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FIXTURES. Jane 21 and 22—Hawke'e Bar '•<?. Winter. June 28 ana V&— Napier Park B.C. Winter. < July 6 and 7—Glsborne B.C. Winter. J ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. ( Argument.—Melbourne Intnan Is an. Ene- 1 ltehmaa. < < <}.B.—Mnldl was not ecratched; bnt allowed ' to drop out of the race when the final : acceptances were made on Saturday, June 3 3rd, at 9 D.m. ' A.8.5., Ohura.—Anratns was withdrawn from the Great Northern Hnrdlee at 11.25 a.m. on June 3, the dny of the race. ! ~ ' , A gelditig by Neator is the latest addition to F. Tonge's stable. The pony Cnedmon, which was recently ' operated upon, Is being hacked about again. ( i — .] During F, Mncmnnemin's abaeiicc In Aus- < ' tralla M. Rynn will have charge of his t ' horses. ,j Gco. AlMolnm has taken In hnnd n rising I two-year-old ally by Gluten from Marjory i ■which looks promising. The rlGlnc two-yenr-olrt fllly from Taraboarlnn, formpriy tn .1. Deerey's charge, ' , lias joined T, Uovvarrl'g strlug ut Ellerelie. ( Thp Nnplei-ownoil ),.>isn Appln is still In ] Aucklniifl. init «ns to he inlicu Mouth by the Barnwn tills nftprnuon. The rlsltia tlireo-.Tpnr-nld Holrnrchy, • \vlilph n-nn recently opprnted Mipnu. Is being i ; ; hnckptl n'bnut iikhlii prcpnrntury Io koliik ' . into nettri) work. j Mr. W. Montiromery, ownrr of Iloiinirn, : ! lfift for Xnjjlpr Inst pvpiiliir to see 1 ho son i ,of Rpgel fulfil his nugagemeutH nt Uic i Uawkc's Buy meeting.

s ] All Rolr-.jt wrll In the meantime, thp Oreat '" Northern Hurdles winner CWuiiknwplrsi) Is !, to fulfil his cMßnpcmcnts at the llawke's a liny Winter Meeting. ll The Explosion uinre Fuss was shlppPd ", Bouth on Saturday, In ehnree of (J. I , ell. It? g fulfil engagements at tlip Naplor niecfiu^. r L. Wilson, the light-weight horseman at- m tnchefl to the Hon. J. D. Orrao-nd's stable, » Is nt present spending a holiday In AuuU- t< lnnd. . it ■ 01 Aflor pns*ed in wlien snbmltted to a auction List Friday Haku changed hands | privately, boinj,' purchased by a patron of P W. Sharp's stable. l^ p. After a Rood spoil, dnriiis time Vie ° was ndrteil to the list. Apellou It) to ln> put " into work Mjrnin. and a start, was made ~ with his iivcpar.ition yesterday. i bl I The peUlinc: North Kast Is stated to be 1,, i sllowing considerable aptilude In his school- ,j ( injr efforr*' nt Wanganul uuder Llie guidance ,■ jof A. Hall. <; I i TJie Sraton Dflnvnl roll whleh f< I won at the Xorth Shore paying a. Rood dlvl- » <lend. is now under K. I'ope's rharge at o ; EUerslle. ii Wlipn V. Tolrllo loft Auckland he !n- ( formed (lie writer that he did not think J C.J.(J. Urand National. B -\i Mr. 11. R. McKenzle libr decided to give Monoplane and Cloudy Morn a spell. Jolle q I-'ille. anolher Innmtp nf R. Hall's stable, t Is also to be treated to a spell. j, Them is very Iltlle likelihood of Antarolk' o hri;;s laken Souih for the ilanke's Hay n m.eiint.-. but will jirobnldy be kept fjr k tin , bigyiM' soutlicrn tlxturpx. h

I p The Sonlt celilln;? Maxwell got till of his '■ " rider ou Monday while beliiß uxrrrlied on ' the road, bin was foriiinaU'ly secured bo- 1 fore lie met with any Injury. 6 Th" Tlegcl geltline Ilnnnm wns shipped ° south on Katurdny In crharf of l'\ Weston to fiillii CUtfUgiMiu-nla lit the Iluwbe's Bay j aud Napier Park Winter Meetings. ( A special meeting of the Tnrnnnkt Metro- y poll til n OiimiiilttPo Is ti> lip liplil next weok i to review t'.ip pnep of it. Rurlmr. who it tl will be reuiomlii-ri'd wns illsiiuiilifled by the Esmont st.wards at their recent meeting, n 1 The Avoiidalp .Tookfy flub arc now pay- i> Ing out thr short dividend on Jolle Flllp. 1 The claims received will fully cover the <" amount at slake, and there will lu>Iu> little C or notUluj; left for charity, as suggested. 1 Tbe Now Zoalnnd-brerl mnrp Pnkau. by '' Conqueror, recently taken across to Alls- " tralia, eauily defeated a Rood nelil in (lie Mirldeu Hurdle Uaoe at Wllllamatown (Vie- n torla) on Snturday. C Mr. T. 11. Lowry's rnst-off Chnnteuse S won the' Coronation Cup at Singapore re- '' ceutlj-. beating tue Australian horse Sliver ' Hampton, by a head. Peddon, Sweet Home. v and Grey Plume were nruongst the starters. The- Hotchkiss Bire Monoform was shipped * to Sydney by the Wlmmera on Monday. Monoform sliowed a decided reluetauee to leave the laud of Ills birth and -a lot of trouble was experienced before he was got safely on board. q The Menschlkoff geldlnß Dogger Bank appears amongst the nominations for the jj hack hurdle events at the Nnpler Park a are carried out j. Chaafe wiU not take him south till the Wellington meeting. F. Rtennins lias (Uspoßed of Epsom Lass S ami tlie daughter of Hotehkiss is to go into _ B. Brough's charge at Hawera. Kpsom " Ijhbs -was to have been shipped south ou Sunday, hut owing to thp rough weather It \ •was decided to keep her hack until to-day, j.

The brood mare Clochette with a * colt foal by Sonlt, one of the a last of the defunct son of St. J ■Simon's progeuy purchased at the. Inst * Glenora Park salo on belinlf of Dr. Bennett of Adelaide, was shipped to her new ; home by the Wimraera on Monday. .According to Sydney exenanges. Hautapn wus -well In front when he Ml in the first Rteeplechase at the A.J.C. Winter Meeting, but, making no mistakes on the second day, won as he HUed. He was ridden on both days by the ex-Auckland horseman G. Phillips, and competed on the first day in the ■name of J. <iallagher, but on the (second day he raced In the nomination of T. Tobias. A meeting of the A.X.C. Committee wae held last evening, wtien a statement of accounts In connection with the recenr winter meeting was submitted. The statement ehowed the Government tax to he £IS2B 10/2, ns against £113r, for the corresponding year, making a total °t £'}f 3/8 paid to the Dominion Treasury by the club tilts season. Th<> profit on the winter meeting -was about the same as last year. The committee nppolntefl by the N~.Z. Unt-IUK Confo.T».e to confer m.s for totalisntor permit, dales of racing, ; cli- will inert at Wellington on .luly IT. I would not appear at present as if the Conference was going to have much Fay - on the question of totallsator permits, and « it rather savours of comic opera for them < to invite applications for permits. During tlie running of the Campbell , Hurdle lUice on the concluding day of the . A R.C. Winter Meeting Delegate over- - reached and cut himself rathpr badly, and - is in consequence being treated to teasy * exercise at present. All srolng we.ll in the ' meantime it is Uie intention to send Dele- „ "ate south to compete at Wellington and t and if the trip eventuates . tlie son of I'hnebua Apolla will be sent in . chaise of F. Howard. A TTelllniTton writer says that several | sportsmen at the Auckland Winter Veoting appear to think that it is time Parltnt" "was pensioned off. The old felfact Hint he Is a llsrht of other days. Con- < sidering that Paritnhi Teal'.y only started •■ In one race, the Great Xorthorn Steeple- * chose, and tliat he was rnnning prominently •* In that event when he bnmped his rider off. " it is hard to see how he enn as yet be "* ■written out as a xpent llcht. Most of those \ •who saiT the reternn perform would hardly , "bo surprleed If tie son of Castor got his name en the winning Ust at so distaut <

The llaeterton owner-trainer, XI. T. M'Grath, is at present making arrangements for the shipment of his team to Melbourne. As all the available space lias been secured on the Sydney boat from Wellington A for some weeks ahead, by southern shippers of draught horses, It Is probable that Gunboat and Co. will be scut to Australia via the Bluff. . It The Racing Commission is to met again ppt on Mondaynnextt t -when the long-delayed '*" report Is to be again considered. It Iβ given as a reason for (the further meeting being called that certain formalities have not been complied with; but the report ijjj should soon, be available, and, after the time given to the question, we should get — an equitable redistribution. Mr. John Howe, the Auckland member on the Commission, leaves for Wellington on Friday night. TtJRF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. (By Telegraph.- Special to "Star.") CH'RISTCnO'BCH, this day. Tho general topic of conversation at ißiccarton has been the weather, which was remarkably line, but Saturday brought a change, and lieavy rain and high winds have prevailed since. Aβ a result of the copious rainfall 'the trucks are in many places under water, and operations during ■tho next few days will chiefly be confined ■to the roads. Until Saturday the ploughed truck was in capital order, but now it will scarcely be workable until the spring, aud the tuu and sand tracks will 'be those chiefly used. "~"* There has been a busy week amongst the jumpers, and scarcely a day has passed without some schooling work being done. On Wcrtuesdny St. Aiilati, with Dorando for a school master, jjave a cupltnl display over the pniiy Jiurdlea, nnU the finished inanuer 111 wlilrh lie 'fenced suggests that the son of 'Blrkcnheiid lias previously been schooled over the battens. On -Saturday a nice pipcps of schooling was witnessed over the] : Irljr 'fences between iJorando and Sea Dug. 1 Se.i Dog. which save n line display of fenc- j inc. led his companion practically through- \ out until lauding over t.lie stxl wall thej second time, when ihe was eased up, leaving Doramli), which had fenced creditably, If M'MiiPWhat slcvwly, to complete the circuit

Uγ himself. Mi-. Hucklcy's lioi-se showed a| i slight tendency to shirk the lrrush fences, | I iikl thus lost some ground by dwelling,: II !>ut Colcinuu straightened him up ■wiUi , I a Ow cuas of the whip, which had the! V desired plTect, and on the whole there | * vtji.s little 'fault to find Willi!? the effort of tlio sun of Sun 'Fran. During the same morning. Merredo, with the veteran 'chaser Slow Trail for n schoolmaster, gave a •aip.tal display over the poiiy hurdles, while l.'auiepiiury and Sapience also performed a schooling task over the pony hurdles. Saplewc fenced fairly creditably, but Canterbury's effort was susceptible irf much Improvement. Wedge and St. Aidun jumped the two flights of pony hnrdies twice, and both horses ijuiukly and cleverly. !•'. Chi-i.5;n..i.5, in charge of that consistent V porforiner The Cornet and Expansion, has, * taken up hi* quarters at Uierartou. Christ-i ~" mug will pn>liauly remain here until after our Grand .Yatioual meeting, and It Is not „. unlikely that one or more members of his i m ~~ team may be sent over from the West' Const to jolu his division here. The chestnut gelding Togo by Cajolery, ' — the property of Mr. 11. Watson, i's the latest addition to I). \V. Moraghan's increasing team. Togo is n plain-looking gelding that uocs not liiiprnss one as behii; likely to! earn much distinction upon the turf. Definite arrangements hnve been made I for It. J. Mason and J. It. Franks to leave ; with their respective teams for Randwi.-k nil June liO, which is much earlier than the I il.ite previously taken .for horses leaving 1 here to compete at the Australian Jockey Mulis Spring MfMinu. No doubt Mason fllii] I'ranks are anxloiia to get their horses lorated at Haudwlck, for they will then iv I nil pn,h:,hllliy enjoy the ndvuntaffrs of good working ground and (.'uugetiinl climate for t'hi-ir charges. Antagonist was at the blacksmith's on inurs.ijiy gr-.ting hi s s h OP 9 01l ~,-pparatory to .mining the ~,-tive brigade of the Choke-I Imre 1,,l K o tMIII . Thla wpek |hp Ro J Roiilt ami Miss Annie, who lins furnished -;»• s,,lendldly ,!„,-;„« his enforced retire' meiil. is looking bright and well and the knee w,,i,..h aevel,>p,,l weakness and causeS Ids ret!re:ueiii last March has ihwm blister-1 b ? s"'b,^e n . I , e?r a ?'r%e I, lre f ™,\\4T Pe T r h"uSS there | s I1(i thln« to Indicate his not s.irTlvlng a preparation, the fsu-t that hJs knee tas sh<m-n weakness will always i™ve Sfjmimng! hiS SUiaAlaS the "'senc-lee meiti',," Ul , r .' r n ' ll!r " frum n,l ' D'inedin '" '" '-• < our.termliie and Sharpshooter member?' m" : ".', "W Ume - «'"' the only ""."■" "- f , t!,e fhukohnre team in Z ~„" v-• 1 !,," 1;, .- v Possibly be given a run flxture " e111:,Kt,, " lisKla S Club's winter Bootrli Plaid, hearing a much-Improved n,>pc.iranc,., as the result of clipping off her , f' sl !' ,! f"- v , coat - ""a rejoined M. Hobbs" active h.-lgade, while t;. Murray Aynsley hna recooiiulsslcniecl the resting members of Ills rllvUlnu. nnmcly. Prim, Martiu, CJucry, nuil Coronlform, nl; of whom are loot ng "II as the result o£ their brief respite. I.onny Cflen, in the same stable, Ifl getting througli serviceable tasks, and apijenrs to be standing up all right. Aunt Sully ua.s been put Uito work again by Moraghnn. Tlie daughter of Gipsy Ciranil is looking in the rough The two-year-old Hlly by Pilgrim's Pro-gress-Lady Lilian, who has been in Ilobbs' care for some time. Is to be returned to — her owner. She has a twisted foreleg, which will not stand training. Tikitcre, which had .1 lengthy spell, went — amiss again ounn after being recommissloned t and probably the useful daughter of Finland and Flame will not carry silk again. Her stable companions, Muinurn and Cronstadt. are enjoying a short rest. The Dunedin champion, Obsono, Is to spend the winter at his owner's place at Queenstown. Apparently the notion of a trip to Sydney has been abandoned; probably with good reason, for Australian haudlcappers would not be likely to take any risks -with the brlllant sou of lima.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 140, 14 June 1911, Page 7

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THE RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 140, 14 June 1911, Page 7

THE RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 140, 14 June 1911, Page 7


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