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TdliET. rViO LET, new 5-roomed House, Grey Lynn. -L —Apply 51, Yermont-st., Pousonby. 140 rpO OjET, 2-roomed Cottage; suit bachelor. -L References required.—Apply 40, Alesan-dra-st. 99 O LET. Surrey-crescent, opp, Richmondavenue, Cottage, 4 rooms; rent, 10/6.— J. A. James, 63, Qneen-st. ■ 53 TO LET, Macaulay-st., Newton. 6 Rooms and con vs.; 11/ per week.—Samuel Vaile and Sons, S7, Queen-st. 7S rpo L;ET7~Shop, close Vic-. -*- toria-st; splendid position; low rental.— C. J. Owen, Union Bank Buildings. 63 ry.o LET, Furnished 7-roomed House, cor. -*- Pitt and Vincent sts.; excellent position.—Apply W. Kane. ISS, Hobson-st. 00 rp LET, Bellwood-avenue, lit! Roskill, -"- House, 7 rooms and conveniences; stable, etc.—T. B. Clay, 12, His Majesty's Arcade. J37 mo LET, Devonport, Lake-rd., 2 Furnished J- Houses; very low rent to good tenaut; handy to beach.—Walter Taylor, 27, Short-land-st. 137 npo LET, Ardmore-rd., House, C loomi, -•- bathroom, pantry, scullery, washhonse, copper, and fixed , tubs; rent £I.—Apply No. 16, Wanganui-avenue, Ponsonby. 03 "PJBVO-XPORT —New Residence, 7 rooms; -L , large section; con. wharf, 25/. Also, Furnished House, 6 rooms, 32/6; Parnell (7). 40/. —Apply Beale aud Co., City Chambers. O E T. "OEMUERA—IJ Acres RDd 6-Roomed ■*-*> House; 3 minutes from car, 25/. ■pEMUEEA —Superior Furnished House, 7 •*-*> rooms; for 12 mouths; 50/ per week to good tenant. TTU'SOM, Beresford Park Estate—Dwelling -*-• of 5 rooms and conveniences; 18/ per week, or with, paddock 21/. TyrT. ROSKILL—3-ltoomcd Villa furulsli- -!-«- ed: 80/ per week. WARKWORTU— Wheelwright's Shop and Smithy (both with all accessories) and 2 4-Roomed Cottages; 25/ per week, for o years. M~ALT HOUSE (about 3SOO sq. ft. ground floor space), in the Auckland City; to an approved tenant, reut £4 per week. T. MANDENO JACKSON, Cu,stonis-st. E. MISCELLANEOUS. rpo SETTLERS—Calfskins, Horse Hair, -*- and Hides bought in any quantity; cash.—Joha Gittos, Albert-st. next City Baths. I " rpo SETTLERS AND FARMERS—Java -»- Baskets for Fences and Breakwinds, to dispose of at 10/ and IS/ per 100.—At Sugar Woriis. Chelsea. 4 ICTURES for Wall or Children's Scrapbooks, at Chandler and Co.'s, Hlgh-st. Travellers' samples; must go. M 403 CAPS —Men's and Boys' Caps, great range of samples, bought job; from (5d to 3/6. Splendid value. 100 dozen to select from. —Ruehbrook and Bridgman. PA/RNELL people say that the entire fragrance of Ceylon, is In John E-arle ■and Oo.'s mountain, picked 1/6 Afternoon Tea. 81 LEXEL PIANOS, Horizontal and Upright. — Sole Agents, English and Foreign Piano Agency, L-d. — jj. Coldicutt, Manager. L_ Suits Sold by Us as Handmade are Absolutely Hand-made, and by Men.— Globe Tailors, Khyber Pass. M 493 IS IT POSSIBLE? That eight hours' washing can be done in two hours? Yes. Try One Bottle of WIL.WOKSH, and prove it. Washing costs 3d. OTORISTS, Why Buy New Tyres when we can Repair or Retread yours, and save many pounds?—Skeatea' Tyre Co., Al-uer.t-st. M 515 AILOR-MADE SUITS, from 45/. Money refunded unlese satisfactory.—Globe Tailors, Khyber Pass, just off Syinonds-st. MJD3 PRESENTS in Collar Boxes, Tie Caees, Purses, Ladies' Handbags, Squaw-bags, Jewel Cases, Travelling Cases, Belts, Wrist Purses, Card Cases, Shaving Companions, Mirrors, Bottle Cases, Sovereign Cases, Cutlery, etc., etc. — J. Wiseman and Sons, Ltd., 175, Queen-st. mO HARD-WORKED WOMEN. KVe only ■*■ ask you to give One Bottle of WILWORSH a. trial, and prove to yourselves no rubbing or soaking required. .Washing costs 3d. PHOTOGRAPiHEIRS, Amateur or Professional.—'For everything Photographic forward your orders, stating your own price, to Jones and Coleman's Auction Sale, 144, Queen-st., Auckland. _2G9 YOU can get any sort of Tea awfully 1 cheap by the chest from the Direct Importers, John. Earle and: Co., Queen-st. 81 HOUSEHOLDERS, ccc that your grocer supplies you with New Zealand Dairy Association's (Limited} Butter. rriHOSE vriio like strong Tea should get -L our extra strong shilllay Fannlngs, with green.—John Earle and Co., Queen-st. SI SEASONABI/B FRUIT.—Best Quality at Lowest Prices.—Sanfoxd'a B'ruJt and Fish Market, opposite Custom House. Phone 60S. A BSOLUTELY Cheapest Creamery Butter -£\- for the table all the year round. — New Zealand Dairy Association, Ltd. HYTE, Optician and Chemist, has the largest stoct of Spectacles and Arltincial Eyes in the city. RESENTS, at J. Wiseman and Sons, Ltd., 175, Queen-st., next H.M. Arcade. A STONISHED! After nslng WILWORSH, •"• to find clothes pearly white, without rubbing or soaking; and how much longer they wear. Washing costs 3d. "VTOW landing, SO chests grand, strong, -1-' tippy Fauning's, direct from Ceylon.— John Earle and Co., Tea Importers, QueenBt " SI SUITS.— Men's (Boxed) Suits, equal to tailor-made, splendid range, from 42/6, at RUSHBiROOiK ACSD near Town Hall site. IPP PIAA'OS -Sole Agents, Snglisn and Foreign Piano Agency, Ltd., 191. Queeu-st., near Theatre. S. Coldicutt, Mauager. "DERSONAL.—Just to hand, choice lot of •*• Men's Fancy Cashmere Half Hose, also Boys' Hose, all colours.—Tutt's, Sy-—onds-st. "VfEW ZEALAND DAIRY ASSOCIA--LN TION'S, LIMITED, BUTTEK VAN deliveis Bntter in City and Suburbs daily. rpHE ladles of Remuera all drink our lovely J- 1/6 Golden Tipped Ceylon.—John Earle and Co., Direct Tea Importers, Queen-st. SI LL T.HIS W.EE'K a Grand - Show of New DRESS MATEiRIALS, in Black and Fancy, at Bedrock Prices.—Eushbrook ami Bridgman's. WHITE'S Special Reading Spectacles are a particularly good line, und a cheap price.—Whyte, Chemist and Optician, just below Savings Bank. OME Tailors say YoU Can't get a Tailor-made Suit for 45/. We guarantee ours Tailor-made. —Globe Tailors, Khyber Pass. M4D3 rnHE SHOP FOR SPECTACLES, esped--iL ally reading Spectacles. — Whyte. Optician and Chemist, by exam.), just below Savings Bank, Queen-st T ADIES ONLY require to use WlL- *-* WORSH once to prove to themselves what labour and time Is saved. Clothes wrfsf longer. Washing costs 3* "E Import Pure China Tea for invalids and delicate people, sweet and mild , .— John Earle and Co., Tea Importers, Queens' si P27 10/ —NEW PIANOS, iron frame, cw.— J -LI// cheek action.—E. and F Piano Agency, Ltd., 191, Queen-st. a. Coldicutt. Manager. TfllSH — FISH — FISH — Finest Quality. ■i- Lowest Prices at Sandfords Fish Market, opposite Custom House, KetaiL Phons 60S. AISD F. PIANO AGENCS, t,TD.— • Most Varied Stock, Best vil«e and Terms. —S. Coldicutt, Manager near Theatre. _US TWEED TROUSERS, from 4/6, 5/11, 6AI. to 15/6; Saddle Tweed do., 7AI, 8/11, up to 16/6.—Rnshbrook and Bridgman; open on Saturday until 9 p.m. "tUST you try our tippy 1/ Farmings, *J mixed with green, for a real treat.— Jotoi Earl and Co., Tea Importers, Queenst. 91

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Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 89, 15 April 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 89, 15 April 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 89, 15 April 1909, Page 3