PHASES OF THE MOON. FEBKUAEY. Day. Hr. m. Full moon 7 258 p.m. Last quarter 15 1 23 p.m. New inoou 22 539 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 7.4 a.m.; sets, 7.20 TIDE. To-day. 5.23 a.m.; 5.56 p.m. To-morrow, 6.26 a.m.; 6.58 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.23 a.m.; sots, 6.45 p.m. ARRIVALS. TfIUKSDAY, FEBHUAEY -22. -OPAWA, B.s. (1 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas from Blonheim. NIKAU, s.s. (8.40 a.m.), 248 tons Hay from Nelson and Motuelta EIVEEINA, s.s. (9 a.m.), 4758 tons, Entwislo, from Lyttclton, MAHAHOA, s.s. (9.60 a.m.), 2J28 tone Bold, from Lyttelton. VICTORIA, 9.9. (12.35 p.m.), 2969 tons, Easson, from Lyttelton. Passengers- Saloon—Miesee Wo-teon, Reid, Brook, Gossage, M'Laren, Meedamcs Eobjohns Whitehead, M'Kinney, Messrs. E. Eowlett, Spcncer, Nicliol. M'Kinney; 9 steerage HINEMOA, s.s. (2.10 p.m.J, 542 tens, Bollons, from Cook Strait. CALM, s.s. (7 p.m.), 981 tens, Gordon from Lyttelton. TAINUI, s.e. (9.20 p.m.), 128 tons, Connor, from Wanganui. PATEENA. (9.65 p.m.),' 1212 tons, Iγwin, from Nelson and Pioton. OBEPUKI, s.s. (10 p.m.), 525 tens, Dewhurst, from tyttelton. . FEIDAY, FEBEUAItY 23. KAITUNA, s.s. (1.30 a.m.), 1977 tens Eynn, from Wostport. DEPARTURES. THUHSDAY, FEBRUAEY 22. EI7ERINA. s.s. (6 pjn.), 4758 tons, Entwisle, for Sydnoy. Passengers: SaloonMieses Stone, Kile, Yoight, Gillie', Campbell, Enwright, Eule (2), Laidlaw, Logan, Cameron, Einoul, Le Oren, Mason Donald, Bock, Abbott, Jacobs, Ferguson Duff, Murray, Mesdames Serpell, Epps! lumalten. Kennedy, Lakeman, Eu«sell ?t llhc J. Eva, and child, Kennedy, Mouse! Mansfield and child, Cleary, Clarke, oV borne, Walker, Wallace, CroU, Northo Burns, Captain J. K, Davis, Messrs. De Iα Motte, Sicly, Elliott, Cameron, Eameav Oartwright, Blair, Judd, ITKean, SuUivan' Brownall, Rogers, Fish, Dβ Arcy Brown' Bpps, .Hamilton, Kennedy, Lakeman, Dr! Sinclair, Gilhes, Messrs. O'Donnell Wright, Smith, Holt, Book, Wilkins Ban?v?f <!I '' K O , 1 ™./bbott, Wright, Stevens, iVilßon, Mansfield, Burns, Dura, TFudgo vennedy, Lewia, Eeid, Donald, Dalun' Mjddleton, Monsieur Rigorean, Toplis M.VEAROA, s.s. (7.60 p.m.), 2598 tine leld, for Lyttelton. Passengers! SaloonkDsses HiUson, Moin, Caverhill, Warening Jhopard, A. Brown, Lute, Dunn-, Newman Lorimer, Burt, Baggott, Mesdames Beasley, Vcale, Gillies, Kemp. Hamilton Wight, Bennett, Hulston and child Taylor and child, Ferguson, Child Main M'Orae, Dunn, Beading-, M'Gill. Middleton Mowatt, Burt, Lieutenant Beasley. Lieutenant Gillies, Messrs. Vealo, Watkins, Stacey, Townsend, Wight, Bennett, Huleton. end child, Taylor, Walters, Beasloy,, Van Asch, Williams, G. R. Storey, Tucker M'Alister. Child, O'Connell. Chandler. PcarBon, Millaa-, Hunt, J. Martdn, Captain Begg. Hon. W.' Froser, Colonel Porter NIKAtT, e.e. (5 p.m.), 248 tons. Hay, for Nelson. AWAHOU, b.s. (8.15 p.m.), 407 tons, Sogers, for Foxton. OPAWA, s.e. (11 p.m.), UO tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. KITTAWA, s.e. 01 p.m.), 1247 tons, Nicnols, ftir Greymouth, EXPECTED ARRIVALS. . John, Dunedin, via porte, Feb. 23. Wairau, Blenheim. February 23. Maori, Lyttelton, February 23. Kaitoa, Nelson, February 23. ' Kapi'ti, Wanganui, February 23. Hawera, Patea, February 23. Quoen of tho South, Foxton, Feb. 23. Blenheinij Sounds, February 23. Monowai. Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, February 24. Putiki, Wanganui, February 24. Aloxander, -Taraoho, February 24. Pateona, Nelson, Picton, February 24. ■ Nikau, Nelson, Fehrua-ry 24. Mararoa, Lyttolton, February 24. Opawa, Blerihoim, February 24. }limitangi, Lyttelton. February 24. Breeze, Wanganui-, February 24. Wakatu, Kaikoura, February 24. Magio, New Plymouth, Puponga, Sandy Bay, February 24.
lUpple, Akitio, Napier, Wairoa, Castlepoint, February 25. Mapourtka. West Coast. Nelcon, Feb. 25. Corinna, Timaru, Lyttelton, February 27, Ngakuta, Greymouth, February 28. Ngahcre, Bluff, Greymouth, Fob. 28. Moeraki, Sydney, March 6.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. -- Orepulci, Kelson, Tarakohe, Feb. 23, Wairau, Menheim, February 23. Pateona, Ficton, Nelson, Feb. 23. Maori. Lyttelton, February 23. SHIPS-Add Projected Departures Feb 23. Kaitoa, Nefcjjn, February 23., Tatnui, Wonganul, February 23. Calm, iWanganui, February 23. Kapiti, Wanganui, February 23. Htwcra, Patea, February 23. Queen of the South, Foxtou, Feb. 23. Mabel yacht), Motueka, February 23. Kauri, Westport,. February 23. Hincmoa, northern lighthouses, Feb. 23. Mnraroa, Lyttclton, February 24. Putiki, Wanganui, February 24. Monowai, Dunedin, February 24. Nikau, Nelson, February 24. Alexander, Nelson and West Coast. February 24. Opawa, Blenheim, February 24. Breeze, Lyttoltou, i'iiuaru, Dunodin, February 24. John, Wanganui, February 24., Karu, Now Plymouth, February 24. ' Wakatu, Kadk<2ura, Lyttelton, Feb. 36. Jlimilangi. Chatham Islands. Feb. 26. Corinna, Nelson, New Plymouth, Feb. 27. Taiuwera, Lyttelton, Dunodin, Feb. 27. Jtapouri-ka, Nelson, West Coast, Feb. 27. Hippie, Napier, Gisborne, Akitio, Feb. 27. Moeraki, Lyttelton, March 6. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. VICTORIA, arrived at Wellington, via Gißborno and Napier. February 9. Left Wellington February 16 for Dunedin. end arrived back February 22. Left here same day for 'Sydney, 'via northern ports. Leaves Auckland finally on February 27, and due Sydney March 3. BIVEKIRA. arrived Sydney from Wellington direct February 5. Left Sydnoy for Wellington after going to Hobart on February 15, and arrived Wellington February 19. Left hero after g-oing to Lyttelton on February 22 for Sydney direct. Duo 'Sydney February 26. WIMHERA left Sydney February 21 for Auckland, Gisborno. Napier, Wellington, Lyttolton, Dunedin. Due Auckland February 26, and Wellington March 2. Leaves hero samo day for south. MANUKA, arrived Sydney Irom Wellington direct February 12. Leaves Sydney after Eoing to Hobart on February 22, and due Wellington February 26. Leaves Wellineton after eoine to Lyttelton for Sydney direct on March 1, and due Sydney March 6. MOERAKI, arrived Sydney from Wellington direct February 19. Leaves Sydney for Wellington direct after going to Hobart on March 1, and due Wellington March 5. Leaves Wellingon for Sydney direct March 8, and duo Sydney March 11 BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. Thursday, February 22. Sailed.—Komata (6.35 a.m.), for southern ports. ONEHTJNGA. Arrived.—Koromiko (11.30 a.m.), from Gisborno. IIANAKAU HEADS. Sailed.—Kaiawa (5.50 p.m.), for New Plymouth PATEA. Arrived—Havtera (9.10 a.m.), from Wellington. WANGANTJI. An-ivea.-Putiki (7.28 a.m.), from Wellington. fOXTON*. To Sail.—Queen, of the South (10 p.m:), for Wellington. BLENHEIM. Arr-vcd.— Wairau (7 a.m.), from Wellington. nAVELOCK. ■ Sailed.-Blenhcim 19.15 a.m.), lor WcllingNELSON. Sailed— Regulus (1 p.m.), for Westporl and Grey mouth; Kaitoa (7.5 p.m.), for Wellington. To sail.—Kennedy (midnight), for Wanga!iui via North Cape. KA.7.KODHA. Arrived.—Wakaiu (6.30 a.m.), from WeilU,BtOn - W KST PORT. Arrived.—Kurow-(2.<10 p.m.), fronv WcllingtOn' LYTTELTON. | Avrlved.-Wootton (1 a.m.), from Port Bailed.'-Maori W' lo P' m - ] ' iov Wellington. J ' ' TO-UAVS BERTHAGE LIST. Tho following berths liavo been allotted to vessels due in port:— Maori, Ferry Wharr. Kaitoa, No. 10 Queen's Wharf. Kaituna, Railway .Wharf. John, No. 13 Queen's \Wharf. Blenheim, No. 13 Queen's Wharr. * Wairau, No. 11 (north) Queen's Wharf. Queen of the South, Pipltea Wharf. Kapiti, Pipitea Wharf. Hawcra, Pipitea Wharr.' Nora Kiveu, No. 7 Queen'e Wharf.
KAEU LEAVES TO-DAY. It is now expected that tho Karu will got away for New Plymouth and Greymouth this afternoon. Cargo will bo received until 2 o'clock this afternoon for those ports. KAIAPOI'S MOVEITENTS. Tho Union Company's collier Kaiflpoi was duo at Dunedin yesterday from Newcastle via. Bluff. The vessel will discharge the balance of her coal cargo at. Dunedin, and will then proceed to Grovmouth to lood timber for Melbourne. She will subsequently load general cargo at Melbourno for Bluff, Duuedin, Lytteßon, and Wellington, and also transhipment* for other New Zealand ports. The Kaiapoi is expected to be dispatched from Melbourne about March IT. HIKEMOA RETUEN3. The Government steamer Hincmoa roturned to port, early yesterday afternoon. She left here on Wednesday on her periodical northern trip, but owint? to rougto weather at Oaetlepoint she was unable to effect a ln-nding, and consequently returned to port to wait for better conditions MONOWAI DELAYED. ' The Union Company's Monowal has been delayed in tho north presumably by tho storm which visited Auckland regions a couple of days ago. She is now oxpooted here on Saturday, and sails for Dunedin ajid Lyttelton the tamo day at 5 p.m. MESS TABLE GOSSIP. Writing to Captain J. B. Dawnon from "somewhere in France, ,, Private Nclf-on K. Skinner. Australian Imperial Forees, who prior to his enlistment was clerk in the harbourmaster's offli-e, reports "all well." Private Skinner is only eighteen yeaj6 of age. but as he could not enlist in New Zealand, ho crossed to Australia and offered his services tnoro. Mr. If. T. Atchison has replaced Mr. T. Scott as fourth engineer of tho Kuroiv.
MOEE ABOUT THE AFRIC. The first detailß of tho sinkia? of t\v> fine liner Afric were brought to 'Auckland by Monday's Australian mail. In the Australian House of Representatives Mr. Jensen (Minister for tho Navy) made the following announcement about the loss of tho transport:—"The Afric was torpedoed by an enemy submarine on February 12. Tho second engineer and tho seventh engineer were killed. One boat containing 15 persona ia missing. Tho canteen steward is Eofe.. There were no Australian troops on board. Other cablegrams state that the Afric was on a voyage outfwnrd from England when the disaster occurred, and that the latest reports state that five of the vessel's crew aro believed to have been killed."
The auxiliary schooner Huanui is al pi'eeent loadinir at Auckland for WKtngape (near Hokianga), and this wil) be her first trip in the coastal trade. Tho vessel arrived at Auckland some time ago from Earotonga, and at first It was undecided on what service she would be engaged, but the Auckland agents, ITessrs. JiOggCr and Harvey, announce Offlt sha is to be employed in coaetal work. After discharging the cargo eSe is at preeoufc loading a-t Whangape. «he will proceed to Dunedin with timber, and then return to Kaipara.
The harbour traffic statistics lor the port of Auokland for the month of January show a decrease of 45 vessels in crriyala, as compared with the corresponding month of 1916—552 aa against 597—but an increase of 7727 gross tonnage end 3584 net tons. In regard to outward traffic there is a decrease of vessels by 4J>, from 625 to 683. and a decrease of 22,091. in gross tons, and 6830 in neb tons. Two Royal Mail 'steamers, 12 laKge cargo steamers, and 8 intercolonial" or Island steamers entered and. left the port to thfl course of the month. The Oorinna is due at Timam to-mor-row, and will soil in the evening for Lyttelton, Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth. Sho will probably eet hero on Tuesday. The Kahikn, left Dunedin at r.oon on Tuesday for Bluff, tn discharge the balance of her Westport cargo. She is fixed to load produce at Blnff for Dunedin and Wellington, and she should get hero during next week. The Waipori is expected to arrive at ,J)un£Sm tomorrow from Adelaide, Edithbnrg,, and Wallaroo. She is bringing- a enrcro of salt and fertilisers. The Kauri leaves to>nigtit for Westport to load back to Wellington. Sir Ernest Shackleton's steamer Aurora wa« removed from hoi' place at the Ferry Whorf yesterday to a- place in the stream. The vessel was shifted by one of Mr. E. G. F. Zohrab's tugs, no charge being made for the tow. The Walmea, U due liere on Tuesday next from Wanganui, and will go on the elip here to complete Inspection.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3011, 23 February 1917, Page 8
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1,790SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 3011, 23 February 1917, Page 8
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