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MONTHLY MEETING. Tlii' monthly! meeting of the .above council was lidd on Friday afternoon. There were present: Councillors T. Mag'iniK'S's (chairman), .las. Begg, John Christie, IT. E. Steel, .1. Edward's, Jas. Cumming, A. North, A. Mclntyre, and H. .Morrison. An apology was received from Councillor Cooper. The' Chairman explained that the train services prevented Councillor Cooper from attending, as his health would not permit him to travel to Owaka l)y> horseback. Under present conditions it was practically disfranl--g1 his ridliug, and 1 if the council could meet earlier in the day it might help. It was slated that the council would not meet again until October, and it was agreed to leave the matter over until then, as there might be different (rain airangenicnts. On the suggestion of Councillor Mclntyre members stood for a moment in silence as a mark of respect to the memory of the late Mr Robertson, of Olcnkeiiich, a member of the council for some years. ' RESOLUTIONS. Councillors Begg and Christie: That | specifications for the forming and | metalling of Duiivcgan Road' from foot of hill to Dun vegan be prepared l for next meeting. 'Councillors Begg and Christie: That the clerk apply to the Government for a grant of £SOO to subsidise a similar sum to be spent 'by the council 011 the Balclutha-Arthurton Road in repairing I damage done by the excessive motorI car traffic which lias followed the re- | striction of the railway services. Councillors Cumming and Kdwai'ds: 1 That the engineer be authorised' to ex- : pend £.' SO on gravel on Beuio-Waikaka Valley Road l . • ! Councillors Mclntyre and Morrison: That the engineer call tenders for gravelling on Soldon Road, starting- at (Ruin's gate to Mr Crump's gate, about :>0 chain- of gmvel to come from Kelso. Councillors 'Begg audi Christie: That the engineer rejFort at next meeting on tin- condition of the fish ponds, road, and {.ive estimate of cost of necessary repairs. •Councillors Hogg and' Christie: That temlL'rs lie called for the quarrying and breaking and placing of oOOyds of maintenance metal between Clinton and the hill above the upper bridge in the I'opotiinoa Gorge—namely, between the bridges. Councillors Bi'gg and Christie: That the engineer report 011 metalling 011 the road giving access to Lochiiutorb small grazing run.- from the Clintou-Owaka Road. Councillors Begg and Christie: That tenders 'be called for forming and metalling about lo chains- immediately to the south of the lower Willowburn bridge on the Main South Road. Coiineil'lors Begg' and Christie: That contracts be advertised in the Otago Daily Times, as well as in local papers, for the following two months. KXGINKER'S lilvi'OKT. The engineer reported as follows: I beg to report as follows for the period ending August 22, 19 111: —The new Clydevak" punts have .been completed 1 , and arc working satisfactorily. A start has been made to erect a new concrete culvert near Mr Humphrey's', 011 I'u-erua-Romahapa nfain road. Repairs to the bridge over the canal at Shaw's, Finegaml, have 'been completed'. The Balclutha to Port Molynoux Road has been flooded, and the road has. been closed) for several days. The Hooding of the road is due to the back-wa:er from the Clutha River. Several dangerous holes on the .Main South Road, near Sheddan's fiounnill, have been repaired with -maintenance metal: also several holes oil' Ashley Downs Road repaired with metal. The worst holes 011 the Kelso-Waikaka Road 'have been repaired with gravel. The metal 011 lloui-papa-Kahuika Road has been raked in and watertaM'es cleaned out near Caberfeidh. Road leading to Table Hill has been surfaced and culverts cleaned out, and general repairs have been done. 011 And:erson-'Maxwell and Wai'wera township roads. The Kaka Point Road lias been repaired with gravel from the beach. Couston's Hill. White Flat and. Eaing's Road have been surfaced and repaired iu the worst, places. Maintenance gravel has been carted out and put down 011 the- Waikoikoi-Pomahaka Road-.

Re I). Murray's and others request for deviation of road' leading to Messrs

Murray awl McKenzie's properties l at Clydevale: In company with the- member for Clydevale Biding ami those interested, an inspection was made, and a new line was selected and agreed l to ■by both parties, Plans and) specifications have-been prepared for the following work under Government grant:—Pollination 011 Waipahi Station Road ami Conical Hills Road, "ravelling Waikaka to Kelso Road, metalling Taumata Settlement new road. Tenders have been called and should be before yon to-day for this work. 1. Smith's tender for .metalling I'urekircki Road (contracts 625 and (326; was accepted at 7s per yard. Councillor Begg considered the engineer's report not comprehensive enough. It was now the 'beginning of the season, and they should have a comprehensive report on the ronds- and the work required in order to allocate their expenditure. They could not lay off this year's' work unless- they had these reports. Councillor Cumming approved of the suggestion for the engineer to go round the ridings and inspect the roads 'before next meeting. Councillor Christie said' that lie would l like a report on the .bridges in Richardson Riding. Some action would have to be taken, as they were coming all directions. They could not b<> used for heavy traffic, and a loan would be required l to put them in order. CouiK'illor Steel saidi his riding was in a similar condition. Bridges were coming down and they wanted to know what, to provide for. Bridge 'material had been on (lie site in some cases' for two or three years, but no labour was available to do the work. The Chairman said that shortage of labour was the cause of much of this, but now thai the war was over and labour becoming more plentiful they might get on with the work. Councillor Xorth agreed with the suggestion' up to a certain point, but road repairing was a matter that cropped up from day to day. The cost could not be estimated, lie certainly thought, however, that they should get a report on the bridges, < <> niici 11 or Christie said many roads were impassable, and they could spend a million of monov on them; 'bnt the matter of the bridges was urgent. If several ridings purchased a plant among them the work' could be done in a proper 'manner, instead of fiddling about as they had dom j'or the past 41.) years. Re moved: '* That the engineer provide a comprehensive report on the bridges.'' The motion was carried. The engineer said that two years' ago he gave a eomp>ehensive report on the roads ami 'bridges, ami not one thing had' been done. If the council directed j him 'what it wanted he would be pleased .to supply a report, although previous reports had. not been followed through lack of rates. _ Councillor Begg said that each individual councillor knew the state of the roads in his riding, but the.council as a whole did not know the condition of the roads in the county. FIX AX OK. Ihe receipts lor the period ending August ]<), lniil, were as follows'; Rates, £42 Ss 7dl; motor registration, £,'s 10s; annual licenses,; drovers' licenses, £'> l.js; competency, 2s; dog registration, 2s (3d; peace celebrations, £2; interest Katea loan, £.'i.j; grant Tawanui. niU 4s (idI;—total. 1 ;—total. £207 17s 7d. Expenditure—Bridges and ferries, £3lO 12s sd; land fund, £7 ISs; £I4BB 18-8 3d:; —total, £2007 Ss Sd. COK-K KBPOX-D EX (! K. The following correspondence was received:— The Public Works Department notified forwarding checpie for £llO 4s lid for Catlins Valley extension and Catlins Valley to Table 'ilill. W. Fraser, Minister for Public Works, wrote acknowledging receipt of the council's letter of the 2Sth ult. enclosing a petition from settlers in the Clydevale and Pomahaka Ridings, in which they ask' that the portion of the Clinton -C1 yd eva le Road lying between the Clinton.-Pomahaka and the ClydevaleWharetoa Roads be metalled, and had to state that the request would receive consideration when tie was preparing the Estimates.

Iluii. I>. 11. Guthrie, Minister for Lands, wrote re rates on 'C.'liftoiv Settlement, in forming the couneil that lie liatii yiveii very careful considviation to the question of paying rates to the local authority on la nils purchased for dis-

charged soldier settlenieftt and not disposed of, and had decided that the Government could not undertake to pay rates in such cases.

I\. Scott, M.l'., wrote acknowledging copy of list of Government grants required by the council iir that portion of Clutha County included in Otago Central electorate, and could assure the council that he wouldl endeavour to have tire various .sums placed on the Kstimates during the coming scssion.-

Ihc district engineer wrote re pro- * ision for the road leading from Jlouipapa to Kahuika being dealt with on the. current year's estimates, but it must be borne in mind that the present condition of the road was largely due to insufficient maintenance.

The secretary, Otago Motor Club, wrote in reply to the council that the club supplied notice-boards for important road junctions for erection liv county council*. N 0 charge was made for them, and if was done in the interests of nmtoiists.

Marshall's Proprietary wrote quoting prices for poisoned grain.

I'lie secretary, Municipal Corporations, telegraphed) that the annual conference hadi been postponed. A. s. Malcolm, M.l\, wrote that he hail mitten to the 'Minister asking him to gazette a quarter of an acre of the Clyde vale reserve as a fallen soldiers' memorial. The writer asked that the council define the section they required. —Councillor Morrison moved: "That the member for the riding and engineer arrange with the Peace Memorial"Committee to have the survey carried out." —Carried.

A. J. Baker, district engineer, wrote acknowledging receipt of tin' council's letter requesting that, if possible, he attend the next meeting of the council, and he would endeavour to make il convenient to do .so.—The clerk he had been requested by .Mr Baker to apologise tor his absence should he be uualde to attend. He was in the district and intended to be present.

The town clerk, 'l-falclutha. wrote applying tor payment of the following

amounts promised on behalf of the council towards the peace celebrations: Richardson Riding £"i, rbitha Riding, £■>. South Molyneux Riding £2 |i)s—total. tlL' Ids:.—Councillor North said !liat South Molyneux had not promised any contri'bution, and should be cut Councillors Christie and Fd ward's stated that the other two amounts were unrect.-and these two were pas-ed for payment.

Ihe clerk, Bruce- County Council, wrote tliat lii.s council had resolved* at it' last meeting to request that the openings on the Ralclntha traflic bridge between- the footway, and the trallie wav be closed up, a- it was considered that these openings were a source of danger to children who ran out through these and not in the way of the trallie. Resolved that Bruce County Council be informed that this council could not agiee to the rei|iie-t.

• . and \\. sliiel. Caveishain brickworks ami quarries, wrote stating that they understood it was the intention of the Clutha Comity Council to instal a crusher, and wishing to draw attention to their 'Champion all-steel crusher. —Resolved that authority be given to the chairman and 1 engineer to inspect, and purchase if advisable. Miss A. Logan, Greenvale, and two other ratepayers wrote asking that the council make an inspection of the Poniahaka River at- Kelso as early as possibles to see what could be done to alter the present course of the river. They asked that the matter be attended to as early as possible, as there was a probability of (lie river coming through the township.—Councillor Mclntyre proposed that Tuapeka Council lie written to with a view to securing a dovernment engineer to inspect the proposed woik. To do it would" take half the council's rates.—Carried. A. V. King, secretary Farmers' Union, Clvdevale, wrote that he liadi been- instructed to ask the council to make application' to the Government to erect a traflie bridge over the river at the (,'lydev ale-Creenlield punt. The want of a bridge was keenly felt by settlers on both sides of the river.—Councillor Morrison thouglit this proposal should lie supported. The Bruce County Council had been written to in regard to the same matter. At a previous meeting he supported a similar proposal from Tuapeka. Mouth oir condition that it did not affect the Cly-devale bridge, its the latter was the one that suited his riding. He moved: "'That the request be supported.','—Seconded by Councillor Fdwards and parried.

W. S. Thomson, Warepa, wrote again drawing attention to the state of the cutting that had been washed away- by the Kaihiku Stream when in flood, near the Qleufalloch sheep dip. lie would be glad if the council could see its wav to put this work in hand early in spiing, Councillor Jhristie said the only possibility of lining this work was out of tin land 1 nn< 1. The work seemed necessary, and it' the fund 1 was available it could be dune. He wanted to be fair to all, as the holder of the run thought that money should be spent on the road adjoining the run, and lie therefore left the matter to the council. Mr Thomson had subsidised the work .on this road at different time*— Resolved, on the motion iif Councillor Bong, that the fund available lie spent on the load a> requested.

t>. Murray, Clydcvalc. wiote that lie was* prepared to give the land for road deviation as pointed out through part of his Clydcvale property (lots <•<) hading to the lower I'omahaka bridge. in exchange for an equal amount of land now forming the present road. Should more land be given than that returned lie would expect to be paid at the rati 1 of Co per acre, and the same-would apply if the writer received more land than he gave. The council would have to pay all costs of survey, etc., in connection with such exchange, and give the writer a clear title to the land received in exchange for his own. On f ouncillor Morrison's motion it was resolved that the engineer have the survey and exchange of the land-carried out.

A. K. ('anipbt'l], Port Molyneux, wrote Hi. - it lii' would lilsc very (titiclt to liavo I In 1 la ml fund nioticy -[> en t on the Niig. Hum I.'o a.l lending to liis section. I: "as veiy had. The watertable■«». all filled' up, and Hit 1 undergrowth was ovi rgmwing Ihe road. The bridge hri.l also icdlapM'd over the creek. He mi-dei-tood there was about ,C:i!t accumu lated moneys' fur il, and the writer would- undertake to d<i the surfacing and iul\ertinii if the engineer had no ■lien, lie also nmlei-tood that there waa la it t nl i.l Oil to be spent on tie ''"ad ;it the Ahnriri i ml. IT that unformed am! a good track made he could got timlier in. and it would also lie an easy outlet to the Owaka \ale-.~(mm cillor North iuo\ed: • • That the engineer the (ii-t |.art of the work dom, and the Public Work-' Department !.• a~U< I to -[lend the Cluo grant." Thiwas an urgent ea-e, a- the applicant had .j ast come hack from the Front, The tact that he tv:i- away «a- whv the vot< had not I Kill expended.—-Secolldi d in ( otiiicillor kdward.- anil carried. .la-'. Wyber, llina lline, wrote re questing application to be made lo the Cov eminent I'or t! 1 ih> for his road, atlie glades Uel'c Very s|eep,-- Applieation- approved, on the motion of the ehaii'inau. •'. .lohnston, overseer, I'nldic Work. Departinent, ('atlins, wrote asking that scroll »e cut on the iomllim -,- Left to Councillor (Viper and I lie engineer t" have the work carried out. A statement (if Crown lands a<elue<' thirds, fourths, and halves, amounting to C7-S Ids 7d, to duly 111, was received from the I'nldic Works I>epartlm'iit.Received. GFNFKAL. It was resolved that the engineer for the time being of the ('lutha Countv I" appointeil to sign all notice- given and orders made liy this council under section-) 1 to ami 117 of the Public Works Act. I(e-uh ed that not ices be sent to a 1 i property holders allowing gor-e to u'l'ov. on the road to clear the Mime. The chairman and Councillors North and Christie were nominated a* men:bcrs of the Sout'> Otago Hiis pital Committee, and it was rosolvod that the member of the distiict be asked to support the Rill in the House. li'esohed that the work of widening on 'McKeiuicßoad. Glcnomaru, be done. Resolved that the next meeting of {lie council lie held oil the iil'st Friday in October.

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Bibliographic details

Clutha Leader, Volume XLVI, Issue 17, 26 August 1919, Page 2

Word Count

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Clutha Leader, Volume XLVI, Issue 17, 26 August 1919, Page 2

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Clutha Leader, Volume XLVI, Issue 17, 26 August 1919, Page 2


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