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_ !»________; > —— I PTTBHC NOTICES. .Ml TAKEN FC'R PUBLIC SCHOOL PURPOSES IN THE BOROUGH-OF GREY Jj - LYNN. ?,L.S.) PLUNKET, Governor ' A PROCLAMATION". WHEREAS THE I-AND MENTIONED in the Schedule hereto is required to be _*__ under 'The Pubide Works Act. 100S," for a certain public work, to wit, for public jic-00l purposes in tin • P-orough of tlrey Lynn: And whereas the Education Board of the District of Auckland has laid before the Governor a memorial. a<.l*co-_p_nied by a map, and also the statutory declaration, as require, by the said A'j't: _ow, therefore. I. WMlliam Lee. Baron Plunket the Governor of the Dominion ot KeY Zealand, in pursuance and in exercise of the powers and authorities in mc vested by -The Public Works A«'-t 15*08," and of all other powers in anywise enabling mc in ttis bohalf do hereby proclaim and declare that the land mentioned in the Schedule kereto is herebr t-keu f -r the purposes of the said pnblic school, and shall, as from the (jne hereinafter spei lifled, vest in the Education Board of the District of Auckland- and I do also derlai'e that this Proclamation shall take effect from and after the ____-_;_■ \j_y of March, one t loosand nine hundred and ten. SCHEDULE. Approximate Situated Situated in Shown Coloured Area of the ' n Survey District on on Parrel of Land Being Block of Plan Plan Taken. A R P1 0 26.02 Lots 9to 17 and portions of XVI. Wattemata P.W-D. Red. Lots 40 to .."> of Allotment 25023 16. Section 9. Suburbs of Auckland, Grey Lynn Borough. t_ the Auckland Land District: as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked and coloured as above mentioned, and deposited in the Office of the Mimster *' __blie Workc. at Wellington, in the Wellington Provincial District. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right Honourable William Lee. B:u-ob Plunket, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint M:<-hael and Saint George. Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order. Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies: and issued under the Seal of the said Don_ni-->n. at the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-fourth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ten. R. McKENZIE. Minister of Public Works. GOD SAVE THE KING.

■—'- a_i_c______*__o>j_. Tp? lOC A S-U-EWD BCSiNE__ _A n j\; The chance of __a_ing pront. --..,—>- v Is oilered you in the -AU—Ji.-Classi-ed Coit-mns. '-.-r. .---•• ; -..r \:f Sale. Special BarJ5~ ____; broad end ties 1,6, usual price iUCrvK'l IN Hf.AIN f-GUll——>T J_ ___:_»_ ___ Piano Agency. X_xL —S. Cojilcnt _, Manager. F._:XH_fc; L___rovt-d. Brett's Almanac. _>-_-ec--_T, i-d. Diary. -SOU. Now on S-l_ Price, i,. j-HOBJ--NG AND __*r__SOON TEA. — 1' —i •--- -tt-nd New Ze_u____. Dairy Assoc-.- . AND F. pTaNO AGENCY. LTD., are • __-_■-__:_: t_- Fi__st _■____ o_ Pianos aud 0-B-J3 i- N-Z. -j.'_a_«---te Our Price _-*_- E_iEl ORGAN- ____. THE WORLD— P_xio_r, Church, and School. £10 zpsi_ri_—i_. -J-d i". Pi-no Agency. Lta. — E. Coi_-ct_x, M.trigger. T AST week of Sale. —Special to clear, coi- _--..-. Til TH-. _Zj__J_jl LA CON SiiOP, if VT yoa wi_: Good, ii_iatt-Le, First Grade i-_---e—r Barter. The best is the cheapest by _■_." Xa_____ Biitter still the same price, i, per _b, in it, pats- lu6 _>0- 1 A/ —NEW PiA_SoS, iron frame. -?-—. - A\}/ check actioa.—E. __i F. i-ino Agency, Ltd. 1-L Qaeeai-S-.—S. Co_-_.ct._i. M___iger. TTUSH. FISH. Vl&ta. —For the -—st _»- —- liable and cheapest Fresh and Smoked Fish, Kabbi-s, Pratt, etc, try Sanior "a Fish Market. 'Phone 6__. rVTEW ZEALAND DAIRY ASSOCIAUN TION»S, LIMiTED, BUTTER VAN ceiivers Butter in City and Suburbs daily IYiDENDS FOR PRUDENT PEOPL-T Advertise your wants in the "AUCKLAND STAR" Classified Coinmns. T AST wee_ o_ Sale—Extra special value. J-J white i_ir<_, -li_litiv soiled, 3/6, wortii 6/6. —Tuti's, Symonds-s-.'cc.. PAINT Brushes, Apex Brand Creg—>-erwl). —F. Crosby and Son, Mann-ac-ux-exs, corner Albert and Durham fits. i'Ft AND fI je-r—-*-.- -t _-_seir _--_>- — -Ci. Most Varied Stock, Best Value, and tern—- —S. Coidicut-, Manager, near _L_.ea.-_. OUSEHOLDERS, see that your Grocer supplies you with New Zealand Dairy ;A_sociatio_'s, Limited, Butter. lANOS, Horizontal anl Upright, Broadwood, Blutimer, Erard, Pleyel, Lipp, Eavestafl, Allison. —E. and F. Piano Agency, Ltd. T _ iiAACES FLOUNDERS. —Fresh supply by e-VGTj steamer, packed in ice on Thames Wharf while fish are alive. Reduced prices.—San ford's Fish Market.— 'I'hone 658. 7? Syr -j ~f\ / —i"EW PIANOS, iron frame, 1 -LU/ check action. —E. and F. IPiano Agency, Ltd., 131, Queen-st. Coldictrt-, Manager. LAST week of Sale, and don't forget it.— Soiled linen collars Id. each, ties 3 tor 1/. —Tutt's, Syinoads-street. GLIT —The Best Window Cleaner on tie Market. Od per large bottle. Ask your Grocer. TSTILSON'S -STAR" BRAJVD PORTLAND -»* CEiIENT AND HYDRAULIC LIME. Only One Quality — the Best. WILSON'S PORTLAND CEMENT CO., LTD., Auckland. T L?P PIANOS.—SoIe Agents, English J—l and Foreign Piano Agency, Ltd.— IDI, Queen-st, near Theatre. —S. Coldicutt, frl-nager. "VTOU will find Brett's Almanac, Dairy, I—- and Directory', 1910, indispensable la office or house. All booksellers. Price, 1/. ABSOLUTELY Cheapest Creamery Butter for the table all the year round.— New Zealand Dairy A-_oc__.tiO—, Ltd. GLIT makes glass glitter. Ask your grocer for it. 6d per large bottle. ."VTEW ZE.ALAND DAIRY ASSOcIAU.l TION'S, LIMITED, BUTTER VAN delivers Batter in City and Suburbs daily. pHKA i'EST Shop in town tor Cycle AccesJ-* 1 sories. Repairs a speciality.—AnglolAmerican Motors, Ltd., next City Chambers. EE-MAX*HINED Grass and Clover"Seeds. Write us for your supplies, Samples ana Q-otations.—A. Yates and Co., Seed Merchants, Queen-strecC-GILT-MOUNTED Glassware — Splendid Assortment of Salad Bowls, _ror_. 2/6 each; Butter Dishes, Sugar Basins, and Jam Dishes. Very Low Prices.—PoriEit AND CO.. 60, Queen-st. BRINKING "Planters' Choice," you can rely on Pure Tea. You can add quality and fragrance.—Gilmore and Co. Estab. ISS2. r\/TANNiNG'S BAKING POWDER. i«A MAKES GOOD COOKS. j"V]_}W SEASON'S Grass and Clover Seeds. iA-i Cheapness aud uualily combined. Compare our sutuples.—Arthur Yates and Co., Seed Merchants, Queen-street. pHOTUGRAPHY is an Education aud a ■*- Profession that will Interest, Amuse, or Support you. We give Free Lessons daily, and suppiy Bvei-ything Photographic.—N.Z. Photo l_oods, Ltd., Lower yueen-at-, Auckland. **T>LA_\'Ti_l-S' CHOICK" is a genuinely A i ure Tea. —Packed in lead packets by Cibmore and Co. __■ SEEDS, Manures, Implements for farm ana _-rd_ii, from Arthur Yates and Co., |Seed Merchants, Queen-street, Auckland. /"ILD MCTuil CA-KS —One or Two Cyilnders, worn, noisy, or powerless, made serviceable, silent and up-to-date, by RBieieski, Short-st_, Newmarket, who will put a 4-cyiiuder 10-h.p. magneto in your old car for £110. fpHEUE ure Teas and Teas, but A -PLANTERS' CHOICE" still continue-* fa) please the most fastidious. —Gilmore and Co__Est. IS_2. fV"MAS""PRESENT_!—Buy early and get -"- the Best Selection to choose from. Afternoon Tea Plates, from 2/6 to 9/ halfdozen. B_s_ assortment in the city.— POTTER AND CO., China, Glass and lronaaonggry Importers, 00, T> (p "S_EANS ""Planter./ Choice." A .*_/. Three Qualities, No. 1, 2, 3; ad grocers.—Gilmore and Co. Est. ISS2. SHEFFIELD CUTLERY—At the Loweat Prices. Beautiful Sets of Carvers, in Cases, from 12/6—At POTTER AND CO.'S, 60, Queen-st. )"V"MAS STOCK is now on exhibition. I-"*- Don't forget to call and inspect; nobody pressed to buy. If you don't see what you want, you'll want what yon see at POTTER AND CO.'S, 60, Lower Queen--. HOICEST FRUITS IN SEASON. — . Ji-s-e-tfier Bros.. Queen-st. M 221

= ] MISCEIiI-A-SEO-'S. 1 TITANNtNG'S BAKING POWDER ] —"- MAKES GOOD COOKS. j ANNING'S BAKING POWDER. - MAKES GOOD COOKS. --"OLANTERS" CHOICE—A Good Tea. j A. -PLANTERS' CHOICE"—A Pure Tea. "PLANTERS' CHOICE" —A Fragrant Tea. - -PLANTER--' CHOICE" —"Che Quality Tea. \ LUMINIUM WARE is what you re- , -A- quire- POTTER AND CO. can supply _ you the Best in Auckland. See our win - dow display. —60, Queen-st. VS'HY s?otf K___* IIOXEi IN THE ' »> BANK, when we supply all kinds oX Kapok Beds, Flax Beds, Wire Stretchers, ttc, on the terrcs in Auckland. , Call or write.—lDEAL FURNISHING CO., 5, Gt. Norxh-rvi., oppo. Ttvoli Theatre. (33) ' CYCLE HOSPlTAL—Cheapest shop in town. All repairs guaranteed.—AngloAmerican Motors. Ltd.. next City Chambers. UK ADDRESS, Shop and Office, 190 and 192, Queen-street; Seed and Manure Stores, High-street and Chancery-street, Auckland.—Arthur Yates and Co. Seed Mtac-c-hants. CV J , MERA CATAIjOGUE—The Dominion's j Largest—276 pages of Everything Phi to:jraphic for the asking only.—N.Z. Photo Goods, next the Railway Station, Queen-st., Auckland PURE A_-___fNlU__ W-wRE L_sts far Ever with Care. Potter and Co.'s Brand is 99J per cent guaranteed. Teapots. 3pt. F S/9. -*pt-, 7/9 eac_.-_ > _-T_SB A_\D CO., Queen-st. RUIT SAt-AD AND ~T3.T-A -w FOB. BRAIN \VORKER-S.—Messenger Bros., Queen-st. ANY Article that Saves Time and Mooey 'is weli worth getting. Buy a Set ot AinmintTim Saucepans, for 14/6 set of three, 21/ set of four. —POTTER AND CO., lrooimongers. 60, Queen-st. P4K».tF;R.s; wanting Clover and Grass Seed, Manures, etc, should write us for samples and prices.—Arthur Yates and Co., Seed Merchants, and Clover Seeds. Samples and vT quotations given. Write for your supplies.—Arthur Yates and Co., Seed Merchants, Quetn-street, Auckland. "R _ '° - AND SOLA is an Excellent X*_ Sitter, a. sooo—n---. ._,— ___. B_c_Food Combined, which makes it an Ideal Temperance Beverage. You need something of the kind this hot weather. At all Hotels and Restaurants. T>LEASE "J^-OTE THAT IN FUTURE GOO-VSON'S LONDON ARCADE WILL CLOSE ON SATURDAY AT 1 P-M. FOR THE WEEKLY HALF HOLIDAY, KKMATNING OPEN ON WEDNESDAYS TO 6 P.M., AND FRIDAY EVENING*) 3 P.M. VA*"E ARE BUYERS FOR CASH, In Large »*» or Small Quantities, of BOTTLES, SACKS, RAGS, RUBBER, HORSEHAIR, ETC. Country Consignments solicited. Cash remitted the _ame day as goods checked. /TVAKLE TJBOS., LATE R. TAKLE AND SONS DRAKE-ST.. AUCKLAND. 'Phone 527. TAUGHT. (Late ABERCROMBIE AND CO.), CORSET AND SURGICAL. BELT MAK_SU, TOP OF SYMONDS-ST. (Next Ballin's, Dentist). riTHE BOOK EXCHANGE, ■*** for CHEAP SCHOOL BOOKS. Parents can save half the cost of School Books by purchasing second-hand copies at the Book Exchange. We buy or exchange School and Technical College Text Books. Note address: ID, Victoria--, (next Central ' HoteO. E. J. F ENN ' ELECTRICAL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR, I Has Opened New Offices, FORT-ST., and t is prepared to carry out Electrical Contracts of any magnitude. " -\TOW .QPEN. ' " "PHOTOGRAPHS. "pHOTOGRAPHS. WILL YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN GET 8 PHOTOGRAPHS (GEMS) OF YOURSELF FOR "I / (TWO POSITIONS). J -' J Or, TJOST p*ARD "pHOTOS., X/ PER DOZEN. Also, BROOCHES, And THET WILL NOT FADE? ' THEY ARE FINISHED BY EXPERTS. AND EQUAL THE BEST. OJ.C. S 1 ™ 108 ' 32, QUEEN-ST., 4 doors from Thames Hotel. J -yiCTOR IyTACKY, F.N.Z.A.A. (by Exam.), PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOB. '. < 7, EMPIRE BUILDINGS, SWANSON-ST. ; Telephone BSS. M 230 MTHE RUTLAND HOTEL l j An impression appears to be abroad that. ,! in consequence of the recent fire, I have no ! accommodation for travellers. 1 wish now Ito correct this misapprehension. I have ' some Twenty-five Rooms, which were un '. touched by the fire, available for Boarders, *. and will be extremely pleased to see all ' my old friends and regular visitors, as us- '| UaL " F. C. FABER, Rutland Hotel, Wanganui.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 38, 14 February 1910, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 38, 14 February 1910, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 38, 14 February 1910, Page 3


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