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" .l'~ '.'. ".' AMUBEMENTS._""_' 1 J N--B-W-- "-• - T 'H BA'T E'E, ' Manners .Street.. ; We NEVER raise or lower bur prices, IMPORTANT'ANNOUCEMENT. NEXT MONDAY •-:■ -The-sensation- ~■,. NEXT MONDAY" ■ of a" decade: f'Tho MYSTERY of the GLASS COFFIN'-! (By the famous "Zigomar" Eclair Co.). THE - -NEW THEATREyManners Street. - MacMahon and Donnelly, 'Proprietors. "GO WHERE THE CROWDS GO!" . "WHERE THE SUN NEVER SETS." "THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST," TO-DAY and ' TO-NIGHT, December G. : A REMARKABLY ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME. "TWO DAUGHTERS OF EVE" (By the A.B. Co.) is really one of tha. best ever seen. • THE WHOLE PROGRAMME CONSTITUTES A ; WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT. ''-" ' REMEMBER-Next Monday, : '.'... j : "The Mystery of the Glass 'Coffin""- ■■- Think of it! Adults, SIXPENCE, - Children THREEPENCE Everywhere,... rjnHE. .KING'S THEATRE! Props., West's, Ltd., Linley. and Donovan, "-- : " TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY): ■.-■■.■-■•■■■< CENTRAL CRICKET CLUB BENEFIT, - ■'■ CENTRAL CRICKET CLUB BENEFIT,' : - • ■ Last; Two Nights of . "■•"' ••> RED FOX, THE POACHER • A- - RED FOX, THE POACHER"'.' gripping:"'" REDFOX, THE POACHER '; excMsittC'' A. play of kindred emotions..' Mile; —"-'■ ' Nupicrkowska; the famous """'."' a ' danseuse, in the cast; "'"' "': SATURDAY - Afternoon 7 SATURDAY" J PRIZE MATINEE. '■'■.•;:•', ' PRIZE MATINEE. ■ ' ■ - MONDAY NIGHT . MONDAY; A Beautiful' Coloured Exclusive. ~i" , v •,.. a woman's jiMBiTioN.;-';,;:::" A WOMAN'S AMBITION. .'■ A portrayal in natural colour-- "of "'the'perils, that beset a woman discontented'"' with her lot in life. . ' "" ■, "i ' Prices as usual. 'Phone. 31-J3-": ■•■;.'.'-' -'-'-, TH"e.a;t':r e y- RvO';t:a''i;::; Direction. Breiiuan-Fiiller. ; Ltd. '"'..:" "GRAND STAR PROGRAMME." " '.'' TO-NIGHT . . At 8. ; .TO-NIGHT'.': An Unparalleled Success!!''. .'.',.'". .... "'„.,, - An Unparalleled Success!! .''" ■' •'-' . , -."'.". .'■' .." ... Packed.Houses"Nightly!l-v •.,' '■ . • Packed Houses Nightly!!;_.. , "England's Queen of Song," - ; :, MISS.BESSIE'iSLAUGHTER, y.M.ISS : KE.SSIE;SLAUGHTER,. ■ ;.;,.? The only true contralto on-the world's'* vaudeville stages. A singer whose -per'-•'•■' sonality and charm compels admiration."" '■• "Wellington's Proved Favourites," BLETSOE'S CRIMSON RAMBLERS,BLETSOE'S CRIMSON RAMBLERS, .'•'• ■ . The Comedy Costume Stars. -'-">- ; y .Everything.New'!' --Better Than-Everl"-' Brilliant Success'of the' Refined' English..'..' . ■ '-■ Sketch Artists, : v" ■ "- ' ■ BLACK- AND BRONTE, -' ■*.''.'>; Itfa potpourri of lEhgli'slij. AmericanjVaiid',),' ....... ~..* Scotch Successes., '.'",'"" y ~.":; Miss Ida Bcrridge ":' Mr.'Harry Linden,"Dainty Soubrette. Jiccentrio Comedian, * PIUCES-D.C. and 0.5., 2s; Stalls, Is.' Reserves, 2s. Gd. Book at the Dresden. '.: WELLINGTON CITY, COUNCIL,.: ■•■ T;vO-,w',,n y;;' " : ;. h.-'A',l 'i.'""' , ,:; : O r .;w: ; ,N,. v 1,;.,,,,, HA L L. ' ." I 'TUESDAY r krJfT,,.loth December. M ! ' ; MUNICIPAIi ORCHESTRA. ■; %■; MUNICIPAL;ORCHESTRA. •Conductor:' MR. MAUGHAN. BARNETTV •. ■ ■• : y.\p\)PULIR PRO'GRAMME^ "■':■■■■:'.-'■ Wedding Marchi,.:., ■. ~.,Rubinstein3 •'Prelude. .../.:....^.....u....^.,..^..,.. Jarnefeldt'.,"Two .Hungarian Dances;....i:..;.:r. Brahma. . -"Finlaridia" !........:..-..,.....,-....■ -. Sibelius •; 'Intermo 220.,;.....'..,. v....'. Masca^ni-. ;Two Movements from-; Peer; Gyat .-..-. Gneg.. ■Thi'be Movements, "Nutcracker Suite" ■<.-.■ | ~'-. y -,iii,U-..-. . ..Tschaiko.wsldiX ' ; Vocalist:. MISS .GERTRUDE HUNT.,,.; ' i Admission:,, Sixpence.and: .One., Shilling; :'"'y "" ; jno"."r. palmer,-'!.;•.,--' :.;'•• Town- Gleik.- • , sth December, ,1912..,..- .... -,„., ,„.,, ~,.,.-, ELLINGTON'. ":" CORP'ORATION!" ■.- -' : EMPEOYEES'.,.;.:::r,.-r. •;.':; ",; a i'fifU , A !i i; ! """H , c , NTC";,)T Saturday, 30th,Novemberl'""'" ■ Will be held-on- • .— ■■'- , TRENTHAM-..RACECOURSE, ...,-. ■-■: On. ■■'■■.- '<■ .-■■■ ■,- . . : SATURDAY, 7th DECEMBER, .1912..,....; • Special train leaves To Aro-9.25,'We1.j lingtoh 9.35"a.m."." '."i"' : ;,',"" : Hbf water arid milk'pronded. j '■ ;: : Fares-.-Adults, 2s.r Children up to 15, 9d. , • -.'-; ' J.;C:'SINCLAIRvHon;Sec; - ' WELLINGTON TECHNICAL - '■'■ THE: Annual Show of Students' Work--; ■ at-the School," Wakefield and ,Mer. ■.. •cer Streets, will be;.opeii' Friday, and Saturday,-sth; 6th, and ■ittk« : , December.." ■■■-»' ■■>■ ■'- ■'••■ ■•■■■■•■ . :Hours, 10,12, 24.30,. 7-10. ':, " lL ' ,' ■■'; AIL interested are-invited ito attend. ■.• - : W. S. LATROBE,.M.A.,.y .-,-. •• ■ -Director. ■ PLANT YOUR GARDEN WITH TONES AND CO'.'S :' PLANTB,; ■ BEST SELECTION OF- ALL \ \ -IN STOCK.'from .Is. "per doz." ..'." ,;".'. Note the CUBA STREET, . ' I 'Phono 510. '

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Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1616, 6 December 1912, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1616, 6 December 1912, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1616, 6 December 1912, Page 7