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(By Telegraph. — Tress Association.) TRENT-HAM, Thursday,

Two inatehee were completed to-day, the y\ ollinpffni ilat'jh, ten shots each at oOOvds and OOPyds, and the Taranaki Match, ten shots at B,(K»yds. In addition one range (600' yds," fifteen shots), of the Uppunipn Match was fired. The soeond leg (ton fihbts at 900 yds), will be taken to-morrow morning.

Thi l tie bei_Ys:eeu il'cllnigion Suliurba and Greytoivn in the tile competition, deciding who FiiaU hold the Islington Cup. was decided to-dny, Hunt (Suburbs) and IT. Feast (Greytown) firing live shots. Hunt won by 15 points to

The shooting , at 600 yds to-day completes the ranges counting for the' Trentham aegrepate, -which falls to Ttoots. with 432 Boints. He takes the B.S.A. merlal and shield. If is notable that Anderson, last yeftr's- belt winner, who carried off the match -with a total of 414 points, is only tliree points behind that, tally to-day. and stands thirty-fifth o'i tlin list. Last year :JO7 got into the prize money; to-day it took 410 to croc v> in. The following nre the results of the day's shooting:— • The Taranaki Match. HO shofs at SOp yards), j A Gri'!"—Tbo fplloTCiijK take £.?. lfi/ ; each: W. .r. (itfon (Oknn-n), F. Oirk (,\«hh.nrtot)). .1. I-iri" (Gisborne). W<>st (Renwicfc). Unlmes nVniiKJinui), .~,0: The Minting f>aeli tnke £2 : VV. S. Mills (Kiwi). J. MrKenzie (OpakO. Xix 'Fcvitiicr-ton). TI. .T. Verrail (Auckland Pity , ). 40: TI. W. Cliins (Wnimeni, 4S. Twrniy-tw" .Tvitli 48 and" 14 with -17 take £1 oac'j. Six wore counted out. B ' Urnilo.—Pitt (Old "Navnis*. 40. f« : A. "J. Piefersou (Auckland City). 4S. £2. TU following fake £1 enrh : D. Roh»l\f.soii I (Knrnrii. C. Allen (Auckland Cirv). Tuonipon (Palmerston Xf»rtlrj. Tlovelt (Ttenwick). A. P. Anderson AVniiganui). 47; Jong's (Kimbollon). 40. Fourteen others with 46 ilivUlo £7. One ti-ts counted out-. T.vrns. —BPtts ( WeetnorO. 48. £3. Tho fnllowlns tpl-« £1 : fliinC->. KntliprliiP'l (T"hlrnnyn. KibhipwhHo (Wnilpato). \. Harris CChristphiireh). fGre.vlown). 47: It. .Toiipp flJntbtii ; Wrier !"<• fOprfkiK. C'nytoii HviwiK >'. Hitnt IHnwfni. 46. One o*'"- r ycitJH 46 nnti 1.1 Willi 4T> divide i"6. Three were counted Amonsr (hope wlin fool; £1 cicli in th e A ."roii(i uri'/p w'pro €il'<lt« (Akiirana) 4S. :iud Clark (AucUlaud City) 47. The Trentham Aggregate. The folloiviiifr is Hip prizp-list in the Trfntlinin agjp'ojtntc,' all scoreg at 300, .".00 apd pOO yards :— KootK (PiltWl); 432, £.j, B.S.A. gold tnetlhl and shlold. Srniraoiids (Wunsanui). A. Harris (Wellington Suhur'js), E. S. Kins (Wnnganui), 42r>. £3 ppf-ii: ' Tl)e following each take £2 : Graham (Ptlrtertin) - , 11. Donald "(Opjikl), Smart (Wellington Suburbs), 424; C.ildwell rKaroril. .TeunP fGishorue), 423; J. C. Const ffirpymonth , ); 422. Th" foUowinp. take £1 each: MasPllcld F. Hocu (Xew Tlymoutb), 421 : ,7. To WHaitj rTulilritHßi), Mclvcr (Tefoite). 419: \Vliite fOkawn). K. McKetizip. 41S; Pfvoro (Akarana), Bollpy /KimboltonK 417: R. .T. Kins (Onaki), West (Itonv.iokK 41C : it. Harris (Chrisf-'hm-fliV. 418': Hester (Wpllirijrthn Suburlis), D. Kelt' (Ashburton). Hood (Featberston), Piiipr (Chvistchiire'ii) , 414; Dudgeon (Xe)Rpn>. C. WhitPman /Upper Tlutt). W. H. Bnllinjrer (t'ptoiip). Cauirblpy' fKarori), Keniiinfr (Xelsoa), 413; I.ov#ll (RenvicUK ; Eyles (XnpiprK 412; -Eeynolds (Cbrislchureb). D. .McLeay /Te' Kuiti), n. .T. Anderson (Knitiina). Broiichtori fwanftnntiU. SwanSnri (Knrori), Klbblpwhite (Waimftte (James (Napier), J. Bills (, \V. ,T. Oreen '411; Clement ( AshbUrtolj), ttryden fKniapoi). Tiifk (WainjailiiDl Hilnf (Wellington Suburbs), P. Palmer (Patea), Ouinpy (Hetonp). Koppert (Oapjijrij). .Tarvis (TaraUale), A. J.. Green (AVeStport), 410. Leaders for King's Fifty. , With the completion of the Marlboroush. Auckland, Wellington, Canterbury anil Tn'rannlcl niatcUes, the following are. the lenders in the: struggle for inclusion in the King's fifty : — D. Roots (Patoa), 3?3; A. Harris ■ Suburbs). 376: \V. .T. Green (Okaiva), ?.r< - »: K. S. King (WangauuiV, :{*4: 1.. Coldwell (Karori), 373: ,T. Smart (I-inton), :i7.'i :A. T. (iruham (UunPclin). 372; X-Mi-Keii7.ic (FeatlierSton), 372: 11. .T. King (Ofinki). 371 ; If. Donald <Opaki). 371 : F. Hosg (New IMymouth), 371 ; B. Holmes (Waugunui), 370: W. 11. West (Kehwicl:), 370; IT. Simnionds (Wiiuganui), 37(1: F. White (Ofca-wat, 3<?n : It. E. Hester (Suburbs). 309: .T. Te Whaiti (Tuhiranpri). 808 Cβ: Te' Whaiti (Tuifarigi), SOT-W. Mclver (Petoue). 377; W. N. Jlasefield (Marlboroufrh). 307': K. .7. Dudgeon (Nelson). 307 :" II". \\'l Chins (WJiiinea). 366 : W. H. BulliiiKPr (lvtone). 366; C- Whitenian (Vppor Ilutt), 36<i ;E. Bailey (Kimbolton), 360: It. J. Verrail (Auckland City), 365; I;. Bertton (Featlicrston), 363; A. V. Swansrtn (Kaiori). 365; J. Pitt (Old Noyals). 305; p. .T. Anderson (Kaituna), 3(55; J- C. Feast (Greytown). Sen : 11. Koppert (Oamflru), 365: T. Orr (Greytown); SO4;.F. S. Hood (Masterton). 304: C. J. Vjx (FPAther?ton). 364 ; ,\y. S. Mills (Kiwi), 304: C. KibblewhitP (Waiinate). 364; T. WHitPinan (Uppef Hutt). 364; P. Palmer (Pntea). 303: It. CauShley (Karori). 363; T. C. Carter (Suburbs)., 303 ; A. G. Hevorc fAkarana). 363; f>. McLeay (Te Kuiti). 363: A. "Rhodes (Rata), 363 J \V. Feast (Greytownl. .".02; A. H. Almsjiaw (Christphureh). 302; J. BrydPn (Kaiapoij, 302; W. l>. Free (Opaki), 362; S. A. Elliott (Akarana). 362: V. .Toiies (Kiiiibolton), 3G2 ; H. T. Boon (Karori), 362. Teams Championship. In the cltib's champion teams match the positions at the close of to-day's shootjrij? «i ; p: Wellington "Siibjirbs No. 1 3000, Featherstoa 1301. Wnnganui Xo. 1 1557. Cliristc-bupoh Xo. 1 157(5; Petone Xo. I 1074. Karori No. 1 1570, Wangauui Xo. 2 1308, t'l)pcr Hutt 1000. . Wellington Match. Ten shots at 500 yds and 600 yds. A (fraile.—Roots (Patca), 04. £5 nud rqlil medal; Hood Otaslefton), f>7. and Pijjer (Oliristchiircti), 90. £4: Pitt (Old Xavals;. 110, and Htilmsiiaw !).">, £3. The following each take £2: Koppert (Oainarii). ■Sitinrt (Wellington Suburbs), ■Muscbainp IChrlstcliureh .llnilways). (frdham (i)buedin) L. F. Chiiisr (Karori), 05. Thcj folowing t«kd £1 each: J. Tewhaiti (Tuiiiraiißf), It. Vennell (Te«-ahrau), n. J. King (OpaKi). Oii: .1. liui-ns (Karori), C. W'liiteinah (Upper ilutt). Hester (Wellington Suburbs), Judkins (Au.cHia.nd Cadets), Holities (W.injfariiil)'. ■Mclver (Petone). H. .T. Verrell (Auckland •City). A. It. Wills (Invercargill). A. Hrtfrts QVeUington Suburbs). 94: Gulney (Tetone), W. .1. Green (Okawa). Keuriins (XeisViii), H. Doneld (Opaki). E. §. Kiug (Waiisanui), Palmer (l'atea), W. TI. Ballintrfef (Petone), Clement CAnhburton). .T. C. Ffcast iGreytflwn), McCarthy (KanongaJ, liobeVtsou (Karori). W-adciiiigtoh "(Asliburtou), Devore (Akaraua). Dudgeon.. (Nelson). Andrews (frlennvy). Free (Opakli. H. Harries (Christchiirch). Loyelj (Itenwick). 03: Bailey \'lvlmb'ol'ton), Ovr iGreytpTCn). Kipblewhit'e (Waiinate), Stokes (Khnboitoii), (Auckland City), Jarvis (Taradale), 02 , . The we,re counted out: l'ask, G. L. I'v.iii.s arid Jlaseneld.

I? fjfnde.—Jeiine (Gisb'orneK 04 £3- T Wliiteuiiin (ITppei: Ilutt). »4; £3. The follo\yins take £1 each:. Ilalagan . (W'kawa). ('•. Tffwliaili (Tulilr;ii)™-i>. .T. Munro (I)rtnnt- ,- virKeK 02: Tt. nussell (Auckland City), llaro (Welling'tou Suburbs). Humphries (ftansior,a). 01. One otber with 01, and 15 with 5)0.' divide £7. Tbn*e wrrr counted out.

Tyfos.—F. PaluU-r (Oni.tiia). D 4: £2. Tlio •following . take £1 crfch:- O. M. Ching (Knrorit. Ogg (Kiwi). If. W. Chfus (WutnVra). White (Oknwat. Lunfly fWaiiffninii). •(J6\v€T (Hiitnl, !)1r A. Miirphy ((Jiminerburn). McCf>rUiml,ile (Dunedin). Llverst.en (Turartia), !>O. Jfour others, with 'M. seven vitii Si): and one with SS, will divide i'G. Xine were cOuritert out.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 65, 19 March 1926, Page 9

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RIFLE CHAMPIONSHIP. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 65, 19 March 1926, Page 9

RIFLE CHAMPIONSHIP. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 65, 19 March 1926, Page 9


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