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Thb Wbsklt Pkbss. —A portrait and

biography of Henry M. Stanley ate given '- in this issne, and mark the presence of the 1 distinguished traveller in New Zealand, and seme very good letters in the Ladies* Magazine are mostly occupied by our visitor end his wife. The illustrations in the Magazine are of the useful sort, being of ■ Bommer garments and adornments. The literary contents are varied and numerous, and include original contributions by Mrs ' Molrooney and Hotspur, and some amusing ' verses. The Contributor proper also has 'some verses, a many-pointed retrospect of ' 1891, arid it contains the conclusion of the entertaining and very practically .useful "Dry Plate Photography." The Storyteller contains another excellent (specimen of the new American -writer, Eiciiard Harding Davis, and a most amusing akit on theosophy, entitled «• My Astral Body." The Farmer contains Part 11. of Mr P. C. Threlkeld'a" Irrigation," frozen meat talk at the Gear Company'a meeting, and a host of other •valuable articles, while in the editorial notes Will be found an exhaustive account of $he various bot flies and gadflies known to science, with special referenoe Jo those here acoiioißtieed.* In the editorial , column* of the Bkfkbsb pages certain subjects of deep importance to the trotting community are vigorously , handled. Full reports of several meetings held at New Year time, and this week are given every prominence to, and the paper's special travelling correspondent on the West Coast contributes , another instalment of " Among the Qoldfinders." **Spectator" and "Sir LaunoelotV are again to the fore with their usual chatty budgets, and both have lengthy comments •on the handicap for the Dunedin Cup. The Kaiapoi Regatta is exhaustively reported and commented on by the WSSELT PfiKSB and KsrKaEß'e aquatic contributor, and the crioket columns are full of interest to all lovers of that manly pastime. Under the lawn tennis beading will be found a •. specially written account of the ohampionthip meeting played at Napier. All the latest ring, athletic, wheel and dramatic doings are also recorded. PsfesoNAL.—*We learn i?itb. regret that Mr J< T. Mateoo, sen., is again unable to conduct his business on account of illness.

-Mr Mataon waa unable to attend the stock •tales afc Addiugbon Yards on thie account

yesterday. His business was conducted by 'Mr Buee, of Kangior*,

- VoLxrimßß Pabadb.—-The first Governtneut parade of the Garrison Companies 'for this month takes place at the Drillshed on Friday night. A Tbamway C ass.—ln the case Charles Morris against the Canterbury Tramway Company, concluded at the Resident "Magistrate's Court yesterday, judgment was entered up for the defendant. Tkhpbbanck Addresses.— ; Mr J. Knott, the well known temperance lecturer, delivered addresses in the Colonists' Hall, Ly ttelton, on Monday and Tuesday evening to* large audiences. On, Monday evening the subject of his address was' " The ljrinkseller's Bible;" on Tuesday evening Mr Knott recited Tennyson's poem, ** Enoch Arden." Sosdjlt School Picnics. — The annual picnics in connection with the Lyttelton Presbyterian and West Lytteltoa Anglican Sunday schools took place yesterday, the scholars attendme the former, with their teachers and friends, going by rail to Opawa, and the scholars of the West Ly ttelton school being taken over h> fihodea . Bay in Messrs Agar and Thomas' lauaoh. The weather, winch at one time looked threatening, remained fine, and both, parties speut a most enjoyable day. Leap Ykak Ball.—A meeting of ladies

tOt arrange preliminaries of a Leap Year ball was aeld at Aonat on, Tuesday eight, twelve Here present, Mr* MoNae wr .-voted to the cb*ir. Hiss E. Pengelly consented to act as secretary. A lit of ladies , namea was made oub aa likely to assist the movement and the Secretary «a% instructed to communicate with them and obtain replies, if possible, by Friday. Tile <|«te of the ball, subject to approval by a. larger meeting, to be beld oa the 15&, was fixed for the 26th. iiut. East Malvirh Ecad Board.-~ Mr Eobert Coithart, who for nineteen years bas filled the position of Clerk to the above Board, sent in bis resignation at the last iceeting, owingto .pressure of private business. It is interesting to ftote thit during his term of. office twentytear ratepayers have sa.t at different times v members, J836.0Q0 ha* been ex-

pended in various ways, and that during his ioag term of office Mr Coithart has not missed a single meeting of the Board, the y latter a record that he way be proud of» \ and hard to equal. It will be eeea by the report of the Board's meeting that acceptance of his resignation w»* deferred. : Fatal Acciojcnt to a Ceua>.—A sad •ccadeut happened on Tuesday evening on UrE. J. Parson's farm, new Amberley Hw two little boys, aged about* four and two yeaw respectively, were playing about %vtbe yard, and Mf Parson's atteatioo being > drawn to the youngest one, who was crying, ran out and picked him up. At ytiie time nothing serious wea feared* but >m Wednesday morninK the little euffewsr growing worse, Dr. Morria wae sent for. The child, however, died while the doctor wae present, it is supposed from a kick horn a horse in the stomach. - It is ex* Jipeded that an inquest will be held, Sreat synpathy is felt tbrougnotft the iw*riefc for Mr »d Hα Parew.

Liscorar PBBSBTOSBUur Chxtrch.—The Christchurch Presbytery yesterday sustained a call from the Lincoln. Prebbleton congregations to the Key. A. M. W light, of Pahneraton North.

ChBISTCHUECH PbBSBTTSBY. — At the usual meeting of the Cbristchuroh Presbytery held yesterday the Bey. Gordon Webster, of St. Andrew's, who had filled the office of Moderator since the resignation, of the Bey. H. Adamson in September last, was unanimooaly re-elected for the ensuing year. Ths Ltttbi/ton Yachts. —As will be seen from a telegram in another column, the yachts Mascobte and Onawe arrived safely at Wellington on Tuesday night. They were passed by the s.a. Tekapo as she came outj of Wellington harbour at 5.30 p.m. At that time they were in tow of the Wellington tug Mana, which had gone out to bring them inside the harbour.

SAUt MX Goveenmest Hot7SE.—The sale of Lord Onslow's fnmilare, &c., at Government House was continued yesterday, when there was again a large attendance. The furniture, on the whole, fetched pood prices. Some of the better quality goods went at rather low iignrea, bat moat of the ordinary articles of household furniture sold well.

Attbmtt to Stab Dβ. Gbacb. — A Wellington telegram says that a warrant; has been issued ft>r the arrest of & man who attempted to stab Dr. Grace on Monday night. The man, with whom the doctor had had a lawsuit some years ago, visited the surgery demanding money, and, being refuted, drew a pocket knife and attempted to stab Dr. Grace in the abdomen.

MaLVEBN Pb«SBYTBRIAN CHtTRCIf.—A tea meeting in aid of the circuit funds took place in the Orauge Hall, Aunat, on Monday afternoon, and was fairly attended. A meeting later on was held, which was addressed by the Beys. Gordon Webster (Christehurcb), Maxwell and others. A number of select pieces were sung by the choir during the eAening. The attendance was unfortunately not large.

The Pbtitios tfeoe Bath Stbeet. — By a curious error, owing to the somewhat indistinct enunciation of the Town Clerk Rt the meeting of the City Council on Monday last, the number of signatured to the petition from Bath street was stated to be " sixty." It should have bean "six." As heard from the reporters' table, however, it was moat distinctly the larger number. .

Fbuit Gbowing. — Elsewhere will be found-a chat with an English fruit buyer, Mr Walker, on the subject of the export of apples to England. Mr Walker, by advertisement elsewhere, invites the members of the Fruit Growers' Association to meet him to-morrow eveningjat the rooms of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association. ;

CeaiaTCHUECH Musical Society.—A. meeting of the Committee of this Society was held last Monday, when it was decided to hold the annual meeting at the Durham street Schoolroom on Tuesday, 2b'bh Inst., and a sub-Committee was appointed to prepare a report, to be submitted for approval to as adjourned meeting, to be held on the 21st inst. Cordial votes cf thanks to all who had assisted the Society in making the recent representations of the Society such a snecess. • -~ . ■

Ejlxgioka Athletic Association , .—At a meeting of the Kaugiora Athletic Association on Monday evening, Mr A- B. Blackett (President;) in the chair, a statement of accounts of the New Year's Day Sports was presented, showing—Receipts .£lll Os tid, expenditure iJI2I 19s 2d, and sundry amounts due. It was decided to collect all amounts outstanding. Votes of thanks to the officers and Secretary were pasaed, the latter having declined to accept an honorarium. A deputation was appointed to wait on the Domain Board for a lednetion of the levy of ten per cent, made by it upon the gate takings, and the meeting then adjourned, Oi«i> Colonists' Association. —The Association which has been started to keep up the old history of Canterbury promises to be a great success. It is proposed to -hold a conversazione at the Oddfellows' Hall on the 28th inst., at which a large number of articles of interest, such as pictures of Chrietchurch ia the fifties, &c, will be displayed. Several of our beet musicians, iaqluding many who have been singing here for a number of years, and in this department may be regarded as old identities, have promised their aid. In addition Mr Weir has. kindly consented to give his services. The Hca. Sir John Hall, Hon. C. C. Bo won, Hon. Wm. Bolleston, and Mr Wm. Montgomery have been asked to give short addresses, not exceeding ten minutes each, on the old daysAltogether the. gathering should be a most interesting and unique one.' P««SISNXATION AT PSKfISWTOS, —Qα Tuesday evening last Mr W. it. Comerford, late Master of the Prehble.ton. District School, was the recipient of a combined testimonial from his friends in this and neighbouring districts, from the School Committee, and, from the vestry and parishioners of All Saints* Churoh. in reoognition of services rendered by him in the past. The presentation, consisted of a aeftt warble clock, suitably inscribed, a pair of handsome scent vases, and a purse of sovereigns. The Bay. W. k\ Kopirles presided, and was supported by the Churchwardens, Messrs C. lieal and W. H. White, and by the Chairman and members of the School Committee. Many of the district were present, urui the presentation was jointly made by Mr Patchett, Mr Deal andMrKnowles aa representing the various contributors. Mr Pafcchett also presented Mrs Comerford with a handsome eruefc stand. Mr Couieif ord expressed his sincere thanks for the valuable gifts He and, his wife had received, as well as for the many good wishes that Lad accompanied them. Opportunity was taken of the presence of the new Master, Mr Seay, and Mrs Seay to bid them welcome to the district. .' ■ i

OpDPaLtowsKip.—The annual meeting of the Loyal City of Norwich Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M.TL, was held in their hall on Tuesday night. There was a fair attendance of members. The balance-sheet, showing the assets of the lodge as .£6BOO, was received and adopted. The Secretary's report showed that daring the year .£314 had been expended for sick pay. This was the heaviest yet experienced by the lodge, and averaged 19s lQd per member. The election of officers resulted as follows :— G.M., Bro. D. Moore; N.G., Bro. J. T. Brice: V.G., Bro. W. Twonjey; E.S., Bro. J. L. Carrell, re-elected; L.M., Bro. H. Field i Warden, Br<>. J. M. Grifi&ths. The officers elect were installed by P.P.G.M". Bro. H. Baker. A framed certificate was presented tc Bro. J. Q, Lurch, who suitably acknowledged, the gift. After transacting a considerable amount; of routine business UiQ loijge was closed at 10 p.m.

A SfiKXON OK THB PoiBONINa CaMS.'*A Bflrmoh deaiiog with tbe P»fai&t;D» poiionisg case was preached in the United Fre« Methodist Chuxcb, Wellington, on Son day, by the Bey. H. B. Bedstone, who took for hia text pare of the llth verse of the 22nd Psalm, " For trouble is near." The rev. gentleman pointed out that the l&te Mr Joseph Moore, one of the victims, bad been well known to tbe United Free Methodist Church, his father aad mother, both of whom were dead, having been fcr years consistent members of the congregation. Mrs Moore, who was now recovering from the effects of the poison, had been an excellent member of the Church and was for a long time one of their best Sunday school teachers. Miss Niylor, TV hose wedding festivities Mr Moore had been attending was the letter's cousin. The preacher referred to the mystery surrounding the ease and pointed out that very trifling things assumed great importance in the light of subsequent events. On the Saturday morning after the wedding feast, Mrs. Moore put on her bonnet and got her six-weeks-old baby ready with the intention of returning home, and her preparations for departure were complete when her husband eaid, "Oh, we may just as well stay for the afternoon; we shall have plenty of time then. , * She took off her Sonnet accordingly and remained. That change of purpose cost Mr Moore his life and jeopardised thai of bia wife;, for at tbe very next meal the poison na partaken of. The rev. gentleman concluded by pointing out that the moral suggested by the sad affair was that we ahoald all be prepared to meet our Maker, Ask for Hytlops Teas, bear smallest pro- > fife*, ft d arc therefore btafc value*.

Amatxttb Athicttc Csub.—As will be be seen by advertisement elsewhere the orders, for prise* itt connection with the above Club can be obtained on Saturday next at 8 p.m., at the Club rooms. Cathedral square. MSZTIHQ OP TeOTTINO HoBJE OwiTBBS. —A meeting of owners and trainers of trotting horses will be held at the Empire Hotel to-night at eight o'clock, to consider some important business. Baptist Chubch.—A cable message was received yesterday -from the Eev. W. Scott, of London, respectfully declining the pastorate of the Oxford Terrace Church.

Motical.— -As will be seen from * notification elsewhere Madame Bahason, a, lady who is spoken of very highly as a vocalist, announces that she will gire & concert here next week.

Cadsdohiak Socibtt.— It i 9 understood that the Canterbury Caledjnian Society intend celebrating the birthday of Burns by a supper, whica will take the place of the one usually held on St. Andrew's Day, bat which had to be abandoned owing so the death of Mi P. Donald.

ODDFEttawaHip.—A meeting of Past Grands of the North Canterbury District will be held to-night to consider the formation of a Past Grands Lodge.

Blowing vp a Wbkck. —Our Timaru correspondent telegraphs that Captain Falconer and his torpedo men are now ail ready to blow up the wreck of the ship Lyttelton, and if the sea is calm iinines will be laid down and fired to-day.

A Naw Depabtube—Messrs Bowman and Son have added a piano repairing department to the other branches of their bualness. They hare engaged an expert from London to take charge of this wock ; Yoldntebb EXAMINATION , .—An examination of candidates for commissions in the Volunteer force was held yesterday at the district office. There were four candidates, and the examination was conducted by Lieut. Colonel Gordon. Acknowledgment —The Manager of the Burnoam 3chool begs te acknowledge with thanks tne receipt of £1 la from Mrs Palmer towards tie children's annual treat. Obanqeism.—The usual meeting of No. 24, L.0.L., Walker's Purple Heroes, will be held this evening at the Orange Hall, Worcester street, when visiting brethren are invited. Masonic. —At the meeting or the So. Augustine Lodge on Tuesday evening, it was resolved to send a letter of condolence to the widow and family of the late Bro. Dixon, who was a victim of the poisoning case at Pahiata. At the time of the occurrence the deoeased was Maater-elecb of the local Masonic lodge. Cantbbbubt Ab/t SociETT.--The annual meeting of the above Society for the reception of the annual report and balancesheet and the election of officers will be held at the Art Gallery at 4 p.m. to-day.

WBM.IKGTON EeeATTA.—At a meeting of the Wellington Begatta Committee last night it was decided to adopt the Mark Foy system in. yacht races, that is that the handicap shall "be taken at the start of the race instead of at the finish as hitherto. Dkpabturb of thb GovaBKOB. —The meeting of citizens, convened by hie Worship the Mayor to consider .the tendering of a farewell to his Excellency the Governor on bis departure from the colony, will ba held at the City Council Chambers this afternoon at four o'clock. It ia expected that there will be a large and representative attendance on the occasion. ; Uqwmhq.—A four-rink match wUI be played on the green of the Canterbury Club on Saturday next between the' Christchurch and Canterbury Clubs. A good deal of interest is evinced in this match, and the members of the two Clubs are very assiduous at practice. The following will represent the Canterbury Club in the match, vie.—W. Prudhoe, J, Carl, H. Toomer, sen., B. Hale (skip), J. Taifc, E. George, E. O. Ashby, W. Thomson (skip), A. B. Kirk, W. Esoott, J. G. Harris, E. Toomer (skip), JLJfcrcer, D. Christie, J. M. Taylor, H. Oakley (skip.) The play will commence at three o'clock.

PeBSHNTATIOK TO A JotrBKALIST.—Mr Prank Stevens of the Wellington Evening Press, who leaves today for Western Australia, where he has accepted a position in the Public Works Department, was yesfcerdajf presented with a purse oT sovereigns and a sovereign case by te«T local pressmen. He was also made the recipient of a handsome present from the staff of the paper to which he has been attached. Mr Stevens* new position will be that of secretary to Mr C. Y. OConno*, formerly of New Zealand. Thistles rw By jboads. —A mild scare occurred the other day at Sheffield on it being rumoured that about five chains of Californiau thistles were growing on a by-road in the East Malvern district. The Clerk of the Board was despatched to have them grubbed and forward a sample to Mr Murphy. The Clerk, calculating from an illustration that was sent' out with the Weekly Presa some yean ago, said it was not the Californian thistle. A well-known Ktmberley farmer declared it was, as he had seen it often, and a wager was made between the two. Mr Murphy Bays it is not the Oaliforuiau thistle, bat requests to be furnished with a whole plant, so that he cea give the correct name-of it. The Ahy Vauohan Cojipakt.—This company will open taeir season at -fche Theatre Boyal to-night. The company includeSi besides Miss Amy Vaughan, who is spoken of as a burlesque actress of considerable ability, several who are new to Christchurch playgoers.- The opening piece will be "Little Monte Chris to," n burlesque in which a number of musical selections will be introduced, and a pantomime, in which Miss Vaughaa will appear, together with Mr Max Binkie, who will play clown. In the second act of the burlesque Miss Vaughaa will give her lightning changes of costume, which are said to be effected in, an incredibly short epace of time. The scenery has been socially painted by Mr Neville Thornton, whose skill is well known. 04 Saturday afternoon at 2,30 there will be a matinee, when every child attending WUI receiver souvenir.

A Long Fuki Spssd Run", —What Is believed to be the longest full speed run on record has been accomplished by the Tekoa, the new steamer belonging to the New Zealand Shipping Co.ajp.any, carrying 6250 tons deadweight. Oα her second outward voyage (says *Wr Play) she ran from TeneriSe to Auckland without stopping or easing down once for anything, the distance, being 18,059 nautical miles, although there was a lot of b*d weather, head wm<&, wa4—at heavy racing. It was regretted that the voyage had w> broken at Teneriffe for ooaling purposes, as there w&a nothing at all 4oae to the engines there, m but for this call, the Tekoa would hare made the whole from Loa4o« to Auckla,nO, namely, 13,772 miles, without! onoe stoppinjc or easing down. As it was, she rap from Teaeriffe to Auckland, J2.059 knot*, at fall speed. Iα spite ol all weather, she averaged 10 knofa fret* to the Australian com* new Melbourne, and her consumption of coM per day throughout the voyage was 81 tone for all pqrpo#ee, &OT.B Shootisq —The following team will represent the B Battery i» the match with the Oity Guards on Saturduy A«st at Bromley .—Lieut. Jackson, Sarge»at--Major Sinclair, Sergeants Were and Henwood, Bomhadier Berry. Gunners Leste?, Cropp, F. A. Godfrey, Hewlett and Higsrs; emerr geeoiee, Gannera Measies and Robertson. Oa Saturday next the return match between the Honorary Sewrre Corps and the Alpha Martini-Henry Kifle Club will take phwse on. the range of the latter. The following are the teama eelected:—Seeerve Corpe—Private Wakelin, Sergeant Maanisg, Private Richardson, Corporal Miles, Private Banks, Sergeant H|bell, Private MoKay.Lieufc. Stringer, Private Fox and Private Hammond; emergencies, Captain Harman and Bvaae. Alpha Club—Messw T- H. Anderson, O. W. Tarpin, J. J. DeugnU, F. W. Francie, G. A. Toser, S. W. Leetey, H. S. Batehelov, A. Gußdenes, A. W. Jonea, and E. Hanicafttle; emergencies, Messrs F. S. Parker, and J. B. Butler. The ranges will be 200, 300, and 500 yards, the match will also count among members of the Alpha Club as the fifth competition for the eh&mpionahip. Any members of the Club not included in the teams will also be able to fire. The conveyances wUI leave the square at 1.30 p.m, sharp. A Crnmm m tmwewssou.—AsOsafeseoJc « fileuliv* BtaeftUfc-IJLS-re.]

Lobd Osnoam'e Sooce^eoa.—A Wellington, telegram says that the Government has asked Lord Knutaford, Secretary of State for the Colonies, that the names of possible appointees to the governorship of New Zealand should be submitted to them before the final selection is made. ' Tea New Ihsbct.— Mr Muishy has receir*d from Mr Pashby, who wrote on Wednesday, a somber of the insects referred to. They are samefching larger than the blight insect, which they reeemUe in shape, bat Jir Murphy has aot yet been able to actually define whats they are.

Gb&4i>dimji ComsTT <Jouarcn,. —At the Geraldine Coonty CoudgU aaeetinjr yesterday, the Engineers lepooted tfaftt the W*itohi water works could now be taken over, and that the water was traversing the district in * satisfactory manner. The Seadowo, Woodbary, and Orari-Bangitata rangers reported all in good order. The members of the Waitohi Flat Voluntary Committee wrote expressing their willing, ness to look generally aftet the race, and report at stated times to the Council. Reports from Inspectors under the new Slaughterhouse Act were generally satisfactory, only one licensee getting notice through not complying; With the Act. HoMiccLTußAii SocteVTs— 'An ordinary meeting of the Committee of the CbristchurclTfiorhcnlttiral Society was held at the rooms of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association last evening. Present—The Hon. E. C. 3v Stevens, Messrs Donald, Brooking, Beaumelberg, Brimford, Ffitch and Tnos. |3ordoa (Hon. Sec.) It was stated that the receipts in connection with the Bode Show amounted to about £22, and the expenditure, otrtaide the prize money, to Xl 5 lSa. Tile Committee then appointed and stewards for the autamti show, Hfas also decided to hold that Match 3r4, arid to make it a one Bho*. The question of arranging musical pK»gramme for the shoir *i«reß left to ttia Committee. ?/

Meeting of CsEDirdßS. — The first meeting of the creditoira.oZ Albert Shaw, boatbuiider, was to held yesterday, but there was no quoram. The state • menfc filed by the bankrupt showed that : the amount owing to unsecured creditors I was £164 11s 6d. Of these the principal creditors were Fletcher/ Humphreys and Co., 16s: Victor Harris, J245; H. Mace and C«»., jei9 83. The secured creditors were Manning and Co., jg4OQ; Gould, Beaumout and Co., J2112 19a Bd. The two latter amounts were secured by a bill of sate over the boatshed and boats formerly held by the debtor. The only assets were the book debts, whioh w'exe estimated at jB2 7a 6d. The statement of the bankrupt was to the -effeot that his business had been thafc of a boatbuilder and owner of pleasure boats on #»© Avon. He had also been the lessee of the Royal Hotel, which he had leased from Meases Manning and Co. This he carried oft for a year and a half. He attributed his position to waat of success as an hotel keeper, and to loss of business with, bis boats on aceountof the lowering of the river. Through this cause his income ttom the letting of boats had fallen from JBSUO to J2200 pcjr annum, . Ilj>Bbquitbd EHTaßPflisE.—Aa amusing scene occurred jesterday in Lyttelfem on the occaaion of the arrival of the Star of France. The vessel, was one of those which had not on her charter party a proviso that she was to be stevedored by the Association. An enterprising firm of stevedores who are not connected with the Association determined to make a bold stroke for the work of the new arrival. Accordingly they got up afceam on the launch, and proceeded to the heads to meet the ship. The Association, however, were quite equal to the occasion, and took the precaution to go ■ off in the launch which conveyed the Health Officer. On arriving at the ship it was found that the rival stevedores had placed a somewhat portly representative' in a small boat at the stern of the launch, so as to take the earliest poeaible opportunity of get&ag on board so soon as the llealth Officer declared the ship clear; The official having cleared the ship; a race ensued aa to who should be on board first. The portly representative had selected a convenient rope whioh hung over the ship's side, whilst the Association ma» skipped gaily np the ladder. The mates of the flentlematx who took to climbing having every reliance ©a his agility, towea the boat off and left him hanging, as was expressively described, between wind and 'water. Hβ had, however, it appeared, miscalculated his powers of climbing, as when half way up he hung, and could no further go. The party in the launch had to come to his rescue* and in. the meanwhile his rival reached the deck, saw- the captain, and secured the ship, Hβ was told this on gaining the goal fee bad striven so gallantly to reach, st\d. it is not npw safe to mention acrobatic feats to him, especiaUy.cllmbtog. Sincere Flatter?,—Mimicry $s the truest form of flattery, and yec the JSdbn Gjsorge Compant, Ljm*te», L»ve been imitated by all photographers. Even the the style of their signature is now copied by all CariesobureU photographer*. In 1887, Edea G«;orffe.Coeipanj, Limited, presented to the City Council a framed Rrgap ql its Computers, Siaije. theo B«V«raA Photographers have done likewise, and xhe public should inspect these* groups hanging side bystdc, wnen it will be seen that the one prepared by the Eden; (Jeorge Company, Limited, although havlhj? stood the test of nv&yease, is intinitaly superior to the others of seeent date. A3TI3TIP.—Mr Q. H. Manning has now on exhibit a,t hjß studio some splendidly finished photographs, Imperial and cabinet sizes, of tUe vonntefs. «rf Qosrfow, the Ladies Gwendoline and and Dorothy and the Honourable Huia. As htett-cl&ss of the photographic art, they do gfeat Credit to Mr Manning.*—{Advt. f % S»Asr»isa am» Paaeeafe photes are characterised by fckei* ft*atftfal&MU aed oriaiaalit?. Studio, 318 Hi«a street. The best medicine in existence is Cotß--2AAKB ±sn> Son's Kuealypte Kxtreofc {or oolde, ceughe, eonsumptlon, bronehlMs, gravel and kicjney cooaplaints, liver com* plaints and fevers of all Muds. So that you are not imposed upon by wood turps, see that each bottle bears UjeXree. of Life and our signature, Colemane and Sons, Cootamandp&, N.S. Wales, without this it is a fraud. For gout, rheumatism, sciatica, try our special Eucalypte Oil, 2pz bottle Is ad. Awarded medaU and diplomas, Sydney, Adelaide and Melhourae, beating all competitors, Sold everywhere. To Farmers.—New Turnip Seed from London to hand for presents sowing. W. UO Colombo street, T«lepaa»e, Hyslop's Teas are direct from growqw to consumers, and coqeeqaeutry beat Vfthifs to the public.

u*bqt."-*-No more flfctiog foeKorjal of (fee original tittle "leord FaTOtHarey," yousg Lionel Hodjftioo ««wo?t*. «mlfl tare tap conceived (write* •♦Jtwanda'f in the Judy's Pwrf eriai) than the Home for New*. boys which Met Frances Hodgson Bocae® is establishing in Dru?y l&ae. The iaefcltution is to be called " Lionel's Home, v attd the mother ef the Jitfclo dead hay, whose charming nature suggested to her the story which -has delighted thousands of grown-up folk as well as ohildrea is all ptutc of the world, is devoting to it a proportion of the income §he derives from her pen. "Lionel's Some" will rarely have a pathetic interest for all -who love « I/ittle Inord JPauatiefey," and the work it will undertake is sorely needed in she boot difltriofc in which it; will be carried on. It js just the kind of eUarifcj eoUdroa will deii«ht to aid. Thje Kothschilds and following story, saye the Parts oeneepoii. deals ot Th 4 Tim**, ia told on goed authority of the Grand Doke Vladiiai?. He called on Baren Botheehild, and the latter being absent, his son did the fco80W» <tf bank, Oα shown the vaults where the securities are kept, the Grand Date stopped at the vault containing toe Euwiao sw«rifcie» belonging to or deposited at the Eothschilds. He exclaimed, ** What, all that i& Ragman securitiee! Why, there mw»t be hujjare4 of millions.* , "That can easUy be vertled,** replied his guide,, aod h«> sent for the head clerk, " Harea'fe you,* , wked fcs@ Gfaa4 Dake, " several hundred mtiUom el Radian stocks in this ?&**&? " "Yta, yow Highness, a saUliftpd.** <£h* Grand Pake on leaving said to his " Don't tell mc bw that ibba firm ia tmsg to make BoHTma se«uriti«a fall." ' ißilneiu», yowrafii: e by drtnidmc only**Atab w teandSstfgteJferVxtoia

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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8071, 14 January 1892, Page 5

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8071, 14 January 1892, Page 5

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 8071, 14 January 1892, Page 5


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