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SopRBMS CotjnT.—The civfl Mfltf, the Supre™® Court will be nkvsM&i morning before his Honot -Mr Jus&e Denniston. ; . MoTE-rr SooißTT.—The practice W J» .members of the above Society mccabaine" with orchestra will » to* this evening at St. John'n Mhooiiiwe. ' . AMATKOB PiJOI'OOBAPHIO BOOtW.-"** , monthly meeting of the aooveoW*f J betheld at 71 Manchester start<*•*»

o'clock to-ni«ht. ■'■■ .•-■* meeting of .parishioner* of, w «"" churoh vrill at the seto*oea«* Wednesday next, at 8 p.m. , - Alleged Foboeby.-A matt Mjjjj Holmes, who was some tin»;W«gg fowiery at Dunedia, will'.&",•***£ KetheT Court to-day on mnftoW of forgery committed at Chnetehun* etood that a remonstrance «»*•*s against the proposal to change *» *-• - thY Kaiapoi Court House. J<* there an attempt being »»*» n site changed for one next Co fihelj* but an agitation ie likely k> be ported ia favor of placing «*•*£££» near the Borough Couekh* ClwßK<* li the opposite Bide of the river. s) present quite a number of "*J* W . Liapoi and Bugion. For ** J formes town have been mow J dMtt with than in the hgr, ' oriEpe has beea attended with • -SSeTing. The doctor •***£» ate having a busy thne. *J» I 23*tfe» at the Kaiapoi school was fl«? Il^m average last week. Ceickkt.-A certain an«jf faction exists in wwpect to ff^ match between «»? «^ f Employees the latter* atJnbrtW J defeat to the absence d? boefc men, whose employe*" holiday so as to aUo*j- .of £ picked and thus settle the ot auperiority. . Q9 Friday lart Mies Albert. *°g^ was the recipient of a sUver watch and cbftin, ettMgJS M » the-paVente ami vice 3, had been acceded w. mittee were ejninoQt'y " v ]« f ; «^

IWlWtte City Council, i|VjgS«fdSt.Alba M Borough V RTvtEB.-Aa inspection parade I there was a pretty good, H ~« ell tanks. I Boaed.—The election for I" district has been fixed to I be. 1 *h*&^*H?«*d f if & i SS?-The annual treWt of the I gSHW ,I, jlTqol children took place on 1 on The youngsters were conveyed I g nß iner. , wfa6re tkey had a fine I pl^w^rarTiox-— The Christchureb. Gas 1 G*s showroom at; the corner of 1 and Catnedral square was I st £T ur( i a y evening for the first I 'it «P f of different kinds of i &*, ****!&■ i»oklag and heattinfr stoves, ?l A description of the 3 Ac« vere Uaace3 on view appears elseI Yjiioo* eflr"^ I *bee. Industrial School p Bo#* H *jfVi tfa*** anaua * picnic at I p£S4te» ofi Friday. The- Bail way foepartioefl* Jjjjyfcfcelioa, and the Harbor fjeep»ssa|^>j^ ie Lyttelton to conm O ft«lpt <)TW i~ tieir destination. Air ; E ey %^ w open *" 8 & roUQ d3, Uftiridse **Tjy themselves immensely, bad aJ V^'jsj&ie to Mr Edwin: Smith, Kf?* # Industrial Schools, for IVlsitiiig u^jj e bestowed on all the the stteßw"" Cosiasr. —A meeting of r of the Chri e*ctnirch |T ep *f«ul!eldon Saturday evening, for r"" 1 -«L» of"assisting the Contest Comit wag deci ded to hold a Friday evening, May 23rd next. sLToreient fomed themselves into a ! ?band , 'inan is interested in the matter, SSoßbttbeetotf tickets will be large. nXteiately there is still a heavy de--fiSala^eoT resulting ia a loss, buttheConifflittee are confident that the vraon an eaiptoyee office of the pLtfteSawkV* l * o i 8 abbut to sever-his xjnnectton irith that journal and go to, 1 3vdney was tbe recipient of a testimonial \ .f» rJanasxj aatove, subscribed for the i S^waSe Mthß Btaffc Thepreaenfetion wee Bade by Mr J. M Twomey, tiie , m eulogistic tertns \ of & Dysos'e abilities. Mr Dyeun eultfthly iwliedi thanking Mr Twomey for "jjjjy kindnesses rendered, and the ' j-gjLer, Mrßambridge, :for instruction Zxfrei Saeeesa to Mi* Byson was then ] and many wishes expressed fox his , AsßiiX Cottntt. —A meeting of the «preK&tativesof local bodies in the Ashley (jgonty ha 3 been convened, to be held at tie Maadeville Eoad . Board Qffioe, on aext at noon,. to disease-the of bringing in the Counties Act to , Inabla drainage, irrigation, and other SgCTTorks to be put tor ward if possible, spkject of the division of the County && form, part of the busines* for discossos. A proposition "will probably also : bemsdeto meet the deadlock caused by Hie non-meeting of the County Council. ; Boob TihpliAet.—The Hope of Christ-

|bajch Lodge held its weekly seaeion on last. Th 6 Lodge ts thriving and iaereftsing in a satisfactory manner. Bro. J. A. Efford, C.T., presided, and three aodidstes were initiated, and one adnitted, by clearance. Several visitpra from ither 'Lodges were alkq^preseirf. 1 A projoeed visit to toe- G66d v: Intent Lodge, lEmpora, was discussed. The general access of the Easter demonstration was aamoited upon, with gratifying results. business was cdnipleted, BTerel members gave music and readings. Ths Grain Traffic.—At a meeting of &c Committee of -the Chamber of Comoen»,on Friday, the President was rejueated to telegraph to the B*il way ComBiseionera, xaginjg thd resumption of

f funning of night trains to overtake the graia teaffic- Under the Government Hfimt these trains were rila and were a jfre&t 'convenience. JiTotr, however;"" the Eoßunigsiouerß decline to run them, and the tesrut iB a large accumulation of grain at wintry etaftona and a consequent hinUraace to ihe quick despatch of grain foneta. - ••.■ '_j ••*:'■ "" • " k TitoSß Bal*.~The ifltfie*EiveT timber sale on Thursday next, when Mescrs Matson and Co. .will offer, .a&O.OOOf t of l timber oft : -ftfcctet A^TMfe*dW Wood and] (Laurie, affords an excellent opportunity of /combining business with pleasure. A /special train at excursion fares has been / arranged for, and should the weather < prove fine tnere is no more pleasant trip than to the romantic dells of Little River.: .On former occasions many have taken ftdvaat&ge of the sale to hold an impromptu paflETbf tlkifig r tnelF WiveTaM families taod spending a day. No doubt she excursion on Thursday will be equally largely patronised. %* GwESf.— " r Tp&. r Jeopiau, ,-the Gaeiri'gi tepe»ti& sight ftt the Theatre. The beautiful music of the opera was most thoroughl v appreciated ferine audience*: Th& pretty/quartette Adventnre," In which J Miss &ay Pdkrtfsiifeetaaid sympo&etfojvxjace was oearo to great "advantage," was loudly mi persistently, eucored. Altogether the impression made by the tftfefa M-m first production was, tf aiiy'tMrig, jfcepeaed by the repetition; and it should Ps'tsHrof the most popular produced-"by fee C&nkany. It will be repeated this peiagaad to-morrow, atter wiH ptilfinura, " .' /, ■-.• •■ . 0 . .-■ ; ■',

jJ&xpLSrzoK Habvest Festival.—On gratasday afternoon, a special service of Jrasaiagiving for tte harvest was held in ft S * viQnr ' a Church;' Templeton. The psaws -was very pretUly decorated. T J?he FJgfflgf ander the direction of Mr Oopk»s, ires excellent. The Eev. W,; : E. gwwlffi preached froni I Cor., (in the Bey. J. F. Teakle, of illness had at the last coming.) After the t|e*Me,t£**as served in the schoolroom, |P»c**Ut;Sp.Tn. by a concert. The fol*adie* gentlemen assisted g!****** Westenm and Knowles, the PaawClaridge, Comerford and : Haydon, CooksoD, Freeman, ~Waiianas, T. Ciandge, F. Glaridge and

l^ m&r Societies. — The opening g<» a connection with the T.M.C.A. *~®»y Society will take place this r*«j? at theit rooms, , Cambridge f??™* To morrow evening the opening ggwamenfc of the North belt Literary j **** will be held in the Oddfellows' fiontreal street north. A very e^programme has been provided, will be sung by the Misses! £*?*%£• Strange, Mrs Mitchell, and ff"fa H. A. Adley, J. H. Johnson, glees |T are Campbell, Miss llcKee, and Messrs Kay, recitations by. Mr Goss iSfrm Sutherland, and readings by ***»*. H. Smeaton and H. "Wilson. ! £aely CiosiKe Movembxt.—Some SnLv c * >ack » B °tineation appeared *Spabythe various drapers, outfitters, of the city agreeing to close o'clock on Saturday nigbfc. -For **«* reason or other, however, some of teua intimated their willingness j™"* with" the early closing movement showed signs of a desire to go back V* 31 weir pledges. Accordingly on Satureveaxag a. band of sympathisers with Closing Association paid a visit ** «Bpection shortly after nine o clock. It found that-Mr C. M. Gray's shop *■* open, and a hostile demonstration was S9t b y.» pretty large crowd in front of Missiles, ipE the sfiajif of u!™«*»» Ac.', were freely flying,* and at t™e»e shutters were put up and the jj°rf*t?ttaed out, bus not.till the demonjg*«ffl had lasted for half an hour or so. demonstrations were made opposite j«e shops of Mr Strata jeweller, and draper, Hisjh etreet, both ** *aom closed up after a while. k^^owußDQsiENT.— The Secretary of Hospital bege to acknowthanks the receipt of fruit from X°* ,et. Albans Wesleyan Church and the pfteultoral College, Lincoln (through Mr *Lr" jam from Mrs J. Bishop, periodicals from Mrs J. <3h BndMr K. H. Wiliis, " View Hi 11 ,,, ■^wifflide.

• _ Masokic.—At aa emergency meeting <# tteXJanterbury Lodge, No. 1048, on night, the resolution, passed previoualy, joining the Grand Lodge of New Zealand, under which delegates were ap- f pointed and the declaration of the formation of the Grand I/odg* signed, wal rescinded.

TaaTAttoafe* TJmoK.—The deputation the Tailors* Union hate arranged to meet the Directors of t&e Kaiapoi Woollen Factory to-day at no4n concerning work under the Dune4ia system. A visit will also be made to Kγ Meers factory, relative to the same subject. Fobbstbbs , Sports, Waimatb.-—A meeting of Foresters was held in the Foresters' Hall, Wainmte, on Briday night The Secretary, Mr A. M. Taaffe, read the report and balance-sheet. The receipte, including a credit balance of about £30 from last year's sports, amounted to £65133 lid, and the expenditure i>63 13s Bd, leaving a balance to credit of £2 5s 3d. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. Several votes of thanks were passed, after which the meeting terminated.

EiFiK Shooting.—A competition toot place on Saturday evening for Mr Stewart's wedding trophy, on the Morris tube range, at the ChriatcUurch Working Men's Club. Thirty-two members of the rifle class fired. The scoring made' was very good indeed. The range wae 200 yards. Mr J. Glanville (captain) was in charge. The highest scorers were:—-Messrs C. Marsh, 3, 33; J. G. Sellars, scr, 33; J. Glanville, scr, 31; O. W. Turpin, scr, 31; W..P. Whiteman, 2, 31 j A. W. Jones, scr, 30; W.B.Scott, scr, 30; J. Scott, scr, 30; J. P. Kissell, scr, 30; J. Gent, ser, 29; J. Hounsell, 2, 29; Q. Balfour, 2, 29. In the competition for Mr Stewart's prize (silver hunting watch) forty members fired. The scoring was good, the highest being Mr O. W. Turpin, scr, 32. St. John's Chtjbch, Lbestok.—On Thursday evening the harvest thanksgiving services of this church were conducted by the Key. Walter Harper, of St. Michael's Church, Christchurch. The church was prettily decorated with texts, evergreens end flowers. The font was filled with fruit, and surrounded at the base with beautiful specimens of wellgrown vegetables. The lectern was deco rated with large clusters of roses. The preacher took for his text Isaiah ix., v. 3, •** They joyed before Him according to the joy in harvest." The sermon was earnest and simple, and was listened to with great pleasure and profit by a large audience of worshippers. The decorations of the church were praised by the reverend visitor as being the best he had seen, and the singing also came in for a meed of praise. SoxrtH MiiVERH ScHoot,.—The annual treat took place on Monday. Sports of various kinds occupied the day at Mr T. Leeming's, where the Committee had provided abundance of refreshments, and prizes for racing, &o. In the evening the ladies provided a capital spread, to which ample justice was done.* An entertainment followed and reflected much credit on the teachers and Mr Boberts, who had rendered much' assistance. The accompaniment v?a3 played by .Master W. Roberts, the oldest' pupil, assisted. by Mr Austin. Frizes were given for some of the beet recitations. Several votes of thanks .were passed and the proceedings terminated.

Soxjth Cantbbbtibt Eivebs. — Our Temuka correspondent writes .—The unprecedented dry weather of the past few years has had the effect of almost drying up the sources of several of the South Canterbury rivers. The Orari, Haehae te Moana, and Pareora are quite dry, except that here and there a rew poola may be found. The Waihi and Temuka rivers are low, and the Kakahu, generally speaking a ; narrow but rather deep stfeani, is noW a' mere ditch. The Opihi river, within the. memory of the oldest inhabitant, in this instance a Native, has never been,. and strangers to the district must find- it hard to realise that these streams were once sources of danger and delay to travellers. The reeolt of this state of things may be imagined. Spring holes are giving out, wells' have to be deepened, and water boundaries, once thought ample, are now useless. Trout are dying by the thousand, and even where-poola remain, they have a struggle for existence. The occasional burets of rain do not improve matters much, nor can steps be taken either by individuals or local, bodies. The only remedy is to practice patience and wait for a change of .weather, trusting always that it will be □either too sudden nor severe.

-' Mr Eden George, the leading photo grapher of GJiriiitehurch, Is how , taking beautifully finished cabinets, in any posi-tion,-'for r los per do2en.—(ADvi.l

. ■ PHotrooKAPHiNe. ths •\i was a terrible fuss at Constantinople, in consequence of a German, photograpber having rashly attempted to take an instantaneous photograph of the Sultan as bis Majesty was proceeding on horseback to the Mosque. He was detected by tionary, and the guard at once rushed on him, smashed all his_ instrnmenta to atoms, and dragged him off to prison, where lie discovered that he was in a truly serious plight, for the Jforan strictly forbids the depicting of the human form, and Ms attempt to photograph the Sultan was therefore "regarded as high treason of a peculiarly diabolical kind. If the culprit had not been a foreigner he would probably have been quietly strangled, or otherwise got rid Of; but, thanks to the energetic intervention of his ambassador, he was released after a month's imprisonment, on condition that he quitted 3}orkVy on« and for ever. ,

: ; Ini'ectiotjßnes3 of Injt.ubkza. — Whether th« scientists have or have not discovered the influenza microbe (says a Home paper) no doubt need be any longer expressed as to the infectious nature of the disease. We learn, from Paris that Dr. Proust has just cited a case before the Ajcademy of Medicine which threatens to add a new horror to : the dangers of the deep. The ship St. Germain was bound from St. Nazaire to Vera Cruz, but called at San tender, ana took on board a passenger from Madrid, where ■ the influenza had reached the stage of an epidemic. The St. Germain up to this time had a clean bill of health,-but in four days the doctor was attacked, in the end 154 passengers otic of 436 were on the eick list, all suffering from the "new" disorder, but in a mild form. After this, one need not be surprised that the mysterious disease has spread itself over the greater part of the world. ■

A Fox is a Castle.—lt was recently reported that a fox had been run down in a cellar, and now we read of a fox killed in a castle. The West street herriers were chasing a hare across the country near St. Margaret's, when puss gave them the slip. Just at this time a fox was started, and the hounds gave chase. An exciting tun ensued, the fox leading the hunt across the country at a great pace into "Walmer. Some football players stopped his course there, and he struck off to the grounds of Walmer Castle, running round by the moat. Earl Granville and some friends came out to witness the sport, when suddenly the fox made straight for the castle, and, crossing the drawbridge, passed through the upen door, right in through the corridor as far as the drawingroom door. Here it was brought to bay and killed by some of the hounds, which had followed him.

Ths Ladt axd thk Bitot. —lt is not polite to go into a lady's house and throw her gods into a pond. That unchivalrous action was performed by a gentleman at Wandsworth, who is suspected of being an ardent Gladstonian. The lady, a lone widow, was a friend of his; but he could not extend his friendship to a bust of Lord Beaconsfield which stood in the halL He took down the bust and threw it into a pond, and the lady wants to have him brought to justice, rhe magistrate at Wandsworth had no balm for this aching wound. He could do nothing to the Gladstonian image breaker, bub he emiled derisively, and suggested, that if the lady bad a bust of Mr Gladstone she should have her revenge by throwing that into the pond too. But that would be vengeance tipou Mr Gladstone, which is not what eh* wants. She has promised to make the magistrate's life a burden to him until she gets justice. But if the gentleman haa any proper Gladstoman feeling he will hare the bust fished up.

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Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7524, 14 April 1890, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7524, 14 April 1890, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7524, 14 April 1890, Page 4


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