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DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT. MR. Ernest M. Sandsthn; D.8.0.A.. F.S.M.C. (Load.), CONSULTING OPTICIAN, OF CASHEL ST.. CHRISTOHURCH . (Next Ballaatvn* , *), May be ooiualted npon all o»eei of Defeotire Bywight remedlafcj* by glasiea. DavUe" not neoessary, artiflolal light being o**d, FEES MODERATE, CONSULTING ROOMS, GASHEL STREET WEST, OHRISTCHURCH. n tJO-1, 2 6, D»Uy. 9.30-1, Sβ Dtlly.

C 9352 ... MISCELLANEOUS. OUR SPECIAL TEA at Is 3d per lb is good. Thoae who have not already tried it should do so. Fresh Herrings, lib tins 6d per tin; Fresh Salmon, lib tins (full weight) 6d per tin; Pineapple, 4Jd per tin; English Mnrrowfat Green Peas, lib packets 5d per packet. Kincaid's G.1.C., 161 and 163 Colombo etrent. 683 "yOUNG Man seeks Work of any kind; JL u.«rd to Blncksmithing; town or country. *08 FOR Sale, New and Second-hand Extractors and Repair Parts, also Beehives and Wax, and tho hest Honey the world can produce. Honey Store, Durham street North. <09 FOR Sale, Section, full i-acre, situated Barbadoes street, St. Albans. For particulars address "Fresh Air," "Press" Office. 403 PHILDREN'S Tan-Black Patent Strop y*> Shoes 2s 3d, Ladies' Glaoe Kid Boots 10s 6d. Reynolds, next Mason, Struthens. 401 B" OOiTTrade—Turner's Boot Arcade Sale, Saturday. Slippers of all descriptions from Iβ 6d upwards. _ _ DON'T Forget! Turner's Boot Sale on Saturday. Several line.9 to be sold at Harf-prico I __Oppositc_A : J._Whitoji___392 LADY requires Nicely-furnished Bedroom mid Sitting-room; no other boarders. "Naumai." "Pre«s." 391 RANGIORA— Redfern'e new "Stationery and ■ Fancy Good* Arcade is now, open. Everything at Christchurch price. 104 FIRST SHIPMENTS" of Lovely Spring Dress Materials now Showing, Cirand Selection, at Beath's, Cashel street. BEST Swedish Carbide, 6d per tin - " (no dunt), at Adams Star Cycle Company, 193 Colombo street, next Broadway's. _^ FLOUR Tube of wood, bmel~make.. 'g*l» vanised iron hoops. Sβ 6d each. Minton ' and Co., 220 Colombo street. , TOTS will Fit your Eye* aad Improve yomr * V Sight, at KENNETTS, 181 High street. liM J? 7 £T, £t, £7, will buy a reliable Second- ** I » hand Lady's Bicycle, new tyre to rear wheel, machine just been re-enamelled. Eaey terms. Adams Star Cycle Coy., ISB and 140 High street. "pUSINESSES . FOR SALE—BoardingD iioubo, exceptionally good position, right in the heart of the city, si-storey house of 9 rooms, every convenience, rent 255, eight permanent boarders. For furniture, goodwill, eta, £165. This is & splendid opportunity to make money during the Exhibition. News Agency, Printing and Rubber Stamp business, shop and dwelling, reirt 17s 6d; for stock and plant, £75. Dressmaking and Dra{kery bueincte, shop and dwelling, rent £1 a w«ek. takings £15 a weeic, ac a going concern .£315. Tobacoonist and Hairdresser, turnover f.lO a week, rent t* 6d a week, for goodwill and furniture £150, stock at. valuation. Grouery business, wjtli a turnover of £000 a month. And many other businesses of every description, to choose from. ■ Full particulars given on application to Knight and Checkley, 183 a Hereford street. ■ UILVKR PLATE at Mineon'*. Cake baiO kets, cruets, bonbon and trinket boxes, card and crumb trays, knife rests. : F OB SALE, nearly new Lady's Swift Royal Cycle. Chance of a lifetime. Only 413. Adam* Star Cycle Company. ner.t Broadway**. TPIRBT SHIPMENTS of P.D., Walbron, X; and Ribbon Corsets, ala 6 Ladies' tJnderwear, Now Showing, at Beath'*. CPRIJJG GOODS—Now Showing, sfew O .Blouies, Costumes, and Dree* fciut*, the latest style*. Beath and "o. SPRING GOODS—Now Whoynif, New Ccreets and Underwear, direct iroro the manufacturers. Beath's, Cashel street: A N Extraordinary offer in Dainty Foulard Washing Silka. Just the very thing for a smart Summor Blouse. See' them at once, or disappointment may follow.' They will *oon sell out at Iβ Jd yd; 3s lid wa* ♦he uiual price. Blaok, Beat tie and Coy. -vriMMO and~BLAlß ; S~Vegetable Seed*, 8d 1\ packet—Pea*,'Beans, Radish, Lettuce, etc. Flower Seed*, Id packet, JOO varieties. Free lilt of kinds. Seed Potatoes, Canary and Parrot Seed in Stock at Fletcher Bros." _.___ Ml SPRING GOODS—Now Showing, Croice Selection of Spring Blousing*. large range. Beath and Co., Caahel Btreet. - fTOCTRA Knives and Fork*. See oar late*! J>i Sheffield importations. Price* to suit aj___Mineon_and_Co. OLAK restores the texture of the Skin to its youthfubiess. The only Skin Food which will not encourage the growth of hair. Iβ 6d and 2s 6d. C.F.C.A.; also Brooke, Chemist, Ferry road. SMART Summer Walking Skirts, la Holland and Crash. - .Theee comprise three different sets of samples. There, is a big variety to select from. The values cannot be compared with ordinary importation*. See thorn at once. Prico* tange from 4* lid to IS* 6d. Black, Boattie and Coy. BEDROOMWARE Sets.—Full sets from 11s 9d. Cup* and Saucer* aad Tumblers, at exceptional price*. Minson's. SIXPENCE IN STAMPS Sent to the Offioe of This Paper WILL SECURE A PACKET OF "rpHE WEEKLY PRESS" ANTARCTIC POSTCARDS. n-t <v-LADY'S Swift Royal Bicycle, almost dbxJj new, handsome machine, suit .'tall lady. No. 743. Easy terms arranged. Deposit £\, balance £1 monthly. Adam* Star Cycle Company, 198 Colombo street, next Broadway's.

■ MISCELLANEOUS. - '- : Wt I>OR «*le, large Glass Bottle* Process Departu.t>nt.__Prcse" Ofiot. T«lfil| I 'V'OUNG Lady wishes Situation X keeper, superior horn«, where mai3 k*>|' l ii_j town, suburbs. Apply "8.8.," "Ptwj|S§ OTATKXfhY at Reduced Pricee-Shffifiafij C , Boxes Note and Env. 9d. all 6d bcSisi 41(1. At Kedfern's Arcade, Manchester>i(HL^^ PICTORIAL Writing Tablets, View*, superior to any other on. msh3§§§ la, at Redfejrn's Arcade, Manchester rtMSIiP TTOUSBWiyBS, you don't bar Pimwlil -D- and prises (or other people w b*aj3gjis| g«l "1C " Baking Powder—the best. lUkM< Gd and Is. No coupon*. TPTRST~SHIPMENfS of Lovely X and Paris Model Hata. Toques, 7*21 rail Bonnets, Now Showing at Heath's. '.^SaB QPRING~GOODS-Now~~ Showing", , S'SH 0 Ranges of Boys' and Hen's ClollajS and Mercery. Boath's, Caahel etreot. • t 'j?J FIRST ~ SHIPMENTS of New tifilfflH Blousings and Household Drap *», jSsSjllj landed, at Boath'a, Caahel street. *£$Sm pOX GREENSTONE JEWELLEEY, Go to KENNETTS, • ''^Ssm IS3 High «fo*t|||l ANOTHER PHENOMENAL PCBCHAID^K A NORTH ISLAND ASSIGNED STQCa^H September 4th. 18M^n» MR STEWART ROBINSON, '-$111$ Cash«l street, Christchuroh. ■ yysHR DEAR SIR,—Wo beg to accept your MUSS® offer lor tho North liland flrnipimtflt_Bffll of Boots and Shoes in tho Eetat* of W«*4*toh| Bird, Wanganut. These good* Tiiti J|Mm arrived by etearuer, and will bo your order at once. Total number of 865.—Youre faithfully, - '"S_fl_H ' SKELTON. FROSTICK and CO|sß Another epportunity for the Chri*tohtiuH& publia These {roods are of a superior •Mittfmm and have been, well bought. I can wU'iWfii goods at 35 per oent. less than tb* *ttt2§l| price paid elsewhere. See the price* ajpjjmj examine the quality. All sorts for WityVifiHl at gift prices. Sal« now on. - "rfgig! STEWART ROBINSON. Cmhel ■fawQg| THE Manufacturers of The Military. PieUMSH invite comparison with any oondjakWH| pat up in any part of the world. Oidet <M_j_j bottle to-day. .■_ WATCHES— The "Enigma" )■ the ' value ever offored. Only 10* ML ■«■ Redferns. Manchester street, and at ,lUßfjojKg| B~AKGAINS in Fancy Pluah Sato. 19a 'wM and 16s lid for 4e 6d; Velwt H*t*,«§l lid for I*. Beath's Sale. "ffiSffil TUST Landed, New Design* to B*arti*jßffl J and Toilet Sett, at all piioM... BWffl value in the raty. Also, Sideboards, DathsMgJß Chests and Wardrobe*, etc., all cw •*kS& Oinnufaoture. At J. M. Mitchell'* F«sifaW__| Warehouse, 18 Colombo street, MU;.ini|| SHEFFIELD PLA/TB at Minoon , *,' Smßbß tongs, children'*''ttug*, hair bru*l»a ; SfJH| combf, puff boxes,, single pepper* and .WJMBa FOB SALE, Gent* Rileigh, <&«*p iCiffil Adam* SUr Cycle Cotapany, taxi Btj|H| 93 QD three piece Bedroom Beta, 19K>|1__] O forty piece Tea Set*, , , tt* 6d lIBM four piece JDinnei SeU._llin*oa and.Otaßajw you "cannot" tell heb~aqb£|§9 .TKTHAT to it that make*, a *m*]*vj|§| 1"• pearance an index to I>«r tgti Complexion, Wrinkle*. Anglea, a > Chin? If ah* will keep her riria,e»e»»;JlpfflS ro*y, aaooth out the the angle., and take with FLUEROIs;,jr^^ V one can UU look*. is lobtainablai-Jtrojß,:- WALLACE and CQjm COpK and BOBS, and Chemista. ' ■ * SW SHIPMENT Lady , . Popularu_^|ig| Cyples, .latest equipment, ftloe*-ft»«§| £16. Easy terms arranged. AAama *mM Cycle Company, next Broadway*. : •' 1W& THB~story of "The Militarr Piokle In told. A delicioua condiment. One —always used. All Liv Groowt.- _ '" ■•'"■fm 7?-| IV-,LADY'S""Genttin* B.9Ju Cf«l«, t«|| dt-11/.namelled and plated, donpMeV «*** m hauled, now in first-olaaa oxdw. Tema>eM down, *1 per month, Adam* Star Cyol>iCßt>;|i pany, next Broadwa/«, 186 Colombo Y»q—GENT'S Mm Humber'Brcyele, 'wMJZmm 3Jo tionally etrong maohin*. «ult fceaffS rider. Terms £1 down, Ml montUy., AdfJ«*s| Star Cyole Company, 1M CehmW «*Wf<CT next Broadway.'*. . ' ■ ' " > '. l > ,^ FORBALE, Oent'e 8.«. A., t*«Bamen«lMi|| plated, new tjrw*. ehaie a»4 eadejle, Adam* SUr Company, »«*, BweeW , *, t*M gl Cash, or term* arranged. IH_.»toiwr.;«."|g TJSReT~SiTIPMENTS oiTSew Lawe, X minn, Collars, etc, jut landed, - Beath and Co.'s. CaaheJ »tre»t. ,_ ,j^g OLOTHSe Horse* <s and •• M, CUtim'M style*, at ■trot. - - iSEIfBD Gooda at Kinaon's. Wn»M'tl* , & X . vert, butter knivee, jan Wβ «». & apooas, aiftere. nut orack*, aft. te«spo—*te7y^ Wjß will Fit your Eyes and lapiav«4jjgg>|| , : Sight, at JOffiNSßTTifc .vm'-mfiS ■treet. DAMS BUr Cyole Company. wet weyVwant to Sell •.Ljdy'* Eor«i dard Cycle for B. See window. Tnmt mm& he arranged. % '*$, Swiri Eoyal, elo* model,-i dwlU high frame, in good order, Nβ. UT4V;| Easy terms arranged, ft deeoiit, awl month. Adams Star Cycle Company, MM Colombo street, next Broadway*. tf PRING Gb6bs--Now Showtßg, CkflM ;| SeleeUon oi Lovely Bpri»f v 1" !, i Material*. Beath and Co., Ltd., Chriatchmieh* 3

iNMsC&I j I " ■% ■• ■ COMPARE the rich colour ■ Is I Mi MM JL 0& I of our Teas when, milk 1 I I i* added. ■ ' I I 1 ■ COMPARE the thieknewt 1 1 I the infusions of our >.! . Teas. ' "J COMPARE the flavours of ■ \ I our Teas. ■ I I COMPARE the natural I *\ ■ aroma of our Teas. ■ I (These are (our points by which H m I you can prove good Teas). ■ 1 4 ■ ' ' -» '^ NELBON, MOATE & CO.-Established 1870. |

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12592, 7 September 1906, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12592, 7 September 1906, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12592, 7 September 1906, Page 10


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