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O . a<M DENTAL HOTE L, AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. jpERSONS visiting Auckland sliould call and see the CURIOSITIES on EXHIBITION FREE. CAFE open from 8 a.m. to 8 p. m. Alcock and Co.’a first-class BILLIARD N.B. —English, American, Australian, Hawaiian, and Fiji Newspapers always on file. EDWARD PERKINS, Proprietor. L APIDAEY DEPARTMENT, ALBERT-STREET. WORKING- JEWELLERY DEPARTMENT, HIGH-STREET. 6ALE-ROOM, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND £Opposite the Unxok Bakk]F soliciting the patronage of the public I have the pleasure of informing them that I am in a position to manufacture any article iu Jewellery either in gold or silver, having received from England the necessary tools, also the various stonea used by jewellers. I have also engaged three of the best skilled working jewellers and two lapidaries. Have constantly on hand gold bearing quartz from the various leading mines of the Thames and Coromandel, either in the rough or cut, and polished ready for mounting into Brooches, Earrings, Pins, Studs, Sleeve Links, Solitaires, Rings Bracelets, Necklaces, &c., &c., &c. New Zeaiand Greenstone; Jaspar, from the Thames; Black Stone from Mairs Island; Petrified Wood; Tapu Creek Red and White Cornelian ; New Zealand and Island Shells ; Kauri Gum cut into Hearts and Crosses, &c., &c., &c. Gold Chains made to order, any pattern or weight. The highest price allowed for old gold, silver, or precious stor es in exchange. The best selected stock of London-made Jewellery in the Colonies. Rotherham’s best Silver Levers, £7 ; Gold ditto. Two hundred drops for Chains from the various gold-bearing quartz reefs. One hundred sets of Brooch and Earrings to match. Gold and Silver Wire and Plate always on hand and for sale. Thanking the public for past favours,’ I beg to solicit a continuance of the same.

F. H. FEWISSON. N.B.—Goods sent through Post registered. All articles of Jewellery repaired. £Bx ArpomTjrEKT -ro His Rotah Highness the Duke or Edinburgh, and His Excellency Sir G. E. Bowes.] EH. BARTLETT, Photographer, Corner of • Queen and Wellesley-streets, Auckland. m 4s? mJ NOTICE. REMINGTON, DRUGGIST AND CONSULTING CHEMIST, TAURANGA. XT AY be consulted by letter or otherwise, and iJX in all cases of delicacy strict confidence may be placed in Ms discretion and attention. All communications requiring advice should be accompanied with a £1 note; and as quickly as possible suitable medicine shall be forwarded to that value with needful instructions. DEUGS and MEDICINES of every descrinfcion kept in Stock. POMADES and PERFUMERY made on the premises, first quality. PRESCRIPTIONS prepared accurately. Twenty years experience in the business in first class houses. East and Whst end of London. “Honourable Mention” Paris Exhibition, 1867.

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume I, Issue 16, 26 October 1872, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume I, Issue 16, 26 October 1872, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume I, Issue 16, 26 October 1872, Page 4