Delayed Train,—The train in on the North line last evening was delayed by the number of trucks of sheep, which were taken ap en route. Ambkblbv.—The many friends o£.,Mr Francis, station master at Atnberley for some years past, will regret to learn that last evening his condition wan B<> low through iihieea that only faint hopes were Held for hie recovery. Mb Gammaok's FaNEBAL. —The St. Andrew's oross in heather bloom, mentioned in yesterday's paragraph, was sent by. Mr C. J. Marshall to be placed on Mr Gammack's coffin. Sydenham Pocmry Show.—The annual show of the Sydenham Poultry Association opens to-day in the Mission Hall. There is a very large number of entries in all the classes, and generally the show promises to be a great auccese. Caledonian Society.—The usual social gathering in connection with the Caledonian Society will take place this evening at the rooms. The programme is in charge of Mr P.\M. Johnston. Njebdlk Wood Piras—Manafact xueti. in Sydney from AiibtMlian needlewood—all the moat fashionable shapes—aie guaranteed not to crack or burn. On sale by Davies and Lamb. 6724 Some of the nicest women we ever knew took 6's and Tβ in boots. The Universal ia overstocked with theeo two sizes in Balmorals and Shoe*, and for these special eiw» as the ". Universale" Great) Sale, 320 pairs are being cold at 60 per cent, below usual prices. Fancy a 12* boot for 4s 6d and ss. Fact. . ."3* MiDWiNTiw Bnow. —The splendid show of Yarmouth Oilskins by Mesare Owles »nd Co. iemo*t<rioita'»letothefirm. Thepnblio c»ii be supplied from the central tlepnh, M«uca Tribe and Co., 219 High fctroet. 9275
Australian' Mail—The Hau-m-., * Melbourne and Hobart, arrived WtKe* fe ' yesterday. Her nu,l may reach ohrjj church by to-mgliL'a express. The wJu U tipu bring* an Australian mail to-da7fmm Sydney. She brings an Enelish m»U al« Raxgioba Uou.ugh C^K C1 t.--M r V, Lwcton has been elected a t the borough of Uaiigiora. vouut »l0? f or - MmfHODrtT Usiosf.— A moetinc in «- .lectiouwith Methodist Union will hi ?X " in the Durham siroet Church to-nihe Jl?* addresses will be delivered by &tt° ' Moriey »ud J. Orchard «d Mr k 5 Fabiax Socißtv.-A leolnrii on "P operauou will be tfiveu by Mr Q Lj sou, in the Hall, Chancery lane w, -T at eight o'clock. There will be for admission, ciurge CANTATA.--The popular cantata ««M« wah a Reigtt" w>ll be given i n the SydenSl" ■Mothodwt Cnurch this evening h!** Richmond choir and friends. The «ni 5? be taken by Mrs aud Miss &SV I, ] Messrs fl. Johnaon and BrabS chorus of sixty performers. ' tt • Mrjs.cAr, Festival.-A musical *««„, •rill t*ko place at the Church ofu,! £ "! ahepheid, Luiwood, this evening ,J eS o'clock. Mc Fuzgeraid Faulkner will?' side at the organ, supported by Mian bert and a strong choir. There will v collection in uidot the parieh fundi " ' Good Tjsmmary/.— The weekly sLa* • . the Reviving Stream Lodge wai lSz Monday eveninur, Bro. Johnston 0 T • aiding. A Committee was appointed to $£ the Hope of Ohristchurch Lμ! cc and bm!v arrangements for a compotiiion betwee* *? two Lodges. " w »Wie Masonic.-—The members of the church Lolge, No. 91, N.Z.C., held £& ou BruUy evening in the Albert H?,7 Colombo street. A large gatherlto ol X , wiveß, children and friends of the firstto. assembled, the Graud Lodge of New 7 land being represented by Bro J t « Hamilton, D.G.B. *•«».«. Sγ .Tohs's.~A social in connection with bt, John a Churon wa» held last n«ht Songs were aun» by liases M«r, Putrid™! 1. Hobbs, Piliungton, and Watson a»d Messrs E. G. Lovii. F. Hobbe, R. Foster and Sullivan. The Misits Packerg*ve a niino and violia trio, ai d Air F. C. Rapiuwl » cornet soln. Am Exhibition.— Yesterday there \ru a very good of visitors both during Che day and in the evening at the Art Exhibition. The musical programme was contributed by Mm A. JS. Turner Messrs Corbett and O'JJalloran. It is satis! factory to be üble to record that several sales of pictures have bsen made. To-night the muwical programme will be contributed by Mrs Wilding, Messrs Hugh Reevee end J. V. Newman. St. John AMcur.xKon—At the City Council last o van ing the Men's First Aid class was started. Dr. Clayton, in the absence of Dr. Boyd, pave the lecture, There wore thirty new members, of whom eleven belong to the Fire Brigade, and lix are volunteers. Sukplus Labour League.— The reralir meeting of the Committee was held on Monday. Genenil satisfaction was «•" pressed as to the work of the A very bad case of sweating was brought.; uuder the uotice of the Committee, that of'; a young woman, twenty years of age, whir after working three weeks received pay ft} the rate of 2s 8d per v esk. \ Rapid Shouthand Tumos.—Mise Mabel Alice Aldertou, whoso portrait appears ia the current number of the " Phoongr.tphiQ Magazine," was successful in obtaining the Viiinaii speed certificate for 100 wordi & minute after seven months' tuition under* . Mr C. H. Gilby, of this city. Mies Alder* ' ton was but sixteen years of age at the time, She ia the daughter of SUff-Unptain Alderton, of the Salvation At my, and is now resident in Sydney. Dkuxdism.—Oα Monday, an the Bud of Hope Lodge, Kangiora, the officers elected were—Bros. W. Bridget, A.D.; G. Luxlo'n, V.A. ; R. Wright, Sec; A, W. Hills, Tvoas.; H. Be.ij-s, R. Evaue, A.D.B.'a; T. • Wilaon, T. J. Ross, V.A.'s; 0. Felton, I.G. ; D. McKay, O.G. The officers were installed by Bro. A. VV. Hills, D.P. The v balance sheet presented was most satisfactory. Votes of thanks were pacsed to the retiring officers. It was decided to hold the annual social entertainment this month. St. Andrew's Churou,' o'onversuztous was held in the churoh on t - ; Monday evening, to celebrate the opening _;■-■. of the new Snnduy school, which hae jaet -, been added to the church at a co»sof £90, free of debt. . Addresses were deli,vered by . the Revs. Riddle and lujjlie (Ashburton), and Mr C. Tucker. Votes ,of thank* w«« >;'-■ paßaed to all who had assisted, aud speoially ;. to Messra Tucker aud MoAndlish, to whow " energy and. perseverance the handsome '* additione to the church are largely due. Football.—A match between the Linooln }i College and Leeeton duo's wai played »b- ;• Lincoln on Saturday, College wioning by »g points (three isoals fi'otn tries and. threejj| ; trice) to 3 points (a try). Townend (Z}, Mftioribanke (2), Herrolrt aud Robertson -f scored trios for the College, G. Marshall £. converting three of them. Lamb'ie' eoored ,t. for Leeeton. P.ennie, Graham, Ballegn,, ij, and Limbie were most conepicuotts for Lseston. Mr Knight made a good refer,ee#, |r The Wairowa Football Club played first match with Akuroa on the Little Bi»« racacouree on Saturday, Wairewe. winnlbg ■;•;] by 6 points. After the match the vieiting teams were entertained at dinner at flrt ':'", Foray th Anne. . > .'; .'. ,-f SuritEME t'ouuT. -At the criminal iwW tinga of the Supreme Court yesterday John v.v' Wilson reoeived three monthe' meuc for houaebreaking and theft, Wofc C Jenkins being acquitted on the same Wm. Perry, for the larceny of * bieyole>, was ordered to pay the costs of the, cation and enter into hie own recognu»i«M#, to be of good conduct for cix montMJ|;, Annie Murdock received three month*j N larceny from the person ; Samuel was acquitted on an indictment for into an oflice and ete*ling" money ;*B*^ : ' jewellery; and Stephen Barrett,WfW"';,' three mouths' imprieoftment for oriel* , ";' I aseanlt. There are only two more oa«|»-;; be heard, and they will be morning. Kangiora Fibh Bkiqadb.—The twenty; w second annual nseetiog was hejd on «*»:;> day, Mr Superintendent Smith The report showed receiptu £79 o> oludiiiß borough grant £40 and wwWJCe • ; gmnt £25, and £3 18s for iusoraoce offire«niait aoaiosb. accident. Tne eW'Jg; , was £54 15 1, le&viog a balance of A» the Association had farther supporo neiv necessary to maintain the JB f 'B*a*i-?*| Brigade was at fall attended at twelve alarms. SttnW- 3 *?*, tione were acknowledged. The-BweM" , been successful ab competitions ton and Chrielobaroli. The pl«*SM* - good order. The balance-eheeC Arid r^ 1 " were adopted. A Committee of Foresee •/ Wadey aud Buckley, Branobto*o *W . , - Moulin, Firemen Wilson, Miller, add »»«•-; were elected. Mr W. B-&»***" Q l' pointed Auditor, Fireman Hadeck* «" --, elected Assistant Eagineor. Votes ol™*g***£g to the Auditore and Secretary-were ""&%%& Attention was drawn to the nec «* it J"SpS? : larger premiaes, and it was suggested Borough Council should give the CJooncil Chamber to the Brigade and wjj&f*' new Council Caambers. Votee of ' were accorded to the Mayor and • for their efforts to meet the ,WM»te*i W"|3], Brigade. - Fireman Wileon as Secretary. . , 3S BTDKXHAM LITKEARY SOOIWF.—JJJ;.- , »- usual weekly meeoing of thie Sj6<netyw» if; , , beld on Monday eTening at St. Savwaft ~ Bchoolroom. The President (iw Booth) occupied the chair. Six f en ?f-m.'^' r were elected end three nominated for vie». bership. TheTresident, in his openug »[ , , marks, referred to the discussion & taken place at the preceding meeting <?»3R> cerning the Burnham Industrial &?hool, aUtedthat ho und another member W' : .*s ' paid a surprise visit to the inatitatioo, «one carefully trough every departui«J* vjr v and enquiwd into every defiaii of its ***&•>£>, ment, with the roaalt that he wm i» We fc S;vW report most favourably upon it. lney o** /oqad everything in apple pie or ° er » children well dressed aud looking o e »""J... \-\ and happy, and had come aw*y that both Master and Matron everything possible to make the institution \ a comfortable home to the inmate*. '»• .v? Hughes read apapor on " Athleticism, •»* ;c ; Bubtequently moved " That the devotion .* -, t % athletics in New Zealand at, the time is inordinate, and }™ **&%?&*% become barmfol to the individual andl t^, oommunity." A very interesting ewo followed, bat no *ote was taneu, ••*iS* evident that most , of those present JJ|*?->jjl opposed to the inotiou. . " ?i^
iTnKORAS* Rbskrvr Corps.—A general j Liatt ol members of the Honorary Rβ- *** c&rpi w '"' ,),! ' 1(, ' ( 1 at t ' ,e Orderly , ■£I on Friday next at 4 p.m., for the "rtntion and election of uew member* ""TLfher business. •«fJJJ%,!» -Mr VV. Bum has ralrt 228 ' and acrea of the Biuner Down i *°t»le Kernttide, at prices equal to previous «m« /•"• tho property. MnsiCU. —In oownsction with the fareJα concert to ba given to Mr JS. G. 7 tell the following indies and gentlemen 'JγL uouseDted to take i-ml in the pro%Zme :-Meed*niei W, -g, E. T. RobinP~~ g ur oi, Muwes Ltu-ui .Smith, Baeb, S?°j. Mareden, Messrs 11. 11. Loughnao, M G»rd ! ner, H. Reeve*, P. Hockley, C. W.l»h an ,l J - R° wlr >"' „ ,„ *• A &ck*t or Papjcr."— 'Ihe prtparations - lj, e production to-morrow eveniug of Sfrdou's upwkliug comedy are beincj carried °*. j 0 a very thoiough niiunor. The proerfeturs of the Tnetitre are kindly provid- " jrl neW eceuery. specially painted for all three acte by Mi , lirjgg.i, the wetl-kuown linic srtiot. The fir<t two acts will be £«t arti-tiwlly furnished, Mr A. J. Whit* Skvingi with . the P roverl)ial Roneroeity of hU firm, given the management carle Man-he in this matter. The Museum scene to Act 2 will be set out with Moxicau, Chinese an<l Maori curios kindly furnished l£jfr D*vid Bowman and Mesara Toaka, and the conservatory scene is being fornUhed by Mr T. A. Abbott of the Exeter Waricrie*. An orchestra nnder thecomluctorshipof Mr H. H. Loughuan, with Mies Frada Mtirsden an leader, and including nearly twenty performers, will oley th e ovortnre and en tracts?, so that th oublic need not droad the watt 3. When we Jdd t' lttt l i e Ci3te ' n ° lu^es mo3t our 86 knovtu uinnteurp, who will be remembered connection with naoh performances as l ,uy2in»li"n and Galatva," " London Aia'rartce," and "The Sorcerer" a tew re back, and that liics whole etßge T rrai )ffemeni)t are under the capable managem,t B of Mr K. W. Scager, the public mny joDtidently a Hnieticd performance of tne of the very baat of moderu pUys.
MumTERiAt/. —The Hon. the Premier trrived from the North yesterday, and went South by the expreaa train. Hβ U expected to ipeftk at Invereargill to-night, and it ii probable he will address a UhrUtchuroh M( lienc9 next Saturday. Theatrical —Mr Joe St. Clair passed through to Dnnedin yesterday to join the Willitynaon and Opera Compa-iy, which arrives there to open about the 13Ui Witnesses IbxPP.ssEs.—lα all cases of witneeflßJ HUimnuncd in criminal cases, uo matter what their profession or whether unemployed, if th*ir expenses are allowed in the Magistrates' Com is, the biun'to be paid is not to exceed 6* per day. VAi-EDlcronY. —Mr Wm. D&y, who has been hero for some time, haa beeu removed •gain to Wellington, mid leaves iv a few dayi to Uke up hie duty there. He will be much tnitaed iv Christciiutch, more particularly in mueicil circle*. CaSTlsbbuxiy IJuwmn'o Oltjb — Arrange* rnente have been nmdo for a social to be hell in connection with the Canterbury Bowling 'Jlub at an early date. The gather* in« promisee to be a very enjoyable one, a'pd should brinj* together all bowlers for a locitl evening. It is probable that the Pre«Jd«nt 0/ the New Zealand Bowling Aesooption, Mr Maophsrson, will be present on the occasion.
'.iThb WiNT«n Show.— Among the good iffects of tli9 late winter show was the ' temporary improvement it oauned in the circulation of monay. The exhibits were not stagod without expenditure and tho .preparation of tho building cost a few poundi, tho Agricultural aud Pastoral Aisooiation speuding over £100 in labour Uone. . Ashlky Licknsing Meeting. — The annual meeting <vas held at noon yesterday •tAmberloy Courthouse, Mr H. VV. Bishop, 8.M., presidium One or two trausfers were con fir mod and all licenses were granted ab Amberley, Waipara, Culverden, Waiau, Hantuet- Plains, and Kaikoura. The police report, on all houeea iv the district was good. Kanmoju I'.AiLWAYSTATroN.—VVith commonilable enterprise Mr W. A. Burt has • opened n reftestimunt utall far tea, coffee, •&c, at the Rangiora Railway .Station, in resporißo to rcquoats for tho same by the *.travelling public. . w MAOisTHATK'a (JoortT, RANOior.^. —At this ■Court, yesterday, before Messrs A. Todd, E. \% Good and J. L. Wilson, J.P.8., iv the case -Ihitdsvillo mid Rangiora Road Board v G. Stone, 174 3J, payment exparte for plaintiff. . Ten eases were settled out of (Jourt.
(JOLDKK WiSDDINO AT RANGIORA.—On vHonduy Mr and Mre Jamos Gulliver, of Rangiora, celebrated thoir golden weddiug, having been married atGoeporb, near Portsmonth, iv 1816. This is the fourth goldeu marriage celebrated in R&ngiora within the nait aix months. Mr Gulliver and hia family ate well known in R*ugiora, and for a time he was a member of the Town Council.
KAuroi Musical well attended meeting was held in the Coffee Rooms ou Monday evening, when it was unanimously reaolvod that a Society be formed to bo called tho " Kaiapoi Musical Booiety." The subscription for the ptesent year is fixod at 5a per member. A -Coin* inittee, oonshting of Misses Wiuterbourue, Leitlual and Johnson aud Messrs J. H.
Btackwell, A. Blakeley, A. Drakeley aud G. A. Ellen were appointed to report re conductor, place of meeting, &c, at a "farther meeting to be held. Id was decided to meet for practice weekly. Over fifty per■oca handed in their names as members.
Waimakariri Harbouk Boaud.—The monthly meeting of thia Board was hold in jttae Kafapoi Borough Chamber on Monday. ■' Preeeut—Mcsoia Feldwick (Mayor), Hiatt, ;.Horrell, Limmao, Parnhamaud Mathews. , tthe signalman's report that the bar was taoving south, a spit forming in a channel in the river; that he had been unable to souud the b&r ; aud the cargoes inwards were 188 torn, outwards 80 tone, was adopted. The WeslpU wore £7 2i 6.l,"balance in hand £31 .* « 4tl. Accounts £2119 a were pasaod. The tenders for a 22ft boat were opened, but it *** decided to let them stand over, as the Board was not iv funds. Mr Liasaman, •J the mover, pointed out that the walk W groyne and river improvements, for •hioh a Government grant had been ob* Wned, should ba first attended to. BoHoox.CoMMvcTßß.—Amectingof the New Brighton Sul>o:<i < Jtunmittee was held on MonS£ •veaiug, all the members being present. vptrespondetiae waa read from tho Board re ..Uvatory, informing the Committee that Wiey had discontinued the expenditure in wl* direction for some time ; from same, wwarding oopy of regulations respecting •Midental expenditure. Tho Master's report •M Mad aud considered satisfactory, the P»wot roJl showing 215 children. The - J*wt*ker teu'lerod his resignation through In '"•"'•'•'■V to perform the duties owing to Ujoaai. It waj decided to invite appliesturn* for the position, and a special mooting .yul beheld ou Monday, the 15th inst., to . i-*"'ider the applications. It was agreed to Aibor Day celebration during the i»r»tweek in July. Accounta were passed AW payment, aud the meetiog adjourned.
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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9433, 3 June 1896, Page 4
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2,778NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9433, 3 June 1896, Page 4
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