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\ i BRISBANE MARU FOR JAPAN. i NORTHUMBERLAND DUE. MATLA FOR THE ISLANDS. [ The P. and O. liner Strathnaver will ' sail for Wellington and Sydney at 11 p.m. to-day. Hr>r three yellow funnel* • and <rreat hulk liave attracted much attention while the has been here, j although on her pcroiul visit. Amongst ! lier 1000 tourists are 32 passengers for i New Zealand hooked throuzh from j London. The Q.S.K. Line motor ship ' Brisbane Maru, which left Lyttelton for Auckland on Thursday, will arrive here iit noon to-inoii'O\v. She is loading for I Japan, and eails, via Noumea, ahout ' next Tuesday. The Federal Line steamer Northumberland is due from Wellington ' to-morrow to complete tlie discharge of her cargo from London. .She bcrtlui at ■ Prince's wharf and will start homeward loading at this port. The Union Company's motor ship Matua left Welling- . ton to-day for Auckland. She will arrive at H a.m. on .Monday, berthing at Queen's wharf, and will sail at 5 p.m. on Tues- ' day on her round voyage to Karotonya, I Nukualofa, Vavau, Apia, Suva and back ! to .< tick land on February 21. Surrey will arrive to-morrow morning from Waikokopu to continue loading for j Halifax and London. (X.Z..S. Co.) ! Kaimata is due to arrive from Napier ' on Monday morning to complete loadin" , for New York and Halifax. (X.Z..S. Co. i i Port Jackson left the Bluff this morn- ■ ing for Auckland direct. She is due on i Tuesday to load for London. (VZS ! Co.) Port Darwin, which left Newcastle on Wednc-sday for Auckland, is due to-mor-row to start loading for London. (F.

Dalfram, a British steamer, left Antwerp on January 22 for Auckland and New Plymouth with a cargo of slag. She is due here about March 14. (NfcZ.S. Co.) Matakana, which was loading here this week and is now at Napier, sails on Thursday for London, Hull and Newcastle. "(A.S.P.i Wanganella left Sydney last night for Auckland jyid is due on Tuesday niorninjr. sailing for Sydney at 3 next Thursday. (H.P./ Waiotapu w;is to leave Geelnngr veeterday with a cargo of wheat for Auckland and i«> due next Tuesday. (L'.S. S Co.) Fiona will arrive from Suva on Fridav nnd berths at Chelsea to discharge raw siipar. (C'.S. Co.) Waitaki is due to-morrow from Sydney. On discharge here she goes to Wellington, Sydney and Newcastle [ (I'.S.S. Co.) i H.M.S. Wellington, which hae been ' away on a short visit to" the Islands. is expected to arrive from Suva to-mor- \ row. (Xaval iJept.) Anniversary Day is oteerved as a general holiday on the wharves, only urgent work being done to-day. A R RIV A LS.—Yesterday. 1 Orewa, from Ostend, tf p.m. This Day. f'laymore. from Kuss<-11. 1.20 a m. Tulioc, from Pueron, 1.53 a m Oiipwn, from Ostend. 2.40 a.m. Kaw.iii. from Great Barrier. 5.20 a.m Hiuiltt. from Omih.i. 5.30 a.m I'.aroon.i. from Cowes Ray. pre, S 40 a m I Utiinai, from Whangarpi, y.5 a.m. DEPARTURES.—Yesterday. Ranpinui. for Tiiuranjra. 5.20 p.m. Paroto, for Thames, 10 30 p m llauili, for Omihn. pm Haroona, for t'owrs Kay. etc.. 6.50 p.m. oiipwa. for Ost.'iid. 0.."i0 p.m. Duchess, for rtnoroa. fi.43 p m Waimarino. for Wpllinston. 10.4." n m. Umana, for Wellington. 10.43 p.m. This Day. Hauiti, for Omihn, 9.50 am I uupwa. for Ostein!. 0..-.0 a.m. ■ Haroona, for (,'owps Bay. etc.. f1.50 a.m. Duchess, for Knwau. 10.5 a.m. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. TO-DAY. I Kxeurulun, from all resorts 7 I P.HI; Kaimiro. from Wpllinston. afternoon. TO-MORHOW. [n NorthuniberlanU, from Welling-ton, mornSurrpy from Walkokopii. morning. I ort Darwin, from Npwrastlp due l> in f ' llrs ' oll stPiimors, from all resorts, 7 H.M.S. Wellington, from Suva, due. MONDAY. Mntun. from Wpllinsrton. 8 a.m Kaim.ita. from Xapier, nmrnine' lort Waikato, from Wellington, morning. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. TO PAY. Otimai. for Awanui. afternoon. Strathnaver, for Wellington, 11 p m SUNDAY. XCUr6iOn Eteail,ers - f °r all resorts, 9.30 MONDAY. . Hauiti, for Omiha, a m ""»■ '«/ 05tP,,,1. n.30 a.m iMieliewK, for Oncroa. 0.30 a.m Knwau. for Coromandcl noon " 1 l.insman. for Russoll. r, ~ m Toa. for Whakatano. g p.m. Paroto. for Bay of Islands, 5 p.m. i TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICES i ' N " 2r7ir a »r 1 f ft i i V ? COI . IW . January 10 : ! ; •>n \pr Auckland. February T; arrives K o fiV'- v - 12: leaves' Svclney I I;pbniiiry 17: loaves Ancklnnd. Februarv MiThJ JJ , Vancouvpr, March 11. Mariposa—leaves San Francisco F«-h i nrri r v«H ~ ? n vos ;*"- k,!ir " , February IS; arrives Sydney. Fobrunry °1 \ ll t , o^y^"r ; onre V M<%lho,lrn * : January ,".1 ; 3 i v<lnpy - r« br »nr.v 4: Umvps Aii.-k- I 1-. land. Ipbruary 7: arrives San Francisco, n lebruary 22 ' ! ] Ao "''Si-i.pft Sydney, January 20: Ipft Auckland, .lanuary 2X; nrrivps h \ancouvpr. February li : leaves Van- ,1 M llV< h r 'B y 16; arrires Auckland, V

I VESSELS IN PORT. *" ■ Strathnaver, Prince's Wharf (\7e - Kemuera, Central Wharf <X Z S ' Pn", Ce ->- Imperial Star. Qu«- n - s Wharf'%• r" iKPlir. Queens Wharf (X.Z.S Co ,' C °*°J , -)- nransomoor Queen's Wharf"(xzg On , ; K.ik.ipo, Kims Wharf (C.S.S rv\' •'" I I'amir. Whnrf (A.S.p'i '• Knnisii, Central Wharf '(V.S.V r n \ H.M.S. Philomn. Devonport i\««i''«, Nucula. off Hobson Bay iR.FA). Ut W* INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES Auckland February 3: le[v es A ! February 3; Sydwy. Febm^"?; UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS jabnut FPhnmry 8 or V " at New ««tle .hen- she pr,,ree,ls to Portland Mntim left Wellington at l ?1 , i NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING CO. I The Xew Zealand Shipping Comn« n rekoa— Welllngton. Januarv 24-*>7- w . r>,io Southampton. March ij-* 9 * *»**• Kent— Auckland. .Taniiarv ">B-Fehrn«»» s T"TeT7 A '" klan l -K • Tan " arv 27-Febmarr S. \\ellmsrnn. Kebruarr 10 <s a n« ft.«Z Wellington. February 17. for London 2°

SHAW SAVI4.L AND ALBION CO :- The Shaw Savill Hn d Albion ComrtDT (1 Ltd.. report the following loading datS tli iliPir vessels on the coast:— • ; "'"'"ij^—Sails from Wellington. Jannarr g L. D. Nathan and Co.. Ltd. agents. " K.P.M. DUTCH LINE. Slpjsrs. Russell and Somers, Ltd.. aeents r iDe, **"" the ffl ° Vea WeUln * o,, * nfi Mnetsuycker—Left Saigon Jannarv 8 Singapore January 10. Baravia Januarv 1", Samaranjr January Iβ. Soarabava January 17. Port Moresby January ii Samar.ii January 26, Rabanl January 28* : - Port Vila February I, Noumea Februarv 2; arrives Auckland February 8, Welliiizr ton February 11. SaUs February 12 for Saigon. OSAKA SYOSEN KAISYA IW. 1 ; The Farmers' Co-operative Aucttoneerinc j ; Company. Ltd.. local agents, advise the , following morempnts of the Osaka "Syoßen Line steamers:— Melbourne Maru—Sailed from Auckland, l January 13. for Japan, via Australia. Sydney Mam—Sailed from Auckland December 10, for Japan. YAMASHITA RISEN KAISHA LINE. Messrs. Russell and Somers, Ltd.. local agents, advise the following movements of the Tamasliita Kisen Kaisba vessels:— Kozan Maru — Left Kobe, December 81; left Auckland, January 11, for Welllneton. Xaniwa Maru—Due Auckland, February 18. CARGOES TO ARRIVE. Waitaki Jan. 31 Sydney Kairanca .lan. 31 Sydney j ttsnganella ...... Feb. 1 Sydney I New Zealand Ft?b. 1 San Franciscu Huna Feb. 4 Suva Oronsay Feb. 4 ... Brisbane Niagara , Feb. 7 . Vancouver Maetsuycker Feb. 8 .... Saigoß Fernmoor Feb. 8 ... Antwerp Rangitikl Feb. 10 ... London Wairuna ......... Feb. 11 . Vancouver Asptialion Feb. 11 .... Hobart Piako Feb. 12 . New Xorfc Cambridge Feb. 12 .. Liverpool Penanc .......... Feb. 16 .. Sexcliellei Sangstad Feb. 16 New Orleans Limerick Feb. 17 . Vancouver N.iniwn Maru .... Feb. 18 Japan Mariposa Feb. 18 San Francisco Port Alma Ftb. 21 .. Liverpool Port Saint John .. Feb. 21 ... Halifax Dessau Feb. 22 New Orleans Aorangi Mar. 7 . Vancouver Hertford Mar. 10 .. Liverpool City uf, Canberra .. Mar. 24 . New York Sussex Apl. 7 .. Liverpool Norfolk Apl. 18 . New Yerk L'ity of Kimberley . Apl. 30 Halifax TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Wellington January 2S.—Arrived: Pana, from Bluff, ?.3 p.m.; Make, from Napier. 3.:>0 p.m. : Upil : Northumberland, for Aueklnnd. 12.."i p.m.; Tort Waikato, for Auckland, fi.lo p.m. I.yttplton. January 2S. —Sailed : Waiwera. for iMini'riin. i>.m.; Cornwall, for Dunpdin, 0.30 p.m.; Tees, for Chathams, 9.15 p.m. liunedin, January 2S. —Arrived: H.M.S. Wnknkura, from cruise. 12.45 p.m. Sailed: Caiiopu*. for Wpstport, 5 p.m.; Knimai, for Wpstport. Hi p.m. Bluff. January 28.—Sailed: Narbada, for Newcastle, 0:m p.m. OVERSEAS. Sydney. January 2S.—Arrived: Gabriella. from Greymoutli. Sailed : Wanganella, for I Auckland. !• p.m. Suva, .lanuary 2S.—Arrived: Aorangi, from Auckland. 1.30 p.m. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tlic following vessels are expected te be within range of the Auckland wireless station during the week-end: —H.M.S. Kml'-avour. Kairanjra. Maui Pomare, Port Darwin. Port Halifax. Saturday only: HM.s. Wellington. Kaikorai. Kairairo. WaiI taki. Brisbane Maru. Fornmoor. Strath I naver, Surrey. Sunday only: Matua. Northumberland. LATEST HOMEWARD LOADINGS. The following allotments for Home load Fi'lirunry iiml March .itp ;innourjcCTl Tin' Shaw Savill and Albion motor ph.if W.-iiwcrn will l>c:rin ar liluft on January :n nnil continup at Now Plymouth. Ancklniiil. F'liru.iry in t.. 12. LyttPllon. PictoD null Wt'Mliisrtiiii. leaving on February 20 fot Loniion. via Palmas. The Port Line tiioti>r <liip Port Wymlham is ilu<- nt Cisbiirnp. from Brisbane, on Monday. Sin- will jirocppil to Napier. Auckland, Wellington anil I.yitplton, ami will sail od February 2,' i for Lonilou, via Las Talmas.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 24, 29 January 1938, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS OF THE PORT. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 24, 29 January 1938, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS OF THE PORT. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 24, 29 January 1938, Page 4


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