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HOME COLONIAL STORES PIONEERS OF mm PRICES 1 ~~ T Primrose Butter - perib. 1/2; A fT The^'very grade' JButteT._7 :._.' which concern Best Englishßaking Powder, %M — - - the " Consumer Best English Raking Powder, 111- -- the retail price is ls. 4d. The ship-" "" fhis Baking Powder is made by one of-the best English firms. It is • ment of butter to America j)er steamer _..!. guaranteed absolutely aird. conforms with the requixemehts of 7 "Niagara," sailing this week, is almost " _ the Pure-Foo& A«'t." Each fin contains the. full quantity ,:the .nett _ 560,000 lbs., and the price if s being weight being marked on each tin. sold at is Is. Id. per lb. - £ ; ~. . ..'."" . '. QUESTION: Why should the people ,\ : SStlf , per tlft. sd. .^ of Auckland have to pay more for their - V "_•. _'.j7.z. . ~ . ~.J ..... . - -_ •.;.--.-.'- ■■ L li. it, -i> v■• ia try* ■'"'• "**"" ' "Tni 6 is the most.convenjent, the.largest, and.tiie best package of Pure ---r butter than it's being sold tof America -~ „ ,„, ~ c ' , 6_/ ~ „. T: . „ . . Befined Table-Salt at-present on the N.Z. market / for? "" ; __ - ~-~ - — -•■--- - --/ answer, ■****'.**» .:._:■ c^oi^ i ■•■'•■-.. ■• A beautifullot:of the- : luiil^tr^ 1 ' " -1 nrmrwDLD • Probably this is.-the last we will-be able to land until "the war is oven" .. "i REMEMBER! —7! - - shilling spent •tTTHj-a . Jf ■ Q 4 : "S» InW^W^Z and Colonial Store means one shilling ' .. ; .. _.. .7 ",7,.'.:7 .7 ~r.«: . -s contributed towards carrying on the Medium-sized7-7boftles y packed-specially ,The "Onions are .7- .^ great fight which is now being, waged '"" j against Monopoly, WITH ALL ITS ciously &j>yeliiffl^ ■:, >: ATTENDANT :EVILS;-ihe;:' greatest ": crr^SCT~^s^ d^^ es f ;..X.i"T ""«""-?-•■'. ' ""'" ? '"'" *■-.•■■! of which is the unscrupulous exploita- _ ._ ZZ ■ -.-■• '-'" " '-"■■•- • ••■,—---. _ ".' J iXLSSLpricioffoSuiS 1 Best oOUithcrA UAIOAS, lib. for od. i i Lovely-soundj -medium-sized Onions. The best-of ihe season.7;. ;'_- :.i ._'„- .1 COUNTRY ORDER DEPARTMENT: 126 Newton Road .il TOWN [ 201 Queen St. 296 Ponsonby Rd. Dominion Rd. ZZ: nnIMCHBs. 1 2 36HobwnSt. Eden TerrScitv :- Karangahape Rd. BRANCHES. Qt»ay Str**t Parnell 12© Newton Rd.

Great Household Store !*| Karangahape Rd., Auckland. § «• BOTH SIDES OF THE HOAD.'f EASTEB SPECIALS FOB CAREFUL FOLK. We hive, some lines to offer which most draw crowds. Co «p to onr Store 3 and sec wkat we ire offering—lemember, we look after all your wants ir.7 the home—Chain. Tables, Beds, ledding. FurwUre. Carpets, China.Ironmongery, Class, Fancy Goods—jost e»ery article that a home requires, from the smallest Kitchen detail to the Drawing RoomREAD THIS UTTLK ÜBT OF PRICES, THEY MUST APPEAL Take BEDWNG—Here are some prices wkich no one else would dream or— Single Flock Bed (2ft 61n.) good ticking ... 7/il Doable Flock Bed (4ft. 61n.) ... ... ... 13/11 Single Wire Stretcher with Flock Bed and-Kapok A (lIA A Pillow. The greatest ever-offered in*Kew "LSSs. -- Zealand y ■].-■' JSSmSS?.* We have a Special Line of Kapok Sateen Cushions, Our price 18x18. They cost 1/3 - «r*Sb 1/-eael£ A beautiful line of China Cups usually price ~- 1/-each .:"-'".: "7 7. -77 7:.* 3g 2z *£ jojfcd. eacl£;, A line of Gilt-edged, best Imitation Cut Glass Our price *• Dishes and Jugs, usually 1/6 «£- 1/-each: A line of beautifully decorated Glass Sauce Bottles. Our Price: usually 1/9 eaSti "*"" %P ' l/_ eaclt" A speelal line of Thin, Bordered Tumblers Ourprlce usually sd. each '3di*:eac*lt A beautiful line of Dark Blue Plates, Dinner "size 6d. each; Pudding size 4jd. each; Cheese size 3d. each. Just half price Aluminium Mugs, 6d. each ; Aluminium Candlesticks, 6id- each; Aluminium Kettles, S/ll and 7/11 each '—? "-'- --> - : - —-v Aluminium Stewpans, 'a special set of four The set for convenient sizes .■„'.. 19/11-". A grand range of Canadian Agate Enamelled Ware, Basins* Frying Pans, Stewpans, Saucepans, Preserving Pans. ----- AU at specially low-prtceiTT-;.:. ' ~'-~~^-" : ; Don't pass our lines in Rattan and Willow Furniture. -~ Chairs, 8/11, 10/9, 12/6, 18/11. -.Fully Padded; 22/6, 55/-5-, All Auckland-made. Best Workmanship. *_''-£■ 'y^y A beautiful line in Oiled Rlmu, Duchesse Pair, Jpgtf lg ff Bevelled Mirror, Tiled Back Washstand -ThnnaiP ' , . A Gem at the price. ;: : :.. .£ "L ,£: Easter is the time when outlay on the-home is considj^ed— prices . and our duality are so commanding that a visit brims instant conviction. Remember it is MORRIS. The Great Household Store, life, ROAD, Z. *: WHERE THE SKY SIGK^TRM&jX^IZZZ'T And also opposite In Buchanan's ©Id Sh<&f>i~ ••Both Sides of the Road."?

",„,. With Eaater only a few days off, it is wellHo I^^ ;,._..,'., , |"?oy«s„and Hosearesma?t'enough : and'new enough for the"occasion." ecunomy to have 7 . '.-"_y"7"' ;' an ample supply, particularly'when the value offered is such as we show in the attached. list .:-.. :.' -jc KID GLOVES, length and stitched backs. BLACK FINE.LISLEyHOSE, Silk Finish—l/ 6 pair; Ask -for. theu7-7 In Black, Beaver, Grey or Brown—2/6; good .... ' '•Ladx' Violet" Make:. value. BLACK LISLE HOSE, with Cashmere yFeet;good vrtue—l/il KH> CLOVES, 2-dom&-length In Black, White, _;,and 2/6 pair, ". "V7.T —:" • -r~~: -?: ~ ' ..r:^. Tan, Brown, Bearer, or • Grey—3/6; good - BLACK LISLE HOSE; "with Soft "Fee't^l^ J paTr.'" , LlHvV''Steeple; ' y ' ' value. "" ~ - .-' '.'"Make:---; _."";..--'---. ~ .. - ---■„■■ ■»•' .' -— : ..-~^...-"...--. -'' »i Stter jgg* Sett-Silk Clock; pair. ,7 qualities, 5/6,-5/11. 6/11, 7/11-pair. " BLACK OCrTTON HOSE; Mercerised Finish ;■ good-valu»—2/--pair.-:• - FINE SUEDE GLOVES, 3-button lengths, BLACK LACE LISLE HOSE,. with. «%sbjhere; Feet;,, good valoe-^.-stitcheS'backs,' in Ueavei% Grey and Brown— 2/6 pair. ■■-.<■- ■ y ; i ... .• - - .'-.".-. -z=.-i " C T :^& l ~ l !?£w£S? d ' ,'"'\Z '■■■<■ St-iai. •■■"'■ BLACK.-LACE. • HOs£ " Wth' 7Soft: ; Feet.. <'-TW"stejp^7"7. SUEDE GLOVES 3-dome,.. length;. in Black, Make • cood value—l/ 11 "V 6 Oairi 1 ' * ' " .~Ji~_-*~-Beaver. Brown, Tan and llrey—s/6. pair; Wil^T^SW. o^^4».-'^-i--^- ---" good value. "•- ' """' - PLAIN WHITE LISLE HOSE —2/- J3lce Froirts t gopff..-. WASHABLE CASTOR GILOVES, 2-huttdn ierigthi'" '.v T^™^ 2 / 3 pair.; * -.. --' ',--"-'-'"-" -"• .. .- - In White or Cream—Z/1.1 .pair; better quality BJLK ANKLE jHOSE.-^n'Black-; good -va!ue^iy9,-2/3, : 3/ii, : 47. "7.7 ~ .^'^'.-- —~ -~— ■-■.-- 1/*i~7/il,—lo/$, i4/*}...~ —* r:~~'_ z: ~" ' WASHABLE CASTOR- SHORT- GAUNTLET, - ,„ niommiii.7*.' 1,7 „J ".'~,-a.-,~x iW-w— ■- *--„ —»=»- ---.-•:■ Strap and: .Dome Fasteners,- in ..White ..oi ~... t w™,,^?. M ( s? E tl- m^ti3 ° a-tew Irairibers which have been •„- •■•'■■ Creani'-good value—i/ll pair- ' '-' "'■ thoroughly..tested, and. have -proved ---r WHITE 7 WASHABLE:"7DOESKIN, "Strap -and"" .PLAIN.:BI^CK^CASHME^-HOSE f Dome - Fastener—s/e'-palr; - similar make, -. - —.- this atocfclng. is spliced; with, aLUqgp, stteogtheas 8-button length, with-Strap at' Vfrißt-r-rl/XL.^. .. . - It; an*, ensures... "The "Akarana" is a pair;,good-value.-- -.-- •-.--,-•• * -' ~~ simllßjr Hose,- the-foot-'of- which "Is '-strengthened with ' Ilsfe -'" ELBOW LENGTH WHITE KID GLOVES,'"it" " -" pair, r.:';.-.„-:--.-..,*. ... „*'._-.;.,-.'.-..;.,-,..:.-:.-.- ---4/11, "5/11, 6/11. 7/6 "pair;" irood •value.*..-.- ■■•—- <■•■•;■■ ,---,—-•...•. -..-.„-- - ..,.-.- .?.i~-~i -. ", ELBOW LENGTH *Bti*& KID OLOVBS, at ?MIN BLACK LAMA, ' •—^ .r *.< 4/11?-5/11.^6,-8/11 pair; good value. PLAIN BLACK CASHMERE" HOSE."'PES'DUPLEX" " ELBOW COL. SUEDE" 1 ""■' 2/B, 2/U pair. - The 2/11 quality Is a fair grade hoserlightar 'i .GLOVES—«/ 6 and- 7/6'palr; in - te -weight than -the" 2/(i quality. yeL bpth. have, thedouble foot-V ?*" " —* " r ;,.... ......,*.!,„. .-.„' throughout,, which, is the feature of this : make. Ask,.for "PES _, r SHORT LENGTH TAN' KSPPA 'GLOVES,, -re-. : -„ , DUPLEX .HOSIERY,:.'' —-yy "." r - ' Vv..."> "y^~. .->commended->for la« 4 wear -ami. lasting satis- . "EXCELLS"- is also a stocking whk-h'finds favour with numerous : „...,../action. ~v . (iood,'.Talue;. 3/11, 4/6, '4AI, 5/6 , of bur customers. .It lias a "'seamless foot, which is verj" ' ■ , S*.^ - ..-.v.-, ..->--" ■ .-.-■■ -.-.' " "" ""' "comfbrtaßle to'the "wearer;..good —>'=••.-'- ----DEERSKiN GLOVES, In Tan or Slate--Shades;- "WOLSEY"'is another popular make. .These-have the uiislirink- ' >"- -.,.- "a-smart,' strong,' useful 6/11. and_. ..- able finish. -Iv medium weight—2/6 and. 2/11 .pair,...'.. .-.'*■ .-.-ic^Ji. 8/6 pair; good value. — '»*■ •;.. "SPUNOTOM" is a-very fine .make, of good,weight Ifor-rwirifer" ; -RBINDBER GLOVES-ln Tan-or Slatet—ll/6.palr; . seams.are all'specially spliced.- These are excellent ■ - fi-S'<; :good-v«lne. ... .:..,.-. .- ' ralue at 2/6, -2/11, 3/3 pair. -We' atstf stock ;'Jaegei;"" 7' EBEX GLOVES, -Soft GaunUet with- Strap at .Hose'in'light and me"3ium weight—3/3 pair, ' -"-- " - -• . - ~ a^l\M\& c "" " /'INDIANA" BLACK CASHMBRE. HOSE: is a moS "TsatiSfactory := -»,*TJAN—DOiESKiN GLOVES-,--e*otto»- length,, wiui- - t _ and good value—2/11- pair. -.--■-• —■- r^-" s ; **"IMITATION StJBDE GLOVES,"2-o\>me length, in "VBLVOSE" we C'O^SlDßlLone- ot -our.-'highesi: grade:'stockings.-•-.?■ "'- -Brown, Grey stna Black— l/ 11' pair: " Jn Plain Cashmere..- Th« jams Velvet— - ■— ' - •-" --" -''■'-■ .'• - like, quality, elasticity, and durability. - The tlye'is warrajjted_ >L BHTATION SUEDE GLOVES, 2-dome, length jn , . .free from «elds ol- chemicals, Is perfectly, ■ the Black,. White, Tan, Brown, Beaver, Drab or most delicate skin; and-is iroperrious~"to all", washing; "corn--: "-'• '•'- pair; good-value-; pounds.-:-. Each.pair.stamped '^yEL7VOSE.'W^-2/ll r *nd--3/C.pair. *<r~ LISLE GLOVES te White—l-/0,..2/6, 2/H~ BLACKr-CASHMERE HOSE, with.special, wide.toil, meQinm. weight-'-'- --- * and--3/6 pair-, te'*2oloursy and Black—lA pair --... " .„. 3/6 pair;.. good value. • BLACK LACE HOSE-7 patrT'withLace """ -—CHJmDRBEJ'S- GLOVES: ■~. . ... , _ " - •' "" •" -' -:_" | OHHO>RE.N J S KID GtOVES, In Tan or. Brown-^'. _ $W£f« '~OSed^ayiC ' and '-."i"! ._ i--2/li--afld- 3/3- flairs «ood- value. rf/rf pair. .... ■ » " ■■;'"'• - ••-■ ■ "--■■'■ '--- -> -'""'■-*•{ . CHILDRENZS TAN.jNABEA 37ir "RIBBED CASHMERE HOSE-^l/6,-1/U, 2/3,-2/« ; --2/a-per*palrc& ■>.--% \ pair; good value. ' ■ ■ •• •••—»>i» CHILDREN'S 'Black, Tan. "or NaA-y CASHMBRE SOX, with^"! CHILDREN'S LISLE GIX>VBS, in- White or Fancy Stripe- pair; also White, .Tidr'ii.Coloured Tops I - •- BrOWn-=iy3 jmlr; good* vaVue. ... Circular .Stripe—l/3'pair.' . ~'.... .- L - *,-1 *, ...Postage Paid to Remiiiatice. :fi v? .. vmitnofeuoheu e ßJ^ e and - F ?™ n y7PcaP«7rv . M yPfS V AW

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 72, 25 March 1915, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 72, 25 March 1915, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 72, 25 March 1915, Page 11


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