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Tho examination of the witness Hitchens was continued by Mr Cotter when the Courb resumed this morning. Ho said : I have two memoranda of the 11th and 20th December in Greenway's own writing. Tho memoranda were handed in, and boingread referred to certain payments, but the writing was somewhat illegible. His Honor : None of these documents or other exhibits aro to bo returned to tho parties except by special order. Witness, continuing his evidence: I gob clothes from Possenriiskio to accompany Greenway to Sydney, whero 1.0 said he was going to marry a lady of fortune Mrs Hitchens also got an outfit to accompany us. Bowden did not drive me and Greenway to Rao's on the 24th November, nor to Julia Wilson's afterwards. He has driven me from brothels, bub nob to them. On the evening of tho sth December Greenway slept at my houso, and I kept him in the house ail nighb because lie had to do particular business with Aickin next morning. I took him there next morning and saw tho documents signed. Greenway was then sober enough. Rao never paid me directly any sum of money. When 1 gob any of bho money Rao lent, it was from Greenway. Have you ever taken money from Greenway's pockeb to pay yoursolf or anyone else ? I have not. I have tried to keep it in bis pocket. The statement thab I took 108 sovereigns from Greenway in the Wynyard Arms Hotel on tho 23rd December and gave 100 to Bowdon, keeping 8 for myself, is utterly false. Do you know Mary Cassidy ? I do, I'm sorry to say. Has she ab any time como to your residence for money ? Many times for money due by Greenway. I paid her money in Greenway's presence, according to his instructions. I never went to tho bank in a cab with Greonway and Cassidy. Cassidy never went upstairs into Greenway's bedroom. He never took oub of Greenway's pockeb any money to pay Cassidy £20. Greenway in October told me he did nob wanb anything more to do with hor because sho had had £700 out of him. I havo got several largo cheques from Cassidy and Ofcber3 and have handed them to Mr Aickin, who has them in his sale. In August I got back a £300 cheque from Cassidy. Do you remember going to St. Kelier's ? I went in company with Bowden. I found Greenway there, but I nover obtained, or endeavoured to obtain from him a p.n. To my knowledge no p.n. was signed or given to me. On no occasion have I guided Greenway's hand or assisted him in signing anything.

Did you ever drink with Greenway at a brothel ?

I never drank at any brcthel, nor was I singing and dancing at one. I have gone to brothels to geb Greenway from bhem to keep him straight to do business with Mr Aickin, by the latter's instructions and by Greenway's own instructions. Greenway would say, "If I'm not back by a certain time, follow me and get mo away." He ordered a cab to ba placed at my disposal any time by Puilan and Armitage for the purpose

You havo spoken of going to Mis. Stanley's on the 6th January. How did you find Greenway? He was at breakfast with his boots off eating ham and egg.. Mrs McDonald went in first and I followed. Greenway said, "Mrs McDonald ba? been pestering roe for £100, but I would not pay her a penny till she brought you down to go with me to get tho money from Rae."

His Honor: Curious evidence to como from your sido Mr Cotter.

Mr Cotter: I must say nothing. Your Honor checked me yesterday for commenting.

His Honor _ Oh, I only meant it was almost too fair for your side.

The witness continued : I had not to use any forco to gob Greonway up that morning. Ho pub on his boots himself and brushed his hair, and -diss Stanley brushed him down. Ho said: "I'm ready now, old man. Come on. It's tho last money she'll geb out of me." Ho referred to Mrs McDonald.

You remember Boxing Day, and Christmas Day in the evening ? On those days he was ot my houso. He would not go with Bowden to the races on Boxing Day. On the 31.. t December Rao came to my house and asked for Greenway. Bae said ho must that day have a cheque from Greenway. Greenway said. "I'll not givo you ono to-day." Then to me: "Coma on, old man, let's go to tho corner and have something to drink. I feel nearly dead." Bowden, Rae, Greenway and I went to the Wynyard Arms and had something to drink. Rae pulled out a cheque and said, "Hero, sign this. If you don't give me a cheque I'll sue you, I tell you plain. You promised via the money, and I want it." Greenway took the pen, dipped it in tho ink, sat down, thought for a whilo and said, "I do nob know the state of my account, and I will not pay you," and as he said so draw his pen across it. He then threw the cheque away. A second cheque was produced and he served that the same, saying, "That's the end of it." He turned to Roe in a temper and said, "Do you think I'm going to rob you 1 I'll pay you, but not to-day." I did not on that" day accompany Creouway to Rae's office to got money. In the evening Bowden brought Greenway up to my placo and peir.ted oub thab Greenway needed a pair of boots. 1 said, " There's a pair in the office." Greenway said, "I'll buy a pair if you'll come down with me." Wo went down near the Pacific Hotel and Greenway bought and paid for a pair. Greenway gave the change to the boy. Wo went to the Pacific and had a liquor. Greenway then gob into the cab, saying, "I'm going to Miss Stanley's." Was the 6th of January the only time you drove in a cab from Stanley's to Bae'a ? The only time. This concluded Mr Cotter's examination. THE CROSS-EXAMINATION by Mr Cooper was begun at half-past eleven this morning. You were an undischarged bankrupt last year ? I was. Did you have financial transactions with Greenwav beforo his father's death? Hundreds of them for sixteen years. He came to live with me just after his father's death. From the time of his father'- death till Greenway left Auckland I have personally received no money from

him for my own use. T could nob say how much I disbursed for hiro. You kept no accounts 1 None. I gob a receipt unless he was presenb. I received a watch chain a long timo ago, bub no other jewellery. My wife has received jewellery, but I can't state how much. Did Greenway pay for his board ana lodging ? ■ Not a penny. Ho knew the arrangemerfc. He would have paid me before he left, for I never knew him do a dishonourable action. I was in greab difficulties all thab time. Did you know whab cash ha baa ? Pretty well. I know that within a fow months of his father's death he had fully £9,000 placed to his credit in the bank, and thab from thab timo till before the end of last year he had di-bursed tho greater parb of that, ■ And he was living with you all that time ? Ho was away for a month ab a time otten, bub still ib was his home. 1 never gob a penny. Coming to tbe third spree, I will nob ask ycu of tho obhers, I can only bell you of the August, spree. He had a greab many thab injured his health and lightened his purse. Previous to starting tho lasb spree ho was nearly dead. Ho had had bho fib for which Dr. Wina attended him. After his illness tliQ trouble commenced. The spree commenced in October and continued righb up to tho timo thoy took him to the Asylum. It was the biggest and tho worst, sprea to him. Was ho ever sober during that spree ? Nover perfectly sober. A man can't be perfectly sober when he has had five or six glasses of brandy. Often too he was very drunk. When ho was in Bowden's possession we could always toll by his banking account how drunk ho was. TJnlosfl Bowdon got him drunk enough ho could nob geb whab ha wanted out of him. During the greater p;irt of November and December he was with Bowden, bub i can'b tell you if ho waa cr was non continuously drunk. Whab times were ycu present ab money transactions between Rae and Greonway ? On tho 24th, 28th and 29th November and on the 2nd December. I do not remember being with Bowden on the sth December. I did not go with Bowdon and Greenway to tho Victoria Hotel. Did I understand you to say that you have never driven to any brothel in Bowden's cab ? 1 never havo driven to a brothel, but I have driven from them many times. Have you read Bowden's evidence ? I have read no evidence. I have enough to do to keep my own brain clear to say what I have to say. My wife has read Dr. Wine's ovidonco to mo. You say thab Greenway was in a condibion to transact business on tho 2fith and 29th November? He was, though he was not particularly sober. When Greenway went to borrow money from Rae I knew ho had money in tho bank. Ho wanted the money from Rao for pressing accounts. I was not present at tho bank when Greenway drew cheques on the 3rd, Bth, and 11th December, though I may have di. bursed some of tho monay. To whom wore tho accounts duo which W6ro so pressing ? To women. I think he did net v/anfc Colonel Dawson to know what ho was doing. Ho also paid women out of the monoy gob from the bank on December 29th. Ho would bo sober when ho went to get the monoy, and he would gat drunk afterwards. But while he was getting tho money be would bo partly sober, no doubt. He might have got money from Rae or anybody on the 29th December, for Bowden might havo brought him to get the money. Do you remember tho of All v. Greenway in tho R.M. Court V I do. I gave e.idenco on Groenway's bohalf, and I said ho had been drinking, but thab lis had gone upstairs to have a bath. Ididnoteay thab he had boon continuously drunk. I don'b recollect the dates, bub I only swore to one day. j Did you receive tho money that Greenway borrowed on the i'flth November . j I had a part, bub I don', 1 know how much, and I had ib to persons whom he sent up. I My iiead is nob an almanac. I _ny the .arno of bhe 28th and 29th. I don't "know the exact amounts I received en the dates, nor j tho exact purpose ba which they were, applied. < Witness referred to a memo, and said i thab there was on the 29th November a credit of £10 to Mrs McDonald's account. Mr Coorier wanted to pub tho memo, in bo Courb, bub Mr Cotter objected, and the objection was upheld. Did Greenway leave hi« keys with you ? - He did, v-P-h all his papers or &•" kinds-. I have +"ke" nothing from hi. office _inc_ he went a«*v, J-eied _$ Ch. ta_*_© -.!• see if tmxi'4 _H_wk_, _•_*_ 1 c-t-W. no. :*.-_.. Si.. its-., rue * B 3&s'Jsk *T v*u* t-W psp»r« I-* . j 1 .i_>, '—ittcv&* tit., only ovr-bor**/ .»•_ « - letter pm/. _rli_>»; K> b. ... ••< C'.~___-..ny, written in _.... ..r01.!..J. which I believe Was n«6 writteri by Greenway, nor signed by hhn. I never refused to allow Mr Aickin to inspect the papers, nor Mr Haultaiii. 1 have too much respect -or Mr Aickin to refuse him. Was nob the letter produced by you yesterday, as coming from Rao, written in Rao's office, in the presence of Rao and Bowden ? No. I don't remember I-tie'a trying to _ret a cheque on the evening of Che 3.lst December. Rno did not in my house present a cheque in my house?. Ho asked for the cheque, but it was nob produced in my houso, bub &fc the Wynyard Arms. 1 remember Mrs McDonald and Mrs Pago being bhere on that day. Mrs Hitchens asked Mrs Page and Mrs McDonald togo into bho vapour room, because Greenway was coming, and he hated to see them because they were always postering him for money. They wove there when wo left for the Wynyard Arms. Greenwav and I did nob drive down to Rae's oi.icc on the afternoon of the 31st December, andl know nothing about tho money obtained from Rae on bhab day. I do nob know anybhing of the cheque for £150 drawn by Greenway in bhe bank on the sth January. Do you recollect going to Abbott's office on the 23rd December '! Yes. Greonway wtJS nob perfecbly sober, bub he was capable of doing business.. Greenway got an advance of £180, but the bill was for £200. He pub the money in his pocket, with tho exception of £5 that he gave bo chanty. Whab did ho do with the money ? I don't know. No girl was threatening to _ue Greenway through Mr Tole. You aro on the wrong scent, Mr Cooper. Greenway came to my hou.e with Bowden that morning. Bowden said,, " Greenway's. in an awful moss," and Greenway stood shivering like a dog ir a web sack. Bowden continued that Greenway had given o girl a cheque for £1,000, and thab he could square ib for £100. He then asked me bo go wibh Greenway bo Abbobt's and get the money. Greenway said to Abbott, " Bowden has frightened tho life oub of mo. I wanb £200." They had some barney about ib. He said : " I have been sued by Tola for £80, and sued by this one, for she has threatened to go to Tole and givo it into his hands." From Abbott's we went to Possenniskie's and paid some money, bub we paid in gold, nob nobes. I did nob remain with Greenway all thab day. Do you recollect the 24th December ' I do. I was nob at the office, bub I was passing the door, and saw young Abbobb giving gold bo Greenway. I asked Greenway, "Are you coming home?" He said, " This afternoon, old man, this afternoon. I Drive on, Skipper, drive on." Bowden

shook his whip at. me, and said, " Too smart for you that time. We've got another hundred." I did nob drive to Mary Bowen's with Greenway, nor did I pay £80 on that day. Tho only £80 received by Mrs McDonald was on the 19th of December, when sho received £80 through Mr Tole. I was not in Mary Bowen's on the I was nob there since the time of the black man, and that was nob on the 24th. Was Greenway ab your house on the 2nd of January ? I couldn't say. I was nob ab tho races that day, I think, though ono day Mr_ Hitchens and I were at tho races. Mr Cooper finished his cross-examine tion ab a quarbor to one, and Mr Cotter said ho would not re-examine. This was therefore the last witness. His Honor said he did nob suppose the addresses of counsel would be concluded in a quarter of an hour. Tho Court was therefore adjourned.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 139, 13 June 1891, Page 5

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TO-DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 139, 13 June 1891, Page 5

TO-DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 139, 13 June 1891, Page 5


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