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Members of the Auckland Choral Society are reminded that the concert on Fridnv ' evening begins at half-past seven. Performing members -vocal and in.truniontal , -are rcques'ed to be at the Hall not lutor than a nuarttrpast seven ' HiitKaatS cs toußth on k bt lf ]f s? ;«2 Walkomi".for a largo collection of -m? •, There was but a moderate attendance at Messrs Kelhr and Cuoard'r performaoce laatni^ht, and owing to the diificulty of getting persons from tho audicace ta go on the stage, romo of the items of tfco progiamme had to be omitted. At the Onehunga Borough Council meeting on Monday, the conditions drawn up forlea'dog tbo water-supply were considered so incomplete that they were not adopted. Tho Council resolvod to frame regulations for driving cattle through the streets Our readers are reminded of the Christmas tree and sale of useful and fancy articles in the Alewndra-strootschool reo£ For particulars sec adverthement. n- -m-j i » , On Friday last a young man named Wultcr Evans engaged at Kankari, Mauukau Heads, whilst chopping wood with an ES&rift treatmentin the Auckland Hospital. -~ •! ' « , Wllmcr' formerly DeputyRegistrar of tbo Supreme Court, Wellincr- / ton, and lately acting a? A.C.D. to Sir James Prcndergast, has died from heart difcase, from wnich he had long been suffering. The members of tho A. Battery, N.Z.K. A., arc notilied through our advertising columns that the monthly inspection will be held to-morrow evening. A meeting ■will be held after the parade to discuss the n ß w volunteer regulations. Alfred Finch, cook, complains that people do not withdraw their advertisements for servants immediately the places are filled, aud that persons seeking employment are put to fi roat inconvenience inconsequence. rj,, f , „. .. ~ " The ferry steamers Victoria, Alexandra, Tatnni, and Takapuua have boon provided wi«h awnings and otherwise placed in excellcnt order for the conveyance of passcn- ; gers during the holiday season. All tbeso sieamers will be brought into service dunn g the coming holidays, . Various suburban districts are preparing to hold a meeting for the purpose of urging on the City Council the adoption of the Mount Eden f-ito for a. high pressure reservoh'. At the meeting of the Onehmiga Borough Council on Monday, it was resolved that the Mayor should attcud the meeting as the representative of that borough. . A man named Alexander Phillips was rccoivfd into the Hospital last Friday suffering from almost total blindness, caused by his having a short time previously accidentally rcceiv d a quantity of fine dust or gravol in his eyes. Ho stated this afternoon that he was beginning to sco J a little, •

Tho criminal nittingi o( tho t'upumo Court will bo held on tlio 17th of January next, so that witnesses noed uot bo in attendance until that date. ■\Vhilo ongagod squaring a log at Hukarau on Saturday, the ICth insf., a man | named Francs Young cut his right leg a little above the instep with a broXd axe, The injury was pot very severe, but erysipelas set in very shortly afterwards, and ho ia now untlcr medicnl treatment at; the Hospital. j Tho Hobaou corps underwent their monthly inspection at tho Drill-s'acd with ' marked etliciency on Monday evening. '1 he company muttered largely, no less than 5G members aiid officers being present. The I officers were Captain Dignan, Lioutenints j Connolly and Clif'on, and Sub-Lieutenant Flyuu. At tho close of the parade a meet- i ing was licld, wlicji it was decided to accept service under the now regulation?. At tho annual meeting of: tho Iwyal Uuited Brothers Lodge No. 975, N.Z.0.0.1*1,, the following oilicors were elected and installed :—N.G., Bio. C. Soper; V.G., Bro. Wright j Elective Secrctnry, Bio. J. T. B. Dines; Warden, Bro. loiter; Conductor, L<ro. Dunstan ; K.S. to N.G., Bro, Juckmnn; US. to N.G., Bro. Wi'liamsj US. to V.G,, Hro. DooDnn ; L.S. to V.G , Bro. Nelson ; J.G., Bro. Thomas; 0.G., Bro. l'nrsoua; two PiG'l,—Bros. Wiiglcy and Morris- to Committee of Management; auditors, Hros. Wrigley anil McEise; medical ollic is (rc-elec'ed), Dra. Jiuyntun and i iobanlsou ; valuator, Bro. Jcseup. .Taints Gnllcvin, a labouiing mun, was icceived at the Hospital last ovening Hiffcring from a compound, fraciurc of the leg' Uo states ho was truvelliug from Taupirito Iluniley in a cait when lv got one of his legs over tho side aud caught in tho spokes, lie cilld loudly to tho drivor to "stop," and the horses being very obiditnt, brought up without much trouble It was then discovered that Galloviu had boon very seriously iujurcd. Ilia leg was broken abovo the ankle, and blood was Ilowiug freely from a wound Somo (riends plnccd him ou the iir«t train lor Auckland, and ho arrived at the Hospital at 10 30 p m. yoitorday. Gullovin proves a very restless patient, and will require to be well looked after to render amputation unnecessary. The Excelsior Lodgo of New Zealand Cuter of Good Templars, which has made rjpld progress and gained numerical strength under the new. commiitco of management, intcud to havo a picnic on Boxing Day at N< rthcoto, tents to be fixed in Mr Howard's paddock, a spot nicely sboltcJCtl by trees from the burning iay* of ihe surniuer sun, and in ether icspecti well fitted for such a party. The place is near the water, but, as the pxnlckcrs aio not likely t« get intoxicated, no danger of drowning is apprehended. A suitable opou-iir pogranimo will bo submitted, provisions prepared, and evciytuing calculated to promote general interest in connection with a Chrutmaa holiday. This is a week of Christmas trees and fancy fairs, with the two-fold view of gratifying parents and children aLd adding something to the funds of the several churches, Xt, David's (Presbyterian) wid raise n sonsonnbls tree to-morrow evtning iv tho school-roiim of St. oepulchre's, Symonds-strcct, to which friends aro iovittd. A Christina1? tree aud f.iucy fair will he oponed (o-morrow evening in St. Thomas's Hal), acd continued on Friday, The joilDCer of St. Thomas's, fswcially the l.idioj, have been moat iudu fittijiable during tho week in preparing decora'i'<na; many pretty fancier will bo displayed, designed from nnturo, and will present quito a novel as well as an artistic nppea'ance, br. Matthew'?, not to be bebiarl, will unveil its gigantic ttco on Fruity, under the sup»rintend«nc» of Mr iVebb, tho Sunday-fchool choir-master. The opening soirco of the Fiimitivo Methodist Ctarch, Uiehtnond, wbh hold last evening. A fair numb-r sat down to ict, Mr O, GoWic prodded. Addresses were delivered by Mi-stm Smith, Andrews, Field, Rout, aud't-evs. YV. S. Potter auilJ. Uuy, Tha report showfd that sincd last rarotinp £'2l> Gs lid had been rals-cd in miuus ways. This sum was increased by promise* in tho meeting amounting to about £7. A number of friends guaranteed to meet the intcivst, to tint future efforts may go to reduce debt on the building. 1 liq Franklin Koa'l choir rendered anthems during tbo ivtniug. Cnffao taverns cn'iuuu to ilouiish and mult ply in Melbourne At tbo eighth half-yearly meeting of tho Coll'eo Taverns '.ompany bt the now Coll'no Pulace, Bourke-atrrot Kn»t, this month, tho report prearn'sd efnt-d that Mos. 1 aud 2 had shown a marked iucrcaao fur the winter's budiw, but on ing to tho extremely high rates for provisions and meat the prolitsliml unt been in proportion to receipts. After paying all expenses and making cvc:y proper duluction, a sum i-f £-Jtis 5s 8d had b in carried to the profit and lo.«s account. i be dirfctori proposed to carry this forward to next half-year, wheu ihey hoped to be in a position to pay a dividend. With regard to the buiiness dono in tho now tavern, the chairman said the placo hrtd Wen crowded during tho holidays, so much to that they had to make up "shake-downs " in tho sitting room's, and even now,, when it was not a bu»y season, the bedrooms wee all full. Thurc is to b3 a new bridge across the Thames, at London, and two more tunnels under it. The scheme i 3 a very complete ono and is likely to bo carried out. Tlio bridge is to bo a high level one, near the Cower, nnd ii to cost somo two or ibr<:e millions. A low level brirlgo would cost a million more, bcouso the whaifUgcra would demand excessive compensation, Is tbo high level scheme a wise one? No. Tbo lorel should bo as low as possible, evon if tho difference were two million! 1. A high level bridge would bo but little used It's approaches will lead half a mile from the rivrrsido tiatlic, and tho loss to Iho wharfingers would not bo one-teuth of the loss to tho public, for whose benefit tho bridge ia desiunod. The question is not ono of much importacce- to the southern hernipphere, but thero is a principle involved which should ba applicable everywhere. An Amateur Theatrical entertainment in

c 0110601,101; ™th "• Matthew's winter c«u,r, Sß to, ok J ,aco lasUlKht i" St. Jamca'a Hall> Bml >lltll°uSh ou'y sparely attended was ?,oa,° th™ußh »'uh muc" spirit. After V? 1, 1 1 y? oTcrturj, (L" Amours dv Diable ) by an orchestra consisting of t^A^sxrJttik Woods ; Bomb»tcs, Dr. Walker; Pnebos,Mr Broomhall ; Distaflina, Mr Charters. Dr. Walker was particularly good in his i6lo, and Mr Broomhall secured a hearty round of plaudit? tor bis song. A wal'j!— " Gorman tovc Songs "—by the oichcsira followed, and then the trial scene from "7 ha Merchant of Venice" was S'VOD< tho cast being a-i under: — Duke, Mr «, 8. Binj ; Bassanio, fllr C. D. Kobortson ; Antonio, Mr F. G. Lawrence; Gratiano, Mr W. Lawrenco ; Shylock, Mr *■*• ■"?• Lawrence; Ncrissa, Miss Ellison; Portia, Mi-s C. D. Halstcad. After this ? no f^ or or«hMt™< waltz nnd then the en9rt? lnmont ""brought to acloso withthe S Z'h S' M? S'"? 11"' 'V m,' r\ \v Vnn t "V 1 Messi* Cole, Worrall, Broomhall, Uerapath, and Doyle appeared. Tho audience ap. pearod to enjoy the fun immensely, and applauded witti Uie utmost heartiness. th * %t OsOt AoiQrrr o£ & afcoT ffft. To! ccption and consideration of the report of tho committee appointed to' d>al wilu the question ot a site for the .proposed boarding school. There wora preiseut : Mossrs F. D. Fenton (Chairman), Peacock, Tjler, Mackechnie, liev. C. M, Nelson, aud Colonel JHanltam, Mr Pracock presented the following report: —"The committee have considered' tho various sites afforded by tho block bounded by Symonds, liavclock, nnd Wynyariis recta aud Grafton Koad, nnd have {faZ* c! the s^tch plan and r. pore from Mr Mahoney, now submitted. The comnn,U. CG aro ot "I 11,"10- "1, view_ of the difli. cultirs conncoM with tho utilising of tho j Da« mp;ut,. of '1C wilding in three cases, owing to the slope of the ground, and tho j fact in a case that some of! the houses are still in the hands of i osmWf that it would be bolter (o ndfam to ' tho previous intention of builtliu" th; I boarding-house on tiic ground at tbo iou h ' B id e of the school, and recommend accrd- , ingly/ Mr Tjler objected, on tho ground that there were no facilities in this place for a playground, The report, however, i was adopted. Colonel Baultain then j moved, tout Mr Mahoney should be inBtiueted to call for tendors for the j building, while Mr Peacock, as an amendment, moved that it ba re- ' f«rred to tho committee to report on tint general financial condition of the Boan', and to indicate fcho manner in yli'cli funds should be raised for tho purposo of this building.—lhe amendment was agreed to. ' lhc '"toting thcu adjourned umil tomorrow at 4 p.m., in order to receive the reP°'t of the committee and consider the l u'»tlon of calling for tenders /or the lo.udiDg-scb.ool.

A letter box has been opened at tbo new grocery store of Mr J. lioss, College Hill, which will prove of advantage to_ the numerous letter.writers of this thickly populated diutrict.

'Iho hnlf-yearly mooting of tho H.h.C. Boucfit Society will be held this evening in St. Patrick's Hall, for the election of officers fur the forthoiining session, also a medical attendant to the society.

Mr Ewington, the hon. secretary for the Philson tc.-timonial, specially requests lliat all lists bo returned to him immodi'itclyi and he notiiioa that ladies and gentlemen who wish to sign tho testimonial should do so without delay.

The steamer Coromandcl experienced very stiff weather on her last tup down, ;ind the passengers bad a somewhat lengthy detention under Waiheke, where the vessel was hove to until the aca had abated. Tho providorc (Mr Glover) was very attentive to the wants of tho passengers, and as be keops a good table tbe ftay was rondered less uncomfortable than would otherwise have been the case,

At Bangiriri,. on Saturday lasr, Mm Simpson accidentally stepped on a gla?s bottle, which rolled and threw her heavily upon tho ground. Her injuries were found so serious that she was at once conveyed to the Auckland Hospital, where she is now being tieated for compound fracture of the leg. Sho is progressing as well as could be expected.

The Hospital is at p-e cnt packed to overcrowding, and a man who had received a had accident was brought; thoro last night, and had to bo accommodated in one of the servants' rooms. Tho patients include a largo number who havo met with slight mishaps, and many old patient?. It is cvidmt luitber [accommodation is required, and tho mutter calls for speedy consideration.

On Thursday cveniiiK last, at Wairoa South, tho monibci'd of the Episcopal Church, after tbe usual choir practice, pieBcntei to Mhs Jessie Sponce, and Mr 4. J, Scott (our local p^ct), a handsome desk unetijiii rccoguition of their kiud so, vice* in playing the harmonium for the church services. Tho desks were prcsontod by our esteemed lay-rqader, Mr \V. B, ll horp, with au appropriate speech to each, thankinn them for their great kindness in tbo io,teicst they had taken in our church, especially as tboy are not members of our denomination,

Tho following story about tho pugilist Mace is narrated by the Auckland correspondent of the Thames "Star" :—Thames people cut their eyo teeth oarly, and when someone gets to windward of a roan from (Juarlzopolis, the fact is welt worth recording. The tcl'cr in the Auckland branch of a itcw Zealand bunk, having its headquarters in London) is a thorough Thamesite; bo sucked in 'cutencss with the invigorating brcezci of tho Hauraki Gulf, and he—oh !it outs mo to the quick io write it—bas been had. It was ihuswwo : Just before tbo last mail steamer went to 'Frisco, the renowned pugilist, Jem Mace, Esq , ex-champion of the world, &c, waltzed into tbe bask, aud, producing a roll of notes and fome silver, asked the smart youni; teller to change it for gold, Now, the teller was not bound to do this, as none of tbo notes of hia bank wer« in Jem Maco's roll, but to oblige the Kicat man he gave aw illing afscnt, " How much in it?" aeked tho banker. " Sixty-seven poundi" was the r«ply. The 'cute Thames umu couatod the monoy in a somewhat porfunctory manner, and handed ovei tbo G7 sovereign*, hJaco bad not been gouo many ini»u*es before tho young man thought he weuld bave another o<tunt, and — ob, horror I time wai only £57 in Mace's roll. Hastily informing ono of his superiors, lie clapped on his hit nuil nuhcri oil' to find tho exchampion of the world. Uo found that worthy Bipping a cocktail in a (Jucenalive1, bar, aud without moro a'io informed him of the m'stakc. Maco pooh-poohed thd story, though from his rnanntr it was evident ho knew something about tho money. The teller con<ulto« n solicitor, but found ho had no icdro'S. Tho services of a detective wer« then pressed, with tbo view of ' binding' tho monoy out <f Maco, but he merely laughed at the threats of tho minion of the law, Our yonng banker then plcadeH io the great man irt forma pauperis, when Maco taid, "Well, you're ao honest looking young follow. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll give you fivo quid, sind toss you who has the otbornre." Uould " cheek" go further ? In vaiuthoyoungnianprotostedthat the money was not hit; Mnca was relentless, h tying, " If you don't like to do that, you can go to — —," well, to a placo wh»ro you don't roquira OTorcoatf, and where continual suiitmor—yos, very continual sunimor— roinns. To cut a long story flmrt, the Ihamesite was glad to taka the "firer" just as tho ntcarnsr was casting off. Ho doesn't think Join Mace is a very great rnaa now, and freely expresses his opinion.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 2


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