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THE WILL SOON BE HEBE NOW! SO IP YdTJ ARE THIUKI!. Q ABOUT BEING MEASTJBED FOB mmumw^ A NEW GOAT, OR PERHAPS A _f_W PAIR OF TBOUSEBS Com. and Sec Us l_-___a_________ Maaaa _ aMMSa , And we will show you about the choicest and MOST TEMPTING ASSORTMENT of ffl§W SEASON'S SUITINGS, COATINGS, TROUSERINGS, &c, you ever beheld. They comprise Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges, and Woollens of every description, from the West of England, from Scotland, from Ireland, from half a score of places famous for such goods. Also from Mosgiel, Roslyn, Wellington, &c, the principal mm« of the Colony. WE EMPLOY THREE CUTTERS now, and can turn out . SMARTLY-CUT and FASHIONABLY MADE SUITS TO MEASURE FROM £3 3s. PcrDaps. ou want *M-H____W_-_i__*____M—M-_aMW_ something R.adp-to° Very well! We can supply you, and GUARAJ?» TEE SATISFACTION, too! Our "Orient" Brand Ready-mades are ALMOST EQUAL IN APPEARANCE TO BESPOKE GQODS-and only about half the price. We makef this Clothing' ourselves, and pride ourselves on producing an article for which THE DEMAND IS CONSTANTLY INCREASING. We stock our "Orient" Brand Ready-to-wear Clothing in aU sizes for Men, Youths, and Boys, and can offer you a practically unlimited choice of new and fashionable goods. For TOURISTS and HOLIDAY MAKERS this Clothing is specially adapted. fls Batters v?. are ui.n-Kno.D_. Our new Spring and Summer Hats include a GRAND ASSORTMENT of Straws (in all the latest shapes and styles), Soft .Felts, Frame Hats, Hard Felts, Silk Hats, Golf Caps, &c. m Bolidap Cimes, - a ii in Cricketers, tennis players, bowlers, boating men, cyclists, pedestrians, and others generally "RE-FIT," We make a leading feature of CLOTHING FOR ATHLETES, and can supply outfits ready-made or made to order on most reasonable terms. LINES LIKELY TO BE IN GREAT DEMAND during the holiday season (and _ throughout the summer) comprise— SHIRTS (white, dress, and coloured) BOATING FLANNELS LOUNGE SUITS CYCLING SUITS LOUNGE COATS WALKING SUITS TENNIS SKIRTS, &&, &c. And if you require _ 6ood pair of Boots or SDoes Or a pair of Tennis or Cricketing, Running, Cyoling, or Boating Shoes FOR THE HOLIDATS, you cannot do better than pay a visit to our newly-opened Boot and Shoe Department (under the control of Mr. Nicholls, late of Cookham House). We have UP-TO-DATE BOOTS AND SHOES from the leading English, American, j Continental and Colonial makers. All Prices, j QUITE LIKELY YOU WILL BE WANTING . a good Traveling Trunk, Portmanteau, Gladstone, Hand-bag, Hold-all, or Travelling Rug. Our Stock or TMEsa Gwps » mtwiiwt Una* AWO Vaw_p. AU price*. coiinm) Visitors Are particularly invited to call upon us before returning home, and be shown over our immense establishment. All will be welcome. No one importuned to buy. Strange and Company CHRISTCHURCH.

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11133, 27 November 1901, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11133, 27 November 1901, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11133, 27 November 1901, Page 2