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r - - ;_r. J i MS- <V| Mey/ly>clifc-builde^ ipfn^ c^^; iand",liß^ to'build* a» now" racing ysqnbJ f o j "i *Mr Geo. Warman, 40ft in length. t !On Saturday, June-lira-150 yards race bfetween members of All Saints^ (PonsonbyV ' %opk pHfciiti thdlouflr cgomaui, resijltihg" Haycle*nVl", v Schmidt,^ •Phatfield; 3. The timewasllß seconds, 'r '-{A handsome ( silver ,cu^ s made all of Thames 'silver, Has' "been presented to rMr Ivan- VVansbrpugh, by the Auckland^ Cluß.Mr Wansbrough's pony Rangiora iiayingfw.on^tbejialf-milea'age at tl^eorecenO 1 trieeibf Qx4 Polo'C51uB;- -J' •' ■'K^ ,»:T •i jj^^6ltiiri*g*^atWHSß'lJeehrmide'for^2oo:■ 'fbrgth©^championship of r the,.colony,,ovgr' 50 miles, Twelve" and' twenty-four hours, 'tiffil Joseph! Scott and Frederick: Bowea^ -The first event.will take place afc the Garri^' igpn !C!03'l:^; B'tihedin'v I;6rf; July 86tb| %i^j ys^ iVeek'a iiijegyal before next.event. > r , . 'jil^ord, Glasgow has accepted the.Presi. .diehcy bf'the ftew Zealand Football fcfriwti!-5 "Thej jVice-Bresidents k .7 nominated bo. d^to ? are: Messr^ Geo. .^Fisher, M.H.R.J \Velliiigtotf'; Gi' Fi üßayley,iTaranaki; G.:;?;i:f «'Powell,-.Wfanganni; M. M..D. .Whatiaan, iWairarapa ; F. X6gan, J Hawte's Ba"yi;%,i!(s jg. - tLittlejbhn, NeMon-5 •A2 &hT& iDe.vjore,/) Auckland. (^ , ■, , ' > ' f; ; ThePapakura annual athletic sporjs were""" held o& ihe 24th' inab.i and' passed offsuc-ii) cessfullyss .-The. - fpllowipg,, is,, ra^list ft jof- the events: — Race . for Boys ™fder yil:6V lOOydS: 'W. v(Todid^ T\ms/4' EenneUi;."j2>.-,; ..^Five : vtr-Maiden fe Flaij; ■Race, 150 yds:' Larry Wafckfnsbri, i'i^fi, Wallace,' 2;l SixJ^ntries^ Q.ti6ib Ma€chr V SB) 5S n\yilsqn;(jnr.^l;^ :Wl Mprrispn, 2. : ,- ii g|g)ij|,. f entries. Girls', Race under 16, 100yds*:^M;' Angus, 5 ;'l r Richardson'^ r2.'-■!TEFghbO ''entries^ faulting, with^a Ppb^fß.iWaJlae^-. 1 • V\ r. Wilson, 2. Three, entries. Tilting'. 1* in the Ring':" KP Wallace'/il; A'i .Fourteen entries.,; HandicapjjlSOydsgjA,,^ Jplarfe^ 1; R. vKeenan, 2j . Six entrie|. w : At a c meeting of. Association ;,foobbail * .players 'h'eld^n 'May 25' the Aucklatia^As&i3 ciation: FobtbalbUnion, was" formed, ,thefol.,|j< lowing officers; ,being, elected:—Presidenfi, : >A. L Heather;'Esq'. i^'vice-president'sjß^!!!!^ Marshall, > Esq.-ji iC..;, J::> 1 Hutchinson, v ; Esq?, -, A..K ; idd,Esq., J. J. Holland, Esq., H. R. ,GeOrge>,{Esq.; C^C. Dacre, Esc[m li"EHre'nv" ried,! EsqL:; /Jhon. secretary iahd 1,-. 1 C.,C, Dacre, r . v The^follpwing Clubs, entered * ;teams; for'''the;'" CupV Druid's, ■' Alliance; u> Rovers and: fßangers. It; waß/'dgcided^to]^ hold a tournament ab Christchurch to play" for thechaiirerige shield' and 3 medals^ 'VKen'O 'Auckland; cWellington;,> Chrietchu,rcbjrand-(i\ fDunedin will be represented.' >f ", * Mr.Hpben, .Secretary of the jtfew Zealand , Rugoy' Union, has "received ' replies 'from ' > Australik vwre- 3 visits^ "df - the /Ndw. Zealand i' !team,,, f . Queensland, is y,ery anxious .they r 'should go tnis" year, and offers to take the * tfrom• "Sydney toi Brisbane" and'ibaci,' '\ paying all gravelling andihotel expenses,,,, .on "the same term's on whichv']Srew South 'Wales^and Queensland teams- mcci; orlwill;; !conbrjbutQ £250; r ~tpw.ards i the ! ,expenses, f pf.., the !tour.,'..""■ ls[ew 'South Wales'also offers /liberal assisban'ce, which .would relieve' the./ New, fZealand Unison of all, financial .anxiety, -. ;bu6" asfes * that' the' tofir be, postpondcl till" nex.t'season.'i They*wjlLmeancime makejalliii 'arrangements to ensure an enjoyable trip.;t ;Under the circumstances, probably the ' tea;mj[;wni c ; np^igpj tilljjiexb eeiaso ( n, w;hen ; Auiaj^li^wM "land", "h* !" k"> '..'".". " ' ':'

i A. [bicycle1 road ,race, between jthe^mem', , berf oC,. th,9 JCucklarid Bicycle r Club,., was ' held' on;'' Saturday, May' '2^ the Jcourse' beingl3 ri from» - :Bishopsco.iifbV>-^'ParnSHpTto v Otara: .Church, oPapatditoi, ;>; andsrfb^ck.'; Theta-.-yere., seyen Bt^rters,; -yiz.,,, Rey>,;, noids, 'scratch ;/Belby, 30secs ; Service,' 4^mins!r uFirth,' ' smin>; Boltbri", lOtnihs;'* jTaylor•■ 'ISmins S;J '\ an rd^- Cobrugh,- -14tiain. ' •At ?. thm:fHard<3of -Mnn Hotel: [ Reynolds;b Vas i .,.4ea'ding % . Jetyy^.by ( ■ .^rds i; : but <he gradually decreased the, gap, anduat t^e I^ewmark'fb BriSge, half a mile ,fronv-tlfe'- Wiu'ning■' post, drew levell; > (Both ? ridera>ispurted:j gamely^ b.ut Selbyktcondi-,; f "fcio'n tqidi.and-he;ultimately •won, byjabOTb.,■ ■ 10Q /ardsV,. "Firth,"was. third, r abput half-a- .' mile ibehiflfd. i' !fSelby Vbde^a: well fudged;' raoejaud-rode'tihe full dista'nee, 18-miles, in* \ hourl27('minutes: iri' %o? :hV2timvsio&

p A meeting'qi *p'e'rs| > d.ny!'desirous of forming a ' Blumpton^tne Ellerslie? RacecSuVselwfs-<, ''hield tonKMayfs 31stiUab> the BjitiahsHqteliff :Mr t W'^ Ms :Lawry, ;i M.H.R., presided^and:,: >an'd^ made., .reference tp r , the death t pf,, air 1^" Wallace, the'late ;' acbidg ; sep-'' retSry-bf the; Gon\mittee.''' It wa's resolvfed •' ?;to'i6ftn a clnb to be'" called1 thb Auckland,.' 'Metrqpqjitan n Plumptqn,,' Coursing v ,Club. t Messr^^. E. ; Bucklanci"arid W• *S^ %#, j ..were elect,ed'Vice'■^PrißsidentsjMr'jaaiesi^ TDickeyi -' treasurer ; and: Mi' 'A.'1 J.=f! *&-} -'Qoa'tes,' secreftary: : TBhe; election ofva Presi* q dent; ?, was,, ', fheld,-, : , qyqr,«., the , .prompter^, i * being., ~,anxious that ; tte, Hon. E.,' .MiVcheison" ahbuld be the j first President. | ThTe' ff6ll6winfe r -'CBmmlt'^eyrWOTe''6lectSd^7';J 'Messrs'^ Ot'tEv'istt.YJtr; Beehan,- JiiWakaiij 'fieldj/TxiMac^eady, i& W^Bussqll^^Y.^jj Fen.b,qn, and Thomas MqE^win,, wf,t.h(,pqwepj.,tq"'add to'their number. ';_' Mr n A' f ;BI '■ Whibak'er ■wasTappbint'ed^sohcitbi'' to fch'e- !j i Club;*, and ,tHe ybranch- oi thftf? Natip.nal.Batjkj:banker^, ,no'u-.z'jc ■-■■(^vi

J& serie§ 3! df'^ititernatipnal^^ugs-of-wa^V Jwhi6orbave-taken''i.theiiAucklindff iVol.qnteer, I)cill=she|i< H§Y6j elicfte^ja gr^eaby; (deal o(^n.teies^*' At, t^i.a fdatp" '^'' } W°^ and Cdloriial I'team's-are on equal ievtiiK'bP^ tlie'-ftomeij* are j the' favb^ritesj' '-''TB^ i following!j.w.eiee the •contestitigfiteamß^-t>': f Scotland-: .^e,§s^S-. J. •-, Rpbert|pn WM Et, Aitkenhead, W.'V^itkeAbead,,, 'D' to'McCallum, J" ;!J. 'Cocb' ".- JranW;in sGillePpieV'^ £i > Mackiei i ! lEmergencias': ■ ilessrs tA*s Opngalw ; t;Qn«i(W.»:-Stirlibg ; total .^weight .of^tfiaig.jj ,10ist,;91b." 'Messrs WiWm iill tarn), 1. Wen Ping,'..Ah" Chdrig, ■Go^Me^ Oom 1 Ocl? Churi^Eoy1, Ah" Md^« f Ahißing, YonJiee,5 Leu CKing;'total weights of team, 113 st 71b. England^ jjMess^. E. Crqnin (capta,in), W. Bines, J. Curtis, Kearaleyr !iVW'Skifnier, ;W; Huhteri T VV- ' Fiddod^i J.? Howea? Bi Meyers •; emergency^ G..QYOcker ; h total v weight,, of $eaffl> +\WI 51b,, v ,Maori,^Messrs Paul ,(captain),: v K]hij;» PunS,' Kingi;. Nia^. Kqpti. J :Kepa,,Pater<sr^•, Tamai,' Koehe; emergency,' 'X: ' Barlow; tqtai:.weighbiofcteamy I»l6st.;i ScbdinaviafSK MegsrsoA. Erickspnt'(captain),) &ji&WBs'tt ■ son, '% ,QlsonZE. A:, ifeterson, C. Asm A:. w dieon'; JG; 1 KeUlesqri, F. Anderson,J.< EimSni-^-H.-PearsbnV' Smithes/;etoer-\ ge'ricy, JP.I Nitham' % total weight ofcteani, 1ll&st 71b.) ; Ireland lii Messrs,, J<; M[M.Slll| (captaip),- ,J^ills,,;,[BoyjKfc-.WSMW Ptepheris; J. Sißnen,"J.Wynn, NeiU, g"H terson; 'to'taP^weight^bf 'teamT MM jWales• £ W::>^Jones/v(captain),:'3S KGp^P I. Hughes,--J,^ ; Lloy*} V ;<o Morgan," W. Pritcljard^C. Eield, 3MMS Cofoniala : T. 'Solomari; '(capfcain)," J- >*S'A lay; H. felade^Ti Breeu, J.Cble, *"*Sgl ricky A. Brow .^ I.' Duane, II Har^e^i UW tugs->{reßialbeds l as j ; follows {.-rgootlapftjy^ China:.! Scotla,nd ■ won; 7, time,, MWkl Maoris V; England : Mabri/ wqn;.,» ; . Ssmin: t: Scandinavia'"v. Irelaiid-:- ScW"'^ navi^' won';'otime,^ 33Jmfn.1 > i:ColoriiftW '/• ■Wales *V Colonials iwon ;; time,; <#ifW: Maoris ysr. Spotland : Maoris won; .M%% 13imin.V- Irelarid,y^'Ohma.: Ireland .won,;, time?: iajmib: '^EhgfahdI'v.-'Golomafs. Colonials-woh; time, nScOjlanO; v.; ;Wales :i i Scqtland won &sm9i i W'-p Maoria.v, Scandinavia ;i Mftpris won; ,ti^ Bomin..'Treiand' v.- Wales ;lrelanaVwo|, ;t &md^m|£ v'»ianarv.-?diksr^^nig: ,won j itiro^'sJmtn. 'Scoblaod v. &m ™&'v Jreland : Maoris vyqn^c. time, prm^fi j %f ' «wi >■ v. Colonials: Maoris*Vbrif time, Scandinavia v. Colonials; Cologjaja w»?» time, 60ffiin,'

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 142, 16 June 1892, Page 6

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FIELD SPORTS & AQUATICS. Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 142, 16 June 1892, Page 6

FIELD SPORTS & AQUATICS. Auckland Star, Volume XXIII, Issue 142, 16 June 1892, Page 6


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