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GENERAL TRADE CONDITIONS QUIET. \ iKL' '.OCOM.'T WEAKENS. j ; i>E.\rrLEs nr.MiNG. -iiii-i'LRi anticipate s-aonr.vCE j MILDCRA SULTANA?. J

■ Auckland Star"' unVe. Wednesday. July 7, iojfi. j \ rt-'.iiic or trad" durin? the past |' mon'li sh i\vs That bur-inc-a ha? been nu-rr ; or 1,--.- patchy, bin liiat tuu ai-pri-irate >al--r ba\e been fairly good. Trading <> n■■: f.-p<'<-:ally acme at tru- moment, while! t>-:> in? !.- pent-rally linuu-d arrnrdiiie m i day-to-day requirements. On the whole, ; however, retailers, ivpori a s'lghi iirrea. s - \ in r-n-';m'T demand, the !in>T day* ol ; th* past wrek I'H'-oiirasrinp counter buss- j nf.-.-. Aγ:a■■• forward bujinpj? i> | nn ne-u -radon's f-alni"ii and fruit?. vw"' niarkfi .-■■nrli riot-,.- in l":i '"•:'.-' I'- ■ t l i wh-.lf-.-aU- and ivta:l ii.nipt-trtion 1- parf.njiai'i.v kc'-n a; pi'S'-ni. and tiuMin , :-? ;- • !■• n- i-r;.!'](•!< il '.•:! ii"v -mall margins. u-wr-ea inark"t« art- :inn -•■n-iaiiy. wiib merchant.- !,-ld;nr -tock- r> t medium xol'ini ,, , ><>ny or i\f iii"-i important line? r> , : Bntir-h manure'"tui- v..■ mi- ratln-i ?ra-i'«, n-.viiip- to .lPlayj'd arrival? r iloivinsr th' - late striki- ■'ti nr- in • i -•■ni I'.rifiln. Ml : lin<-« of rtned r? nil are actively. | with apricot* in brisk deman-i, anil lm\i - is ,i-c ii] ireejy, in \--w i.| ;'-.•■ advances that a:'<' hound i> taki - pla.'<-. In I ihp mi-ant mif. merchant-" .-ktUs arr in i ratlK-r rwnpas-. I'a"• - arr -t-iim-well. the low spot val-:> - now bemr a; an i:npr<Ml table level t> importers, rarkainline> are rathe:- -=lini t at t'.ie mr.mi'it. of prunes are mm iv- rapidly, and | \alues on -j.nt .it-' bound i r > rm-ve i,., liisrher level- as ?T.<in as pre.-ent stork- an' pxnau.«ted. \ppk-- nv.- nifi'tiiig wiiii an improved demand. wiV: local nlT'-nnirs meetinsr tht , requirement- at the mnnvnt. Canadian are slightly lower in pric<\ anil stocks or thrsp an- due within the ne\t week or two. Tn raisins. Thompsons are in particular favour, vltn

-orii dipped holrluiir popularity aira:!i c t sultanas, owinp to ravouranie m«t. in seeded rai-in?, Sunmaifl?. in liotli purforl and sticky, maintain pride or pia'-'- m tincood demand for thi< class of fnnt. Mildura sultanas are sellinir vo\], fie fact that prices are asrain -nitlidrawn lpndintparticular interest to this line, -upplies of One Crown are now available, and offer ex'-elient value, and. althonc!) the fruit l< sliphtly darker than the other samples, it I? particularly ann clean. Canned fl?h continues to sell briskly from mcr.-hants' storks, the forward poMtion beinp so firm prpvin? an additional attraction to buyers on ?rot Salmon is in particularly bright demand. Sockpye halves and Pink Ones are very scarce and commanding higher money, with Chums also running snort in the nalfpound packing. Herrings maintain steady sales, with an improved consumer demand noticeable on sauced varieties. Some sizes in reds are in rather short supply at the moment, but furiher shipments are expected shortly. Pilchards are moving ■well, with stock? In rather small compass. Sardines are in brisk demand, particularly in Norwegian quarters and sixteenths. There is a small demand for halves, but supplies are p.xtremelv short at the moment. Canadian new pack Brunswick, in key tins with label, are selling well, and are much to be preferred to the old pack. In oversea markets spices seem more active, and there appears to be inorp con tldence in this market generally. Teas are again listed at lower values on account of quality. The stock position in one or the Southern brands i≤ .-till rather difficult, and merchants are only getting small portions of their orders completed. Most varieties of nuts continue to rule in firm markets, and buyers are paying particular attention to rorward delivery requirements, owing to the lippw rif—inrts made on all varieties during December. Peppers. Quotations for all grades were inclined to weaken a few months ago, but prices lately have remained fairly steady, with only* fractional alterations either way At present Singapore black is showing an increase of one-eighth or a penny. >inga pore white a reduction of five-sixteenths, Muntok white a reduction of one farthing-

per lb. Ceylon Tea. At the weekly sale, held In Colombo on the 29th ultinin, two and three-quarter million pounds of tea were offered, which was equal to the oiTering-s of the previous pale. The result of the sale showed that quaiity had shown a slight improvement, and although there was a better demand, grades was not sufficiently marked 10 prevent the previous downwnr.l trend of prices buyers generally showing more sn-nernl interest, the Improvement in the different In the lower prades. i.nmmons, (".leaned nroken Pekoes, Price Urnken Oramre rekoe?. Medium 8.0.P.'5. and First Classics all showed declines of from Jd to 3d per 11\ while finest sort? remained firm at previous quotations. Exchange showed a small alteration, and is now quoted at Mace. ("►notations for No. 2 Amboyna mace have shown a tendency to advance during- the la-t week or two. the latest alterations be-.nsr an increase of id per lb for prompt Miipmcnt. Tapiocas. The tapioca market has been a risin? rm>- during the last few weeks, and any merchants still in the market have had tn purchase at the increased rates. ~inpapme sag-o has advanced £1 per ton. I , ear] tapioca 15/, Penang sng-o £1 per ton. which brings present rates about £1 15/ per ion higher than the lowest rateruliiia- for the previous shipment, which arrived in February last. Nut.negs. Tlie Singapore market, after a period or slowly receding , prices, has shown more activity lately, and w now mi the upward grade ag-ain, the latest quotations for 110's b.-insr an increase or 1 |fl ror direct >ntpnient next month. Sound shrivelled, which arc usually bought for srvindinp-. bavi- net be-en so much sought lately, and. in consequence quotations have bee , .] tx-duoej JO per lb. Australian Dried Fruit. A resume just published by the Australian Control Hoard or their operations in the New Zealand market shows that the quantity or 1926 pack of dried fruits placed 'in New Zealand up to the- middle of last month was approximately 1500 tons, practically the whole of which had been shipped by tli'. , end or May. From data now supplied it is anticipated that the harvest of dried fruits' will be below expectations and may not reach 35,000 tons in all as against 'some 37,500 ton? ror the previous year. Already a quanti;y approximating , 14,000 tons has been shipped to Great Bri:ain, while in addition the rull Australian requirements will probably absorb rrom lO.rioo to 12,000 tons, which only leaves an approximate balance of 9 500 tons for the balance of the season. It will be remembered that at the eDd of last season the New Zealand market was bare of supplies of sultanas in particular, and in this respect the Bnard sound a note or warning , that the. same shortage is likely to occur this year unless more adequate provision is ! made". Shipments to Great Hntiln hive bern I very heavy and the end of supplies is said to be In sfg-ht. Prices accepted in New Zealand are lower than t'.ie rates obtainable, in any other market, despite ID" fact that revised prices for sultanas have recently been issuwi, a comparison of the different rates showing t'3 in favour or this market. The demand ror Australian fruits in Canada is developing , , and it is anticipated that thf-re will bo a strong- inquiry ror sultanas and currant? 11 view of the preferential duty imposed 01. Orecian currants and Turkish sultana?, which is equivalent to £14 per ton. The demands of this market are exceedingly large, and if this trade develops as it is confidently hoped ;uat it will, the whole of the available supplies or fruit other than required for Australian consumption will be rapidly absorbed in North America aloni-. New Zealand buyers are urged to see that they are rully protected on their season"? requirements, as additional demands made later in tie season would probably not receive confirmation owing to no supplies of fruit being available • d shippers being- unwilling to accept business on account of better prices being obtained in other markets. In regard to the quota for Australian consumption, already there are rumours that the quantity which is technically released Tor consumption in Australia may be increased In ex ,- ' "i -t -vi 1 may be mentioned that the State Boards of Victoria and South Austra .. i , ie rrom time, to time the quotas of the total harv-st wnlch may be released ror sale locally at high prices. Tie balance of the fruit has To be exported under the provision or the.-c State laws. In view nr the i'art that Australian buyers are manifesting; ke.en interest present :-ijpplies it is not a: all unlikely that V.ic. r-u;- Boards will release additional quantities for the Hume market .; most aitractivp as far as the producers ai; , concerned. Hi:? necessarily le.-scn> the quantity available, lor (■sport, and 11 looks as :f tlm .New Zealand .-'uyers may find that supplies are required ror Ai:Mral:a and Canada, and that a:iv late reqiiirem.-nt? of fruit will nr.t be ava.labk , for shipment to Now Zealand. ~.U'v ;!i e above wa- received by letter cable- have come to hand advising agvn;to siop selling; sultanas in all grades

Wax Vestas. One or tiie southern manufacturers of wax vestas whose pnre has been slightly under the list ra'<> of other manufacturers for plaids now a'lv:-r-s an advance of -"» pT gross on tin* l:ni\ -o that from now i-.:i all brands in this parkin? will be sold a; uniform rate-. Desiccated Coconut. T;;<> .:r. iH> :•■.;•■•.■ artvuiii - -- t!'»t !>jv..-l r>-----T |i-r.;,;-.j .: :i :iil ■.-!' '"eyl.-i;i .Jr-.-.r. ratv.J .--:-.,:,.- up l.i i!li- ::nodl-- uf !a>: w>"-«'k :jj v. ■; i. 11 Iμ,mi ni.ii ii.i'l-d, i-abK-s r—-. . \i-.i

ila.-.n? the- u> , '"kv.T'J aJv..-!iig 3 reduction of 1 ]"■;• ovi. and ilia; eas:vr market.-, uvrij c\p'.\-;i"-1, aJi v iJ'J?!! any r;ia::sr.'-s in a downward d.!<.c:.-.-ii v.jUIJ h: iv:; , e"adual. j Bacon 2nd Hams. j tj :v present n:?ii cost c-r p--m line of i.V iO'-al cur-r- an Ui'.'-va.-e ■'•' 1 ! per Lb 0: ;:;• n<-r.niunjr or the mr.ii!], \vji;i-u w-a- f .•ii-.AViU by 3 rurtiier aivaiKvj .'!' ar.v:'.i<r 11 ;-lt lb on Mu:iJay la-!. A*' ;:i - only br;;..-.- pnre.* ■;;■ 10 rur i.--w-i ofi -..■!]■ of ;:!■• citli'.T wvli-known brands, i! I ;- n<l r.-in*uli'r..-1 liheiy :iiar ;:r- piTva-f :n p - .re; -a.ii Saw mv■■:] i-iTni-: L >!i local :■ ill,-- ra''- .».- far ar im-Ihtu and Mnall! i ii:.- are ■-■ ''.1 ■'■:&:■}. i Pineapples. '] : ■ riMf.j infinnAU'in tiia; came to nand a -w •-■<■•* n:.-i thai nil m-itrli: :-pace on tlj". -;; —'\\ was li. :n-- r.i.-l ;:ik- .j :ip ainl order« For pm , - wen , booked rul»j»-i-t to space i I'C.n.- available, bad eiTe<i of forriiipl *'iiiif ilrm? t> a 1". :i'it\v.i!i>:3ndinp tu. ra<-l j ilia; ;■•:.'■■■' i"<r all ™ra^l-- in tnjitli cub l "'.-1 a;:d -;.■■-■- '..I'l \lTOn >■■;■' H*f* i.r II I- j .■". ;•■ : J '/.• ii .;i nearly jil ]• a■ i:a?• -. Linseed Oil. V:.-.'- m :■>■■ Eni,-li.-li in.irkot ror b-it'i j ra-.v iul l<■■.]•■■! l!tiM-f(1 ..1] a!-;' M.U r.:i Tn.■ : upwaii] -:j I. .N. i\ Z'-alaii'! a-i'ii:. l '■■:■ civ i it.-i :;■■; ■: ■•.<!>!. - il\ ,r.'-:n- pru-r-s f .'r b-Mli , 1 ■)■•- .1 '. : j: i.i-v l<l P l, " -all'-ui mr !■;■"■ -irt , >'i ;■!* :i; ilu-.nir MTiH-llib'T, n.-i.b'-. > iv-I f-:n!.ci .:•.! 11 i-.-inb. r. Cherries. r!i'-!T:r- !iav.' njif-npij up a: vr»ry l"'\v :■:!;■■-. ; 3i;ii.•;;-;] piii'-ni -tni-k.- j;v vow a!ui- >~t; .-•\;-i".l. 'I'm- 1a:..-: alii-rat-.riii v> fi-l riirwanl s- r^ilU'-T:■.;! or M per lb. 1 ry*:aii:.-M nrc 3!.--. >■■.:■.-■ ..irernl ■ .ri -i j wi-ikrr mark'i-t. !!)•■ lai>-' i-.--.ju<-tio:i | aiu-:>U!iiin? !u s<l i»t ]t> Muscatels. Soiri" -luppcrs nf i"a:ir<*>ruian niu>catei a liave a;ir - eil thr;:- ::•! r ,, " ra>P. This | alli-:-3l;o!i ;.- no; a »-■■:> :-:i! mi - > I'd-. Klierl pafk-Ts miia:!i;n? uivlwrfrri at i>rt_-\ i-.■>!.-; I quotation.-. Seedless Raisins and Sultanas. liiomp.-'n".- s<'f(ll''ss ral^.n. i in America] are extremely linn, particularly in tin- j blcactied, w:i;i'!i var'.i.-ty lia= bc-ionn- \i<ry popular on i*ii= niartet on an-ount <<t Hie attractive ii?j--.- ai whlcli it i:an b<i boupb; when compari'd wna Australian fruit. CabK-s rfi-fjvfrt l.y adv>. : mat tlir-, mark<:i far b"fn 0;! aji'J fjda bl<-a<"h<"'i seetilps? raisins 1.- rraftMnally wpaker. botii j varieties showing a redu-t.on uf 6d per: cwt. 1 Sultanas.—lt is ant;r:pated that the prirej for Smyrna iultanas \v:ll be ronslderaily higher than la.-i year when they arc naraeti, whicti will haw tiie plTcm 61 \ rtividing' a larpc of buyers' business between Anienra and Austni.j. Currants. Greek Amalias are listed without chanpe 3t present and are proving some attraction to buyers owing , ■ to the l'avourablp rate! quoted when compared witb Australian! offers. Fhippers Have tnat alt.iougb, tbey have not advised any change in quo- j tations. tbe market generally is firm, and 1 prices may be expected to show increases 1 at any time during tbe next few weeks. I Vostizza Currants.—A comparison of quotations on Vostizzas between those quoted during- the past season and at the present time show.- that the latest ofFerin?.s 1 are listed at a reduction or £15 per ton. As this currant is noted for Its particularly tine quality, being- big-jrer, more fleshy, cleaner and more full flavoured than any other, it is almost certain that the import's of this fruit will be heavier than usual this conimp season. It i≤ «ome years since this prade bas been quoted at a price attractive enougrh to warrant import,np. and as in previous years it i> estimated that the • demand for currant? peuprally lias fallen j oCF on arcouni of :;>o p .orer quality, this line being- oflVie.j at ,1 substantial re- | duction. ;t s'lould bo a welcome oppor- ] tunity Tor merchants to revive the trade on this well nav:>ured fruit. Hardware. General hardware trade :? rather quiet at present, both wholesale a:»l ret3i! traders reporting a g-eneral slowing? Jown in the amount or business passinp. This mail ! brought advices that some of the most im- ] portant rnanuracturinp lines are still ! effected by the late strike, the holdup by j the coalniiners prevent in? many manu- j racturers rrom resuming- business on run | tune. The potteries are one or the main Hues arferted, and advices now to hand state that there is likely to be considerable delay in order.- for some time. There has also been much ronpcstion at the docks, and merchant! , have been having- great difficulty in pet tins , liieir shipments completed and away. Wholesale Current Prices. But'.er—fupeillne quality creamery lUtti-r, \/'i i»-i lb. prompt cash. Anchor md UpdtiSi, 1/<-,a per lb; llrst grade factory, l/oi per lb bunked, and 1/6 per lb lor prompt second (,-rade factory, iiooktil 1/34 per lb and 1/5 per lb for urompt farmers' si-parator. \/i per lb. i.'her-Je.—First ?r3d.- ractory. medium size, imin, OJd to 10id per lb,' loar 1/ to 1/1 per lb. Paeon—Haras. 1/2 to 1/3 per lb, rolled ham-, 1 ;; to 1/4 per lb; buned hams, t,'i J p'T lb: nacon sides, 11 id to 1/1; extra larg-e. 1 1 Jd per lb; rolb-d" sides. 1/1 to !/•.» per [b. middles. 1/2 to 1 '3 per lbshoulder-, ud to lid per lb: rolled I siiouider-. (id to 1/ per in. Lard: Bulk, I tod to tid per lb, pats lid to 1/ per lb. Kiour.—Local and Southern, COOlb sacki £ia ID/ per tun. lOOs £iv 10/ per ton. oo's £J1 per ton, -jj-g £S1 15/ per toil; local only, lyj's α-j ii'/6 per ton. Cis £23 2/6 per tou. less zj i>er cent discount. sharps and Bran.—Local sharp-. £12 . >er ton; bran. £11 per ton. Linseed.—AYuole. n/ per 1001b; ground . -Jb; per luOlb. Malt.—Cru-licd, 12/3 per hushei- wlinio wiiiie, 12/ p CT bushel; whole black, 15/ , ncr bushel. Twines.—Seaming, r.,6 per lb; binder mi per lb. Peameal.—l2/6 per lOOlb. Linseed Meal.—Moose. IC,' per tooLb ; Linseed Oil Cake .Nuts.— Moose li/u ■ per tooit) liluestune.— 33/ per civ;.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 4

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THE MARKETS AT A GLANCE. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 4

THE MARKETS AT A GLANCE. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 159, 7 July 1926, Page 4


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