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[Bs Imoqekj

COUNTESS. OF_ LIVERPOOL ' ' FUND ■' DONATIONS TO DATE. Among the contributions received ti tvarcls tho Countess of Liverpool Exped tionary Fund are tho following, indivit ual.or collected:— Wellington Ceiiti'al Mission (per Re\ ICnowles Smith), (first contribution) Mr. S. A. E. Mair, Hunterville, £i e< 1(1.; Mrs. J. B. .A'Deaue, Ashcbtl, (to be spent on Balaclava cap 3 and flat g ncl shirting); Ladies of Levin, (per Airs n hardener, Mayoress), ,£SO; Ladies of libs S (per Mrs. Grimmond, Mayoress), j-2; % and more to follow; Ladies of Oamar \ (per Mrs. Firth. Mayoress), 'lGs. Cd. \ Mr. Leonard .Stowo, £5;. Mrs. Alci f Myers, parcel of warm clothing. I in a llultkber of cases mesages hav % been received, stating that money is beih, fi collected , instead of clothing; telegram § to that effect have been forwarded b P Mrs. liiuberick, Mayoress of Hastings K Mm. B. C. Robbins, Mayoress of Tail g. raiiga; Mrs. Sinimons, Mayoress of Tan I maruriui; Mrs. Qbldflhch, Mayoress 6 I Obakune;.and the Mayoress of Tapanui if I'rbin Waitara comes word that th I women of Waitara, arid \ fevery wage g earner and adult, has undertaken to pa , SB sixpence a week till the close of th' § war. . : I ' Mrs. Vigor. Brown; Mayoress, of Na I pier,' telegi ; aplis t) dt the desire 'in tha a toivn is to it but the 200 Napier mei I who are going to the front, but that an , S surplus articles mil .beJbrwarded to th' I Countess of Liverpool Fund. % Campaign Notes; I .'Money, ebntribiited to the Countess b ;• Liverpool Fiind at the "meeting at Mii'a » mar on Wednesday was as follows :- I St. Monica's Guild, Is. 3d.; Mrs Rob % brtshaw, £1; three little Seatoun girls I 12s. Gd.; Mrs. W. W. Rountree is acting I secretary and will be pleased to for I ward other contributions and give what 5 ever information may be desired.. J Yesterday .the .children 6f the Tβ An S school, hearing that ebn-tributipns of peri j odicals and magazines would be a god ; send to the troops on board the eteam S ers in tho harbour, literally deluged thi I Mayor's room of the Town Hall with bun t dies of reading matter and the outcomi § of it all was. that six. sacks were sen I away yesterday to the ships with enbugl t left over to fill at least four niorej whicl S will nccordirigly bd sent to-day. ■ I The girls of the Wellington Collegi I in -Fipitca Street are very busy rnakinj e , mittens, for the men on duty at■ "-tb 3 forts. Night and day. sentries are 6i 7 guard and no one needs' tb be told hbv , cold the nights are ..just now and hov useful tho mittens should be. Student iu the cookery dass intend making < supply of bakes, iscbnes,. etc.j oil Satiir day, whifch will be sent to the same des jtination for, Sunday. , Yesterday afOernnbh , workers at the Town. Hall were very busy making night ingulo jackets for the men of the «spe ditionary forces, as Well as a number o other.garments. "Contributions of monej will, be very acceptable as various othei .heeils might them be attended to. At the matinee which is to lie held it the Grand Opera House oh Saturday afternoon for the benefit of the expedit ionary funds sweets and programmes wfl: bo 'sold. Contributions, of the former wili l>B gladly received by Mrs. Luke; who will b<) in the.Opera-House from ten o'cloci iu tho morning onwards. Mrs.. Laiiig-Mason, on behalf of th( Countess of Liverpool Fund for the Expeditionary Force, has collected so fai the sum of ,£l2 7s. Sd. from the Upper Hutt and Silverstrearii. . The. ladies of St. Andrew's Church, The Terrace, aro meeting daily at 2.'30 p.m, in the class.' rpo'nis'. to jissist in preparing equipment --for the Expeditionary Force pud will be glnd of the assistance 6f any ladies in the district who desire to' assist with the work. .. '... . ».. .At; a meeting of ladies on Wednesday (says our Ofcaki correspondent); tlte-sum of-,£20 ivas collected iii aid'of/provisioning the Expeditionary Force.' Mrs Byron Brown was elected secretary and Mrs. A. A. Bright treasurer. .' At I , <neetii..g ot> the Petbne Ladiee' War Fund was intimated that ,£SO hid been collected in one day, besides a largo assortment of useful artjcles, including an ambulance kit, from the Ladies .Orange Lodge. At Lower: Hult a lady canvasser col.ected over II guineas in an hour and a half on behalf of the Wo • Fund. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. A Wellington' Wedding. '\ took place at "GlenaTdoeh,'. IU Onejtal Ten-nce, on Wednesday aftonioah, when Miss Isabel Horiot ruTiibull, only daughter of Mr. James lurnbull, of the firm of.Turnbull, Hickson, and Gooder, was married to ' Mr. Leonard Claude Ttavers, youiigest son of te irn- I{c^ ra Travers, of Hankey btreet, WelhngtDn. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. W. Chapman, llie bride, who was given away by her father, wore a trained gown of brocaded voile, trimmed with . shadow lace.' pud satin, and a veil with orange • blossoms bhe earned a shower bouquet of snowdrops and other spring ffowors. There were three bn-lesmaids in aftendariceMiss Ivy Bennett, Miss Muriel Betty; and utle Miss JoanTravers (niece iof ■• the bridegroom), the'two former wearing gowns of cream crystalline voile, trimmed with lace and satin,- and mob caps, and the latter a dress of hailstone .muslin with ribbon trimming.., The two ■Welder iridesmaids carried posies of violets, and he younger.a silver crook. Mr, Walter Travel's acted as best man; in -place' of Mr. William R«ed, who had~ ! jbined the ixpeditionai? Force, and Mr. Herbert Travers was groomsman. After the-cere-mony, tea was- serv-id in the dihihgrbom, which had been prettily decorated for tho occasion, and later the bride and bridegroom left on their honeymoon, wlijch is >eing spent in .he north. The bride's travelling, dress was of navy taffeta, with a pretty hat to niE.tch. Two New Kealaud nurses, Miss N. M. Palmer and Miss. Curtis, of Cbristchufch, are leaving ■ this day week for Australi.u to catch the first steamer for Marseilles, with a View ,tp joining the French Red Cross nurses, Miss Palmer, who is well knowh in Wellington, was nursing ut Salonika through the second Balkan war. '■' Mrs. Goring-Thomas, of Auckland, was a passenger from San Francisco by tho Tahiti, yesterday. The annual tea and meeting, in connection with St. Augustine's Sunday School, Petone, was held yesterday, a large array of children attending. lii the even? ing an entertainment was held in.- 'St. Augustine's Hall, the Rev. Mr. Stevenson presiding over a large audience. The accompaniments were played by Miss Bailey, and others contributing to the programme were:—The Misses Fowler, M'Ewan, Lee, G. TJsmar, and S, Aitcheson, Messrs. Medhurst, Hey. and Loader, and Masters Beyiion and Hill. A feature' of the performance was a lullaby song and (log drill by the children.'under Miss Braddock. . Mr. anil Mrs. E. W. Bunny liave returned to the Wairarapa from a brief visit to-Wellington." Mrs. Lan Duiioan- is in Christchurcli for tho Grand Nationnl; also Mrs. Allan Strait? CPitlmerston North), Mr. <ind Mrs. D. Riddiford, Mi , , and Mrs. T. H. Lowry (Hiiwke's Bay), and Miss Johnston (Rangitikei). ■ ■ For Face Massage, Shampooing, all Hair Treatments, and Electrolysis, Mrs. Rolleston's is recommended. ■ Spacious Private Rooms,, Qualified Assistants, and Personal Attention. Switches and Transformations pf every shade a speciality. Hair guaranteed to keep its colour. 250 Lam...bton Quay.* ELECTROLYSIS. The only permanent cure for tho removal of superfluous hair. . This can only be performed by an expert. Consult Mrs. Haybittlp, long and , favourably ' known for all treutmenta. Noi 268 Lambton Quay (over Orr, chemiet). Telephono 1594.—Advt. For Bronchial Coughs and Colds, Wood*' Oveat Ppupernjint CuVe/to, od, .


ENTERTAINMENTS FEED. NIBLO SEASON. . To-night "Never Say Die" will conclude its career of kughtfer at the Grand Opera House, and to-morrow Evening "Officer 666" mil be presented by Mr. Fred. Niblo, Miss Josephine Cohaii, and the clever J. C. Williamson Comedy Company, for the first time in. New Zealand. Tie author of; this screamingly funny play has contrived to wenvo his humorous story through, a. maze of situations with a deft ness productive of developments which lead tho interested spectator along a hilarious line of merriment: Tho ingredients of the .farcical comedy are cleverly mixed. There are two love themes—a most affable burglar, devoted to art, ah heiress, a yoliiig millionaire, who has spent his money freely in! tho vain pursuit of a .new thrill, an American constable, and the two young people to he chiefly concerned about.. Mr. -Niblo and Miss Josephine Cohan have characters which they revel in, and the talented members of the company are provided with rich opportunities which they turn to the best account. The whole results in; as merry an evening , as the most ardent lover of laughter could desire. . HIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE/ There are record houses nightly at His •Majesty's Theatre this week: Tho cause of such lai'ge audiences is, of course, the advent of Miss Daisy Jerome, of "Come Over Here fame. Miss Jerome is easily tho most successful comedienne who has ever appeared at His Majesty's Theatre, {supporting such an exceptional, artiste is a .vaudeville programme that-, is finding inucli favour. There are: "The Hartley Wonders" (American barrel-jumpers), So bnstin Mervil and His lip-Taps," <ind others. / "THE SMART SET." With hot a dull moment about it. the jew programme submitted by "The Smart bet at the Concert Chamber (Town Hall) last night was greeted with much applause by an enthusiastic audience. As usual, tho entertainment included several of those bright concerted numbers in which this clover costume comedy company excels, and as the house insisted on numerous encores, the show was drawn to more than its ordinary length. Mr Walter George* who is an established favourite with Wellington audiences, whs more popular than ever Inst evening. With Miss Georgie Martiii he ihade a biff hit in the burlesque duet "When We-Go on.the Stage," and won further success in a humorous duet-with Mr. Harry de Kobeck. New selections by Miss Georgie Martin proved her worth as a character comedienne and she carried the house by storm. whenever she appeared. Miss Gwcnyth Evans (contralto) was heard to edvanta'ije in "The Little Green Garden," which amply demonstrated her skill as a .vocalist! The . duet . "Venetian Boat Song," as sung by Miss Evans and Miss Lalla Knight, was one of the outstanding! Attractions of the bill., Miss Knight's solo, "The .Swallow." was. superbly rendered, and well deserved the recall. it received. Mr. Ernest Parkes's powerful baritone voice "was suited by "The Sergeant of the Lino," , while acceptable items were contributed by Mr. -Maurice Joi'tcs ("Mountain Lovers") and Mr. Gavin Wood. As ■ ari accompanist, Mr. Edgar Hiillaud was. nil- that could Iμ desired, and, in.addition, he delighted the house with a "Cotillon." The. sanie programme will be repeated to-night. % THE KING'S THEATRE. , A Vitagr'aph '.feature.. ' drama : entitled "When"Trim and, Steel Meet" heads:theexcellent programme of films at the King's Theatre this week. The popular picture artist, Mr. Maurice Costello, is the leading actor in this 'film. There is nbun&mi patriotic, '-stimataht- in "Boy's ofthe Bulldog Breed/' Cheers and , ap- ; plause punctuate this film ■ -nightly/ Among the supporting subjects is "Mabel's Nerve," .one of tho Keystone Company's' latest, laughter-raisers, and ulsd some excellent pictures of tho Wellington troops for oversea service in tho war being paraded and marched to the troopships. The''picture will 'bo shown at the matinee on Saturday, as well as at ■ the usual evening sessions. .EVERYBODY'S PICTURES. Tjvo excellent films of topical interest are included in tire.current programme,of• films at Everybody's Pictures, in the old •Opera House, Manners Street. They are"Boys' of the Bulldog Breed" and "New Zealand's Oivri Soldiers." The latter pivos a very clear' View of the memorable march through the streets of the Expeditionary. Force.- The "star" picture is a very fine, Patlie, dfama" "His Guiding Star." . Other subjects on the programme are: "Twenty Minutes of Love" (a Keystone "scream"), "Italian Love" (a most Unusual comedy),: "From Marseilles to Port Said," and tho "Pnthe Gazette." \ THE EMPRESS THEATRE! V ."Detective Keen/' a cleverly conceived dramatic "feature," occupied a prominent position in. the hew programme introduced at the Enipress Theatre continuous pictures yesterday.-; -Detective Koen; while witnessing a theatrical performance,' observes, that .Gomezj a, Spanish dancer,, is threatening to.ilUtroat Carmen,-' kk pretty, young phrtner. A scene ensues, in which- Gomez attempts to sh'ike Carmen. Keen interposes, and takes Carmen to tho house of his friends, Dr. Mason and hi 3 wife. Gomez determines to be. avenged, but his intentions are cleverly frustrated bv Keen, who in the end weds Carmen. "The Departure of the First N.Z; Expeditionary. Force" depicts ;])e men assembled at the drill grounds, he procession through . Wellington on Wednesday, the men embarking, and characteristic scenes at the wharf. A capital film depicting the arrival of H.M.S.New Zealand in Wellington Harbour arouses much . enthusiasm., -A John Bunny ' comedy, "Those ■ Troublesome Tresses," by the Yitagraph .Company, creates much merriment. , A powerful modem drama by the A.B. Company, "One Night and Then," is another popular subject. Patriotic airs are contributed by the Empress orchestra nightly. TO THE OLD ANDYOUNG. You can keep your face healthy and free from wrinkles and withered dcin for all time if you will use Mis 3 Milsom's "Cultene" Skin Food fftegd.), 3s. jar. Surpasses'any cream ever "■ Used for the skin It builds wasted tissues, cleanses the- ekin. and cures blackheads, reduces large pores, leaving a fine smooth surface. "Cultene" Balm (R*gd.), 3s, Gd., to be applied during the-day, for- golf, motorg, etc. Prevents sunburn, freckles, and .tanning: Keeps the-skin cool and free from perspiration. Milsom's Face Powrierr 2s. Gα. box, which is a skin food in powder form—feeds and nourishes the skin. Parisian Lip Food, 2s. Cd. jar. positively prevents chapped and creased lip 3, and gives the natural flesh tint. All other requisites in stock. Write for price list. MISS MILSOM,\9I Willis Street (opposite Shortts- Picture Theatre). Telephone BU. ' ' < ■ SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. Mrs. Hullen. Boulcott Street, has received the following testimonial, which has been abbreviated:—Vl have much pleasure in recommending your "Rusrmt , for the removal of superfluous hair. Having been treated, per medium of eleo trolysis, al6o depilatories,. at great expense, without receiving any relief, 1 am gratefully thankful to you foryom treatment of my. case. Since undergoing your treatment I am pleased to state that not only has your remedy removed all traces of superfluous' hair, but in addition has improved the complexion wonderfully (Signed) Joan Lang." Original copy of above can be' , &eon at my address, Sirs.: Hullen, Boulcott Street. St. Peter's in Rome wi!l .accommodate 54,000 people; the : Milan Cntliedral 37,000 Sorsons,' and St.' Paul's Cathedi-al, Lonon~, to.OO'O porsons. • , For Weddings.—Appropriate Bonquetj for either large or ema|l weddings are being continually "designed, and embody the amque distinction of all Mies Murray's creationa. J'lowors for all occasions forwarded to any part of the Do. minion by Miss Murray, Vioe-RcepJ Wwiet, 86 iWilUe ?Uoat.-4.dvt.

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2228, 14 August 1914, Page 2

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WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2228, 14 August 1914, Page 2

WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2228, 14 August 1914, Page 2