General Sir Bernard Freyberg, V.C. (left), photographed while he visited some N.Z.E.F. units in the field. With him are: Colonel P. A. Ardagh, D.5.0.. M.C., Major F. B. Ednmndson, Major T. A. MacFarlane, Captain A. VV; Douglas, W.0.1l J, M. Rennie and two others unnamed.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 106, 6 May 1943, Page 6
Word Count
45General Sir Bernard Freyberg, V.C. (left), photographed while he visited some N.Z.E.F. units in the field. With him are: Colonel P. A. Ardagh, D.5.0.. M.C., Major F. B. Ednmndson, Major T. A. MacFarlane, Captain A. VV; Douglas, W.0.1l J, M. Rennie and two others unnamed. Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 106, 6 May 1943, Page 6
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