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It is proposed-t© form..a - smaE,.syndi- J--cate,' to'exploit'/Hie "brooms and brushes made from New ZealahdT flak fibre 4 by a. patent of"a'local man. (says a Kiverton correspondent of the. "Southland Times"). If the industry is a success, thY result should be a .'good "thing for the Dominion in general, find give employment to many hands in.Eiverton. ■ All that: is necessary; for manufacturing the articles the district has in plentiful supply. : The-inten-tion is to export /the fibre, which is duty, free, and manufacture' in ; Sydney, or Melbourne. ' This: should open up a market for flax fibre, which is at present a drug on ihe'iri'arket, ahdwhen. the. syndicate has got "ofer all-the experimental stages, and:it is found necessary to float a larger company, it .is to be hoped those interested in the flax trade will;giye the concern their hearty support. It is said that after selling under anything that can be imported, a good margin of profit, equal to 25 perj cent., will' be available. The Government, who are large users of the articles; 'have promised support. The forty-fifth anniversary 'of the Franklin-road. Primitive Methodist Sunday School will be celebrated to-morrow. The preachers' for the day. are—Morning, Rev. J. Carlisle, recently transferred from the West- Ooaat; afternoon, Key; J. Cocker, who laboured last ton; evening, Rev, R. Raine, former minister of this church. On; Tuesday next the usual.tea, and public meeting will'be held. '. New Zealand dress tweeds, 2s jld, 3s lid, to 5s 6d; give, great satisfaction. Plain" cloths, Is 4Jd to 7s lid. See our special-shrunk finish,-2s lid, up. Fox's serge, 3s 6dj. indigo dye, and 54in wide. New blousings in great variety, ls.4Jd, Is 6jd, Is lljd.—McCullagh and Go.wer. 9/6 ie the? popular price of our- black hard hats. They have the colour and shape that't wear well.— G&3. 'Fowlds.— (Ad.) ;;."_./ _, . i . ■ .; ';■••;■■.-, : Gamping but, warm riigs 8/6, 3/11, 4/11, 5/6, e/11, 7/11 each. All special value at Rushbrook and Bridgmaa'e, open till 9 to-night.—(Ad.) v _'■'\i'..;'..."'

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Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 80, 3 April 1909, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 80, 3 April 1909, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 80, 3 April 1909, Page 5