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RED CROSS FUND. FROZEN" HARKS. The Red Crocc Society has. received loiters host hospitals throughout. England acknowJrdfring of froßcn haree sent. {:r,a Canterbury. The following from W»nptead and Wood ford Auxiliary Hospital. Jfighatm". "Woodiord Green, is typical "f 'he Uteris received :—"Many thanks for •">f hare* received. Wo arc indeed most graioiai. m the patients enjoy thesu eo rancid" GREEN DALE. The following is a lis*- 01' *h r z.irvirn'-r. efr.., tt'.puir. by fho GreendiJo Rod Cross Branch di.-ring N<woinber: —G pairs mittens, '» washers, 1 operation c/rat, under vec?ts, 1.1 day rhiri?, 10 night shuts. 7 pyjamas. undergo nte, 1 bed jacket. Gifts:--33 fomentation p.jida. 1 pair isoc.ks, and fl. la.rgo quantity of •■.ld linen and blajikots. Tho branch acknowledges £2 35e. proceeds from the tmp-y-er in connexion with tbo local Baptist. ».ruivfj*viry. which has bwn handed to tho funds. It. has been decided to usn the. Orange Hall in future for the fortnightly meetings. and it. is intended to'oonnncnco culting-out and wwing thrre. LINWOOD-DALLIN'GTON SOLDIERS' AID. The Linwood-I>a.lli tigton Soldiers' Aid forwarded to the Red Cross for vso on the hospital ship2G pairs pyjamas, 13 shirts, 1 balaclavas, 2 faco cloths, and 1 bod jacket; and also sent to tho Lady Liverpool Depot: — in shirts, 13 pairs socks, 1 scarf, and a parccl 'it books. LITTLE RIVER. The following work.wa3 completed in Xoremberl ovcrcoat, 8 pyjamas, (j underlets, r. collars. 3 underpants, 3 bed jackets, 12 slings, 15 shirts, 2 body belto. i pyjama, strings, 2 faco clotha, 5 pillow cases, 6 surgical coats, 31 handkorohiofe, and a. quantity of bandages. TTIO pillow cases and handkeroliicfs -wore tho work of tho girls of tho main school, who have worked quietly away 'or the. whole year, and have also gathered ife- 7Jd in pennies and sent it in to buy more material. The committee acknowledge further donations to the Red Croat stall on show clay from Mrs Brankin, Jas. Chapman, Mis Jos. Smith, Mrs Harkese, —. Skipper, —. Condon, and —. Xorrie, of Pnaha. The cammit-t-oo are indebted to Mr Patton, of Pnaha for soiling the grass-eeed in Chriachurch. Subscriptions for tho Rod Cross "Hospital Comforts Fond have been received from McsCames Jas. Joblin and Gilbert.


MEETING OF EXECUTIVE. A mooting of tho Exccrutivo Committee of the Belgian Belief Fund was held last-even-ing. Present—Dr. Lcvinge (chairman), Mrs >j. Lane, Mise R. Tabart, Mcbets E. Nordon, W. T. Hobinaon, and W. Haywarrd. The chairman, speaking of tlx; namo of the fund, tho official title' of whicll is the Poor o£ Great. Britain, Ireland, and Belgium .Relief- Fund, said that ho thought it was » moot uasuitabloNjne, and that the time had come to change it. For tho past two years all tho money had gone to Belgium, and he saw no reason why tho fund should not be known as the Belgian Relief Fund. Several others present spoke in favour of «h« suggestion, and it was decidod that it be a recommendation to tbo General Committee that tha name be altered in the direction indicated by Dr. Leving©. The secretary reported that the fund now had in the'bank £1001 Es lOd, which waa considered very satisfactory. Tho secretary of the National Committee for Relief in Belgium wrote thanking the committee for its donation of £250 to the fund for Belgian prisoners in Germany. The secretary of the National Committee for Relief in Belgium wrote thanking the committee for thesplendid work it had done, and intimating', that in regard to the committee's request that a grant. bo made on behalf of- Belgian prisoners in Germany, tho High Commissioner had been notified that a grant of £350 had been made to the fund. The letter added that the National Committee actcd in close concert with the Government, and would at onco hold up any contributions it the information .indicated that supplies wero going astray. The chairman briefly referred to the necessity for such precaution, and the letter waa received. ' It was reported that the war risk insurance on goods sent forward was now £8 per cent, end it waa decided to cany on with the policy of taking out insurance policies. It was decided to forward to all school committees and head teachers in the district, both town and country, circulars regardingthe Christmas. envelope scheme. It waa announced that "there would be a Christmas tree _ and various stalls, poultry and otherwise, in the Squaro on Christmaa Ere, and that'collections would be made in. tho streets. The Tramway Company had "undertaken the lighting of the stalls and various other local people had ottered their assist u-nca, financially and otherwise RAUGIORA. •A party of ladies held a sale of work in Raagiora yesterday, when the sum of £7 was realised for the Belgium Children's Fundi



On Saturday, a. Christmas bazaar wis held a* the residence of Mr W. H. Winsor (Mayor oi Spreydon). Tie succcss oi the undertaking v as assured by the numerous gifts from residents in the di6trict. The bazaar, which, was iollowed in tho evening by a eilchro tburnaircnt, was organised and conducted by Mrs SVineor. The total proceeds. whicli arc in aid »f the Spreydon branch of the Lady liter pool Fund, amounted to about £10. The etallicWers wero:—Produce, Mesdamea "Watt, McCracken. Thomson, and Waters; tea, Mes?ames Clark, Manhire, Cotton, and Hammond ; ice cream, Meadames Marney and Walker; variety, Meodam£& W. Mnnday. Tillotson, and Misses Blakely. and Brightmore; B\-cote. Mceaamea H. ■ Jacobs, C. H. Taylor, ajid Skclton; furnishing:, Mcaars Tierney, Gray, and Waters: plants and flowers, Mr J. Houghton; stdc-ehows, Mr Firth and Mr l-'aikindcr; motor rides, Mr Manhirc and Mr Winsor: fairy well, Mis Gee an 3 Mr Walter Munday; art gallery. Misses M. and E. liangcr; bran tubs. Miss A. Clark and Miss S. Murrday. Tho Boy 'Scouts, 'under Mr G. Woods,. delivered parcels. Prizes were given hy Mrs Ranker, Mia Burke, Mrs Maddren, ud Mr Hinkey. Assistance was also rendered by Misses Woodfield, Cotton, Incite, rilkinder, and Mr Ranger, whilst Mr Arthur Emith was a. .very effective auctioneer. SHEFFIELD. In mite of the very wet .afternoon, a. number of'useful articles, as well » fl in cash, T*re received towards the gift afternoon, held recently in the Domain, by the Sheffield branch of the Xtady Liverpool Fumi. The sifte were collected to help those men who will be on troopships at Christmas time. Gifts were contributed by:—Mesdames Austin, Boyd, Jobwton, Baxt<\r, Hemisch, Bra<ifctiw, Compton. Saiidrey, McMillan. Gilmour, GUI, Jebson, Cnllcn. Page, Wbyte, Hayton, ■Tenkino, and Miller, Messrs Kryson, Gilmour, 1 luuvi. Guar., ar/d Page, Misses Baxter, [-'Ojis-e, Guiiii (2), Comptce, Hooker (2), Johnston, McDonald. (2), McMillan, CrMMc MnMilWn 12)». 'AHlrinfy Gray, Ron-

nard. McDowell. children of Annat and "Waddington {aphonia: Townshond (2), Prieo (2), Miller (7). Cullen (1). Scaley 0). Page CI), Bradsba-jr. Martin, Compto'i ("), Mrllillau (3), Henderson ('2), Ayera, Chamber.*, (2).>erts (2). Musscn (2), Daikec, Phi)li|is. IVill t-1- Gilkndera (-!), Inmcs p. King (2). McLraith ()), Jcnkino (2).


NAVY LEAGUE .FUTvD. Amonnt. preHotwly acknowledged. I6s Id; Mrs TV. Macfarlane 34i53 Mac-fiij-lane £5. Miss M. Maofaxlanc £5. Gordon Fulton (eeeond donation) £25, Lyndon Estate £25. W. 11. Nicholson (soccmd donation) £2, Fted. Walker (eecx>nd donation) £1, K- E. Thompson JOs, C. Robinson ss. C. Orme. (ocrond donation) XI. A. Feathejy 10?, V. Foathory £1, A. IJochfort S3. JI. Walcbe Ss, W. Warnall ss, G'. Fergiifon Ss. Arch. Moifilian ss, 1.1. McMillan .is. A. ss, C. H. Powell £1 Os. G. S. Hickman ,£S Us. H. R. Davison £n, Mre F. Ford .to. D. Ratherford iIOO. Mr 3 T). Rutherford D. Ijeelio Rutherford £10, Stuart T l. Rutherford £5, *T. .1. Gallagher £2 10s. .T. Clark XI, G. Popplowell sft, ,1. Black £1. E. Rolx-rte £1. A. W. Furze £1, A. E. Bussell £1, T. Hjirland £!, E. Brittan £1 1«, W. F. ' Gruebnr £3, I>. W. Hunter £1. Ben .H.unpton £5. W. Mnnro ss. K. Nealc .>«. G. 2s 6d, .T.. Flint.pff '2s 6d .T. O. Davis £1 Is. .T. Gardiner's Estate £1. H. D. Crampton 30s, H. Mooro £1, McKic's Estato £1, H. F. Bcaven £1. .1. Mellougall £2, E. Rinaldi 10a, P. I>unbar lis, Harry Wright 9s 6d, Robt. Brown £J, >T. Scanlan 10s. E. Burbury £2, Mrs Lnnn £1, W. J. Smith 10s. b. Pulley £2, .T. J. Duncan £1. T. Manion £1 Anonvmou; 3s. Total to d;itc, £30,551 ISa lOd.

T.M.C.A, TRENCH COMFORTS FOND. The general secretary of tho Y.iI.CA. haa received the following additional contributions:—W. M.'Hamilton £5, ".Nuise" ss, Mis Morrison 10s, H.C.D. £1, A. S. Parker 10b fid, A. Dcy se, Oulverden Presbyterian Sunday School Us, Mis Dcnniston £1, J. Munnings £1.

Y.M.C.A. HUT.FUND, CONCERT AT KAKAIA. Qno of the moat enjoyable cnU-rtainmoßlo ever pi von. at Rakaia w;is held in tho To *u Hall there on Monday evening, in aid of the. Y.M.C.A. Hut Fund. when Mr.l 1 . 0. Raphael guvo his 92nd war conccrt. Every item on tho program mo was not only * encored, but the largo and enthusiastic audienco demanded the reappearance of tho performers as many as four timpA for some of tho items. During the evening a flag "wh.6 sold by Mr May, which brought £40, and the sale of tickets for th© concert brought in. over £40. The performers were Air and Mr© • V era an Irving, Miea Dorothy Davis. Miis Edna Joughin, Messrs G. 11. Holford, B. AVood, and F. C. Raphael, Mias Edna Joughin played all accompaniments in her uaual artistic manner. Tho Rov. Mr Todd heartily thsl.nkcd the performers for the eroellent entertainment provided, and called for throe cheers for tho members' of tho party, which were heartily given. The visitors were motored, to IZakaia and bock by Mr D. EedpatJi and Mr B. B. Wood. . •

Tho following were tho bids for the presented by .Mrs J. - Copland (Cherteey):— Mcsdames 'i\ Morland XG, T. Moriand -£2, Blackley, Boag (Sowden), Bntlcn, Holmes, McAnulty, Mie Laugley, Messrs Hardy, MoNanuira, Irvine. Oakley; Haydock, If ox, Morland, May, W." F. Magscm, J. Langley, W. Turner, F. Magsou, Delargey, Peony, J. Irvine, A. Turner, W. J. Morland, Revs. BlaJrieton and Todd, and a syndicate,£l each, Meedames Oakley, Ddargcy, ' M.'aees ■P. and D. Holmes, Hayes, Messrs C. Hardy, P. Doig, Morland, J. Cuthbert, R. Breach, Smith (Chertsey) 10s each; Mrs W. Slielloth, Misses Ed Ronton, Doak, Alexander, Watts, Saunders, E. Saunders, Braydon, Messrs J. Newton, McCoy, Edwards, J. and "W... Dunpan, W. J. Wilson. 5s each, Mrs Hill, Miss M. Street, Messrs E. Rmmins, L. Weaver, B. Stnbbs, Ev«jd A. Watts, T. Watts 2a 6d each. The Hon. C. A. C. Hardy, M.1».C., bid £i and become the owner of the flag.

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 15772, 13 December 1916, Page 12

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THE WAR FUNDS. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15772, 13 December 1916, Page 12

THE WAR FUNDS. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15772, 13 December 1916, Page 12


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