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Bruce County Council

The ordinary meeting of the above Counoil took place at the Council Ohambexß on Tuesday, 3rd inst., present, Ors Maopherson (ohairman), H. Clark, Grave, Murray, Haggart, Rutherford, Hewitßon, and Noble. BUSINESS. Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Letter from Cr Smith stating that he waß oalled away on urgent business. INSPEOTOB 'S REPORT. Roade. — In good repair for traffio at this soaeon of the year. Very little surfacing has been done, the men being engaged in other works. Works — Parts of work in band bave made good progress, and other portions have made little or no progress, Bince laßt meeting. T : e formation contracts at Waihola and Glenledi are completed, tho metalling contract at Balmoral has all tbe stones oartod on to tbe road, and tbe formation and metalling oontraot at Fairfax is nearly completed. The maintenance metal contracts at Manuka Creek and main road are nearly oompleted, but nothing has been done to tbe metal contract at Lovells Flat which is proceeding Blowly, and nothing haß been done to the formation at Somerville's and Akatore. The ereotion of lock on Lakes Drainage oanal was making better progress during tho last few weeks, and will soon be oompleted. Tbe olearing out of oentre ditch, Inob Clutha, is making good progress, one of tho oontraots being oompleted.

Other Works. — Part of the Lakea Drainage canal has been cleared out, and the overhanging banks lightened and part of Morrison's creek at lower end of Tnakitoto was deepened, but the work was stopped owing to the water being dammed baok by the works in connection with the ereotion of the lock in canal ; tbe work of clearing out portion of Macau drain near Gilroy's has been delayed throughout through the same cause. The other drains under tbe Marau scheme on side of swamp road and through tbe Crescent estate bave been oleared out of all grasses and other rubbish. Parts of South bridge and Clarksville drainß have aleo been oleared out where sides bave fallen In, and in other portions where tho flow of the water was obstructed. A portion of the road near Table Hill has been graded, and several new oulverts have been put down in place of old oneß broken down in tbe various districts.

Bridges.— The Clarksville bridge is now completed with tbe exception of the wing wall on tbe site of the old bridge, the stones are on the ground, and the work will be in hand in a few days. Dunn's bridge has had a complete overhaul, and the whole superstructure has been renewed witb fresh timber, and several new piles have also been put in. Some Blight repairs have also been made to bridgeß at North Branch, Glenore, and Lovells Flat. The metal oontraot on road at Milburn Is now making good pro gresß, and will be finished in a few day.. The receipts and expenditure were read as follows : — RECEIPTS. £ P. d. Ratea 1941 10 7 Dog tax -. ... 55 0 0 Refund for Works, Licenses, &c. 73 13 1 L 2070 3 8 EXPENDITURE. Works 300 8 1 Lakes Drainage 70 15 6 Matau Drainage ... ... ... 36 18 0 Matau Bridge 14 8 6 Hospital and Charitable Aid ... 124 0 8 Dog-tax salaries, &o 12S 19 11 L 675 2 8 Report and balance-sheet were adopted and pay-sheet paeaed. CORRESPONDENCE. A letter was read from the Inspector of Police, stating that he had no objection to Constable Mac Hae acting as inspector of slaughter houses within thiß district ; but could not allow bim to act as Ranger on oounty roads. Cr Murray eaid someone should be appointed ranger for Tokomairim riding In meantime they had better delay the matter.

The Clerk pointed out that oomplaints were often coming in about cattle aud horses wandering on county roads.

Cr Crane Baid that everywhere police aoted there were complaints. There would always be some people complaining. Cr Clark considered something should be done at once to obtain a raoger.

Ultimately it was agreed that Mr Marshall Bhould be appointed, and Cr Clark moved, and Cr Crane seconded— " That Mr Allan Marshall be appointed ranger for Tokomairiro, Waihola, Mount Stuart Ridings, at £7 103 per annum." — Oarried. A letter read from the Commissioner of Crown Lands with reference to stopping certain road in north Tnakitoto district, stating that portions of road would require to be closed before it oould be dealt with.

Or Clark moved, and Cr Hewitson seconded — "Tbat steps be taken to close portion of road in Block VI II, north Tnakitoto district, to complete the transfer of the road.— Carried.

A letter read fiom tbe Manawatu County Council, asking Council to make representation to the Government to alter the Government Loanß to Local Bodies. Aot, 1886, so tbat Council oould pay the interest on a loan from a separate rate levied over the district. — Received.

The Clerk Kaitangata B rough Council, drawing! tbe Council's attention to the state of the Kaitangata Creek, and asking tbat the Bame be cleared out so as to allow tbe drainage of tbe township free access to the river. Councillors generally agreed that there was no doubt about the nuisance, but considered that the Borough Counoil was to blame for allowing dead cattle and other refuse to be thrown into tbe creek. Or Hewitson moved, and Cr Haggart seconded—" That the cause of the complaint is due to the Borough ratepayers using tho creek as a rubbish depot, if that was Btopped the nuisance would cease.'' — Carried. A letter waa received from Mr A. B. Haggitt, on behalf of Messrs R. and T. Mills, Btating that his clients are rated for the Southbridge Drainage Works and receive no benefit from the works. He understands that a balance of £59 16s 9d stands to the credit of the interest account, and be thinks tbe Counoil has power to expend part of tbat sum in extending the drain through Messrs Mills' property. — Resolved that the previous resolution that when there was money in band tbe Council would extend tbe drainage. A letter waß received from Mr T. Agnew Btating that he was directed by the ratepayers in the Taieri Beach district, to aßk the Council to do something to reduoe tbe grade on part of tbe road known as Imries Hill $ aleo stating two petitions had previously been sent to the Council on tbe same subject. Cr Crane moved, and Or Haggart seoonded — " That the matter Btand over in the meantime." — Carried. Mr John Sinolair wrote drawing the attention of tbe Connoil to tbe damage be was suffering from the water from the Coupty jroftd.—Reoelved,

CULVERT AT HOWIE'S. A petition signed by the undermentioned settlers in the Southbridge diatriot was presented objecting to tho ereotion of a oulvert on what is known as Howie's crossing, on the ground that the roadß in the diatriot are more in need of money being spent on them, and that the crossing is required for a watoring place for horseß and cattle in summer time : Wm. Robinson, James Blaokie, John Boyle, E. 6- Reed, R. Mills, R. Robinson, J. Howie, J. Allison, A. Fraser, Thos. Cameron, Jas. Lockhart, R. G. Lockhart, Margaret Robinson, Thoa. Millß, R. Ferguson. The Chairman, referring to Mr Haggitt's letter, said he had gone through the Mills' paddocks, and the only obstruction be could see to water was a thiok growth of whins on both sides of ditoh. He was convinced that Mr Mills did get benefit from the ditch, To his mind there was nothing in Mr Mill's complaint, and if anyone waß Co blame it was himself for allowing tho whins to grow on both Bides of the ditoh. The Council should go and see for themselves as to the Btate of the case.

Mr Mills deolared the Obairman had not gone over hiß property. If be had he would not bave found auy water on it. Mr Clark w»8 allowed to dam up tho ditoh on his farm in two plaoeß, and so stopped water from coming down.

Mr Howie Eaid tbere no necessity to put ia tbe culvert, and tbe whole district except two settlere were opposed to it. It would do no good — only take away the water.

Or Hewitaon said be had used the road for 20 years aod there was no need of a oulvert. Mr Mills declared that he had no water on hiß farm and would give LSO to anyone who could find any there.

Cr Clark, in speaking on the question, referred to a letter Bigned "Ratepayer" whioh appeared in the Bruoe Herald He said it was hardly worth noticing, it was too base and contemptible. It was directed at bim, bnt there was not a particle of truth in it. He knew nothing of the dispute between Mills and Clarke, and had never seen or spoken to his nephew on the subjeot. Ors Haggart moved and Cr Hewitson seconded—" That Urs JKutherford, Crane, and the mover be appointed to examine the place and report."— Oarried. The committee appointed drove up to the ground and inspeo:ed the place, and on returning reported as follows : That they had found an obstruction in the side of ditoh in Mill's farm and at ford whioh interfered with Clark's drainage. Putting in a pipe wall would not oarry water any further than at present. If oulvert was put in there would be no baokwater as at present, and it would therefore not interfere with Clark's drainage ; notwithstanding Mr Mills' statements to the contrary they found a big water bole on this farm quite sufficient for watering all his oattle and sheep. They ako reported that they bad found whina growing on Mr Mills' property,Jas stated by the ohairman, whioh were obstructing the water. They suggested that Mr Mills Bhould be asked to clear them away.

Mr Haggart said tbat there were no funds to put a oulvert in, and if the parties interested were prepared to supply material tho work ah uld be done. Did not consider the Council should do the whole work.

Cr Rutherford understood the parties were willing to do all the work.

The Chairman could Bee the culvert was requited, He washed his hands of the matter and thought it ehould bo adjourned till next mettiug as it would be making very little of the member of riding to go on with

it. Cr Murray said that he knew nothing about the matter of the culvert till lately. He had never been consulted at all, and felt; very strongly on the matter. All he knew waa tbat someone had told bim Btones were being procured for the road. Did not coneidar this waß right He would move th-it the matter be left over till next meeting. «eoonded by Or Hewitson, and canted. The Ohairman reported he had attended meetjng of ratepayers in Tokomairiro riding to consider the stopping of certain roads, and a resolution was agreed to that the roads should be closed. Tbe Chairman said that it would be for the oounoll to confirm the decMon of the ratepayers.

Cr Clark moved, and Cr Haggart seconded «« That the Council confirm the deoision of the ratepayers' meeting in Tokomairiro riding in the stopping of oertain roads in the Tokomairiro and Akatore survey districts."— Agreed to. Messrs Joseph and Watßon, of Taieri Beach, wrote asking the Council to clear out the Taieri canal, so as to allow the boats loaded witb timber and grain to gain access to the railway siding. Or Clark said that he was down at Titri lately, and noticed the great Inconvenience caused by the present st ite of the canal, and hoped Council would vote £5 to improve it. Crs agreed to this but of course this would only be effective for a few months, and Cr Crane moved, and Cr Rutherford seconded

•< That £5 be expended in cleaning out canal."— Oarried.

A letter was read from Mr D. Reid asking leave to run the water down the side of the road, opposite Springfield property, &r it had been running for many years past. The Inspector Btated his report would be favorable. — Resolved that the Inspector report on this matter to tho next meeting of Council. Agreed to. A letter was read from Mr James Fergusson stating tbat he bad been unwell, aud oould not attend to his work, and that was the reason he had not Btarted the contract at Pearson's, Akatore, but he was now bettor and would start in a few days. — Received. The local manager of the Bank of New Zealand wrote stating that owing to a tightness in the money market, the Baok would raise the rate of Interest on overdraft to 6fc per cent, from the present date. Cr Haggarb moved, and Cr Murray seconded. — " That the ohairman and Cr Clark be appointed to wait upon the manager of the Bank of New Zealand, and report in the afternoon as to the terms agreed npoD." — Carried. Later on tbe ohairman and Cr Clark reported that they had seen the manager, and that be wonld again communicate with tbe general manager on the subject. A letter was read from Messrs T. Powell and Brooks stating that he was prepared to supply poisoned grain for destruction of sunll birds in quantities of 10 bushels at 20a per bushel, and 12 1 per bushel respectively. —Received.

Cr Rutherford moved, and Cr Hewitaon seoonded, —•• That the Bum of £20 be expended on purchase of poison for the whole county." Cr Olark said in the absence of Cr Smith (of Balmoral riding), who was the largest ratepayer in tbe county, they ought to act as tbey did last year, i c., each riding pay for itß own poisoned grain.

Cr Rutherford considered that tho whole county ought to take up the question of the poisoning of birds. It was very hard that one riding should do its beßt to keep down birds, and one adjoining do nothing to get rid of the peßt.

Cr Noble said his was not a grain-growing district, and there were very few birdß there.

Cr Clark said if they got poisoned grain for the whole county tbey wonld have to get a man to distribute the poison for birds. The Chairman pointed <"** that goaje years

ago they employed a man to lay poisoned grain for birds, and they were threatened with legal proceedings. Or Clark moved as an amendment, and Cr Noble Beoonded — " That eaoh riding pay for the grain it requires."— Lost by 3 to 5. Cr Murray drew the attention of the counoil to part of road near Falconer's requiring attention, and stated that carters interested would oart the metal if the council would send a man to quarry and fill the drays. If something waß not done the road would be impassable in winter. Cr Haggart moved, and Or Hewitson seoonded — " That the council send a man to fill the drays."— Oarried. Petition was presented from ratepayers asking that the grades on the road through Fairfax to bush quarry be reduced. Or Murray in speaking in favor of petition, pointed out there were three bad pinches on the road, and they wanted lowering, and that the spring would be tbe best time to do the work. The Milton Borough Council ased tbe road a great deal, and no doubt if approaohed would vote something towards the work.

Cr Murray moved, and Cr Noble seconded, " That the inspector report on thia matter at next meeting, and aaoertain if Borough of Milton would asßißt."— Carried.

Tbe Chairman drew attention to the proposed bridge over the Waipori river, and said tbat there seemed to be a misunderstanding over the matter. Several councillors at last meeting had stated that they Lad heard that the bridge, if erected would only benefit two or three settlers. Suoh was not; the oase, and he would propose that tho councillors should visit the plaoe and sco for themselves as to whether it waa wanted or not.

Cr Hewitson stated that several people had informed bim that the bridge would only benefit two or three settler., and surely tbe oounoil would not agree to tbe bridge being erected under the circumstances.

Resolved that Cro Baggart. Rutherford, Noble, and Hewitson, Bhould visit the proposed site of the bridge on Tuesday, 19th instant, and see for themselves and report.

On the motion of Cr Rutherford it was resolved that the inspector be asked to report on the cost of filling up a break in tbe river bank at J. C. Anderson's and the diversion of tbe water to Matau drain. It was decided tbat next meeting take place in July. SPECtAL MEETING. The special statutory meeting to consider the balance sheet was then held. The Chairman explained that six months ago the overdraft was over L2OOO, but now, owing to tbe exercise of economy on tbe part of tbe members, it has been reduced to L 570. He hoped they would continue to excrecise tbe same eoonomy during the next six months. The members of the ceuncil expressed satisfaction at the state of the oounoil's finance, and the balance sheet was then authorised to be signed and published,

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Bibliographic details

Bruce Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 2958, 6 May 1898, Page 5

Word Count

Bruce County Council Bruce Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 2958, 6 May 1898, Page 5

Bruce County Council Bruce Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 2958, 6 May 1898, Page 5


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