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TIMARU. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Ethel 1c C'rcn, Maori Hill, has rcturneil from Christchurch. -Mr and .Mrs Lewis Mathias (Fairview) arc back from Tckapo. Mrs P. W. Rule (Avenue road; has returned from Christchurch and Ashburton. Mr and Mrs S. Wintcrbourn and family, who have been visiting Ashburton and Christchurch, motored back to Timaru thits week. Mrs Charles Maefarlnnc (North Canterbury) is the guest of her father, Mr YV. U. McLaren (Highfield). Mrs Eric Marchant (Wellington) is the guest of Mrs Howell (Marston road). Dr. Marchant has gone to Duncdin to attend the Medical Conference. Mrs Arthur Pearce, who was with Miss McLean, has returned to Wellington. Mr and Mrs John Page, who were in Wellington, returned to Mount Gerald this week ami are now in Timaru with .Mrs ft. A. Hickman (Church street west). Police Court. At the Timaru Police Court yesterday morning, before Mr D. McLenuan, J.P., William Richard Todd appeared on a charge of having, at Tomuka, on January 17th, committed an assault on a girl under the age of 16 years. Sergeant Dwan explained that the accused had been arrested by Constable Southworth and he asked for a remand to Teniuka on February Bth. This was granted. The accused asked for bail, and the Police offered no objection to this being allowed accused in his own recognisance of £IOO and ono approved surety of the same amount. The accused made an application to have his name suppressed but this was refused. Hunt Club. The annual meeting of the South Canterbury Hunt Club was held yesterday, the Master, Mr C. L. Orbell, presiding. The annual report showing a very successful year's operations and the bal-ance-sheet, indicating a profit for the year of £213 18s 3d, was adopted. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows:—Master, Mr C. L. Orbell; committee, Mrs P. R. WoodItouse, and Messrs W. It. Orbell, W. P. Sterricker, M. C. Harper, J. Maze, M. Maze, A. G. Macdonald, F. F. Ncale, A G. Elworthy, H. Elworthy, W. J. Basset t. U. Morris, and Commander Steward; auditor. Mr A. G. Martin; secretary, Mr H. Tl. Fraser; field secretary. Mr W. H. Orbell. Tt was resolved to send Mr W. H. Orbell a letter of thanks for the interest and assistance he had shown the club durinpr the past years. The opening meet was fixed, for April oth, and for Fairlie on the following Monday. Mr Shaw was appointed huntsman for the ensuing year at the same remuneration as previously. A hearty vote of thanks to the Ball Committee for their work in connexion with the Hunt Club ball clcsed the meeting. Motorist Injured. Early last evening a collision between a motor-car and a motor-cycle combination occurred at the intersection of Bank and Arthur streets, as a result of which A. W. J. Huston, Court bailiff, now lies in the Timaru Public Hospital suffering from severe facial cuts, chiefly over the right eve. The motor-car was driven by J. McKenzie, of Waimate, in a southerly direction along Arthur street, and the cycle was ridden by Huston. After tho impact occurred tho car swerved and hit a telephone pole, being severely damaged by the impact. Tlio motor-cycle was also badly damaged. McKenzio's wife suffered cuts about the face, and McKenzie was slightly bruised. Swimmers' Visit. Arrangements have been made for the visit to Timaru of Miss Ena Stockley, of Auckland, and Miss Kathleen Miller, of Dunedin, two New Zealand lady champion 'swimmers. Miss Stockley is the lady .sprint champion of New Zealand, and holds the record of 65 3-ssec for 100 yds. She is also holder of the backstroke record for Australia and New Zealand. Miss Kathleen Miller gives promise of proving one of the greatest swimming discoveries yet mndo in New Zealand. Her times were: 220 yds, 2min 52. 3-sscc; 440 yds, 6min 11 "-iisec. On Monday evening, February 14th, these ladies will appear at a swimming carnival to be held in tho Century baths, under the auspices of the Smith Canterbury Swimming Centre:

WAIMATE. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. The attendance at the Waimate District High School this year is well up to that of last year, and in the secondary department a record is expected to bo established, it. being anticipated that thero will be a roll of somo 120 pupils. Last year the roll numbered 116 in tho secondary department, which was a record. In addition to the pupils who returned after the holidays, some fifty-eight new pupils have been enrolled. At St. Patrick's School the attendance is expected to he as large as that of tho previous year, though as yet all the pupils have not returned to school. Shearing Operations. The fino weather which lias ruled for the past few weeks has been very favourable for shearing operations, which have gono on apace, and this work is now practically over. During the past two weeks wool has been transported to Timaru very steadily, in readiness for the sale. School Excursion. This vcar the annual excursion of the Waimate School is to be held at Timaru. tho Committee has decide! that the date for this fixture shall be Februarv 24th. Caroline Bay is a very popular"place with the children, who are alreadv looking forward with eagerness to (lie <l a . v of ,he ex « urs 'P". The Baths. The continued hot wrathcr has made the local baths very popular this season, and large numbers of swimmers arc' in attendance even day at all hours. Learners' classes are held there, which are very well patronised. Swimming Carnival. Judging from the success which attended the swimming sports held at McCulloch's bridge, the fixture arranged by the Waimate Swimmiug Club, which is to be held shortly in the local baths, should prove equally successful. Large entries should be received as there are exceptionally good attendances at the baths nowadays. The races for learners should be also well supported. The Harvest. Oat crops are now beiug cut iu the district and the earlier forecast of

good Yields Appears likely to be realised. ' There has so far not been much Might or rust in evidence. Take-all is in evidence in more than our crop. Wheat crops arc ripening fast and generally look well, with a promise of a good average vicl.l. On the heavy land in the Willowbridgc district the crops were knocked about by the last rain, as were also some in the "Waihao Downs district. Grass and hay arc at present bring harvested. The Fishing Rivers. The Waitaki is not in good fishing order at the present time, being in flood and vcrv dirtv. Fishermen have not had much luck of late, and it is not expected that the river will bo vcrv tishabic until colder weather sets in." So far no salmon have been seen running - in the Waitaki. Anglers in the Waihao river have been meeting with moderate sun-ess, a fair number of fish being landed, though none was of any great size. Tennis Match. Playing in the North Otago Tennis Association's competitions, the Waimatc Club's A and B teams will meet Meadowbank (Oainaru), on Saturday. A team, which will play at Oamaru, will bo represented by A. C. Barr, N. C. Manchester, E. G. Williams, the Rev. Canon Cocks, T. K. Parry, and R. Grant, and Misses D. Manchester, G. Manchester, Jones, Hertslct, Baikie, and Holmes, The B team plays at Waimato and will consist of G. Melton, B. Whclan, D. Stewart, S. Grut, F. Pcr.ucfather, B. Nash, Mrs Richards, Mrs Grut, Misses Hnrt, Collett, Alexander, and Cocks. Band Concert. On Thursday evening the Waimate Silver Band gave a delightful openair concert iu Seddon square, before a good gathering of citizens. Tho band of recent months has put in somo assiduous practice under the conductor, Mr D. G. Ashley, and the results wcro seen in tho improved playing. In view of the band's probable entry for tho contest to be held at Temuka, bandsmen are taking a keener interest in the practices nnd larger attendances are now to bo seen thereat. « Motor-Car on Fire. A motor-car belonging to Mr E. Badhan had a narrow escape from being destroyed by firo in Queen street yesterday morning. Mr Badhan had filled his tauk at a street bowser, and was commencing to drive away when tho garage attendant noticed flames issuing from tho bonnet of the car. Promptly securing a chemical fire extinguisher, he soon had the flames under control

TEMUKA. PERSONAL. Mrs Opic and Miss Beryl Opie (Wincheater) liavo returned from a visit to Christchurch. Mr H. Fletcher (General Secretary Fire Underwriters' Association) and Mr Jerram (General Manager State Fire Insurance), are arriving at Temuka today (Saturday), and will meet the combined committee from th<» Temuka Borough Council and Temuka Volunteer Fire Brigade in conference at noon at Mr W. F. Evans's office. Springfield Road Crossing. As a result of a request from the Temuka branch of tho Now Zealand Farmers' Union, the Railway Department is proceeding with the work of cutting down the trees alongside the railway line, to givo an unobstructed viow of passing trains to motorists who use the crossing at Springfield road. Bowling. Tho final eight-rink match for the Leslie cup was played at Timaru on Thursday nfternoon between West End and Temuka, and resulted in a win for the former by 203 to 138. Following are the scores (West End names being mentioned first): P. Vucetich, A. Berry, C. J. and J. A. Dewar (s) 22 v. Ferguson, Joynt, D. Mclnnes, Collins (s) 13; Davison, M. Vucetich, D. Davies, L. Dewar (s) 19 v. Davis, Lawry, Keys, M. McLeod (s) 16;' Johnston, J. Smith, Mac Lean, Lampsou (s) 31 v. Pierce, White, Shiels, Dr. Mclnnes (s) 11; Scwell, J. Richards, Field, Cornwall (s) 37 v. Sinclair, Scrimshaw, Abbott, Harvey (s) 16; McKeaguc, Price, Currie, Blackhalm (s) 29 v. Watson, Lcvens, Berry, McCallum (s) 11; Beckett, Pike, Walker, Gunn (s) 25 v. Gourley, Wilson, Carpenter, Hunt (s) 17; Dawson, Earwaker, Winnington, Carter (s) 2.") v. McMillan, Taylor, Chapman, Smith (s) 19; Manchester, Lynn, Lowry, D. Dewar (s) 15 v. Roberts, Frnsor, Marshall, Edwards (s) 35. Totals: West End 203, Temuka 138.

West End are the holders for another year of the Leslie gold cup and the Moyes honours board, and have won the rinks championship of South Canterbury for the fifth year in succession. Mllford Lagoon. On Thursday afternoon a visit of inspection was made,to the protective works now in progress at tho Milford Ingoon, .the parly consisting of Crs. J. J. Ellis, T. Lyon, and M. Gould, and the Coun.ty Engineer, Mr C. E. Bremner, of the Geraldine County Council, Mr G. B. Cartwrlght (Mayor of Temuka), mid Messrs L. Warcing, F. Martin, F. | A. Raymond, and G. H. Clements, of the Milford Lagoon Association. The I object of the visit was for tho representative of the Geraldine County Council to gain information as to the nature of the protective works by turning the river and the erection of an embankment around the water front, so that they might place such information before the next meeting of the County Council, to whom the Lagoon Association has applied for assistance in reforming the road and repairing the flood damage. A requisition signed by the necessary number of ratepayers in the locality has been presented to" the Geraldine County Council, asking that a special rating area be proclaimed to deal with the situation, and that is .1 matter that will be given consideration in due courseThe visitors were impressed by the nature and progress of the work-consid-ering the short time it has been under way, and a report will no doubt be submitted to the County Council for consideration at its next meeting. New Theatre. A companv is being floated in Temuka for the purpose of erecting an up-to-date theatre in King street at a figure in the vicinitv ef £6OOO. The draft plan provides for a building 1.-.ft ion? bv 46ft wide, and full provision is bring made for stage and cloak room nwornmo. dation. The stage is to have a depth of loft, with a proscenium 2*ft wide, and seating will bo provided for COO m he main hall, and 2SO in the tire*e, !e The building is to be of J brick and the plans .allow for a ™'' b . u ' c " d escapes. All the seats in the main hall are removable so that the hall may be used for balls, baraars, etc. Statutory First Offender. At th e Temuka Magistrate's Court yesterday morning, before Mr H. E.

Gappcr, J.P., a statutory first offender was convicted of drunkenness and discharged. Fifty Bushel Yield. Mr M. Clifford reports that a twenty acre field of Dun oats has yielded him the very satisfactory average return of 50 bushels to the acre. He sowed his crop early, with tho result that ho is tho first to finish threshing in tho Te Monna-Kakahu district. GERALDINE. Mr B. R. McDonald, "Waitui," who has been at Timaru, has returned to Geraldine. The Rev. D. Madill and family, who have been si tiding the school vacation at Waihi Gorge, have returned home. The following will represent the Geraldine Club in their match against Zingari at Geraldine this afternoon : Muff, Houlihan, Ttapg. Grieve. Sliarpe. Turner, Glover, Peter, Williams, slonewigg. Haves; emergency: Grdshnm. The Geraldine High School .resumed this week. The attendances, despite the fact that several of tlio boys aro still engaged in harvesting operations, were very satisfar-tory. Tho number of new pupils in the secondary department bids fair to be n record. ST. ANDREWS. Splendid harvest weather continues, and farmers are taking advantage of it. The first threshes of grass are to "hand. Tho best '..order on 60 bushels, while tho average so far runs at about 30 per acre. The Neap tides have prcrcnted any fishing on the beach this week, fishermen being unable to keep their lines from drifting in. .. Mr Peter is at present temporarily relieving Miss Grieves, who takes up her duties at Esk Valley in three weeks' time.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18918, 5 February 1927, Page 11

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TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18918, 5 February 1927, Page 11

TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18918, 5 February 1927, Page 11


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