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& CO,, " gAIL » TARPAULIN, FLAG, HORSE COVER AND OILSKBt CLOliHisG MANUFAOTUBBBS AND ROPE AND TWINS matttep b CASEEL STBBST, CHBISTCHUBCH. * HORSSCQVIfiS (frwn to 355) HORSE COTSI&C TajTE beg to_call the attention of Farmers and Others to our Celebrated Make of TAEPAITLI N 8 FABMBBB ehonldnejer be withont a TtoenHn, and particularly so at Threahife execute orders on immediate notice. ma MABQUEBS ON HIBE, OF VABIOUS SIZES. Orders by Post or Telegraph Forwarded per First Train or Steamer. WHOLESALE AND BBTAIL. 1»-1 78» GHBAP BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT . COLOMBO STREET, .CHBIBTOHUEOH. * JOJ! N OO OD M A N TTAS the jpleasnre to inform his- numeroua customers that, HAVING MAD* JO. SATISFACTOBY ABBANGKMENTS BE EXTENSION OF LEASe! StSJ be glad to see his numerous constituents, when they will FIND THE GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVE&. JOHN GMOODMAN, COLOMBO STBEET, CHBISTCHUBCH. IJ> mea

I GEORGE CBAW, hereby rive notice 9 that I will NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any DEBT incurred by anyone without my written instruction; and further, that no one ia authorised to receive monies in my .same without mv written order." - v ! . ■■-~ - GEORGE Ott4.W. .. , Little Ataloa HSALTH FOB ALL, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ANDOINTHKNT nnfHE PILLS Parify blooO, oonwt • JL dieordets of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels, and are invahi«ble in al3 complaints incidental to females The OINTMENT ie tho onl/ reliabl* remedy fox Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Soree, and Ulcers. For Bronohitia, Diphtheria, Coephs. Colda, Goat, Bheunatism, and aU Skin DiEoaeea, it hae no equaL Sold by the Proprietor, Thoki* Hollc* wat, 78 New Oxford street London, cod by all medicine "endora througho«t the wtrltf ' ts ja RATEFUL. /^OMFOBTDfG. EPPS'SJDOGOA. BREAKFAST. " By a thoronghinowledge of the natural laTOs which, govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the flue properties of woll-eelected cocoa, Mr Eppa has provided pur breabEaet tables with a flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctor*? bills. It ie by the judicious un- ot -mh articles of diet that a constitution w- y h? gradually built-: up until etronv .-v ..<*.": to resist every tendency, to diseac«r Hu rwir-jde of subtle maladies are floatin*.' uruund ut ready to attack 'wherever ttu*re w a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well forti&od with pure biood and- a properly nourished frame."—See article in the " Civil Service Gazette." Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold in Hb packets, byGrocere, labelled thus— ; . JAMES EPPB 4 CO., .' Honußopatbio Chemists, S-16 LONIX>N> ENGLAND. 13V PARISH OF PAPANUI. T WILLIAM NORMAN, Beturning JL* Officer for the Parish of Papanni for the purpoee of ELECTING a SYNODSMAN for the said Parish, do hereby appoint MONDAY, 11th day of May, at the Vestry (St. Paul's), at 7 o'clock p.m., aa the tune and place of MEETING for the purpose of receiving dominations, if bo such nominatiopa have* 1 een "delivered to mc or left at ma_bou- c before 4 o'clock p.m. on Monday, thea ith day of May, 1835. Returning Officer, Papanui road. 426 8017 •]-,- BAKAPV ROAD B )ARD. BOAD BOABD ITI OFFICE, , HOBORATA, 12 O'clock. A P BIL 28th, 1885. 4r28302i LINCOLN BOAD BOABD ELECTION. MESSRS W. M. THOMPSON and HBNBY WHITE b*>ing the only PERSONS duly NOMINATED to represent Ncs. 1 and 3 Wards on the above Board, I hereby DECLARE THEM to be duly ELECTED, viz. :— For No. 1 Ward—Mr W. M. Thompson. • For No. 3 Ward—Mr Henry White. For No. 5 Ward, Messrs Thee. Leathern, Edward Townshend, and Jas. Tod have been duly NOMINATED, and a POLL for the ELECTION of ONE of them will be taken on MONDAY, tr c 4th May, 1635, at the District Office, Prebbleton, between the hours of 9 a,m. and 6 p m. FBANK WM. EAST, , BetnrningOfficer. OUST ROAD BOABD ELECTION. THE following Candidates have been duly NOMINATED, viz :— Mrasrs Reginald Blunden Donald Mc Lauchlin Thomas Tallott HansWolfF. A POLL for the ELECTION of THREE of the above-named Candidates will be taken at the Boad Board Office, Cost, on MONDAY, the 4th day of May, 1885, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. JOHN HEAD, 4-283023 Returning Officef. EOWAT ROAD BOARD. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. nnHE following PERSONS have been JL duly NOMINATED for ELECTION to fill the Three Vacancies on the Board for the above District :— Richard Bristow James McKenrie Brodie : Graham Bruere Samuel Coleman Bobert Francis Croft Charles George King . Hernials Mahler - . John Staart A. POLL win be taken for the ELECTION of THEE B of the Candidates on THURSDAY, the 7th day of May, 1885, at the following placee, viz. rDistrict Office. Balcairn Oddfellows' Hall, Amberley And Town Hall, Settori Between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. J a . STANLEY BEUCB, Betorning Offleer. Balcairn, 27th April, 1885. 4-28 3026 OXFORD ROAD BOABD ELECTION. nriHE following CANDIDATES have A. been PROPOSED for the Office of Members of the above Board, viz. ■■— EnglebrecJht, Henry - Gorton, J.R. McQratb, Thomas Pearson, W.F. - Wotherspoon, Archibald. A POLL will be taken on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of May, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m-, at the Boad Board Office, for the ELECTION of THREE of the above-named Candidates. JOHN JUOBSON, m Betaning Officer. Oxford, AprQ 27th, 1885. 4 23 3022 MANDEVILLE AND BANGIOBi :.. BOAD BOABD. IN purssance of the provhuons of the Boad Boftrda Act, 1882. Amendment Act 1883, and the Regulation of Local Elections Act. 1876, I herebyrive notocg that an ELECTION of THREE PERSONS to fill the vacancies on the above Board, caused by the* retirement of Messrs C. Dampier Crossley, Malcolm Dnncan, and George Edwiwieif (who are eligible for reelection), will be held at titeMwianice' Institute, at Woodend, on THUBSDAY, Maythe7tb,Jßßs. ..: Nominations of Candidates must be addressed to tiie Beturning,Offloeft .cad delivered at the Mechanics'lnstitute, at Weodend. not later than noon of Saturday, e nJllpHß. BHEATH; 1453 2?24 Beturning Officer.

L-vsm Election Notice*. EAST MALVEEN SO AD BOARD DISTBICT. Ferguson, John Minchin, William Willis, George Benolds. .A POLL for the return of THREE of gie above PERSONS will be taken at the EastMalvern Boad Board Office, Sheffield, on TUESDAY, MAT 6th, 1885, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. .nr Mm BOBEBT COLTHaBT. 4*25 2947 Befcurning Officer. MANDEVILLE AND BANGIOBA BOAD BOABD. IN pursuance of the Boad Boards Act, 1882, and the Regulation of Local Elections Art, 1876.1 hereby give notice that an ELECTION will be held at the Mechanica' Institute, at Woodend. on THURSDAY, May the 7th, 1885, to fill aa extraoitfinarj vacancy on the Board, caoeed by the aon-attendance of Mr John Stevenson. Nominations of Candidates must be ad* dressed to the Returning Officer, and delivered at the Mechanics' Institute at Woodeud, not later than noon of Saturday. May 2nd, 1885. JOSEPH B. SHEATH, 4*23 2823 Betuxning Officer. HBATHOOrE BOAD DISTBICT. I HEREBY give notice, in pursuance of the provisions of the Boad Boards Act. 1832, and the Begula'ion of Local Elections Act, 1876, that an ELECTION of ONE PERSON to represent the Hillsborough Ward on the Heathcte Road Board, in the place of Mr B. Allan, who ' '" retiree by rotation, but is eligible forte- ' , election, will be held at the Opuwa School* room, on TUESDAY, the sth day of Mal, 1885. That the ELECTION of ONE PERSON , to represent the Opawa Ward on the HeA'.bcote Road Boaid, in the place of Mr ' T. Moore, who retiree by rotation, bnt is eligible for re-election, will be hold at the Boad Board Office, Ferry road, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day ot MAY, 1835. Ale*. ' That an ELECTION of ONE PEBSON , to represent the Avon Ward on the Heath- . , cote itoad Board, in the p.lace of Mr John ' i Kerr, who retire* by rotation, but is eligible ,' I fox re election, -will be held at the Boad Board Office. Setryjroad. on THURSDAY, . A the 7th day of MAY, 1835. , V?: *iatanELECT;ON°of ONE to represent the Valley Ward on,. fiavWf Heathcote Boad Board, in the place of Mr ] Joseph Marsden, who retires by rotation, but is eligible for' re-elect'on, will be held in the Valley Schoolroom, on FRIDAY, the Bth. day. ot Mα V, 1685. . Nominations of Candidato3 muit be made in the form set forth in the Second Schedule of the Regulation of Local Bleotions Act, 1876. They must be addressed to the Beturning Officer, and delivered at the Office of the Koad Boaid, corner of Eusor'e and Ferry roads, before 12 Noon on Tuesday, the 28th day of April. 1885..,""..' "•■'■.. Dated the 20th day of April, 1885. W. T. C. MILLS. 4-212711 Beturning Officer. SPBINGS BOAD BOABD. ~ j IN accordance with the provisions of. The Boad Boards Act, 1832. end ft* amendments, and The Regulation of Local Elections Act, 1876,1 hereby giv» notice that an ELECTION win be held at the Boad Board Office, Springetoo, Oβ 'CaUBSDAY, the 7th day of MAY, 1885, for the purpose of electing THRES PBB* SONS to fill the Vacancies caused by the retirement of Meeers Chamberlain, fchw mack, aud Harriet. NOMINA! lOSta of Candidates must b» made in the form prescribed, and delivered to mc on or before Noon of FRI DAY; MAY Ist, 1885. Form* can be obtained on sp* plication to PETER SINCLAIR, -. Returning Officer, Springs Road District. Springston, 21st April, 1885. 4-23 3793 HEATHCOTE LICENSING DISTBIOT. POLL FOR LOCAL OPTION. ,_ I AAEON AYEKb, Chairman of the 9 Heathcote Licensing Diatriot. in par' euance of the provisions of the Lieetuasg Act, 1881, the Licensing Act Ameudmenfe Act, 1883, and the Begulation of Low Elections Act, 1876, hereby give pnMto notice that a POLL will be taken <* TUESDAY, the 28th day of April, 1885* between the hours of 9 a-m. and 6 pjn jat the following places, viz. ■■— The Boad Board Office, Ferry road, Ard The Halawell Boad Board Office, Lineota For the purpose of ascertaining toe of the people as to whether the number « Publicans* or New Zealand Wine License*, or Conditional Licenses may be increase* in the said diatriot. nn A. AYSBS, 4-212710 Chairman of Committee. ASHLEY BOAD BOABD. ELECTION OF MEMBEttS. . I HEREBY give notice, in puraosocej* the provisions of the Road Boenw Act/ 18S2, Amendment Act, 13(8, M« . t the Segnlation cf Local Elertione_Aefc 187erSat an ELECTION cf THBBlfi PERSONS to fill the vacanoies on the above Beard caused by the reu* eaeß ?i* rotation of Messrs John Armstwmjy«Jo*>«| Brows, and David Crighton Martin iyn>9 ■ ■- aieeUgible for re-election) will be ' beM** the Boad Board office, Loburn, andjst «» Bchoolbouae, North Loburn, on THUBo* DAY, the 7th day ot MAY, 1885. NomUtfJ tions of candidates, in the the tecond schedule of the Bfgn»* tion of Local Elections Act, IK** addressed to the Eetuming-Offleer,jMg *** livered at theßoad Board offico, J«**% , before noon on Wednesday, the 23th«SF«* April, 1885. *«-*'* Forma of nomination may be nao tw»- - Behiniing-Offleefe.. '\ ' April 20th, 1885. i&W* - Art .iL'"''* ~ Alston's TJhio*» , Consistingof . OIL PAINTINGS. WATB&OOWW v DBAWINGS AND ENGBAyWeB. SHABES, ONB SHILLING Fan* Prize value JSB&, Third Prize value Je7s, ,** I SS| , Priie value Mi, Fifth »ta. v>h»jn* And 130 other Valuable , ; Addresa—Mobbat t^ , mfn can's Buildings, Chrietcanrch. £.:/ N.8.-L«tter3 answered by qF ■*,'. poet. Stampsaocopted. '\

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Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6118, 28 April 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6118, 28 April 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6118, 28 April 1885, Page 4


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