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AUCTIONS. J|MNE JjIURNISHINGS. y-yALKER, J^TD., Favoured with lustriK-tions from the Owner, Great South !{"<,.d, and also other Clients, WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE GREAT SALEROOMS, 24U, QUEEN STREET, MORROW — AT O'CLOCK. rpHE "yEW JpURNISHINGS AND OF >2 yrODERN JJOMES. ITES. yyrILTON AND Y XM. QARPETS. AND AT 1: > 0 P.M. ||AIM)LDI & J>A.MSPKK(JKK J>IANOh>. IONSOLK 2>HILCO 1). C., AND OTHERS. I I>rta!ls inHudo : T IVI N<; UOOM — ri'KICiHT GKAND HAl'nu>i I'lAXn, full iron frame, Codil folic* : I'iano Sionl. T B i;11»'». AIIIZONK ('()NS< »I>K WTIJi: I.K<S SKT. A.< \ : PHir.CO MANTKIi WII.'KI.KSS SKT. JACOHKAX 111XI.\(i SITI'K of ii ooinprisilllt SiiN'lmnnl. K\. I>.L. Tabl«' au«l I !!.!». t'hairs: Vas«»«. 10 Siimplp Phmm's Ciiopcr Hrns. K.l*. W:ir<'. ink" Ti'»r. Kiro Till v. :i-Vi*E. JACO I; !•: AX r 11K ST KK KI i«:! ,1 > Sr IT !•:. ill Ki'ima Vi'lvrt : Historians* History <>1" tln» World, -."i vols., in rase : S.(J. i'liairs. r.'ini 1 Tabli'. SIXUKR I>IIOI*11 KA I> SKWIXH MACHIXK. Tlifto I»hoiip (»ra nio|dioin». H»»<*ords, OAK 1> HKAK FAST ROOM STITK mi i\ pii-ci's, comprising Sidchoard, Dinins Tahlo. and 4 Dining Chairs: Ax. Rnsrs. (Jnoii Curtains. Blinds. KIMC DIXIXd ROOM SCITK of <; piiM-rs. romprisintr Sideboard, Oval 'I'nhlv. <» Chairs; ii-pr*». ChosiMlirld Suit*' in (tfiioa. Oval On*. Table. Ornaments. 11.C. Box K<'rl>, I'intMT i>i*t. T«»a Si*t", ik"<\ Tables. I'alm Stands. JnrdiniiTos. Kas.v <'hairs. .1 a<-<»b<-;m Sett''*' and Sipiaii. Chi'sli-r----ti»'ld liDiniui', Tea AxiainstiM* Runner. Axminster Carp#*t. \2 \ I): I'inures, and all Living Room Requisites. L>KI>ROOMS SCI'KRIOR OAK BKI»Roo.M SI'ITK of I pieees. Spaeious ranelled Wardrobe, Ri flex Mirrored Chest, Cent's Tallboy, and l'ull-si/.ed Panelled Bedstead and Wire : Kapok Mattress*, Billows, Bedspread. Reversible Rujrs, Settee Ottoman. Axminster Carpets, lO.fix!); D.B. BKHROOM SCITK of 4 pieces, comprising Wardrobe. Dressing Table. I'edestal and 4ft Win Bed and Wire: Curtains, Sea;;rass Chairs, Dressing Tables. B. OAK BKDROoM SCITK of I pieees. eomprising Wardrobe. Semi* Cheval Chest. Bed. Cupboard, and Double Bedstead and Wire; Cood Stfle and Dble. and Wires, Combination Chests, Che>fs «»f Drawers, and other Bedroom I'lenishments. T/TrcHKX AXD OC'I'SIDK KC. Tables, Crockery, Cooking Utensils, Kit. Chairs. AI. Saucepans, Steamer, La >vi. mower, (iarden Tools, (ilassware. Camp Kook. and Hosts of General Sundries. Q.EOKGE "Y^TALKER, THE FLRNISHIXG AUCTION ELKS., 249, QUEEN STREET. Leonard Coakley, T. A. Gouldlng, Auctioneers. '21 AUCTION. ; yyALKER, J^TD. f j Jf RIDAY J^RIDAY, AT rj O'CLOCK. »JIHE -pURNISHINGS OF g JJOOMS, Including OAK DINING AND BEDROOM SUITES, CHESTERFIELD SUITES GENERAL FURNISHINGS. Q.EORGE YY alker . L TD "' FURNISHING AUCTIONEERS, 240, QUEEN STREET. Leonard Conkley, T. A. Goulding, Auctioneers. 27 gQUIRRELL AND Q OY -. WILL SELL EY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT THEIR SALEROOMS, 54, HIGH STREET, rpO .MORROW J^RIDAY, AT AM"I r> DRAWER OAK <>. DESK, 1 2 D. Rimu J- O. iK'sk. 1 No. ;i I'ii'lei'W(mi\l Typewriter, lKin ; )S office Cliiiirs, 1 Office' stooi, 1 Electric Fan, 1 Elec. Kettle, Cork Linoleiim. 1 3-D. Itimu O. Desk with Plate Glass Top, l office Safe x 17 x 15. 1 Office Settee anil S<;nnl>. 1 Office Counter, 1 Iron Strong Box, 1 Deed Box. 1 Swivel V). Cliair, 1 Leather Cabin Trunk, 2 Set« Stationery Cabinets, Ita K Golf Clubs, ti Panel Doers, Jii and Fanlightf, 1 2J h.p. Eito Outboard Motor, 1 1| h.p. Oil Enjrinc, •_» H.W. ln< ii.erators, 2 Gas Stoves' 1 Portable Copper and Stand, Wash tubs 1 Gas Copper. 2 Ranges, ll> Vols. Books (coins, stamps Sheffield plate, china etc ) • Shop Stands. 1 sr. I'low, •< Mowers 2 Mangles, l Glass Counter C/S, Bird Cages 1 Elec. Vac. Cleaner. 2 Cameras. Tables' (.hairs'. Kitchen Sundries, Single and three(piarier Beds and Wires. Bedding, Chest Drawer*. Comb. Chests. Occ. Tables, Fold »'K < V" 1 " Tilbl ''. ] CariK-t 13 x 10, l Ext D I aide, l Oval Table, 2 Wheelbarrows 1 \aive All-wave Rallio and (ienerul Household I' iiriiiture and Sundries. JJOY gQUIRRELL, AUCTIONEER AXD VALUER. 27 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION. T~\ECLARATION OF RESULT OF POLI OF GREY E LYN.V C ' TOKAL DISTR1 I. ALEXANDER KELLY FENWICK >e| mill ng Officer for tlle Kle,-toral Dis Irict of GREY LYNN, do hereby declarf t,!n result of tlir> Poll taken on the loth day of October 193 ft, for the Election of • for the saw distHct Candidates. Votes polled , •^ osp P' 1 Alexander . . 2,977 I LEE, John Alexander 11.554 - Total number of Valid Votes | I >olleJ 14,561 I Number of Votes rejected as | Informal 27° i I ALEXANDER 6 LE^r^e^leofed' 1 j Oct™ l 10 t 3B AUCkIaUU thiS - ?th da - V A. K. FENWICK. x - 7 Returning Officer. "Declaration of result of poli J?V T & E LA§raSs.f- D,SI " ,CI t/M ; hereb >" declare the result of tli< 10-s ta f^ n^ n t,e .. ls t h day of October IJ3B. for the election of a Member of Parliament for the said district to be a- . follows :— > Candidates. Votes Polled Harry Tom Me-rritt 6261 Frederick William Schramm . . BSB7 J Total number of valid votes polled 13,148 Number of votes rejected as informal 109 »' I therefore declare the said FREDERICK I WILLIAM SCHRAMM to bt elected. Dated at Auckland this 26th dav of i October. 1938. T. V. KANE. ; *27 Returning Officer. i DYERS AND CLEANERS. CAR Laundry, 145, Albert St. Upholstery of Cars Dry Cleaned.—Ph. 41-769. D j GUARANTEED —Xo Shrinkage of Flannel - IVJ Trousers if sent to N.Z. Dry Cleaning Co, Phone 47-003. fi

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 254, 27 October 1938, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 254, 27 October 1938, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 254, 27 October 1938, Page 4