q.A.1.M.N.5., and was with the 32nd General Hospital at Amara. : ~
On Prize Bag Day (Friday) the approximate amount of £650 was taken,' and'will bo cabled to England for the benefit of the soldiers in the hospitals. Fifty pounds of this, or a little over, was in excess of the sale of the bags, so ready were some of the buyers to aid" ftie causo. Gratitude to the proprietors of the various picture theatres was felt by Mrs. Gibbons and her helpers for their substantial donations of theatre tickets; which were some of the prizes, and also for the help of the Women's National Reserve. The New Zealand Ladies' Native Association also assisted, and were in charge of the stall at Courtenay Place.
A woman's trouble and how to overcome it! Not one woman, but thousands of women, suffer keenly from superfluous hair and its disfigurement. "Rusma" is the harmless and simple method of "freeing yourself entirely and surely from this distressing trouble. "Rusma has been known to cure after many failures and repeated disappointments, and it can bo used in the privacy of your own home- without the slightest inconvenience. ~ "Rusma" completely banishes all superfluous ■ hair,' which never returns! :
Write to Mrs. .Hullen.' next Plunket Nurses' Department,'3-tertenay Place, Wellington.—Advt.
Wedding Announcements. — Beautiful roses and the choicest of flowers only are used when designing wedding bouquets, which'l make a speciality of. Packed and forwarded through the Dominion. Miss Murray, Vice-Regal Florist, 36 Willis Street.—Advt..
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3019, 5 March 1917, Page 2
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2,263WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3019, 5 March 1917, Page 2
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