ALLIES' FLEETS ACTIVE. MAN? DEPOTS BOMBED. LONDON, July 3. A British communique states: "Our aeroplanes have been very active in cooperating in the attack north •of the River Somme. We bombed numerous enemy headquarters and railway centres. In one of these raids our escorting aeroplanes were attacked by 20 Fokkers, which were driven off. Two enemy machines crashed to the earth and were destroyed. Some long distance reconaissances were made, despite numerous attempts made by enemy machines to frustrate our enterprises. Three of our aeroplanes are missing." A French communique states: "Our air squadrons did effective work by bombing heavily places behind the German lines, including the railway stations at Longuyon, Trionville, Dun, Brieulles, and Aroagne Lucquy. At the last-named place we destroyed buildings and a train." FRENCH TO TAKE REPRISALS. PARIS, July 3. A French communique states: "The Germans to-day fired heavy shells at Nancy and Belfort, and their aeroplanesbombed the open town of Luneville. Re- , prisals will be taken." j
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 158, 4 July 1916, Page 5
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164AIR WARFARE. Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 158, 4 July 1916, Page 5
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