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§ Special Prices for LADIES' COATS One of our many. Summer 11 ml Styles in the new Felting \ 1 M B 'wJ Coats of Pastel Woolleas. ' ! \J|| \ WL 1, The flatted lines reveal a / jKM Jm £ distinctive skirt treatment ml Shades are m Blue, Green, J'f 1 Gold and Clover. EXTRA SMART BOXY flr j ct- n n txr n ttt COAT in plain Summer VmJ bizes S.S.W, S.W. woollens. S.S.W. to W.X. !{ft) Specially Priced from 93 x 6 Special Prices from 69/8 ' - WOOLLEN SWAGGERS FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY *WE ARE OFFERING OUR , -J LADIES' COATS AT SPECIAL PRICES. BEAUTIFUL - with tucked bag pockets COATS AT BIG REDUCTIONS. COME AND SEE THE m shades , WONDERFUL VALUES. From 84/BRIDGERS Ltd.

/ LET BERLEI BRING YOU ' V \ BACK TO BEAUTY /' proves it's line that counts. And no found- : ation gives a more beautiful line than Berlei. \ J With anything like the comfort. For Berlei has ONLY Berleis are made expressly to your ' Every section, every line of your Berlei is I ■■ designed, cut and stitched to solve YOUR figure ' problem and yours alone. Support is built in j exactly where slack muscles need it, ease where movement demands it. It's like wearing a / j .' glorious, powerful second skin. —f'y ; With ..weak flesh supported, weight dis- Ij .. tributed . . . your whole posture improves ' /pMSBb ' at once. The strain that comes from in- \J) IftPßwPil A adequate corseting is gone. You stand better, / I f walk better, look better. Gone too, is the stiff «HH| j j corseted look — for Berleis are flexible .. . born / iigHß * * j to live a useful active life in. Be fitted with your < / j j true-to-type Berlei and a new beauty, a new —aHIII youthfulness are yours at once. ! s —/<L \ Berlei has simplified fitting to ]II /V\/ \v \ figure-type by giving every M!A / \ figure a number. So. .just as i vYVj "7 y° u fo r a s^e 20 dress 3 I \Yi (/j or a s *\ e 7 S° ve • • now you / \ \\lf M can & ve the number of your - ttk HHKX I Vll if figure too. Ask the corsetiere W™| ■ \ fix I ill for it when you see about your «||jj| -\py - lJ FOR THE MATURE FIGURE*- |

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Bay of Plenty Beacon, Volume 2, Issue 247, 9 December 1940, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Beacon, Volume 2, Issue 247, 9 December 1940, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Beacon, Volume 2, Issue 247, 9 December 1940, Page 7