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~ ' _'. 3. W AtfE Rs, RANGE'MAKER,; < ■ > v CASHEL STREET; CHRISTCHURCH, HAVTSTG REDUCED THE PRICE L OF HIS RANGES, they will be found as eh« as any other maker. . . , . T.J. W. was awarded the'only Gold Medal for __age- in the AustraUari Cblonl at the N.Z. International Exhibition. Gold Medal for the Best Range on the Groun at tre A. and P. Association, 1881; also, First and Second Prizes, 1882; and First Pri for the Best Range on the Ground,' 1883. HOT WATER APPARATUS FITTED UP FOR BATHS and other purposes a Low Price, and Baths supplied. 11-23 2! COJ-OMBO S t_U_ET CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE DEPC ; [ESTABLISHED 1860,] 131 COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. JOHN 6K> OD M A _T, STILL desirous of maintaining the prestige ; which he has held for so many years, the Cheapest Shop in Christchurch, has made further reductions in the prices his goods, in consequence of the Universal Dull TimesChild's Lace Boots, from ... ... ... ... ... OsOd per pair Strap Shoes and Kfd E:S. Boots, from ... ... ... Is 6d „ Lasting Goloshed Boote, from- ... ... ... 6s 6d „ German Lasting Boote, from ... ... ... ... 6a 6d „ House Boots, rivetted,from ... ... ... ... 4s Od „ Watertights, factory make, from ... ... ... ... 16s 6d „ Shooting Boots, from ... ... ... ... ... 12s 6d „ Canvas Shoes, from ... ... ... ... ... 6s 6d „ I Note the Address— JOHN GOODMAN, COLOMBO STREET CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT, 131 COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. 1129 3 B. HALE & CO., SAIL, TENT, TARP-ULIN, FLAG, HORSE COVER, AND OILSKIN CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS, AND ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. TfTE ARE NOW MAKING a Large Stock of BINDING TWINE, also Vf REAPER AND BINDER APRONS, of a much better quality than 1 imported, and shall be glad to receive orders for delivery at the coming harvest seas TARPAULINS of all Sizes kept in Stock, which we are now selling at reduced pric MARQUEES ON HIRE. Orders by Post or Telegram forwarded per first train or steamer. Cash paid for Bullocks' Tails or Horsehair in any quantities, delivered cleaned uncleaned, at our Rope and Twine Factory, Madras Btreet South. ■—T—•nT.Ii'RAT.T!! AWTI P. - TAI T. 11-M S

1 W_.U__S___ _JM_ _-X—lJLi. 11-Z9 2

DEAFNESS. — Quacks calling them selves Doctors are utterly ruining the organs of hundreds Buffering from deafness, charging from _5 to jB-Oforsc doing. I bave two infallible remedies (No. 1, deafness arising firom colds; No. % tho thickening of the parts of the" Tympanum) from recipes serif mc by those world-known Aurists, the kite and present Senior Surgeons of the Royal Dispensary for Diseases of the Ear,: Soflo London. Send stamps for partirclars to T. B. Hanhavobd, Auckland, N.Z. 9-—l'979t HEALTH FOR ALL. fIOLLOWAY'sPILLSANDOINTMENT, THE PILLS Purify the blood, correct al] disorders of the Liver, Stomach,. Kid neys, and Bowels, and are; invaluable in al complaints incident-1 to feriislesi;" The OINTMENT is the onlY reliabh remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rhenmatimn,'and jal Skin D—eases, it has no: equal. ,_ Sold by the Proprietor, Tho_ab Hoi_o way, 533 Oxford street London, and J* 1 medicine vendors throughout the world • 7-3 776 RIMAULT AND CO.'S SYRUP OI HYPOPHOSPHtTE OF LIME i the best and most rational of all remediei against Consumption. Under its __luena the cough abates, the night sweats oease and the patient rapidly recovers health It gives the same result in most cases o lung diseases. Agents—Nbwbhbbt avd Sons, 1 Kin) Edward street, E.C. Retail—Jozblit 4i Haymarket; and Wilcox and Co., 331 Oxford street, London. NERVOUS DEBILiT.. A CUBE GUARANTEED DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE ANE BRAIN TREATMENT, A guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia Headache, Nervous Prostration caused b] the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness Mental Depression, Softening of the Braresulting in Insanity arid leading to misery. decay, and death. Premature Old Age. Barreness, Loss of Power in either sex. Livolu-tary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over exertion or the brain oi over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. 5s a box, or six boxes for 255, sent by mail prepaid on receipt oi price. We guarantee six boxes to cure anj oase. With each order received by us foi six boxes, accompanied with 25a, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued onl] by G. BONNTNGTON, Chemist, Soli Agent, C—risteburch, New Zealand. JX * m *' &.17 889 C THE WONDER 0_ THE WORLD. HERMAN'S WORLD -RENOWNEI SHEEP WASH A NI> CELEBRATED VERMIN DESTROYER This ■preparation is known throughou' the civ-ised world to be far superior t< anything yet discovered for eradicating tiok. scab, or lice on sheep, goats, oi cattle. ' It is sufficient to say that ONE SH2L LING PACKET of the powder dissolve* in two buckets of water wffl w__ EIGHTEEN SHEEP. This admits th< most economical, as well aa the simpleplan in the world for the cure and prevention of diseases incident to farm stock.. Bj its use the farmer can secure the health ol his stock at the rate of fd per head pel annum. In all large Sheep Districts in Australia, South America, and Africa, no other preparation is used. The Vermin Destroyer _ also invaluable for the purpose of the Horticulturist; and it is most extensively used by the Flower and Kitchen Gardener in Europe, America, and the British possessions in all parts of the Globe. One packet dissolved in two buckets of water will serve for over half an acre of ground, and wffl effectually prevent blight, and exclude aU other gardenpes—. Ari a VERMIN KILLER it is an unrivaQed specific. Its use wffl speedily exterminate all household pests, such as bugs, I cockroaches, fleas on animals, moths in furs, and insect- on birds of all k_ids,from the canary to the poultry. For this purpose simple and plain directions are given on every packet. The powder can also be used in a dry state for the destruction of rata and mice. A little sprinkled on a alioe Of bread and butter, or a piece of meat or cheese, is sought after greedily by those vermin, while the house—old pets, such as cats and dogs, will not touch it in any form, and are therefore perfectly safe. , The above marvellous discovery . has gained for Herman Bros, and Co., London, the silver medal at the Intercolonial Exhibition, Melbourne, 1866, besides numerous testimonials from Government officials, and all the elite of the medical faculty in Europe. HERMAN BBOS.ACO. begtoannounoe that they have appointed as their. Sole Agent for Christchurch Messrs COOK AND ROSS, Colombo street i and for Lyttelton, J. BERRY, Lyttelton Dispensary; and from them the preparation can be obtained in parcels. _ . ' Price One Shilling, or Six Packets for Five Shillings. Liberal reduction allowed to the trader > MANUFACTORY BEAUMONT SQUARE MILB END 8-17 ROAD, LONDON. 8878 ABSO LUTEL V PURE, J See A_alysis), Free on Application, ELLIS' RUTHIN WATERS, Established 1325. CRYSTAL SPRINGS. Renowned for their purity for B_lf-a-Cent—ry. Situated on the premises, and exclusively the private property of the Arm. Soda, Potass, Seltzer, Lemonade. Aromatic Ginger Ale for Gout. Lithia Water, and Lithia and Potass Wafer, corks branded—"R. Ellis and Son, Ruthin," and every label is and bears their—_ne_ad trade mark. ; Sold Everywhere, and Wholesals of B. ELLIS A SON, Bat—in. North Wales, Manufacture—t to - ,v the Royal Family. London Agents—W. Beet and. Sons, Henrietta street, Cavendish square.. Caution.—Beware of spurious imitations, and insist on having Ellis's Ruthin Miner— Waters. Sole Address— R. Ellis and Son, Ruthin, North Wales

' CHRISTCHURCH. BENEVOLEN- « ASSOCIATION. D — o ANNUAL • APPEAL. * ___ ■V ATA GENERAL MEETING of * ___ COMMITTEE of the above, held * Friday, 17th inst., it was resolved that _ urgent APPEAL be made to the Be **, volent in AID of the FUNDS of the A '•. ciation. L I In the month of July last 191 cases * 8 relieved, at an expense of 4113, arid. Committee have to regret that the hum i of applications 1b ori the incr«iise. The Government supplement oubsc) ,i' tions £ for £ collected, r i Subscriptions .which will beaekiaowledi ,i in the Press, wffl. be /thankfully recei v by the Secretary, Mr Miller, at the office , the' Association, Market Place, or to an 16 ,the undermentioned members of the C '* mitte'e:— \t W. M. Mitak-1 C. P. Hulbert v H.W, Packer J.G.Hawkes W.Pratt- J.P.Jameson f, Watson Rev.T.Flave v W. R. Mitohell G. Booth ~, C.Kiver J.T.Brown. _ By order. F C. T. ICK Chairman, is 8-22 9050 W. M. MILLER, Secretar * chamberlins* ?» Meat Dogs Bisou h ARE THE BEST EVER >f INTRODUCED. |i Supplied to the Royal Kennels a £ Sandringham. _ Mr Fbahcis Sutton, F.C.S v FJ.C, An tical Che__it, writes > "These Biscuits are special]y adapto the purpose intended, that ia to say, t are a highly nutritious food, in which all necessary elements are well balanoed, w > to constitute a perfect food, withou particle of worthless or useless mate* In this important respect they are by the Beet Dog Food I have ever examui 0 and I have the greatest confidence recommending thorn." _ _„„__, CHAMBEIiLIN'S MEAT BISCUI 1- have for m&nyyears been used in _~^ t, the principal Kennebi, and byexp*A£v y breeders and trainers of Dogs. I have s, permission of Mr R. Gittos, the late Ofl n of that most celebrated dog/ Coom_s r, twice winner of the Waterloo Cup, to >, his name in support of t, CH__IBERXfif'S MEAT BISCUIT a Coomaßsie and his other dogs were r principally upon them. c CHAMBERLIN'S BISCUITS were i s supplied to Mr J. S. Postls, owner f Prince Dag—_r, winner of the Wate y Cup, 1881 . „ „ „ * Price, 18s per cwt, bag included. Spc U quotations for 5 cwt and 1 ton lots, c GRANULATED DOG FOOD IU s PACKETS, y For Puppies and Sick Dogs, recommen .8 byMr Wynn," Caraotaous/' Ac 3 doz packets, 6s 6d 112 dos packets, 2 0 (including boxes). CHAMBERLDTS* DOG SOAP. -, 6d tablets. Boxes (12 tablets), 6s per j v Free from smell. Warranted net injurious. .... . JAMES CHAM BERLIN, '• Nobwioh. Eno_abp. J REGISTERED TRADE HARK. 5 • ' ' (PYRAMID). w t BALDNESS ► CURABIiI »f ... " r rTTHIB Great Scioi___ Discovery, _ X SCOTT BARROW'S 1 WONDROUS PYRAMID HAIR I - PRODUCER i- Is a purely natural and vegetable res'* r of the '■ HAIR ON BALD HEADS. I It is alse g-_eanteed to produoe the a ► l-cnriant \ WHIBKEBS AND MOUSTACHIOfi } To &->fte» and beautify the [ HAIR, s To Eradicate Dandr-ft, » And, with a stagls application, to street * fa-ingoffof theßJ_r a _s the most obstinate oaae* of , FEBRILE DISEASE, DEBILITY. " And the many other oaua4s so fta&alto 1 ___ growth and beauty-of I NATURE'S GREATEST ORNA MX c Price, in bottles (one month's wae), 4s. a Do do (two months* nse),7fl £■ Retail of F. BiaasTHigh street, Cto . church, and of all Chemists and PerfsH ; throughout the colonies. . _-? BARROW OX r : "-' : : 1 C« BDGWICK STEEL WIRE FEN O is the only general purpose wire la in use, being a Strong Network with ~ Barbs. It w_l turn dogs, pigs, sheep, I I poultry, as well as the most vicious AM 8 without injury to either fence or-« _ Itis inst the fence for ___s,gardenfcss ranges and railroads, and very neas: lawns, parks, school lots and cemeter; Covered with rust-proof paint .(or gsi nised) it will last a life-time. It is sup© to boards or barbed wire in every rejrpl We ask for it a fair trial .taowingiti r wear iteelf into favor. The Sedgw ■. Gates, made of wrought iron pipe ana m f wire, defy aU competition m nestffl strength/and durability.. We also m *■ the best and cheapest all iron automat* •i self-opening gate. Also, <*^P^*,' s neatestaUiron fence. For prices aadj " ticulars ask hardware ox aoaa 8 t^m_aufacturers. __-■■'" ~ . T _,j SEDGWICK BROS.. Richmond, W ~~. TO BUTOHJBBB, Ac. WASTE P___ir_Oß SALl«<*t Qflca of thi. Paper. *L

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Press, Volume XL, Issue 5710, 7 January 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XL, Issue 5710, 7 January 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XL, Issue 5710, 7 January 1884, Page 4


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