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This year this Exhibition was held in the Public Hall, To Awamutu, on March 17th (St. Patrick's Day) The show was a maiUed euccefs, both in number of exhibits,

(iir<play of the various productions ot fruit, hWere, and vegetables, and tho numbers attendintj. Tho place waa crowded, indeed packed, so tbut there was pc-.rcely any possibility of moving, except with the crowd. When leaving Auckland by the excu.eion train in the morning there was every indication of ehowery weather, which we thought would epoil the day both for excursionists and others desirous of having a holiday on St. Putiiok'a anniversary, and especially tLioil ilia To Awamutu Show, lint we were ui'reoably disappointed, for as the train moved slowly along its onward way, the! ceased their weuping, and the bright warm sunshine bid the holidaymaker? 1 .ok out for a fine and pleasant day. There wn» a larger number of excur eionista by this train than the gloomy prospect* of tho e;ir!y morning wonld have led one to export. We noticed a con-gidc-rublu number of young ponp!e, anil especially of tho foir sex, who wcro evidently bent ou enjoyinu to tho lull their excursion into tho country. The train v»^s v liuio behind time, but considering the stoppages, less than we expected. Te Awamutu was all aiivo witu excitement, and :i largo crowd were waiting patiently for I ho doura to open flB u.-ual at tht»o shows, tho judges were iutor Ihaa tUo expected timu before they tiU'J finish^- their awards. Tho Committee hud vary considerately secured the services of a baud of mu;ic to dispel the evnni of tho waiting crowd nut*idd tho hall while ihojmii'.M pruceorled with tluir duties ink do. an tho day turned out beautifully fine.tho crowd waited very jiatiuntly till the di'ora were opeutd On th.j wliole the Shaw wan quito up to thu nj'irk, in.d giivo v splendid proof of what He.i- 55-.uland can produce in fruit uud (rejset .bios 'J'iie apples were espscially jintj b.iin in quu'ity and variety. Them were j-eveial capital exhibirs of Hie Bi^murck, lino »f tiiu must variety of apple. We noticed tß|iu«i»lly Mr Bridgman's .•olleci n, or rather enierecl in catalogue iindei n h nam.', «c pr-Binuu a- pr./.e-giver. llua ini/.j «u8 w. n by .1 H .b.-tm Others wore fj ~,1 i. rho i- it*.- '.i special prize?, but thir w ..- i -(jitjiiiliiJ lioJloction. Tho poars and plums wore ulhj nell roprejontcd, ion<>ii!u-iiiK the latbiio.-'d of tnu season. Of Ilia tfropox wo cannot, H'iy a good word. IHowora: It upoaks well for •he good taste of tho Wa Uato people that tilts o-'iild turn out such a display of llora nu luta in the Hea»oi. Tlio out flowers nod bmriuels worn worthy of praise. Wo chink tlio ludiu-- muet h.ive had a hand in

ueitii-e "\> this part nf ''la Show. Wo hope, liD-ftiiv-er, tiity did not nuvo anything to dj with lha aiiaii«otiioiit of oxliiuita jjeuor»lly,l«r wliilo thuSliovvwaaexceUont aaun iliiiß lii-iiHi oi wimtthc Waikatocan prodiicff, iheru »ai such a lacU ol proper .irran^omunr. that to find out and aystemati-o priZGB would nrovolto a faint. We ought not to omit v reference to farm produce. Thero wae a fair chow of butter and chei -e,and BomeotitoxcelleutinquaHty. I'lie osreoU and vegotablos wero alauvory gi ni exmbita. lianinu tl>o want of order and fj-etom in irranging eihibiie, and porhapi a want of ■ uoai al-n, the Show was a cotnpleie »uc- ,., !c We hope another >o«r the Comini'tot .vi!l take timu by the forelonk, und sun iliac nil ni itiors ary urdurly ami systotualically arrungod, both in cataloKue and ixhibila

rho jnJ"-f in (,'lnea 1., all'-omo^, wore | \Wr« McDonald und Hay ; imit and ! vofjeiablee, Jlus^efl 11. uud 111,, amateurs :i:ni ujitiiior-, lles-rs M tyo and M jfiin ; ,ilsj *ptx'ttl pnzei for lurm produce u:id vejiotub e», 11 r B .Hard ; Wo luve rtuson to beliove that in the ] i,ii:t imporliyii manor (ijnunco) the Show mil coiuo u[)toexpict»H>niß. vVo understand tliu| u'tiurvesi festival id to bo held hero on Huuday noxt, when ninny of tho fruits nud, H.mvcrf, etc,, will ha made n-o ut lor lie(.■.jraiiiiK the church. After this it U propo.?ud to forward the fruit ami vegetable* ni Auckland for u»e at. tho Old tVuple'n tiefuge, fro wo understood. (JliASrt 1.-AIA. COMKH9. POT PLANTS. Petunia*, eollcotlon ot 3—F. R. MooJy, Ist '"lloli.'Uß, I! varieties—*1. K. Moody, lat pWz« ; lotin dharp, 2,.d ilvi;ui iaa. 3 \aii^tiea (folia)??)—F. R. MooJy, Ist i.rizo ; Jolm Sharp, 2nd. Ferns. 3 eijtuulialicd —Major Jackson, Ist urizi; .lolm S'u.rp. 2ml. s-:i|:ci.i,uu bliiu (in bloom)— Major Jackson, 18.-m-!l:Vnii plant lin roU«go)-Mnjar Jankso.), Im pr.swj John aha.-;, ouiuuittiidaa. CUT FI.OWKRS A, ton, 0 varieties-Alujur Jackson. 1 ; Oco. ! H»n»-'n, lOmniLDded. Ha,,..1i uepiki'B-Johll illwrp. I. VorbeiniH, he ; t cjiitolion-il. |or Jarkso;:. 1. I-uhlan, coil'oil n or fi - John rtln^rp, 1; (io i llru-0n,2 lUhl<aß, c< liuclion ot 12—John Sharp, Ist 'x? ',:i.!?. eolleo.ion o: 21 Johu l^t '"iiVnU bouquet, ;.oti-xc<y:diuKG inch jadismeter - r. ory-: Mttsju, Ist yizo. Hriual Ujuqiiot—Ueor^o Mnson. l6t prizj. C L ll:i:Uonif cut flowi:ra—ilujjr Jacuson, l»t l>rlis<i; Jphn Snur,i, 2iid. FHDIT. G. apes, 3 bnnchoa (out door)—Qeorgo Honaon, Ut t]rj7.eAp.lpp, lidosscrt. 1 of pcch—George Hcnßon, let prize ; John Sharp. 2i,il. Auila Ociilli.nry. 1 of each—Tlußh Hem Is', prize; John Share, 2nd. Applas, 12 dißScrt — Hiirli Ro^a, Ist prize; Qcoivo Miißon. 2nd. Apples, li tulin'iry John Sharp, lßt prize; Hiißh Kosa. 2nd. App os. 6 vu.-ioticß, dessert and culinary, 1 o( each -John Sharp, 1; Huxh Koss 2. Applns. 12 vtitiu'ii 8, deßsert and culinary. 1 of each—Hugh licss. 1 ; J. T. Kdwartiß. 2 ; J ;tm dnurp hißhly mmm-ndod. ■Vupk-s. 21 viriuiite, dvi sort and culinary, 4 c f each—Juiies K-vlcjr, 1 ; John sljarp. 2 Apples, u> Bt . o'lecti'in of t eactt—Geo. Mason, Ist urizo; J' hu Sharp, 2nd P. Hfihoe. for ihebt-e-. O-Julm Sharp. Utprizo; J, T. Potta, 2nd. l Jeurß. tor m.; best ti culinary (2 ontrits) -James ICiitley, 2nd prize. P.aiH, (or the boat 6 dtosert (2 er.tiio |-»'m. JchiiS, lbt pr,zc. Qnirces. for tho best 6—J. T. Edwards, lat prizj i'iurus. 3 varioties et 0 each—James Keoley, Ist urize ; i bomas Uros.. 2nd Fluuis. dessert, It— John Sharp, Tat prize; Kceley. Sud. Pinnirt, cookinK, 6-John Sbarr, Ist prize; TiioimtM Bros., 2nd. Piums. cooklna, 12—James Kfeley, lat priz?. lilackberrlts. 2 plat.*—F. X Moody. let uriza. collection of fruit-Jaoics Kceley, lat prize. VKQETAHLKS. IVas. 50 pods - J«.a. Keoley, Ist prize. Culery 3 sicks tiowlanl Duckworth, Ist prize Cncutibers. 2 -Major Jackson, lstprizj 'I'DinatOos, B—Mujor Jackson, lat prizd. C'.iibbaßt, red. 3 -Major Jackson, lat prize. (Juinns. J2-F. It. Moody, Ibi prizo. Unloi.B, best colleciion, 5 of tacb-R. BuckVegbtuMo niiirrows. 2-F. R Moody, lat prlz-. i<c-troot 3-Mojor J-ckaiD, Ist uriza. Putatoo*. kldm-y, 12-F. K. Moody. l»t trlzo. 4'i.t .tone, rour.a, 12—X. Li. Jloodj. l«t prize. rntiiior:S, collection, 3 of iiach-Geo, tltusen, 1-t p iz ■.'.iou of vegetables-F. R. Moody, let priz . Klmbarb, 12 stioka—R. Duckworth, let irizo CLASS 11-AMA.TSURi. PRUir. Grapes, 3 (out-door)-Jas. Hume, let priz ■. Applca, C dessert, 1 of each—John Ohyii, l«t priao. Apples. B culinary, 1 ol oach-J. H. Scott, at prl?.?. Applen, 8 cnllnaiy (2 entries)—Geo. Hdgecumbo. lat prizn Applis. 12 des3ort — G .o. Kdgocanibe, 2nd prlz .; W. Kirkham, liiKiily CO'^ uieudtd. App'.ea, 13 culi'iary, 2 mnrioß-(30.\ Kdijoeumbe, Ist prlzj ; Richard Jio.-anko, high y com in ended. Apples, I' 2 varif tios, dcsseit ar.d culinarj, 1 of each- John bibanu,; W. Sorby, 2nd. Apples, host oolleotion o( i each—John Ohye, Ist prize. Puacbea, for tho beat 6-John Ohj o, Ist prizo. P< ars, for tho bott 6 uuiirarj--Jap. Humo, iRt pr^zn; Geo. KdgßCumbe, 2nd Peare, for tho boat dessort— Gco. Kdgooumbo, Ut prize. Quinces, for the best 6—Jas, Hume, Ist prize; Jas, Weal, comrutmded. VKOBTABLEB. Carrots, Q-Jas. Cottrell, Ist prize. Cabbaco. red, 3-Jas. Walton, lßt prize. Onionß. 12-G. Mayes, li-t prize; Jan. \\ eal, 2nd. Pumpkins, 2-Samuel Short, lsc prize; Jas Hvburn, 2nd. Vegetable Marrows, 2—H. Deaville, lat prizo. Custard Morrows, 2—Jas. Hyburn, Ist prize. CLASS 111.-COLTAGJiRS. POT PLANTS. Fuchsias, 1 specimen Wm. Chappell. 1, Col us, 3 variulies—H. Ferguson, 1. Feins, 3 established—Mias Mandeno, 1, OBT FLOWBHB. Dahlias, collection 6-Miss Mandeno, 1. Hand Bouqutt, not exoetding U inohes ditt.neter—Miaa Maudouo. 1. i ridal Bouquet—M 130 Mandei.o, 1. Collection ot Cut Flowers - M. Hopi or, 1. KBOIT. Apples, 6 dessert, 1 of ench-Honry L. Hoopor, 1. Apples, 6 culinary, 1 of each— Henry L. Hooper, 1. Apples, 13 deseort-Henry L, Hooper, 1. Apples, 12 oulinary—Henry L. Hooper 1. Peara, for the beat 6 dessert — Henry L. Qaiuc'ea' for the best B—Henry Ij. Hooper, 1. Plums, dessert 12—Henry ii. Hooper, 1. VEGETABLES. Cele/y, 3 stioka—Kowland Buckworth, lßt j prize. I unions, bet-t collection, 6 if each-R. Buckwtrih, Ist prize. Rhubarb, Vt aticka-R. Buokworth, lßt prize. SUNDRIES. BPEt dish red wheat—W. H. Mandeno. 1. Best diaU white wheat-Samuel Bbort. 1 j iuoa, ilunt, if.

3 maneoWß, long reil-Jamoß Cottrell. 1. Best 8 mangolds, yellow—W. Tucker, 1. 3 tiirnips-Kicbarrt Bußßtiko. 1. S Sw«!a tnri.ipi-Kich.ird Bnernko. 1. . afi.-M carriu.l—H. Deaville, 1; Kclward Kills, runilvOTided. T^iiiuv-'. Mr ill bjfcfi l..hvea-J. H. Scott. 1. Sugar !ieet,:i-11. Ueuviiii, 1 Houey in omh-.1. Forrest, 1; Jup. Waltoo, 2. Honpy, txa-iCt-.d-W. Saiby. 1 ; .las. ".V-.lton.

9PROI '•!■ HrtlZE*

For boat 2 homo-made 21b lo&vub bread (Mr Cottrall's)—Mm Potts, 1 i Mrs J. H. Maudeno, highly commended. For the beat 41b lump o( fresh butter (Mr Cottrfll) -W. T. Mamder, 1; Gro. Churches, vt.ry highly commended ; J. O. Furrest, hiuhiy comrrended. of Dotatce^— f.tonry Long 1. For the b3bt bunch fi white carrots—Ed ward Kills 1; H. Deaville. 2. For the beat collection of flr,ld rools. 3 of ear* ; SndpriKiglvea by Mr W. MoNanght- Jas. ltyt>'!™r best. bn>hel milling Wheat (by Messr3 W. 8 I,.mrio'n.-i Co.) S.i'imol Siiorc. 1. V.irbi-stO VVebb'-i iinpcriiiawed-j (by Mr G.J. Neall—ltir.hiird Busaiiko. 1, K'inver Vnllo* GloooMinKolil—W. Tucker. 1.

Whlta Bi'lß'.um O.rrotu - W. Tucker, lat prize. For best.1? -factory Climw, cac1! of 201r a and nmvnr'Ei, made In November. Dercmbur, iniri jinonr,- lin ejob month, from (he II»e Waikato Faotori-s. ithrouEh Mr Jai. Kyti.-ri;)-'le •wV'limllu Ci eeai' and Bacon Factory Company (Limited), Ist prim; Ouii-bridgu Ch..ese and 1 K*c»n irao^ry Company ( i.i.ited), 2nd. For b. st c-illeution ot W..1!i.a0 itrom Nato. (liy Mr j! H. Bcso.i) James Wual, Ibt p ize For h *-t cullcctlju o£ Dried Apples. (By Mr J. Hffor Ub'n Homß-"™do Bbhe9Be.'(Bjr Mf J. H. S.-ott)—Mrs Holts, Ist, crizi. . For best collection (if Keeping Apples, tuiiobla for export lo Horn.. Markets, li sous. 2 of (Ist pvlxa by Mr .Inhn P-irr; 2n 1 vtixi by Me Julinx. 2 entrieo-Oja. K'lgecuinb i, lit prize; 0.-o. Mason, 2nd. Kor the ne.t 12 dcs-crt p»-.w. Iby Mr F.R. MoocH) ; amateuri nml cottagers only—Win. For tho bent 12 (.'o>.'3 orango pippins (by Mr F. K. Moody) -.1. Fo'ivt i. i-orlh) bb.t GV;irl«!ilM. cIOISCrt 0T)pl"8, 3 Of oVoh C.yMrF. It. MMo<ly)-\Vm Johns. 1 Knrthabi'B.l2 storm plupl.i- (by Air J. Waltoal do. M-iaoa. 1; J. 'i. I', t.t ■. c ju.momUd. Iftirbe cl2win-rrinaictin.i (by Mr I. Walion) —W. Johns, 1: J..I.St-.iro JiUMycnmmc nfi'-.n Kor boat collection cf, variotirp.. (i "f nich aor., (Uy Mr Go. Mmjnl-Jis. Keoioy, Ist piizo; J. T. i'otiH, highly oorumonded. Kor beat varit-ty of />pplus. coll'jirtion 12 (By Mr J. X Andr«!w*)-.Tohn Gißbon, Ist priae; J"». Keelvy, nigtily commanded, |for b ■■! 12 bm-lisli Go'den Huasets. (By Mr J. T. AMlr.'.Wi- John Gib;on. Ist wriz;. i"or but 12 Ulsnmrok »l>plto (t>> Mr J W. Uitdgrunii)—John UiTS-in, lat prlzj ; Oeo. MaBOU, hixhlf comm -r.deri. , Fo; li-stl2 Bif-mar-k upfili a (by Mr J. Sl'arn) -John Sharp, lat iria;: luw/iii.d Buck worth. 1 Koi^ktfl'lGmoJ.a (by Mcura Oibaon Bros.)J 11. fcoit. Ist prize. For tliu ht»t r.' kirg of uUm'n applfif ih? Mr !). ttom) l'l-.n hi,|>. l-.t prlzjj llngh Rots. 8 »f eacn (r,y M-M-I-H j.,ui. Aubiu .11.1 Col-WullsCO Jon.:.- Ist |.riz>. Kor bdßt 3 buciohe^ of urupos (by Messrs Hunter an'l lwftVy)~Gioi:r,:o Mason, highly ' r"jr bo't. jam, -I variet.ioa ill)- Mujoil Jackson) - Mm Pone, highly nommmidod. For bos* rmlf-iozin bnttlc-J frnlt, varietlt 8 (by M.J. Winctiiie)-Mr.i iijrtmm, lat priz:; Mia ""jKir'neiit 0 oofJo- home-m»da pisklea (by Mr W J»!UI6) C3l>D. Chllrulu-9, IS', prizi; For be*! c.<llectl"iiof pot pliuils (by Key. If.. «J. ito'ur. ali-uoniors'c'.aa.-)—Major Juclison. Ut Ko.: bevt c-ol'ect!o-i of cut flnworj Iby (lev. H. (i. Kjler. :;l! romors' claaj—Major Jackaou, Ist For best 3flcwerinK b^pronijs (oy Mr J W, Kili?)- .u.jii-.lso aon, lr.iiri//!. . ;: For b.-.-t H colotn (by It :v. F. A. Imc •) -Mej .r Jack-ou, let prizi. Bsl'"ur bs- mllii.-.s i-p icim-n fern (by Kov. F A. LU.-kl-Mujo- Jackson. Ui pr.i;-. F.rb .itcjl;oct.OM if fruit oox-ia. nrtop".o.i t'i vaiiom fcui'.h i»y Metam (Jjulthtu<l ad (;rah nil Win. J. liiis. Ist priz •. ifor b* hun. made -hlrt iby Mm Boler)Bernlo Al xandor, latp i*i K,.t bst h .ii'i-tvr.iuei vair of ntockini?;) (ty Mm B..ii-!|-Mary Hutchinton, Ist prlz !. '•<ir !he bi-sr. mir of darned Biockiuns (By Mr J. H Lyout)-Mr» ■■VennJ1, lstpiizn. for b. n im-hel =.f lj!-:C< oats ('iy Mr It. K. Wii'lac-I '.' J- -*ir y. lt.c priz-3. For 1.-3i3 lib (,n i 3 j a tati of bu'.ter (jy Mr W 'I'.nlij") W. :.. M niiti.o. Ist prizl. F. r I- ■• st ->c vt,n pippin . (by Mr W. Taylm) (3.i .iac ISdi'.'tMinibe Intprizu. :-o 12 h aviss pluais (by .Vr J. .". Bur.d----,10!.r. .-Sharp, Ut liriz". POULTRY. Br^hmss <;ark Of in;ht, cock and hen-?.I a M l>.fke i^ip:izc. Oanio. any rmi t./. cool: and taen-W. Kirk--1 Any oitvrr VR'ieiv rf pout:y. cock and hen— Mr VVe.tnoj. 1.-i prize. KXTRA FXrcißir3. KXniBITION ON'I.V A number of ex-ii i xiiihiis comprising to--1M..-C, . oh--rv^tory hive, .-'.nckland ifrown silk in -cra-i.e h"\icket arawenn bracket, macramp on;, idori'i inu j'li u'juloa. tab ceo 'oive.<, sn-'d-U&U aoulos. fiuoflowcr. and breal ivore highly nn nmo.iCP ■, — [Own (Correspondent, March IS.]

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 67, 21 March 1887, Page 4

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WAIKATO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 67, 21 March 1887, Page 4

WAIKATO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 67, 21 March 1887, Page 4


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