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« —, RESULTS AT GLENAVY Tho quality of the exhibits M the Glenavy Flower Show this year -was up to the usual standard, but the number ot entries -was slightly smaller than last year. The judging na» carried oul by [lie l'ulluwiug: Cut blooms and decorative section, Mr It. Craighead (Morven); children's section. Misses Alexander and .Sinni-1 (Glenavy) : cooking and preserves, -Mrs Gibson: vegetables. Mr J. Gerrie (Oamaru) : needlework, Mesdames J. Duncan and J. McDonald < Hilderthorpe,) ; dairy produce, Mr Genie und Mrs Gibson. Tbo usual tu 1 '.'ere conducted, and good business was done. The success achieved reflected credit on the onzauisiug committee i mid the joint secretaries. Air J. B. Chapman I ami Mrs A. V.'illiams. The show -was ofiiL cially opened by Mr J. Gerrie, of Oarnaru. ■ The funds are in. aid of. the Glenavy Presfl Itesults: — CUT BLOOMS Collection (6): Mrs Meredith I, Miss C. McLean 2. Narcissi—Six varieties (4): Mrs I. Cuthbertson 1. Mrs A. Cuthbertson 2. Four varieties (-t): .Mrs L. J. Meredith 1. Lot);; yellow trumpet (3): Mrs J. C. Hay 1, Mrs; 1. Cuthbertson 2. Bi-colour trumpet (5) : Mrs E ". Meredith 1, Mrs J. O. Hay 2. Leedsii 13): Mrs E. J. Meredith 1, Mrs J. C. Hay 12. Incomparabilis (•>): Mrs .1. C. Hay I and 2. Barrii (3): Mrs J. C. Hay 1, Mrs E. J. Meredith 2. Poeticus (?,): Miss C. McLean 1. Mrs A. Cuthbertson 2. Double (5): Mrs J. C. Hay 1, Mrs F. J. Meredith) 2. Bunch flowered (6): Mrs 1. Cuthbertson J, Mrs Uuff 2. Yellow (6): Mrs K. J. Meredith 1, Mrs Cuthbertson 2. White (1): Master D. O'Hara 1. Bi-colour, any variety ' (3) : Mrs J C. Hay 1 and 2. Vases, any varioty (2): Mrs I. Cuthbertson 1. Master D. O'Hara 2. Hyacinths—Three varieties (1): Mrs J. C. Hay 1. One variety (2) : Mrs J. 0. Hay 1. Tulips (2): Miss McCulloch 1, Mrs Cuthbertson 2. Auricula (3): Mrs E. Lav-cry 1, Miss Fleming 2. Anemones—Six (3) : Miss C. McLean 1. Master D. O'Hara 2. Throe (S)s Mrs J. C. Hay 1, Miss McCulloch 2. Wallflowers (41: Mrs Cuthbertson 1. Mrs Rainey 2. Tansies CI): Mrs J. C. Hay 1, Miss D. E. Miller 2. Violas (4): .Mrs E. J. Meredith 1, Miss D. E. Miller 2. Polyanthus—Six (1): Miss E. McCulloch 1. Three (3): Mrs ,1. C. Ilav 1. Miss F. Fleming 2. One (3): Miss McCulloch 1. Miss D. E. Miller 2. Primroses (3): Mrs E. J. Mercditli 1, Miss McCulloch 2. Stock (1): Mrs Kniney 1. Flowering shrubs (2): Mrs! J. C. Hay 1, .Mrs E. J. Meredith 2. Best novelty not in schedule (3):' Mrs Raincv 1, Miss McCulloch 2. Pot plant (2): Mrs Kainey I, Mrs J. B. Chapman 2. DECORATIVE Floating bowl (7): Miss McCulloch 1, Mrs .1. B. Chapman 2. Bowl of flowers, not narcissi (4): Mi.-s -I. Meredith 1, Airs Cuthbertson 2. Bowl of narcissi (4): Miss J. Meredith 1. Miss McCulloch 2. Vase of (lowers (2): Myrtle Chapman 1, Mrs Cuthbertson 2. Man's buttonhole (0) : Miss McCulloch 1, Miss N. Duff 2. CHILDREN'S SECTION' Writing—Standards 1.-II (i): Hosa Uampstead 1. Standards 111.-IV. (11): Eva Searle 1, Jean Hollamby 2. Standards V.-VI (6): Isobel Elliot 1, Marie Farbes 2. Shaded drawing—Standards IV.-VI (7): Isobel Harper 1, Marie Forbes and Eva Searle (equal) 3. Crayon—Standards 1.-111. j (1): Sid Simpson 1, Norma McDonald 2. Article from waste material (3); Eric Bor-! Rio and Atbol Borrie (equal) 1, Allan Rainey 3. Embroidered article (3): Isobel Elliot .1. Norma McDonald 2. Knitted article (2): Margaret Kainey I, Evangeline Sianger 2. Gentleman's buttonhole (2): Margaret Rainey 1, Allan Rainey 2. Poly- ' anthus (.3): Atho! Borrie 1, Eric Borne 2. j COOKING Sponge, plain (4): Mrs Cartwright 1, Miss McCulloch 2. Roll (2): Mi-s McCulloch - 1. Miss C. McLean 2. Duller sandwich (5): ] Mrs Cartwright, 1, Miss McCulloch 2. Seed ; cake (3): Mrs Duff 1. Mi~s C. McLean 2. . Gingerbread (4): Mrs Duff I, Mrs Strin-er ( 2. Shortbread M): Miss M. Cullibcrtson !, .Mrs Duff 2. Bannocks (3): Mrs Duff I. 1 Mrs .1. U. Chapman 2. Oatcake (2): Mrs .1. B. Chapman 1. Miss McCulloch 2. Fruit ..;ke. light ft/: Miss C. McLean 1, Mrs i Whittakcr 2. Dark (3): Mrs Duff 1, Miss I McCulloch ••.. Plain chocolate cake (4): Mrs 1 Cartwright 1. Mrs Whittnker 2. Oven scones e M: Miss McCulloch 1. Mrs A. Cuthhcrlson i •. Cirdln scones fji: Mr- Williams 1. Mr-- I i I luff 2. Brov.n scone- (3 i : Mi" Mdul- ■ loch 1. Mrs J. J!. Chapman 2. Pikelets Mi: 1.1 Mrs Duff I, Mrs P. Henry 2. Pastry c::I :I ' Miss Moana < ait lib.-rl son 1. Mrs J. IS. Chap-'" man 2. lii-cuit.. Mi: Mi-,- Moaim Cuthbertson 1, Misses McCulloch end Netta Duff ! (equal) 2. Nut, lo.if. while (.">): Mrs (art- ' -.-right. 1, Mrs .1. B. Chapman 2. Brown M): ° Mi-., McCulloch 1, Mr? Carlwright and Mrs (! Huff (equal I 2. ' Preserves-—Gooseberries (1): Mrs A. CntbIjortson I. Plum- (3): Miss McCulloch I, i Mrs J. McLean 2. Apricots Mi: Mrs J. j

McLean I, Mrs Trcrisc •.'. Pears fli: Mr Ti.'/.i«o 1. Peach-" <2>: lln Trc/ic 1. Mis .1. McLean 2. Collection hi iam (\ ) : Mr, K. McCulloch 2. Jell- (::i: Mi rS Moana Cutbhcrtsnn 1, Miss McCulloeh -J. Mjrmi lade (TO: Mr* Trrvi-o 1. Mm P. Henr> 2. Swuets ('a): Miss rvy Cuthhcrtson I, Miss N"tta Duff 2. vi;i;f,t.U!T,i:.s Lettuce .'I): Miss I'i'lviD 'I. Carrots, fi«M (1): J. I'.. Chapman 2. Lon S (I) : .1. !'.. Chapman 2. Parsnips (.1): Mi:--. C. McLean I, Mr* Cnrhbertsnn 2. Leeks (1): Miss Mrli.Tin 1. l-Jrcj.-.-..1i (2;: Mrs W. P,. .Mills and Miss J. B. Mills (equal) J. IMiubarb (".): Mrs W. B. Mills 1, MiFf .T. li. Mills 2. l'otaUiea, table (1): J. B. Chapman 1. needlfwork Woollen socks (1): Miss Pelvin 1. Pnll-over-eardigan (2): Mis-, h'lcininz 1, Miss Pelvin 2. Knitted cushion (,';; : Mrs Ciith'mrtson 1, Miss McCulloeh 2. Knitted ten .•iisy (0): Mrs. Far.pihor I. Mj.s I). \',. Miller 2. Any v.onllcn article (2): Mi,.s 1). Fleming 7. Mi.-s Bain (Oiim.iral ::. White '■nibroidered article, (II): Miss Moana < nt'uliritson I. Miss Ivy Cntlibertsnu 2. Coloured embroidered article (2). Miss I. i.'ijthlifirtson 1. Miss M. Cuthl.rrlson 2. KinHroidered woollen article (2): Miss Bain 1, Mrs A- Oii'hriertsnn 2 fuar-". crochet (1): Mi:;x Met ullocb I. Child's knitted or cm • hot. larmont, (2): Mi-. Cuthberfsiin !, Mi-.-i'elvin '.'.. D'oyk", crochet. (2): Mtss Moana Cnthhorlson 1, Mr- Ktiiriov 2. Worked handKerchief M): Mrs A. Cut I, hei L-or, t. Woodwork (1) : V. Fleming. dairy rnontiCF. I Dnirv butter (2): Mrs Duff 1, Mr? Tre/.t's.c. 8. Epg», iiliit.o C"i): J. 11. -lacksnn I, Mrs Oarl.wri.rlit, 2. Brown (2): Miss C. lieLean I, John Cuthbortson 2. Duck (2); Master D. O'Tlara 1. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH, FAIRLIE A LARGE ENTRY The annual spring flower show in aid of the funds of St. Stephen's Anglican Ohurrh was hold in the Aoranjci Hall. The weather wa.s fine and them was a. pond attendance of I lie public. I The. season has not. been very suitable irvr flowers, but the daffodil scrtion was larger than lant year. The show was opened bv Canon J. F. c:<iursey. of Geraldiiie, who wished the show every sin-cess. There was a good attendance in the evening and the various well-stocked slallo did i_'ood. business. Competitions helped to provide amusement, while the Mackenzie Highland Pipe Band also helped by playing .-.elections, in front of the. hall. The following were judges:—Flowers, Mr (J Knowles; decorative section, Mrs A. K. .Khvorthv; sweets, Mrs Harper; cookery. Mr A. Edward; butter and egg*. Mrs W. Close. Helpers in the various stalls were:—Cake stall Mrs Braddiclc, Miss Foden, Mrs Carter 'Mrs Whitehead, and Mrs Talbot; workstall, Mosdanies J. S. Roberts. H. Carlton, W L Bourn, F. Neill; sweets stall, Mesdames Lyons, Goodman, and Manchester; fruit salad. Mesdames W. Scott, W. Surridge 0. Boulter, Wood, and Harriss; tearooms, Mesdames J. 11. Dines, T. Seay, B. Waters, G. Buss, Hannigan. Howey. and Mioses J. and P. Mason and J. Seay; Christmas tree. Mesdames Crichton. Hatton. ar.l Barnes; bran dip. Misses Anniss and Miss Fleming; soft drinks. Miss L. Welsh ami Miss Annan; Kimbell work stall. Mrs H. Brien. Miss Waters, Mrs Bain, Mrs Sadler, fiower stall, Mesdames S. Harper, S. V. Bray, and Misses E. Bray. A. Seolf, K. Scotl, and G. Bateman. An exhibition of needlework and the children's section were in charge of Mrs Mav. The following is the list of prire-rrimier; : FLOW'KRS Twelve varieties narcissi, two blooms of each: Mrs Searle 1, Mrs 11. Carlton 2, Mrs Annett 8. Six varieties narcissi, two blooms of each: Mrs Searlo 1. Miss Annett 2 and a. Three varieties narcissi, two blooms of each: Miss J. Seay 1, Miss Annett 2, Miss Talbot 3. Four varieties polyanthus narcissi, two blooms of each: Miss Annett 1 and 3, Miss J. Seay 2. Three varieties, trumpet narcissi, two blooms of each: Miss Annett 1. Stephens Cup: Mrs Searle 1, Mrs C'3rlton 2. Miss Annett 3. Six varieties narcissi, two blooms of each, named: Mrs Segar 1. Three varieties trumpet narcissi, two blooms of each, named: Mrs Searle 1, Miss Annett 2, Mrs Segar 3. Sis varle- ' ties, net trumpet, narcissi, two blooms of J encli: Mrs SearU 1, Mrs Sew 3. Mis; Aiincit 3. Tb«e varieties pojyanfhut n«r- I

oiesi, three blooms of each: Miss AnTUtt S, Mrs_ S.sarle 2. Mrs Slow 3. One blooro narcissi, any variety trumpet: Mrs Sugar t. Miss Annett; 2 and 3. One bloom narcissi, any variety cup: Mrs Slow 1, Hiss I Annett 2, Mrs Segar 3. Three varieties hyacinths, one bloom of each: Miss J. Seay 1, 11. Thomas 2, Miss Annett 3. Two varieties hyacinths, two blooms of each: Miss J. Seay 1. Mrs Ross 2, Mrs Searle 3. Best hyacinth bloom: Miss J. Seav 1, Miss Annett 2, Mrs Searle 3. Collection tulips, varieties: Mrs Searle I. Collection anemones, varieties: Mrs Searle 1. Six varieties polyanthus bunches, not less than six: Miss Annett .J and 2. Rim varieties pansie*. two blooms' of each: Miss, Annett 1. Six varieties violas, two blooms of each: Miss Annett 1. Collection violets, bunches, not less than nine: Mrs llowan 1. Miss MacDonald 2, Miss Annett 3. Six distinct kinds flowering shrubs: Mrs Searle 3, Mrs G. Murray 2. Three varieties japonic*: Mrs Searle 1. Collection iris: Mrs Searle 1. Collection J2 varieties spring- flowers: Mrs Koss I. Best cottage garden In Fairlie: ,7. Cawley J. Most points in Class C (Mrs Hamilton's trophy) : Mrs Searle. Most points Classes A. M. and O (cup presented by Miss Anuett) : Miss Annett. DECOR.AT.n r E Decorated dining: table: Mrs West J. Mrs Suarlo 2, Mrs Manchester 3. Floating bowl: Mrs Manchester 1. Mrs Searlo 2. Mrs West 8. Best arranged vase of flowers: Mrs Manchester 1, Mrs Searlo 2, Mrs West 3. Lady's s,pra> : Mrs G. G. Muri-av I. Ill's Searle 2. Best buttonhole: Mrs G. Murray 1. Mrs G. G. Murray 2. Best decorate.! basket: Mrs Searle I. Best decorated bowl wallflowers: Mrs Benurlmmp J. Mrs A. H. Gillingham 2. Best decorated vase, narcissi: Mrs Martin 1, Mrs Searle 1. Best arranged bouquet: Mrs Searlo 1. Bowl of flowers: Mrs Martin 1. Mrs Manchester 2. Most points in section (Mrs Scott's trophy) : Mra Searle. SCHOOL CHILDREN Siv varieties narcissi, varieties separated: Valery Gillingham 1. F. Shanks 2, Joyce Besley 3. Three varieties narcissi, two blooms of each: Valerie Gillingham 1, Joyce Besley 2, E. Slow 3. Collection violets, six blooms of each: June Whitehead 1. Six varieties primroses, 10 blooms of each: June Whitehead 1 and 2. Best-arranged vase narcissi: June Whitehead 1 and 2, Joyce Bes!ey 3. Best decorated basket: Doreen Dunn 1 and 2. Best-arranged buttonhole: Valerie Gillingham 1 and 2. Ron Braddick 3. Six varieties pansies. three blooms of each: Juno Whitehead 1. A. Thomas 2. Six varieties violas, three blooms of each: Juno Whitehead .1. Most points in section. Mrs Searle's trophy: June Whitehead.

COOKERY Sponge cake: Mrs J. Hay 1. Mrs Turner 2. Sponge roll: Miss A. Scott 1, Mrs Pipson 2 and 3. Butter sponge: Mrs Hay I, Mis Botitler 2, Mrs Moorhead 3. Sponge sand wich: Mrs Moorhead and Miss A. Scot; ! (equal) 1, Mrs llav 2, Mrs Pipson 3. Seed cake: Mrs Pipson I, Airs Turner 2, Miss A. Scott :i. Marble cake: Mrs Pipson 1, Mrs Moorhead 2, Miss A. Scott 3. Fruit cake, dark: Mrs Pipson I. Fruit cake, light: Mis C. .1. Talbot. 1. Mrs Pipson 2, Mrs 1. Carler 3. Chocolate calve: Miss A. Scott 1. Mrs Pipson 2. Mrs Moorhead 3. Madeira icake: Mr- Pipson 1. Mrs Moorhead 2. Miss A. Scott 3. Coffee cake: Mrs Moorhead 1. Gingerbread: Miss A. fccott 1. Mrs Pipson 2. .Mrs J. Uaj 3. Shortbread: Mrs Pipson I. 2. ami 3. Loaf home-made bread: Mrs Gould 1. Billv bread: Mrs Pipson I. Nut loaf: Mrs Pipson 3. Oven scones: Mrs Pip,on 1 and 2. Mrs J. Hay 3. Girdle scones: Mrs Pipson 1, Mrs Turner 2 and 3. Pikelets: Mrs T. Moorhead I, Mrs Pipson 2 and 3. Oatcake: Mrs Pipson I and 2. Date scones: Mrs Pip.-on 1 and 2, Mrs J. Hay 3. Collection biscuits: Mrs Harper 1, Mrs Hay '.'.. Sausage rolls: Mrs Pipson 1 and 2. Mrs Whitehead 3. Bran or meal biscuit,-.: Mrs Pipson 1 and 2. Plum pudding: Mrs Pipion I. Jam tarts: Mrs Pipson 1. 2. and 3. pie: Mrs Pipson 1 and 2. Apple 'pie: Mrs Pipson 1 and 2. Two glass pots i home-made jam: Mrs S. Braddick- I, Mrllav 3. Two glass riots home-made jelly: Mrs S. Braddick 1. Mrs llav 2. Two glass nols home -made marmalade: Mrs S. Braddirk I and 2 Jar preserved fruit, (dessert, or svrupi: Mn S. Braddick 1 and 2, Mrs Hay 3 Jar preserved fruit, fpie fruit): Mrs Braddick 1. Mrs J. llav 2, Bottle tomato -mcc: Mrs llav 1 and 2. Chow chow ( bottles) : Mrs. S. Braddick 1. 2, and 3. Pickled onions: Mrs S. Braddick 1, Mrs J. Miiv 2. Ohtitnev: Mrs Pip-on 1. Mrs- J. llav 2. 1.....5t fowl: Mr- Braddick 1 and :.. Mrs Pip.-on 2. Prc-ed tongue: Mrs Pipson 1. Brawn: Mr= Pipson 1 and 2. Mrs Carlton's tropin-: Mrs Pipson. Mrs Talbot's rophy: Mrs Braddick. Most points: Mrs CHILDREN'S roOKTJ.Y Sponge roll: Doris Sauuders 1. Mary 'Morau 2. Spoiic- sandwich: Marv Mora.) 1, Ilorit, Saunders :.'. Seed cake: Mary Moran 1, Doris Saunders 2. Jov< e Beash-y 3. Marble cake: Doris Saunders I. Mary Mnran 2. Gingerbread: Doris Saunders 3. Shortbread: Dori- sauuders I. Marv Mnran 2, Margaret ■'a .-well 3. Sausage ,-olN: Joyce Besley 1, • lime Manchester 2. June Whitehead 3. '.ems: Dori- Saunders 1 and 3, Mary Mnran (Ken -rone-, not le.. than four: ■ Mary Goa,, I. riori- Saunders ". Jn-.ce Besley 3. l-ik.let- („ot Icsr than four): .Jnvce P.esley I. June Manchester ••, Marv Morao 3. Girdle scours (four): More Moran 1. Dori- Saunders 2. Biscuits: Marv Morau 1. Margaret fnsirell 2. Cream liiies: Maw Moran 1 and Cnrni«h pasties; June Manchester 1. Doris Ssundir-- 2. Apple pie; Joyce Be'ley '. Most points iii -las": Ma'-y Moran.

uriMK .s :-..|.,-irM.M butler, lib: Mrs f.onbl and Mr- , 'liilll f r-.(.l:il i 1 P.i/-n li-n eg;:.-, v.-liite: M.-s .T. 1,.,nn,« 1. Mrs ,t. 11.-i\ ':■. (ioniMinc . M.irvav :;. Dozen hen ei:gs. J.rr.v. i. : Mr-- 11. | iiarris' 1, liojf/narv Murrav '.'. Noel White , '-.-..1 :;. 1)../.on du.-k ••-.. ■ K. Bell I, Mrs .1. Dines 2. Ron. Seav ". Bundle rhubarb: .Mrs Talbot I »nrl 2. SWFKTf Cnllcrtion'-l.', not Ic-s than four vane. I ties: Mrs Barnes 1, Mrs Martin 2. Coconut I i.-f, mij- kin.l: Mrs Barnes 1. Mrs Marlin 2. Turkish delight. n<ixt-<r: Mrs Martin I. Toffo.-, anv kind: Mr:. Marlin 1. Best col lection sweets: Mr-- Barnes 1. Collection .-.vcefs made b-r child: Juno Manchester 1, .Itinn Whitehead 'J. Most points in class, Amigo's trophy: Mrs Martin. OIULDRKN' S NEEDLEWORK Worked upron: June Whitehead 1. Knitted a Hide: U. .Saunders 1, Kpii. Roberts 2. Tin ni.-iiirp: .liinp. Whitehead 1. Article nimlf bv bo -Isn.p.i. ' oigaret'e cards, snapshot,: .luno Whitehead 1. P.pst original article made by ■<ir|- .1. Gillinzhiim I. Most in class. Aniign" R iropliv: .Tune, Whitehead. Best article nr»d» by man in leisure hour* : •'. Mionrs I MOUNT PLEASANT WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ThK garden oi' Mrs A. Morten, 'Stony, croft." Mount Pleasant,, was a pretty setting for the spring flower chow organised by the Mount Pleas.-int Women'* Institute and held on Saturday afternoon after two months' preparation. The fhw was opened by Mr A. G. Williams, and thp judges were :—Flowers. Mrs .lone-; cookery, Miss IV Powell. A number of stalls wore arranged as follows: Flowers. Mrs K. R. Webb; variety. Mrs T. ,7. Hughes; ice eream, fruit salad. Mrs IT. Edgar; handcraft, Mr E. Woodford; afternoon tea, members of tho institute. -Mr Jones congratulated the institute on the number and standard of the exhibit.*, and Miss Powell congratulated the exhibiiocs in tho cookery section. Special menlion was made of tho work of Mr E. Woodford in the handcraft section. Tho prize list ra« as follows:

! FLOWERS ?i.\ anoniotips: Miss M. Hood-Wtl!ia.rc.s (. Six rnnunruli: Mrs G. A. K. Williams I. Six lulips: Mrs P. be. (juf.sne 1. Six varieties polyanthus: Mrs H. E. Musgrave 1. Mangolds: Mrs V. Peters I. Collection pansie.-; Mrs E. Woodford. Collection *iolnr: Mrs E. Woodford. Collection daisies: Miss Wellsman 1. Mrs C. T!.. Timbrell 2. Collection pelargoniums: Mi« Wellsman 1. Collection cinerarias: Miss Wellsman 1, Mis< Frood-AVilliatns '}. Collection flowering ! shrubs: Mrs H. Edgar I, Mrs H. Musgrave 2. Bix vnsos outdoor-grown flowers: Miss Hood-Williamß 1. Mrs Eyre 2. Pot plant: Mrs E. Woodford 1. Pot, plant in flower: Mrs C. 11. Gilby 3. Arranged vase of freeMas: Mrs P. H. T). Gale 1, Miss Wellsman 2. Arranged bowl of Iceland poppies: Mrs V. Peter- 1. Arranged bowl of flowers: Mrs F\ 11. D. Gale ]. Miss Wellsman 2. Very highly commended: Miss Wellsman. Highly commended: Mrs 0. Vnse flowers, not otherwise specified: Miss G. Morris 1, Miss Peggy Gale 2, Mrs Woodford and Miss Hood-Williams h c. Posy, boy or girl under 'l6 years: Mis? Brenda Williams J, Mis" Joyce Pyre 2. Posy, boy or girl under 10 years: Geraldine de Thier 1, June Tin-land ". Ro~k garden arranged on a dinner plate. , 16 years and under: Marion Edgar .1. Wili liam Vorston 2. Rock garden arranged on ! :i dinner plate. 10 years and under: John Yorston .1, June Turland 2. .' COOKERY i Si.v scones: Mrs Johanson 1, Mrs C. CosI sar 2. Six pikelets: Mrs Woodford 1. A?-i | sorted pastry: Mrs C. Timbrell 1. Sausage rolls: Mvp F. Gibson 1. Plain ecg sn..nge sandwidi: Mrs A. (i. Williams 1. Mrs Woodford 2. Chocolate butter sponge: Mrs Woodford 1, Mrs A. G. Williams 2. Ginger cake, "wheatmeal and bran: Mrs Edgar 1. Plate shortbread: Mrs C. Hart 1, Mrs Woodford 2. Loaf home-made bread: Mrs J. Morris 1. Sponge, boy or girl 18 years and under: Desmond Timbrell 1. Rock cakes, boy or girl, 16 years and under: Wallace Timbrell 1. Turkish delight, boy or girl, 16 years and under: Byron Hart 1. Coconut ice, boy or girl, 16 years and under: Joan Rocke 1, Marion Edgar 2. HANDCRAFT Home-made article, first-class certificates were awarded to Messrs E. Woodford, Arthur Morten, A. Johanson. Article made from a sugar bag: Kir«t-da*.s certificates were awarded to Jfesdaraei A. 0. William*, Roche

and Woodford. Article mad" from cotton artificial silk, etc. lotal cost not to evec-d one shiling: First class certificates -wore awarded to Mesdames A. (. Williams, Tinland, and Torsion. DISPLAY AT (JUST At the monthly meeting of the Cust-West Eyreton branch of the Women's Division of the New Zealand Farmers' Union a Micoessful spring flower show was held in the Institute Hall. Mr Dnrton. secretary of the Horticultural Society, judged tho flowers, and afterwards gave on address on gardening. In his address the judge said he was surprised at the fine quality of the bulbs grown in the district. Tho following ere the results in the various classes: Narcissi— Six blooms, three varieties of each (C): Mrs £. Woodfield 1, MUs Cooper 2. (Ire bloom trumpet O!) : Mis Shoat 1 Mrs Cow»ns 2. One bloom double (5): Mtti I .-jheat 1 and 2. One bloom Leedsii (3): Mrs Woodfield 1. Mrs Sheat 2. Ore bloom Bn-rrii (i): Mrs K. Woodfleld 1, Mr.- Cooper !-. One bloom Incomparcbilis (6): Mrs K. Woodfleld J. Mrs J. Graham 2. Four varieties polyanthus narcissi, two of each (4): Mrs Sheat 1, Mrs g Woodfield 2. Bowl daffodils ffl): Mrs Woodfield .1, Mrs R-vde 2. Bov.-l daffodils, sr,y inline? (;); Mrs (i. Hociv I, *7rs ,1. Tomlipson ?.. Collection of sprin-r flowers <-,): Mrs Burns 1. Mrs; Tomlinson 2. Decorated vase of flowers: Miss Adele Smith 1. Mrs I-:. C. Ducat 2. Decorated basket (1): Miss A. Smith J. Vase of hyacinths (2): .Mrs A. Hurley 1, Mrs G. Cowens 2. Vase of tulips (2):'Mtb Burns 1. Mrs C. Mcintosh 2. Vase of anemones (4): Mrs Toiulicson 1, Mrs Judson 2. Sow! of primroses (4) : Miss A. Smith 1, Mrs C. Mcintosh 2. Bowl of polyanthus (11): Mrs G. Beere 1, Mrs TomlinEon 2. Bowl of pansies (4): Mrs G. Cowens 1, Mrs Tomlinson 2. Bowl oi wallflowers (7): Mrs W. Finlay 1, Mrs Mcintosh 2. Vase of any other spring flowers (la): Miss C. Tomlinson 1, Mrs Finlay 2. Collection of flowering shrubs (8): Mrs Burns 1, Mrs Torrens 2. Champion bloom: Mrs E. Wood. iield.

Hostess** for the afternoon were liesdimes i:. \. Woodiielrt, f. V, Woori'vM A K.rue, H. Tallin t, J<f?lie v *.nd G. fmuic

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21289, 8 October 1934, Page 5

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FLOWER SHOWS Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21289, 8 October 1934, Page 5

FLOWER SHOWS Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21289, 8 October 1934, Page 5


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