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LONDON, s«ptot«r 8The Bank of EngUad i*tur» for week wded September Bth, •ttard comparisons wili tiosa oi the prrfious weei: "~ Sept. 1. Sept. a b " Ura :: 'ltk™ ®B.® Pro rt^Sit^Tp 6 o. H.eo 13X8 Koto cixcuUtior. .. 126,690,000 Govemaret deposits _ Other deposits .. 1'23,9J6,000 I«.BJWX£ Government securities 55,103,000 Other .. ™,f»,WO »•«£;«s Short loans, 35 per oent.; three »on«fis tills, <i ner cent. government securities. The foKofing ITS the !»*«:• atiata i<» Gcitmctni «eouritie3, with. » oorcpar.sea with those rulin* l"*t wee*„ . c

LONDO2T 'WOOn SALES. CATntTxlits aoid N Z. Cable Association I LONDON, September 8. At th© free wool sola, both jneiriaos and cnossbreds wore very firm'. Th«or» was strong competition, from Continental and Ho®® buyers. Prices were fully maintained. Practically all the offering was sold. dury produce. IfONXKOT, September 8. Butter—The market is very flat. Danish 13- quoted, at 240s par cwt. ,It is espeoted that <36ven»men/t prices will be further reduced by about 20» a owt, making impossible to retail 'New Zealand at about 3s Bd, and. Australian at 2s por lb. Traders hope for tetter business on this basis. Cheese—The market is flat. New Zea* laud white is quoted at 110 a to 112s, coloured lOlsj.

ENGLISH MARKETS. •. . LONDON .September 8. • Wool—Tho Bradford maxkeit shows. a-little more activity,.-but [spinners are still "iifinolined to follow the Lonctan advance* Si^tyfouta oil spot are quoted at 42d to I8d; October delivery, 40d to 42d. Wheat —Tie' marbeit is quiet, and cargoes aire firm. Flour—The market, is dull. . Australian ex store 58s. Oats—The market is tending to. be easier. 2Te<w Zealand ex quay 48ato Gfis. Beans—Tho market is quiet. market i-s -slow,/ Tasmanian ■blues'es store GOOs- to 640», New .Zealand 6GCs to eoos. Sugar—The market is quiet, and pricws are unchanged, ,

Dalgety' and Company, - Limited, Cfcrjetchureh, have received the following. cablegram ivora their Lor-doii- office, September. 7th:'— - "Wool—Tho next public . Bales will _ take place on October llth, for which the list of arrivals closed on August 2nd. /.Ch® quantities to be offered are: Free Australian 31,839 bales, New Zealand 38,986 balea, Capo 2300 bales, Pmtiba Arenas ,16,000 bales, and B.A.W.R.A, 7?,000 bales Australian "Tallow—At the weekly auction 3480 casks were ofiwed turd practically all sold. The-re was good competition. _ Prices for low descriptions were <3 lusher, and other ds'feoripttena' 8s higher. Wo qtiot© fin® 2nutton 80s, (rood 6Sa, good mixed 58s, inforjar 475, and nil© beef CCte. . ' . ' , : "Frozen'' Meat—Pair demand nil round. The frozen lamb market ia decidedly'weaker, and will probaWy "decline. Holders ate ansi■oll9 to eel!. Wetjuoto New Zealand prime crossbred'lamb 12i'd, and 'heavy 11J. Frozen nnitfcorf rvMninally unchanged. We Quote light BJd, heavy 6d, and ewes 4d to tut prices aro very irregular. We quote New Zealand prime ox. beef hinds Gd and foro9 4d. Thenti ia better demand for- beet b«:avy. No demand for inftrior log-lit." The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., 'have received tho follow-' ing cablegram from their.-London otHce tinner date '7th instant: —Tallow—We quote opflt vahios for .ths following descriptions • fine mutton £2 18s 6d per .cwt, good "wei £$ 18j per cv.-t, rnised £2 lis per cwt, Market strong. Frozen, mutton —32-1 to 8d per lb. Froien lamb—l* OJd- per lb. Frozen beef— Hindquarters Sid per lb, foregunrtera Bsd per lb. Market weak. New Zealand bnltor —s£l2 per cwt. Small demand. .Cheese— So 12a to £5 13a par cwt. Jlarkei dull, with , downward teridenoy." METALS. . ' (Australian led N.Z. 0tbl« As«ooi»tios.). | ' LONDON, September S. ' Lead—lmrvoHa during Aiig-uet <vwe 10,843 ton-3, of wl.'ich 403. tons wera Austiuiinn. The caports v.xrrti ISS2 tons. YRccoived September. IGth, 1.5 a.m.) • LONDON, September 8. Copper—Spot,. £67 6s Sd; forward, £63 7s a. ' [ Lend—Spot, £23 2-3 Gd; forward, £l2 lie 6i. I Spaitoi—S-ct, £25 £s Cd; forward, £25 l'oj. Tin—Sr-ot, £lo3- 2s Cd; forward, £18! 12s Cd.Silver—3BJd per oir-ce. HIDES. MELBOURNE, September 9. Hides—TOie market is firm. All weil-Jawd-for End good-conditioned liide-s hnva advaiised id. Inferior lin»s are TjscL:inj'..d. VICTORIAN MARKETS. MELBOURNE, September 0. Barley—English, 4s lOd to 3e; Caps, CU to 3a iOd. Oats—2b Sd to 2e 7d. Pc!atc«o—£3 I'Cu to £5 os. » ' to £J lis'Gd. THE. WOOL TRADE. MELBOURNE, 'j Tlie Wool Conference ag-teed to rie allocations decided "Jpcn. 1-aat Marci:. It nLo dec Med to olter tl» constitution and personnel of the Appeal Boaid to give repiußectation. Q~3ENSLAND WHEAT POOL. BRISBANE, September 9. The Queensland wheat, growers' ba'Jct favoured a continuance of tb-j Slate who:: I peel for tliiio years. * LEESTO:: .STOCK SALE. Tetter day'a fortnightly stock sale at Loes!cn was well attended. - There vera ;?ocd yarding 3 of eheep, cattle, and, store pigs, mrt few fats. There was a dull toils the market, aul compeiiliuit in most casta waa rathet weak. Sheep, both fat_ and atoree. were oaajer, there .was a, decline in fat pigs, and etons cattle v«ra difluJOlt to sell. Fair prices wore obtained for «tore piga considering the large entry. Valn«* (were;— Fat wethers 16s id to 16s 9d, eture ' wethers lis 4d, fat hogget* 13s Ed, atore ; hoggets 7a lOd to 9a Sd, ewea in lama lGs { 7d, 16 ewes and 43 iambs Bs Cd, 55 owes I end 63 lambs 8s fld, (toi» lambs 6a lid to i 8a Sd, aged «wee and lambs sa, bacon piga ' £i 10a to £0 SVCd, porkera £3 )8s to £4, large store* £2 2* to £3 16», small 17s to 80s, . «pr|seer* £S-lo £l6, according to I£> suemß £3, dry oowi.aaw-

chbistchtjrch stock exchange YESTERDAY'S TRANSACTIONS. &*le on 'Oh*BC®: —Back of New South Wales, #B4. . . „ . _ , , .. reported: —L mom Boils of Australia, £l3 1G»; N.Z. RB:'rig«r*tdcjf {£l piid*, i'l 11* ft 3. LATEST QUOTATIONS.

CANTERBURY MARKETS. Fiida-y Evening. The grain and prfi&uca market maintains it<j activity, and quite an amount of business Las boea done during the week. Oata aro fine, without any appreciable change, in values. A grade Gartona are worth i>p to 2a lid at nearby country station*. The high price of fowl wheot, and its scarcity, sire diverting this trade laTgaly to oats and general fowl mixtures. Short oats are in request for the purpose, and it is appwent th&t • the escosa of oats held in the' country ' Trill "cieot with a alight reduction, through this'development. A bushel of oats is only two-thirds the weight of a buahel of wheat, bait tho price is practically half. All grass seeds remain firm, with a ateady business doing. White clover is worth, from Is 3d to la 4d, and oowgrasft to la 3d, at country stations, and Italian and perennial ryegrass aro also in request. Cocksfoot, for good otandaxd machine, dressed,' ia wwth lid, and a sale to Australia is reported to haw occurred at llld. 1° ffermera good samples are worth Bd. Tile oocksfcot market had an air of old-tune excitement about it for a few days. Linaoed is steady at £l6 per ton at country stations. The double bagging syatem increases the margin between that and the f.o.b. price. ..... . „ Barky is creating a little interest. Considerable export of barley from Australia to the Continent has taken plaoe ounnff toe past two months, for, it is stated, the purpose; .of mixing with, bread. Enquiry has actually been mftde from Australia. for a 1 ® 1 " lar buaineßß, ' but the price offered led' to nothing. Barley in farmers' hand* is held 1 firmly at. the. .present notninal quotation of 8a 6d to 3s lid per bushel. Very little could be bought at lees than, a shilling higher than those -figures.' ; • _ Potatoes recovered during tie weaf from their somnolent condition, due to a i eported shortening of supplies in Auckland and the impending" departaro of a couple of boats with freight available. Tho Katoa leaves to. morrow with a good cargo, and the Kaitangatai follows on Wednesday, in" addition to which theiWingotnt aaila from' mwthem port?, during nest week. Whilst the activity lasted potatoes went up' from ss. to ts 6<J per ton, but there is little, to indicate whether the movement will bi permanent or cmly a spasm. 2!ew potatoes are appearing, in tha North Island, but at a -price that places them beyond only most restricted use in thaae times, and tho niarket for ©ld potatoes is llioly to continue a week or two longer than usual. Some' merchant* inolinoto the belief that- ,the --market plight strengthen quite appreciably in. a month or sis weeks. One point that did not obtain' last .year, however, is this—that with every other agn- ■ cultural product in price few potatoes thiß year will bs> left in the ground if there is any money in digging them. Reports from the country in regard to growth indicate a Teiy satisfactory position, notwithstanding; the inadequacy of the rainfall. Wheat £j coming along particularly well, but, of course, the scarcity tof moisture will be apparent later. It only require* a wolldietributed rain to ensure the heartiest 'wheat return for a number of years. _ There has been some business in. Partridge peas for' esport, on a baaia of 8s to 8* 6d. The following are quotations for produce to be paid to farmers at country stations,' free of commission, sai&s citra, except where otherwise stated:— ' Mill in? Wheat—According to Government prices; Tuscan 7s 9Jd f.0.b., Hunters 8s o§d, Pearl 8s 3£d. Oats—A (Jartons 5b 93. to 2s lid, Bs 2s fid. Chaff—sß ,5sPerennial Italian Eyograes—3s 6d to Is Sd. Cbwgrass—lid to Is 2J3. Cooksfoot—7d to Bd. I Barley—Ss to 8s Od, Cape barley 2a Cd. Potatoes —Ms Gd to 87s 6d. Partridge Peas—Be. Onions —£3 6s. ■, Linseed—£ls to £l6. "White Clover—ls to 1* Id. Flour —According to Government prio», £2l per ton f.c.b., Lyttelton, Tlmaru, and Oaiaara. Brail—According to Government price, £6 to £3 10s por ton, according to sado®?, f.0.b., southern ports. Pollard—According to Government' price, £9 to'£9 lCs, according to' packing, f-0.b., southern ports. ■;

TlilAE'J. - (SPECIAL TO "THE PRESS.'') THIAKTJ, Sopteiiilwr S. ' The chwf topic of interest i;i the wheat line at pi-esent is the intimoldon that pt'Tmiwioa had -hoon. given for the importaxioo. of limited quantitea cf £ot.-1 wh.orit from Aiistralin. It ia not knowiv v.-liat the prico of the imjx>rted grain vrill be._ By sortie it is regretted that sucli peruiisiion lias gi7T?n, ia there is a eurplxa cf here, and this is practically unsaleable at a price v.-liich will not cover 'Jio cost of productien. Thero is n&TT no movemnnt in miilirtj whoat, whioh ia now out of growra' hands. This month's prices are B.t B'JJ, 8s OJd, on/1 7a for Velvet, Redcliaff, and Tuscan respectively. Nest afurther Jd per bushel will bo added, and thw wjll b-a the last advanoe for the_ »c-.?.<;cn. Oats aro reported to be firmer, tlMragh qtiotatioEs are purely tcmi.ial here. Gortons ar® worth 2s Sd and Ss on truc'ta 'or Bard A grtide respectively. Unfier-grado oats aro •eery dull of-sale. Chaff is more enquired for, and to-day« valuta are £3 ICs and £3 Iss on truck*, sacks icran :1 by Imyer. Growers wero lcth t-j talra- tbs lot.' prices pwvicrusly ruling, v.*jth a result thai insufficient to me«t the demand fig» beeir coming ou to market, hence tflo firxmco irt price. Barley S» rfill cnJl off sale, and ifl ncmin* eJlv worth Ss 6d to i>j to at country station®, without lu;-«s; kecntiesa Linseed ts still saleable £lO "o Sifi. lf's 1 on trnciss i'jT Eamv-es. X*cir ciald bo I>laced at thf.-w figures ;f Ihe.v v.-crp available, but the ®i?pp2i-:'S tir-a :rov." c ■ nnft «2l:ar.stvJ. . i There is rothir;.- to report in and beans. _ . , n ■ There ave fair cnqruiicc2 sestii. towi grass 23 rather (/met s * Is t"> Is 'J/i per >•> |on truci3. Hyogrsss U v.-cclh Zb 6i to 4a foi- both pE-renria! end Italian, this Vein-; I for v.-eU-raark'-'i eomples cf itruirjjsod tee-i.- ' lip market for cocksfoot has advancod I sharply for machine dressed, v.-hijh earb'er an tile season was r-crth 7id, but is now worth Ud per lb. Tho vaSie cd urdreessl seed is 7d to Bd. The potato market has snd'lenly and C-iita unexpectedly shown signs of life- aga'.n. Larje shipments were, made recently to Auckltnc, the chief consuming bestre, bat th«e hare ■ppareraUy been cleared up with phenomecAl ; rapidity, with a result thai ttcoka on h<ir.d ejre light, and further shipments' will lie welcomed' there. Under these it appears possible that there, will be a sharp rise in the vcJne of potatoes, awl in the meantime- it is not possible to quote tle£ruta values. It 29 apparent now that tbe | demand for old potatoes will k«t veil into | Ncrvember, and ii srapplies are r<quirod on | tbe nste basis a® shipments thct hare lmeu made throughout'the uuoii, atcayu hero at ' firtlh '>

DTOEDIK'. {special to ''the rnFS T)TjNEDn». 0 Vory little hre-iness is naasir-s ia oat#. i'at tEfrcisits Isold cwat of tho lints. Xhar-> are some enquiries fqr heavy milling Oar tor: ar.J )iu(« suitable for seed. A 0«rtoi:» n:* quoted at 83 to la la, ar.A pooiT to brel u-?,': at Be 9d to 2s lid per bwhel (s»cift extrV). lie ootalo market, is fttagsar.f, Mid sale* are difficult to, effect. Only frcwhly Up-to-Dato? nro saleable. Bod'- table* r~» quoted at £2 £» to £2 10?. Jlilisrs are keen bnveirs ier til lines c " wheat suiiaMo for icilKns. fowl c"fco*t :< short, and al! line® are esJcsNo at rail G-; - verr.rcent mtM. There is n pood demand for prime clreis' u: fj to £5 ~!a Od, mil medinm light and d:s coloured at Si 10s to £4 16a (bags extrtV Tim sssd frada is wteoedinffly active, »r enquiry iroa; ovemaos, including Antiwli*. hie led to quits a satisfactory esport bos neaj in many lines. Tho local «pri?.fT *e" rig is hffiTy. Til!} POTATO. CUTUXJS:. Mr T. Burrian, organising secretary ot u\ South Island Potato Growers' _ Asscci»tio;:. \ returned '\"cstari>y from tho Kbrth l9lairo._ utter t> visit of enquiry into th* stocks cf potatoes hold there, ai\i tha probable requiro nents *jnlil tlio new crop comes ir. :Mr liuiton mentioned K> a "Pup*" reporter fhst' when v'aitinji Auckl&iid three weeJsa tsp. wh<*ra larcp stock® ioport«s to bo befound toe market docidecily hsre, -t be.r.rf impossible to till ordein for five-ton loij l until the arrival oi thfl JCalapoi and Cpi~;. which «srried ooout 9000 sacks between th«fi. The Vicsfctui followed with a furthw 9W) Eficlw, fttid it had been teported that tt2« "was SIS,OCO Mcfes, .'iT/i ■valnos (o?!i pl»o» in anticipation of ti« prospective glut. However, onquirice t'a« South showed the corroot oorgo, wh.cJitrvolilv wsr.t into carsTunp'Korj, with tao tesnit "that t<wl»y tho Aucklaccl reooftod tva jiini with only aiiflioiout sroc«s for present requirement*. In regard to tho position ia other psrtft of tho Sorth ££r Bustou esid ho visited. Niipier, Hastings, Maeterton, S«f PIT* mouth, aiid Wanganui, and the position :i> those oontres waa similar, efrch clrawiiij froci the South as required, and ehippms ## -'j beotiEC aviilaWe. The ger.eral opinion «c Auckland j'-sdges was that until tho new «JOp came in for tho general market, Aw!KlaJC<* ttlon® would require quit# 7000 to SOOO sao.v* per week, other oentre» absorbing up 51)00. For another six weeks this woum mean about 75,000 sacks, -whiohwero eirxrt"' £ffuro3, cot mine," tidded W* Huston. At Pnltciohe ho found that the ;n«w «v : > «-as lator thfta Tisua!, osi scootint of tl» cold weather, and St would be the middle efc Oatober before new tctess wou'ld! bo marketable in any quantity. "I wa P* l ' auaded," added Mr Buston, "that buyers ii' the North would purchase their requirement from the South at % reasonable- figure, -. ffxowdt® liikd not niflnl® possiH-d for _ soni3 •ellere to ofieT %t CO®, f.0.b., s.i., which only equivalent to abo'.it • 00s per tou s* country stations." SPIRITS IST BOOT. (srEciAL to "tub rBBSS.'') DtJNEDIS", September 3. The activity in oloaring ejjmts ot.t s' ■bond, especially whisky, continues. H, being done in expectations of tho duly beingraiaed from 18s to Bto per gallon when Parliament meets. Tho Australian duty i« SW per gallon, ami the British cxeiso duty 72a per gallon. HARDWARE SHORTAGES. (special to "the press.") DTTNEDIN, September S. •itoonj other lines in which the Jnarltct :•> b-axe is rewin lused) in ptdai varuwi making, rope making, «to. Shortages imminent in fencing material, including barb wito 6sd pl«fa wile. STATISTIOAXi' SHEEP SHORTAGE. (PKESS AS9OCIATXOK IMSOKAIt.) ■VTSUjINOTOIT, September S. ai» Hon. W. Nowrorthy, in » statement in tho "Evening Post," directs special attention to the statistical shortage m the world « •heep ae having a bearing on the wool m» T'ket in the immediate future.

THE FRUIT MARKETS.. CHEIBTCHURCH. There .was a good supply of vegetables cf all classes forward during the week, the. demand being teen, and prices jood. Dessert and cooking apples were/in short supply, varieties being enquired for.v Ai large' ehismeat of Sydney fruit arrived on Thursday by tho Ulimaroa. The demand was good, prices were high. A shipment of .Soiith Australian Navels end lemona, ex Paloona, Melbourne, arrived yesterday. Unfortunately, the greater proportion arrived in had eraer. Shipments arriving comprise Cook Island banana® and orangos, and alao Fiasco oranges and lemons, which are expocted toanive m Christchuxch ■ about the 10th. A liji-ship-ment of basanas is due In Auckland onilonday, and will probably arrive m Ohnrtchurch about the same time. Apples, fteioon, per case, 10a to lls; apples, local, please lis to 12»; apples, cooking, per caee 10s to 10a 6d: oocoanirta,. per sack. 10«; iomons, Auckland, per case Me; lemons, MiWura, per ease 21s; -Eouth Australian, por case 21s; lemons,__Frisoo, per, case 60s; mandarine, par ©a»e 21s; oranges, Sydney, per oaw 20b; oranges, m«ma.lade, per case 17a 6d; oranges, Valeneias,_per caao 40s; paaaftna, Sydney, pn &»- pineapples, Sydney, per caae Sfe fld; t pears, cooking, per 7a to 8s; per cue as to Ida; beet, per dozen bundles up to 2a; cabbages, per dozen ■up to 14s; cauliflowers, K per dc2oa Jl> to 10s; carrotSjjper doxen l. Ed to is ed; encumbom, hotinmae, per lb la Bd, crter>, per bundle 7d to «d; leeks, ipes bundle 6d'^to 8d j lettuob, per dosen up to Cs; # marrows, per d**«® np to 90a; .onions, ,I™' sugar bog Sa 6d; onions, per ewt. £s; p-rß-nipa, per doaea up to 2a;. Gs to 7a 8d; pumpMna, jaw lb 2d; Tadyhes, •per 'dozem ,1a to la Sd; rhnbsrb, per doz*« -Us to 16s; spring onions, per dozen .ls Cd to l« 9d; turnips, per doien Is; apinach, per doEen Cb 9d; per sugar beg, Cs M.

< DtrOTDIX. (SPECIAL TO "THE P8893.") > ' DUNBX>ITT, September 9 - Tliu fruit market ia well * baring com# to WM »7 W. 1 1" loon., and Wanaka from Orangr^ lemons, «id banaaaoare ploptifu!. "Citrus fruit ci all dMcriptioM » in keen demand. A eound demand cxiaU. for deeaert aoples, eapacially well .coloured Stunners." Cooking #pplee Ewe finned. .Supplies of apple# for the local market ai* chiefly from tho Taieri and Otago Central. Prices for dewert and cookers are higher m Canterbury than th«te • ruling a Extra choice Stunner* are worth up to 11-3 per case, cookera to 88 M, WaonaM; lemon:-: to 60s, Adelaide to 255. Sydney, to 17s, fl;yd- , j ney oranges to 5535, «md mMxhvma to 27s M. | AUfIKIiAND. (SPECIAL TO "THE PBESS.' ) AX7CKLAND,_ September V. The m».rkot Lao been particularly bai» « fruit during the week, consequently eom.i verr fancy price, bavo ruling for .wveThe Flora and Eiverina ar« both diachargtej f«ir quantities of imported fruit, wLich will meet with a ready sale. The Tenia ia due irom I'm on Tuesday morning with her usual cargo of banana?. Prices are as follow* for-the chief of appW and pear*: —Donghtrees 19s to 14s Gd, Stunners l&» Ms, Borneo 13sf lfe Cd, Munroea lie to 12» fld, Green Liibrri«ed lis fid, Ballarats 110 u> 18s, Jw poare up to 21a. Lemons ore Belling but Pocrman oranges aro no» wantea. new companies. Eeaistration of tho following mw cornpanies is cinnounced in this weeks Mercantile GazotWt — „ Cclosseum, Ltd. (The). Eegd. Aw. -0. j221. Capital: £50,000, into 60,000 shares oi~£l each. Subscribers: Auckland: R. O. Clark, M. Trenwith, R- E- Cojt, E. M. I>. Ohlson, S. S. Preston, A. L. Evans, C. L. J. Palmer, all 1 share cacu._ Objects: Theatrical and musical entertainments and general incidental. James Neil, Ltd. Kegd. as a private company An?. 23, 1921. Capital: £OOO9, into COOO shares of £1 cich. Subicribora: Ihinedin— J. G. Neil 5600, B. "V> r . Neil 600. Objects : •To cam on th« wholoeal© cwl retail busi•iiess of "clwmiets, druggists, importers,, andmanufacturers or of dealer# m pharmaceutical, medicinal, clinical, industrial, aM other ; preparations and. articles, compound*, and | drugs, and dealers in proprietary articles I of all hinds, and all electrical, clinical, aur- . gicvl, scientific, photographic, and opticiu apparatus and materials. BLACKWATER MINIiS. The Christchurch Stock Exchange has received tlie following ivdvice from ti» Cen.•olldated Goldfields of New Zealand, Ltd., of crushing returns for tho month of August: —Black-water Mines.—Tons crushed 3805; rralue of .gold produced £4CM; ■woibins eipease* £AoW-; development £7Ol.

rhi.weai. & «. d. a •• «• it Tier c«r.t. I:np. Cor;. <"1" 6 4 ' 11 o'ptr <*nt. Imp. War . S8 S 0 Loan • • ■ ■ v S 57 6 S7W0 52 „r cent. C'-«aHh „ . *• Loaa . •• SSI''' 6 9J » 0 a G.*" 1 . «>o o «U . New torip. 10» diicount. N.S.W. 4's, I9S8, J«r.- - , n 0 July .. .. TT a 6 ./ 10 9 : s 63 7 8 SfS: &':: ::«S? 5 J'-jS' "*•; 8, 5 0 <3 5 0 T ' C -4'' "T MO. "GS 5 0 Vk. 8's, l?:9-49, Jan.- * July •• .. 57 7 C o. . 6 Q W y 4' Sj 1924, o.*;- gs oo M00 Q ' U jLiS .. !S21 * 24 : 8S 17 6 88 17 6 Q'land 3's, 1922-47, Jan.- 0 0 . July 5G 12 G oG 0 U N.2. 4'a. 1329, MayNovember S3 12 6 85 ID N.Z. Si>, 1WC-, Jan.July .. •• :o 0 0 .0 0 0 N.Z. 8's, 1945, April- , * , n p October .. , -.60 10 <> " G S.A. 3'i, 1980, Jar..July .. 53 0 0 S3 0 0 S.A. 8>'s, 19*5 or *£tar 68 10 0 68 10 0 Tao. 8i'«, 192040, Jan.- _ July .. .. 69 0 0 G9 a 0 o - o o - o Q WX W May- „ W.A. S\ 1915-85, M*y- ' November ., CS ft 0 t8 10 0 *Ei div. FOREIGN EXCHANGE HATES. (By Cable—Press Association— Copyright.) (Attstraliitt aiai N.Z. Gakl© Association,) . ' LONDON, September 8. Tli® foreign eschaaga rates on London bt« as follows:— . _ ~ . - Par. Sept. 5. Sept. 8. Paris (fr.V ' .. 23.863 48.23 43.68 Christ iama.' <kr.) .. 18.169 28.26 58.88 Stockholm (b.) .. 18.159 - 17.23 17.25 ■ Copenhagen (kr.) .. 18.159 , /?x Montreal (dol.) .. 4.S0 ' i'l? New York (do!.) .. 4.88 8.(1 3.74 Yokohama (yen) .. 21J 3on« Kon? (dol.) :: 33t 32d ■ 32*d Berlin (mark) .. 24.43 383 885 Ca,kutta (rpe.) 10 to gold eov . 16{d 16gd

Bujmi. S«U<sr«. £ » d. £ ». cL debentvres— N.Z. Govt, it por »i!. 83 13 Inscribed, IMS S3 & 0 6 N.Z. Qcvt. 4} j*r wni. 53 13 3PCC», 1998 > • su a 0 6 N.Z. Govt. 4) per cent. 83 10 0 Bonile, 1330 — X.2. Oort. 5 p«r e«;, ' Iatcrlbed, 1837 81 0 0 — U.Z. Govt. 5} per OK.S. Inscribed, 1980 91 7 G 31 IS 0 N.Z. Qart-. oi per cars. Bonds, 13SU 91 1 1 — BASKS— Cosajfiwcisl of Acs!-. Ji per ceat. Civm. Tvrei.) i 10 0 — Katiorai of N.S1. 5 10 0 — New South Wa'.w r-s o 0 S4 10 0 New Zealiw.d 2 3 9 a 9 8 Hora.1 Bank i ? 0 1 7 G Union of Australi* -- 32 10 0 INSURANCE— National — .1 1 6 Standard — 0 13 0 LOAN AND AGENCY— Goidsbroujh ilort. (Mrii., I 11 G SHIPPING— G Hv.ddarfc-Parker, t~ — air. — ■2 3 FROZEN MEAT— K.Z. Rcfrigeriticg (£1 ! 13 paid.) : :i 6 0 WOOLLENS— C 11 Kaiapoi (10s 0 10 (5 3 BREWERIES— Crown 1 9 0 — •Ward 1 I I' CEMENTS— ■Wilson's N.Z. PcriSscd — 0 15 9 MISCELLANEOUS— 1 8 0 Beitli and Co. — Burrs, Pliilp — 1 11 0 Burns, Philp (South Sea) OirA. Farmers' Co-op. 1 9 0 — (Tinvaru) — 2 10 0 N.Z. Paper iliUs ' 1 1 E — "Whiicoinbe. ani Tombs •2 1* 6 — MIXING— Mt. Lye™ . 0 13 10 — Wailii 1 1 0 — \Taihi Grtrd J-utetion 0 8 —

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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17247, 10 September 1921, Page 7

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BANK OF ENGLAND RETURNS. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17247, 10 September 1921, Page 7

BANK OF ENGLAND RETURNS. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17247, 10 September 1921, Page 7


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