MASKS 01' THE MOON. JANUARY. Day. II r. m. i Full moon 8 7 12 p.m. Lust quarter 16 11 12 p.m. New moon 23 7 10 p.m. First quarter 30 0 31 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 8.31 p.m.; ?cts, 7.2 a.m. Thursday. TIDE. To-day, 5.58 a.m.; 6.15 p.m. To-morrow, 6.39 a.m.; 6.58 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.28 a.m.; 7.27 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, .IANUAUY 9. OPAWA. s.s. (1 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, put baok through etross of weather. MARAROA. s.s. (10.40 a.m.), 2598 lonn, Mfl.w6on, from Lyttelton. NIKATT, e.s. (12.5 p.m.), 248 tans. WildI man. from Nelson and Motucka. NIKATJ, b.s. (10 p.m.), 248 tons, Wildman, put back on account of strew (if weather. PATEENA, s.s. (11.6 p.m.), 1212 t,onn, Irwin, from Nelson and ricton. DEPARTURES. ', TUESDAY, JANUARY 9. , MAPOURIKA, s.s. (1 p.m.), 1203 Uiiih. Sewoll, for Picton, Nelson, and Wu.l, XIKATJ, s.s. (8 p.m.). 2-18 tons, Williman, for Nelson. PUTIKI, s.s. (4.20 p.m.), 470 loos, Wnlilstrom. for Wanftanui. KAPITI, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 242 tons, Rn,wyers, for Wanganui. RIVERINA. -s.s. (5.5 p.m.). 4758 tons. Entwistlc. for Lyttolton. KINI, s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 1122 lons, Henry, • for Greymouth. MARAKOA, s.s. (7.55 p.m.), 2,598 to'ns> Mawson. for Dyttolton. Passcnßcrs: .Saloon—Mitssos HiKßins, Freeman, Tucker (2). Findlay, Fryer. Wright, Wlthcni, Blcumhnrdt, Grosvonor (2), Nicol], Morrlj, Richard, Colmo, Beddncce, Wadcll, Wright., Green, Parsons, Echo. Mosdnmco Ihiird, Lonprport, Edwards, ilippins. Lelian. Faroiihar and'. 2 children, Findlay, Webb, Tulcy, Farrant, Fowler, Ferguflon, Taylor, Deync. Clements. Phillips, Oroavcnor. Nicoll (2). Richard. Lock, liatllic, Burns, Polepolus, Wright, Rojtiloy anil child. Early, Messrs. Bairdl. Saunders, I,oiieford. Edwards, Auftardo, Smith, Findlay, Webb, Tulcy, Farrant. Fowler, Dinkey, Rich. Elder, Piatt, Wileh, Tibrow, Dr. Purnee. Taylor, Eturo, M.'Loa,n-, elements, Smith, Connelly, Midgeloy, Robinson (2), Steel, Hitchcock, Burns, G-olding, Wnddoll, Donnijnir, Bullock, Lock, Short, Matheson, Mann, Hird, Heal, Romlcy, Early. RIPPLE, s.s. (8.45 .p.m.), 370 tons, Carlson, for Napier. ' EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kennedy, Wadtapu, January 10. Rcgulus, Wanganui, January 10. Hawcra, Puponga, January 10. Pat-eena, Nelson, Picton, January 10. Kaitoa, Nelson, January 10. Maori, Lyttolton, January 10. Corinna, New Plymouth. January 10. Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, Jan. II). Opawa, Blenheim, January 11. Kapiti, Wanganui, January 11. Kaiapoi, Lyttelton January 11. Pateena. Nelson, Picton, January 11. Nikau,' Nelson, January 11. Mararoa, Lyttclton, January 11.. 1 Wimmera. Melbourne. January 11. Putiki,- Wanganui, January 12. Kokiri, Newcastle, January 12. Blenheim, Blenheim, January 12. Hippie, Akitio, Gisborne, Napier, Jan. 14. Ka-hiko, Bluff, January 15. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Hawera, Patca, January 10. Kaitoa, Nelson, January 10. Maori, Lyttelton, January 10. Hinomoa, southern Hghthoußos, Jan. 10. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Jan. 10. Komata, Westport, January 10. Kapuni. Patea, January 10. Kittawa, Westport, Dunedin, Jan. 10. Wavcrley, Patea, January 10. Karao, Pioton, Onehunga, January 10. Kowhai. Waaganui, January '0. Oorinna, Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, January 10. Queen of the Sonth Foxloh. Jan. 10. Opawa, Blenheim, Jiumiry 11. Kapiti, Wanganui, January 11. Nikau, Nelson, January 11.' Mararoa. Lyttelton, January ;i. Putiki, Wanganui. January 12. Blenheim. Havelock and Pc'lorus Sounds, January 12. Wimmera, Melbourne, via southern ports, January 13. h Ripple, Napier, Glsborno, Akitio, Jan. 16. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. WESTRALIA. left Auckland December 19 for Hydnoy direct. Arrived Sydney December 24. Left Sydney on tho return trip on December 28, for Auckland only. She left the northern port on January 4, for Sydney direct. Leaves Sydney on •January 11 for Auckland. Duo Auckland January 15. WIMMERA, left Melbourne January 6 for Wellington direct, and due Wellington January 11. Leaves Wellington January 13 for Melbourne, via southern ports. Due Melbourne January 22. RIVERINA, arrived Sydney from Wellington direct on December 25. '•Left Sydney for Weliinsrton direct, after going to Hobart, on January 4, and arrived noro January 8. Left Lyttelton on January 9, and roturns. leaving Wellington for Sydney direct, on January 11. Duo Sydney January 15. , PALOONA left Dunedin January 2. and Lyttelton January 3, and arrived Wellington January 4. Left Wellington for Melbourne, via Hobart, on January 6. Duo Hobart January 10, and Melbourne January 13. VICTORIA, leaves Sydncs January 24, and due Auckland January 28. Leaves Auckland* January 30. Due Gisborne January 31, Napier February 1, and Wellington Fobruary 2. Leaves Wellington for Lyttelton: and Dunedin same day. MANUKA, leavos Sydney after going to Hobart on January 11, and due Wellington January 15. Leaves Wellington January 16 for Lyttelton, and due back January 18, and loaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney January 22. MOERAKI, arrived Sydney January 8. Leaves Sydney, after going to Hobart, on January 18 for Wellington direct, and due Wollington January 22. Leaves January 23 for Lyttelton, and duo back January 25. Leaves same day for Sydney direct Due Sydney January 29. BY TELEGRAPH. , COASTAL. AUCKLAND TUESDAY, JANUARY 9. Sailed.—Kauri (2.15 p.m.), lor Sydney; Niagara (11.45 p.m.), for Sydney; Waimarino (10 p.m., for. Sydney. To sail.—Monowai (4 p.m.), for south. Pas-sengers-Saloon: For Wellington—Misses Robinson, Farley, Hope, Gillespie. Mesdnmes Burns, Howe, Eminson. Messrs. Clearland and 2 children. Eminson, Sobinster. Bromley, Cole, Dallvan, Murray Walsh, and the crew of tho wrecked steamer MaitaL. To sail—Monowai, for southern ports. NAPIER. Arrived—Tarawera (3.40 p.m.). from Wellington. 0 NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailed—Rarawa (8 p.m.), for OnehungaCorinna (8 p.m.), for Wellington. WANGANUI. Arrived.—Calm (9.30 a.m.), from Wellington. FOXTON. Arrived— Awnhou (10.20 a.m.), from Wanganui. PICTON. Arrived—Mapourika (6.30 p.m.), from Wellington. , NELSON. Sailed.-Kailoa (7 p.m.), for Wellington. WAITAPTJ. Arrived.-Kcnncdy (9.10 p.m.), from lingtonLYTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori (1.15 p.m.)', from Wellington: Cygnet (4.45 .p.m.), from Akaroa. Sailed.—Maori (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington To sail— Karamu, for Greymouth. DUNEDIN. Sailed.—lnvcrcargill (2.40 p.m.), for the Bluff. PASSENGERS FROM LONDON. Tito following passongcra have arrived in Auckland by steamer direct from London:—Rev. J. Cowap, Mr. W. Faulkner, Mrs. W. Faulkner, Dr. J. R. Going, Mrs. If. Going. Mr. C. Myddlcton Evans,' Mrs." C. A. Pope, Lieutenant R. Sheriff, Licutenajt jr. Morrison, Captain R. Bond, Lieutenant A. M'Donald, Lieutenant 0. J. Wolls, Lieutenant U. Barstow, Mr. J. p' Potter, Mrs. E. Richie, Mr. R. Seagor Mr. J. Roberts, Mr. C. Stodart. Mr. H Hunter. Dr. S. W. Kay. Master H. Johnson, Mrs. Williamson, Mr. H. Kohn. Mrs. O. Crowther. Mr. H. Dashwood, Mrs. H. Dashwood, Miss M. Dashwood, Miss 11. Do Yin, Mr. J. Garsidc. Mrs. M. Gray, Miss L. Gray, Miss M. Gray, Mrs. A. L Mark, Master W. Mark, Miss J. B. Jfo-rk Miss E. Paxton, Staff-Sergeant W. Pierson, Sergeant-Major Anderson, Mr. L. Clarifco, Miss M. Claridgo, Miss M. Murphy, Mrs. IT. Mack, Mr. J. Eunson, Mrs. J. Eunson, Mr. G. Walker, Mr. ,T. Dunn. Mrs.. A. Bailey, Miss M. Bailey, Mr. H. Bea.umont, Mrs. 11. Black, Miss A. Black, Miss—J. Black, Mr. W. Black, Miss M. Black, Mr. W. S. Copland. Mrs. L. Copland. Mr. W. H. Copland. Mr. W. M. Copland. Master H. Copland. Mr. ]), Corr, Miss J. A. Flynn, Miss E. B. Flynn, Mies E. Flynn, Miss G. Flynn, Master E. Flynn, Jfaetcr 0. Flynn. Mr. S. P. Guy, Mrs. S. Heath, Miss S. Heath. Mrs. C. A. Irwin. Mrs. M. Dowe. and Misses and Master Dowe, Mr. A. M'Gowan, Mr. J.
Mudd. Mr. 3. NctLleton, Mr. J. H. Slodilort. Mrs. 11. Ward, Mrs. K. Wilson. Miss r. Wilson, Miss A. Wilson, Private J. Anderson, Private K. Cameron, Private H. b.od, Private ■). Middleton. NIICATJ PUTS HACK. Owing to trouble with the air pump on tho Niknu last, evening the vessel left here (shortly after 'Seven, o'clock, but did not get further than the Heads when it was doomed advisable to turn back. She berthed at No. a Queen's Wliai-r. It is probable that on the trouble being attended to sho will proceed on to Nelson. MKSH-TAHLK fiOSftll'. Mr. L. 11. Oaughcy. assistant purser of the ltiverinii, lias oouio ashoro on sick leave. Air. 'I'. (Iliadwick bus joined the Ripple (:s kctoiul engineer. Mr. Alex. Rose, third encincer of tho Mapourlka. bo« come ashore. Mr. It. Wiekes has «i(,-ned on the Ma. Miurlkn. as chief engineer A whole crew was signed on the Knmo yostorday. The Corlnna is duo here from New Plymouth, to-day. find sails this evening for Duncdln direct. Khe reeeives cargo for Dunodln, Oamani, and Timaru. 'I'hn Union Company advise that the ICuklii left. Newcastle ;it 7 p.m. on Saturday for Wellington direct.. She should get hern about Friday. Mr. Turner, local agent for the lilnckIkill Oonl Company, advifes that tho Ngo.toro 1« now expected to leave Grcymoutli on Thimwluy tor Wellington, and in due bore on Haturdny. She leaves here on Hut.urday afternoon for Whangarei, lulling no local cargo. The Poherua- left here yesterday afternoon for Wootport, whoro oho will load for Oaiuarii and Tho Klni left for Greymonth lost evenfont, and u.l that port she loads for WollliiKton. The Konuita leaves hero to-day at r.oon for WoHtporl,, where nho will load for Wellington. Tho Kittawa leaves hore fpr Westport to-day, mid from that nort wl'l proceed oh to Dtincdln. The departure of the Kaino f<r Picton and Onolmnga has been postponed until noon to-diiy. H l« expected to get the. Kowhai away for Wanganui to-day with the balance of tho Karori'fl Australian corgo. Frcm W.xneanuf she proceeds to the West Coast. Tho Kalo,poi is expected'.to leave I.ytttlton to-day. Although her movements ore not definite she will probably proceed to the Wont from Wellington. The Kahlka. is expected to leave the Bluff on Saturday for Wellington direct.
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Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2973, 10 January 1917, Page 8
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1,535SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 10, Issue 2973, 10 January 1917, Page 8
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