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The membera of both branches, of the Legislature in the Auckland district have forwarded a requisition to the Rev, Wjlliam "Beatty, M.A., .Vicar pi, St. Marks, Remuera, asking that gentleman, "as .his Lordship Bishop Neligan is absent, from the Dominion, ana consequently- unable to again accept : the : .pbsitipji of" member of the University College Board m,, Auckland,'.-,..t0 accept nomination, fo"r the seat, assuring Kin at the same time that if he consents there will be no opposition. The TequisU tion was signed b} r the Hon. ,Geo.< Fowldfe, Hon. W. Beehan, Mr. W. F. Massey, M.P., Mr. F. Lavrry, Mr. J. Bollard, M.P., Mr, F. E. Baume, K.C u -J!kLP ? Mr., A. K,iddj ;M.'j% Mr. If. Mr. Hone Heke, M.P., and Mr. Henare KafliauL, M.P.,. It is also stated that the other members who have not signed also concur with the request. The position isageeuliar one as, Bishop' -ha*ing left a power of attorney in Auckland, it is impossifcie' for the- -acceptance of nomination to .be signed, {of Kisu.<. Tfie JRev. W. Beatty, having been Warden of Sti John's College; was therefore" considered -by the members as one eminently well.fitted by,his past experience to Jill the vacancy ,on i'ne. College CbuncD. Jit & understood that .Mr.. unier the circumstances, consent to be nominated. .; 14 ;.,

A workingman had a luck; escape from being seriously •in jured in a .collision with an outward bound _tramcar in Queenstreet ' about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Three or four cars were on,the upline, and after a couple had passed, the man decided to venture across. He. chose a very inopportune moment, for he had not taken many steps. when he become dimly conscious,of an unfamiliar sensation. The apron of the car .struck him, and an..officer qf_.the Company who was on the 'platf6rm'"gave him a push which- sent n Mm 'on'"'to the roadway,, clear of the, lines. Bystanders rushed to his assistance, thinking he must •have Been hurt, "but the -"only reply that he made to enquiries was 'a" jumbled statement, which was partly explained by a'''contemptuous expression- of countenance.' • The man never lost possession of a cigar biitt which lie held firmly between his teeth. The motormah applied the brakes promptly, and the car had almost, stopped when it struck the man.;■-__. _. .

The children attending the Avon dale public school have expressed their sym-: pa thy in a practical way with the widow and five children of Mr. James Barton, a platelayer' on ■' the :,; railway, who ; , was- killeS.." by. „».._.. train colliding with' a jigger near 'Penrose., A subscription list was opened and contribu-' tions , receiyed throughout the whole school realised (he. sum of £5 ss. This, amount has been handed over to us in trust for Mrs. Barton.

very handsome illuminated address, which is to be presented to Mr. F. E. Baume. K.C., M.P-> .by his friends, and; supporters,' is" on view in the window -of IS DSC;, Queen-strset. The address, which is a work of art, was designedand illuminated hy Mr. C. H. Palmer,"Mercantile Chambers. For some time past "a .strong•: committee has been- at work making arrangements for the function, ■winch : promises to be. a great sueceas. The Hon. Geo.- Fowids will be present, together with local M.P.'a, MJL.Cs, arid other prominent citizens, ladies beiitg especially invited. ■ : A edinpliriie'ntary concert will be ..ten.-, dered to Mr. Harry Herbert on.June the loth, prior his,, departure from the Dominion. A special programme is to be presented, in ■which leading artists will assist. The Alexandra-street Primitive Methodist Churchi TJ.S.CI will be celebrated to-morrow. Two lads named Turner and Roberts had a narrow escape while driving from Waihi to Katikati the other day. They were passing another vehicle, and they as§ert..that.the driver of tHfe other trap. coming from .the opposite, direction, "sid not pull-off- the-road, when he should have done so. The result was a collision, and the boys aiifcf cart were precipitated in . a creek. The. cart was smashed, but the boys an& ttieir hbrse escaped without serious injury-. - W .Thornes, at the laid ?41e. rooms yesterday, submitted , tie--'.', property known as "Anstralbion."'. .For ; of 12 rooms on allotment 99ft'x 144 ft £900 was offered. For the corner lot 90ft Sentinel-foad by iJift. t 0 Sirsfielfistreef, :£6 10/- per foot was bid. Both lots were withdrawn." For lot 2, with 53 %i *9 Sentinel r rp'aa by 144 feet, £290 was bid and refused; but .this lot was sold subsequently for £300. The Agricuit'urai Department's display at the forthcoming Dunedin Show will j be,* particularly ,fine one. The exhibits will include a collection of grain, i fruit, and general produce, grown on the f.° r . ther n esperimental fartas ai TViie«nga,. Ruakura, Tauri&nga. arid Bickerstaffe. Mr. W. A. .Boucher and Mr. Bavless, of the Department of Agriculture. are at present at Duiedin. making arrangeinehte display.' Mr. CHftori, Chief Inspector of Stock, and director of experimeiiUl farms, will also be present at the show, which is to be opened by' the Minister for igridaUtire on Tuesday. The exhibit,is. afterwards, to be displayed at the Palinerston North show, wh*ich opens on the 24th of June. The. Hon. (J. Fpwlds was not 'in attendance at the Ministers', robins to-day. On Monday. Mr Fowlds ; will be, at the Buildings t,o attend to de-; partmental business, deputation.s

way Company an<L ite meet in about a *»S Morris, «pre S enii£Sfe»*l and Messrs. H. Cart^n^fe , " I *' representing the eniplpyeesl *{*"*' the.event of their who is to act, the £ made by the "* iZfr. Herbert J. - J second Violii recital .B..announced for Murad^Sl ance of, Mrs. Macandrew--Miia**KS?' Mills, .Miss.Blaluihe Ga^C^aS I Lyric Quartet. The : elude the famous,:/VioKh andirW Sonata by Cesar franck. ; .r; The second, concert: Aucl Orchestral Society, conducted ■by &2 U Johan be.given Jwgg day next. The is'one* if ; siderable; range and variety, and, fc £&£ -r tion, to. seyeral.lighter .pieces; ' symphonic poem by AYnoli king, entitiS «Othello»-a .wonderfully :^i u S3« delineation of the emotion* ; mci&niatlfc ShakespeareV great tragedy*. This aai ; ' the march; irom TschaikoVski 5 » IP»the|S • Symphony are/c be heard in c kle3 r for the first time, By request Kein*ckeV Overture Manfred^one^of; ffie & most successful items. ..played =by the Society at the Cnristchureh v :Exhifeiti3*L wiU-be repeated. The Phyllis Jfills, who TOllplay Mendejsepffijl , !: Capricio in,B. Minor ,( with orchestadi «£. v companiment) who will. sing, three.. Hungarian iaeM by Kortey, and ScEumibE's;''i>6f6tUa»"f j.Referring to the change l whiih tafien place. in „ the;' conrtitutibn- 61 Government b"y the' death n»f ;the hatfc Mr L §eddon, Mr Barber, Sl.P., r »j£'J dressing .his constituents- in Weltiflgto«oh Friday, night", asserted tha'Ctiie libe&ji party was as strong: as. everVii. Jt waWS if ihey .mights judge, there -was every; indication ■•"tmSjV? Sir Joseph Ward' would remain in for-many years, .-,—.••■-',". : ' '-'■_■' "'. : i'J'-fzh If-we cim accept* ttie figures of *'s£& Barber,' iEP-V the - WeUington City Conm cil has - made a costly mistake if .'»S|t3 availing, itself of .the jni-tito? Kre Brigades' Act.; He: if. the Council liad come under .thS M^m f would have .flayed ine'.neS? 2.6.; years,, :; Mr Barber -W*9v4bf>;eoiiie* years a member of the Council. The "Bailway-Hevie*, ; ;sii'tiit irtiS ; ; published in the. current issue, say's nearly .every request put ■'. before '-M\. Minister after, the Jast railwiyjdoafcr-v en'ce iias-been^refHsed." -'3fe^rer : 'ii".tSll; history has sa unsa'tirfactorf U aperies of Ministerial, ? en ~ib conference resolutipns.' -'-. Thia : atlfcA fcude of stoical iiidifferenise, of' an exisp. perating policy of.uncompromising negation cannot be toleratedfor long. . have said before of thjeTdetailed!"ftp swers^-they. are. uncpnyineingV and flilM general attitude of the Administrmtioi towards .equally, so,' The public mind, is agitaVed the conj-. dition of the/personnel. Is the Department fate tXf its treatment.-oL-tfie-society's ..■•*(&£*s% spne4. claims for reform, that ..itiraPs whovare in to s&y. there % ' .^e , .are ;not i»| clihedtobe alarmist in.our attitude, bdtf we;isay:- that -I;he".Government? is unable to., reassure, the .puTolic: Ottj.this j-yitall' point. It .% r ; undefstbod". that -the nSe*!* had ( a long .interview .with t&s Miniiyfcyi ii : :connection; "withi the, questions d<jaft with at the conference, and that important engagements prevented his granting i second interview." • ir* - -Vj. r '•(-+' -' .'. - * -- : x _v.- _ '.\"'m& The Makatote viaduct has-been con»« pleted, the last girder of thie, the rjadect ;:on.:the line> beinf put into position on Thursday. -'^liii -A.workman was: bidry: injured aeieS Whakapara.yesterdaj-.- He w»e : one of?*a party proceeding by train toijwbrlc -'m-ifM Sukerenui-KaiK-aka-w* railway ana fell if dm 'the front of a Ihough he. clung on momentarily.,to tii hand-rail, he -was pitched onto .tSe 'l&jp-fs of; the "track and received severe to his head. One ear was: ed, and, some - teeth, were displaced, besides the man being bruised. j:The wast: jigger .do irhere "he was attended to, bylDr\ Rosafc| Be iwas subsequently, sent on* by train ti:i fhejWhangarer -HospitaL ■> ■'■•■. : vEespecting the - Waitakerei ' Mr. H. M. Wilson,.the' engineer ift' : lias.Tejrorted to the town .clerk land' that the iupper ; stowage' < reseivolirj has-been' completed, , and «-now; water. The dam--has -fieeV ailing during the last few. days, and tl# 1 over the Practically all. that is left to doiie;.i»| to.cwnpfete-.'.th'S' mm reservoir bakerei.. .The men who had been engage* in the storage reservoir have-Been- peil;| off,, eicept- t\fo,'.who are r .finiahirig tBSS belly's creet intake. ■ . The Auckland Art Society's annual »| hibition continues; to draw; large interested ;an3 tbotougHy. appreei)|{«| tive lovers of fine.-art: Yesterday. exhibition. •. was vefy: V ; well j patro Thie evening the Ledies'iCommittee wm| again provide free refreshments to yiegi tors,-and a musical programme will aM| bje given. • TKe" ; exhibitidn remains o|*i lintil Jjirie. 6th.' \ : . :: : '.':. '■ .'.., ' 'i^';| f .order 6f the Sheriff of -AirtSclaadf|| valuable corner property inrdad, with sfiop; aid dwefflm| erected thereoa, will W offered,jl)y tion on Monday next at. 12 .o'clock pjfj Messrs. Eichard Arthur, aria GoV, rooms, City Market.- ■. : Ci Catty a box of Zym'ole IVokeys rag yoiif pocket. They' are" a &pod to have about you,- oft'times.;,-; -£$£$ venting a little hoarseness,from" ing in a hard cough. —(Ad.) '■■■ Wool delaine, llid. yardr crepe fbmSs riels, 1/3*;,_ csi'chemire flainnelsy g»»|;s washers, 1/9* to- 2/3: wincey (single width), 1/61 •"(double widttt), 1/lli, 2/fr sfHite velveteen, frbni ,1/6} to 2/8; corf ; Jitto". 1/3 J. to 3/6V—M cCi » ilft M n and er*s blousings.—(Ad.) • -.: ..Piannelette blousingigooa.coipnrs aad;; designs, 4fd, s|d, 6Jd, to 1/lid; an-rreol : Parisian flannel, epecsil' value, \. l/4ts>''"; 1/eJd, 1/Sid; l/9}d; I/liWc-McCuUagfcj aid: Gower for blousings.—(Ad.)- . .\;^ Qualities good and' prices 'right*. «M,i big assortment in underwear and sluatS berwear, winter weights". Woven 2/11, 3/C, i/il, 4/11, to 16/11: vests, 2/«, 3/6, ttf 9/11; 'woven 8/11, ?/«> ; U/9, to 21/; cMaren'a c6mb3-. r in: ah'ert md, long.-sleeves, to iligTi and Gowerj—^(Aii.J,.. ; - ~= ' f Double-width dress materials Ac.), lor lljd, iVard} New lana-iriade, light grey, oKfcj 1/11*} neTfJ. Amatrefis, 2/C, S/11/ 3/11 J upj special!? shadow, attipes,' 4/8 aid 4/11. splettag,; Epr ' ana Gowort : ; lresse».— (A&j

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 129, 30 May 1908, Page 4

Word Count

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 129, 30 May 1908, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 129, 30 May 1908, Page 4


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