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(Hy Tolt'(!rn.|ili (>\vii <'nrrt>»| - i>n<liMit.) WKI-MNC PON. Wedtu-silay. A <-oU 'by Bitlnmlrili ir Poa Tal.t'le, by 'leu Tray Bouvai din. iii'imortl the keenest bidding lit Olio I l>ih nut nvnn.l yearling sales hold nl Ti on t Inn. tfxl.iy, the colt being I m in-bused In Mi ('. Wheeler. Adelaide, lor 'J*M)O guine.ii No otlit 1 ! icarling offered felihed four ,-s. Plii' wile in i.lic inor'iiMK \viiß dull. Knt bidding In i-iiivl 11(> in i 'io al'fi'i'iioon, ami IMIIII \ ol I (if bet lor .1 IMS lot s liroiirrlit wnl i»l,it toi > ihiiiw. Two ot tlio higlier1 1 1 i-oil col tw » cut to I ill. Mti'liurcli. Mr. VV. Sliiiml luddiug S."KI urum.Ms tor tlio colt l>v I I'li'iMj c M \ (Im n. .u,.1 Mr. II I), (ireeiiwooil 7i*i guineas lor .t colt l>\ Fox'bridge- — H.wo l/iitoui . Kiltoon loth »I't-o knocked ilo« - n to A11<• kln i >«1 liui.Ts. Mr 'P. 11111 »oy pa id •"»-.*» guineas lor ,i colt by Nigihtiniirclv Variant, and Mr. A. J. Court secured a colt I>\ Itulntidshair—Pans On far .'WO guinea*. . For tlio tilliiw WJio liig'hest price wno •Vi<> guineas, paid for one by Phaleron May - Baylock. Alx>nt r>o lots wore passed in, wihile several lota were not/ offered. Details ol Sales. Tlio following nnles were mode:— On account of Morn*™. Smith Brothers, Knuwlwita, Mangaweka.—Brown tllly by Kuinndslinr —Hlilllnng, J. Matthews, Sydney, On account of Mr. S. G. McKenzie, Tliiiiiru. —Chestnut Hlly by Iliad—Chiefava. It. J. Murphy, Wellington, 170gs. r»n account of Mrs. J. M. H. Tripp, 811vertimi Ueraldlne.—Brown colt by Solicitor tionoral— Ma Mle, Ken Austin, Christ - cliurcli, 150« S. v On account of K. A. Smith, Walpawa.— 111-own colt by Lord Que* —Hose d'Or, B. Burgess, Opakl, lOOff*. i On account of Mr. A. Smith-Morton, Onniaru. —Chestnut Ally by Hunting Song —Ma a ran tie, Mrs. J. M. H. Tripp, Oeraldlne, I.'joas. On account of -Mr. John Davidson, Knlriiiiga, I'nlmerHton North.—Bay colt by lla/.rat—A/ectu, J. K. McKepsle, Chrlstoliurch, ltlOga. . On account of Mr. J. McDonald, Tlmaru.— Kuan tllly by Tlderace—Silver Grey, G. H. I'll til, Tlmaru, l-liigs. On account of Mr. W. Alexander, Tc Awmnutu.—Brown colt by Foxbrldge—Rose I.a I our, H. D. Greenwood, Clirlstchurch, 7iN>gs. On ncoount of Mrs. T, H. Lowry, Okawa, llahllii(xh. —Bay Hlly by Tlderace—Treasure Trove, B. Nanslmum, I'alinerston North, lIMIgN. t On account of Mr. T. H, Lowry, Okawa, IfiiNtlnffM. —Chestnut colt by Tlderace — Marion's Birthday, U. Shannon, Wellington, an intent, <tOO|M; bay colt by Tlderace— Aurntuin, ,T. T. Jamleson, Sydney, 3?Sgs; chestnut Hlly by Tlderace—Coronllla, C. M. Merrflees, OtaKl, lOOgs ; brown Ally by Line,. J. Owen, Walroa, 1 !l<>gs ; buy Hlly by Tlderace—TalarC Ken Austin, Chrliftchurch, as agent, lOOgs; chestnut Blly by Tlderace—Flntry, R. H. W. Hidden, Poukawa, 20O«a; chestnut Ally by Tlderace—Pure Gold, F. Ormond, Hastings, -'0»I|W.

on account of Miss 3. Edgar Jones, Ocnildliie.—Chestnut Ally by Lonl Warden Felicity I»o, 8. Ijapwood, Tuakau, 25ga. .On account of H. Hassall, Hastings.— 111-own Ally by Bulandshar—Love of Silver, ('. Wheeler. Adelaide, 180gs; brown Ally h.v Biilnnihtliiir—Mlnnlkin, A. H. /Demler, Miitirlcevllle, 92}gs.

On account of Mrs. 11. L. Parkin, Bell Block, —Chestnut Ally by Myosotls—Giselle, 'I'. 3. Evans, Felldlng, .StVgs.

On account of the estate late W. Hlgglns, Wellington.—Brown colt by Bulandshar— Pass On, A. J. Court, Auckland, 380gs; liny colt by Safari —Bon Chic, Mrs. W. Hlgglns, Wellington, 170gs j brown Ally by Solicitor General —800 Acre, D. W. McLenniin, Levin, 75gs : chestnut Ally by Iliad — After Money, ,T. Matthews, Sydney, HOgs; chestnut Ally by Iliad—Joy Princess, Pyne, Gould and Guinness, Chrlstcburch, SOjrs. ' On account of Mrs.i B. J. Davidson, I'm ten.—Brown colt by Phaleron Bay— Duckling, T. Impe.y, Auckland, 300gs. Oil account of J. P. Robinson, Dannevlrke.—Bay colt by Inflation—Laktlk, H. 'I'elford, Trent ham, 140gs.

On nccoiint of F. J. Carmont, Foxton.— Hrown colt by Wherlko—Discourse, J. It. M<-r>otiiild, Levin. 2(Vgs. On account of 3. Mulvaney, Mastferton.— Hrown colt by Foxllght—Artiste, A. Watson. Auckland, 3flgs. •

On account of G. R. Hunter, Oamaru.— chestnlit Ally by Myosotls—Auspicious, J. Mi*tthews, Sydney, tOgs. On account of T. E. Hide, Sea down,—Brown colt by Man's Pal— Warden's Queen, D. Lamb, Wellington, I2sgs; bay colt by Spsar Dance—Masatuke, W. 11. Pakti, Masterton, 200gs. On account of A. Mcintosh, Glaborne.— Clientnut Ally by Sporting' Blood—Blue •lay, 3. Nelson, TrentMm, SQgs; chestnut colt by Sporting 8100d —Sporty, 3. Lowe, Trentham, 55gs. On account of Mrs. R. Carrlngton, Hamilton.—Buy colt by Hunting Song—Nancy r<ee, Wm. Inglls and Sons, Sydney, SOOgs; bny colt by Hunting Song—Prickles. A. finder, Te Rnpa. 210iga: chestnut colt by Hunting Song—Chaxmallne, D. Grant, Tlinaru. 200gs: brown colt by Hunting Song—Hlnewal, J. Duncan, Hawke's Bay, SOOgs; bay colt by Baffles—Chrlsls. M. O'Brien, Ctirlstcfearch, 810gs; bny colt by Baffles—Martulla, W. H. Ward, Christchurch, 200gs: bay Ally by Baffles—Tractrlx, F. Farrell, Hamilton, DOgs. On account of Messrs. 3. G." and T. R. Donald, Fentherstone.—Chestnut colt by Tlderace—Kotuo, M. /. Meehan, Tlmaru, lOOg#. On acconnt of Ken Austin, Kalnpol.— Brown colt by Night Ral4—Cupid's Bow, I*. Co,vie, Wellington, OSOga. On account of Dr. R. B. F»tsgerahl and Ken Austin, Kalapol.—Bay Illy by Iliad— Lndy Burleigh, L» O. Morris, Awapunl, 1 ' On"'account of I. W. and L. W. Htorry, Chrlstchnrch.—Bay colt by Myosotls — Fortunlo, J. T. Spears, Wellington, 93gs; chestnut Ally by Myoaotw—Glowllght, W. Hourke, Manala, OOga; brown Ally by AlvoiMitl*—Sky Song,. J. Matthews, Sydney, '''off" account of. 0, 'Hi Ban]* Tlmaru linv colt by Nlghtmareh—Raid, K. Webster, otakl, 1 logs, v . ■ On account of 0> M. Carrie, Koatanul, Wnngnnul.—Bay colt to Posterity—Curtain, W. Hhiintl, Chrlstcburch, 250gs; brown colt by Ringmaster—Jewel of Asia, B. Nausbiium, Palmerston North, 210gs; browncolt by Ringmaster—Damarls, H. J. Kirkwood, Stratford, 820gs; bay colt by Ringmaster— IliiMt, M. A. Ryan, Manala, I80gs; bay colt hv I'orterl ty—Mldlnette, O. Cox. Hawera. lOOgs; bay colt by Ringmaster—Burnish. J. L. (.'hceseinan, Wellington. lr.Ogs; bay lllly by Posterity—Variable. J. Matthews, Sydney, 2flogs: bay Ally by Lavish, T. Brlggs, Auckland. lOOgs: black Ally by Ringmaster—Severe. H. Gray. Takanliil. I70g»; bay Ally by Posterity—Solange, J. H. Mitchell, Studhotme Junction, lOogs.

On account of Orange Stud, West-mere.— llrown colt by IMialcron Itay—Going Gay. t . Shannon, as agent. 17"igs ; brown tilly by I'halertin Hay Kay|o< k. Wright. Stephen?>on and Company, as agents. .ViOgs ; brown tilly by I'lmleron Bay - Columba. G. W. New. A wnpiinl. -logs; brown tilly by I'lmleron Ita.v Greenwich, Wright. Stcplieusou and Company, as agents, 1 lOirs.

on account of S. .f. Gllibons. Wunganui.Itrown colt b.v I'lmleron i til .v Hiinling l.odge. \V. Longworih. Sydney, -ILTigs.

On account of (lie estate of the late J. S. Mcl.ecrtl, Hastings. -Chestnut colt by Tlilerace My Own, W. Sliand. Christ. hurcli s."i(lgs; bay colt by Itulniidshar I'ollv I'ea.liem, W. C. Whitfield. Napier. ."tlTigs": black colt by Gascony Tudor Wench. A. Goorliiiaii. Trentham, 70g j .

tin account of G. IV Donncllv, Klnxmere Hustings. Itrown colt by Lord Quex —Tuata mure. 11. S. Itagby, Auckland, 2.">i)gs; brown ' ''. v J.ord Quex Arab Song. Pyne, Gould and Guinness. Clirlstihuich, lOOgs; brown b.i l.oril Quex Caligo, C. Larsen, Carterton, lings : bay tilly bv Lord Quex —- Marilis A. Stewart. Opaki. ling*: chestnut Illy by Lord Quex —Parley. .1. Punch, Auek.Vr!"" 1 ~||,,Mr' iut colt by Thelo— Gav l-ass. Klb Simpson, Trentham. 4<>Ogs ; chestnut colt by Thelo—Saturation, F. Ilnw I Iran, KHlgs ; grey tilly by Thelo—Sicilian" "tt ltamsay. Wellington. 2'_'ngs • grev tillv Sninte. 11. D. Greenwood, i, , . -Ml'gs; chestnut tilly by Thelo — Huntawny, ( . Wheeler, AdelaWle ISOesil'iT'i," 'u .""'m '~y, ,y —Gaymlnt,' j. h' iiv'rii S 'J" l " e Junction, 85gs ; bay tilly IK. " Squeeze, B. Brickman, Wellington,

Hn'sll.,""'""!!' ° f Mr "- J ' M Chambers. \ii. . , Brown # colt by Lord Quex— Minnie singer, C. Killian. Sydney, 3Uogs. \ nVi'le r " "III!"' of M , rs ' 11 ® Tro.itbeck, Xljiiiiiii'v - J w ," colt by Buiandshar— Maundy Lee, J. j.. Jamleson, Sydney, 1 logs.

On account of J. T. Cooper, Masterton. — Bay colt by Colossus—Greymist, F. Holmes, Chrlstchiirch. lOOgs. On account of I). lElisor, Kakuia, C'hrintohiirch.—Chestnut colt by Myosotis —Pellnn, T. K. Grlmmond, Ot-abiihu, 40ga; chestnut filly by Friday Night—Day Dress, B. McKnight, Wellington. 37JgK. On .account of J. G. Alexander, Maxwell. —Chestnut colt by Solicitor-General—-Splonetta. Dr. Nigel Smith, Sydney, 33ugs ; chestnut colt by Kulamit—.lolly, F. G. Florence. Ohingait i. 57Jgs: chestnut .filly by Captain Bunsby—Cocoa nut, Wright, Stephenson and Company. 4Tigs; bay filly by Kiilauiit Wake Cp, J. Sklenar, Te Awainutti.

On account of Miss H. Williams, Tinul —Chestnut colt by Kowley—Jtenitn, W Morrison. Opaki. 7.">gs.

• 111 account of H. Kohlnson. Kai Iwl. It row n Hlly h.v Midinii—Again, I£. H Williams, Wellington, l.'ii;*. On 11 ('count of Mrs. It. H. Kdkins, Kerikeri. Itay colt by Solicitor-General—lliad l)r. Nisei Smith, Sydney. 4,"iOgs.

On account of H. E. Troutbec-K, Napier.— Bay Hlly by Bulandelmr —Western Maid, T. K. George, Trentham.

On account of W. R. Stead, Hastings.— Orey colt by Thelo—Princess Ball, C. Wheeltr, Adelaide, 320gu; brown Ally by Foxbrldge—Drama, J. K. McKenzie, Ohrlatchurch, 400gi9.

On account of .T. T. Crawford, Waluku. — Brown colt by Tideraee—Birthday Party, H. T. Whale, Morton, On account of A.- Loui*Mon. Chrtatchurch.—llrown colt by Nlirhtma rcli — Praiee, -W. H. Galsford, Oringi, 625g5; brown oolt by NifjhtLUJrch—Variant, T. Impey, Auckland, 525gs™ bay colt by Nightmarch—Bay queen, H. V. Nathan. Wellington, 2*H>ga ; bay filly by Nigbtmarch— Oay Helen, H. Ha«snll, Hastings, 120gs. On account of G. A. Knln, Ora.l, MasterJon. —Bay Ally by Man's Pal —IVirwtrlna. W. Shand, Chrintcliurch, ; black colt by Lord Warden—Halo, J. Butler, Stratford, 11©k* : ehentnut filly by Salmagundi— Fortune's Wheel, J. Maun, Auckland, 75m. On account of 0. A. Kain and Gordon Fulton.—Bay colt by M<an'« Pal—VeniMtcher, K. Hay. Pigeon lJay, liSOgs; chestnut colt by Man's Pal—Knocklyn, B. F. Ward, Wellington, liOOgs. On account of Gordon Fulton. North Canterbury.—Chestnut colt by Winning Hit—Gay Vixen, A. 3. Elwortliy, Tlnntru, 120gD.

Ona 00011 nt of A. W. Melkle, Hastings.— Bay colt by Btilandnhar—Tea Tattle, C. Wheeler, Adelaide, SOOOg*. On account of T. J. Bvane, Feilding.— Buy Ally by The Greek—Weathenstep, R. Wentworth. Howard, flOus.

On account of Mr*. A. Hutchinson. Ntilink*.—Bay Ally by Kulnnd»linr —'Sporting Love,' J. Duncan, Hastings. 185gs. On account of F. Armstrong. Akltio.— Brown colt by I'lialeron Bay—Cherry Pie, G. J. Barton, Dubedln, iVSi its. On account of J. J. McGrath, Bulls.— Brown colt by Lelghon—Lady I'ym, T. E. Grlmtnoml, ptuhnliu, O.V»s. On account of L. H. Otwny. Cambridge.— Brown colt by Vermeer—Tallin Qm-x. M. MHkir, Palmerston North, SlOgn; chestnut colt by Vermeer—Astarth, T. L. Wilson, Awapunl, 42&gs; brown Ally by Foxbrldge— Merry Way, Wright, Stephenson and Co., as agents, 2logs : ehwtnmt filly by Vermeer— Palsgia. E. Parkes, Sockbnrn, 170gs; bay colt by Foxbrldge—Hunting Tower. C. Wheeler, Adelaide, 240gs; brown Ally by Foxbrldge—Air Lassie, N. R. Souter, Cambridge, lOOgs. On account of Dr. E. H. B. Mtlsom, Auckland.—Bay Ally by Vermeer— A. Llle, New Plymouth. 235g5. On account of A. Courtney. Ngntea.— Brown colt by Foxbrldge—Speedmlnt, J. T. Jnmleson, Sydney, 750gs. On account of Mrs. R. E. Grocott, Hastings.—Chestnut colt by Hunting Song— Collma, E. J. Ellis, Washdyke, 200gs; bay colt by Pombal—Gay Doll, T. R. George, Trentnam, 70gs. On account of J. Porter, Akaroa. —Bay colt by Martarma —Taraheke, R. J. Murphy, Wellington, 375g5; chestnut Ally by Martarma —Walwene, W. Brady, Dannevlrks, 40gs; bay Ally by Martarma— Kawene, H, Dulleii, New Plymouth, 45gs; brown Ally by Myosotls—Miss Martarma, 3. B. Bfcdley, Felldlng, HOgs; brown Ally by Myosotls—Bright Shade, .W. Sykes, Chrlstcbureh, s.»gw; bay - Ally by Solicitor General—'Luclnda, F. Ormond, Hastings, lHOgs; chestnut Ally by Thrapston—Miss Inchmabone, E. Nicholls, Maheno 150gs. On account of Mrs. P. Borthwlck, Masterfon. —Brown Ally by Croupier—Lady Portland, W. G. Shunnon, Palmerston North, 120gs. On account of F. J. Savage and Sons, Walmana. —Brown colt by Foxbrldge— Ithaca,. Inglls and Sons, Sydney, 400gs. On account of 3. H. Grigg, Longbeach.— Brown colt by Rlntaimster —High Note, L. H. Colllnson, Palmerston North. 230gs.

On account of G. Wells, Feildlng.—Black colt by Lelghon—Saxony,- J. McDonald, Plrlnon, 200gs. , . On account of D. M. Douglas, Te Mahanga, Hastings.—Chestnut colt by Tlderace —Gold Trail, E. J. Watt, Sydney, 800gs; black colt by I^elghon—Hilton Gorge, F. Marten, New Plymouth, lOOgs; chestnut Ally by St. Boswells—Walklna, H. B. Lorlgan, Trentham, 80gs. On account of the estate of the late Jobn Glceson, Bell Block.—Brown Ally by Nightmarch —Merry Jest, Pyne, Gould and Guinness, as agents, 70gs.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 15, 18 January 1940, Page 16

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YEARLING SALES Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 15, 18 January 1940, Page 16

YEARLING SALES Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 15, 18 January 1940, Page 16


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