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HOUSI3 ZiAND AND PINAKCIAIi AOBMT VOTOW UtSB, AOOKt,ASD, Sackora i—National Bank of New Zealand. aBHTS Bafl INTE3B3T tJoUeoted. MONSTT Inve3teii ilor Capitalists on fliw-cls«« Bocuritioa, without Chakos. Six per oeni allowed on deposits nntil lnvosted, MORTGAGES and LOANS NeßOtliltsd, HHARKB Sought or Sold to order. KBTATKB Msnaf^ad tot: AVfiimteoa. AIiLOTMSNTS Bought, and Houses Eullt on the Weekly Payment System. BUILDINGS AIiIiOTHKNTS; FOB SALB iS 3?BS SHSOICI— Inkerman-Btreot, HI Hopburn-atreet, 80/ Bondßtreet, 16/ Ltg&r Placo, 66/ KoppeU-atreetTffl/ Norfolk-attoet. 10/ Argyle-Btrcet, 15a Cook-atreet. ea Bereßford-atroot, 80/ Kdwin^troe^ M/ Porolval Parnde, 10! arafton Road, W Keolamation, flfl Mount Kden Road, B3 Howe-3treet, 60/ Kyber Pasa. 110/ Haokett-streeVlO/ Nonnanby Road, «l Nelson-Btreot, 80/ Brighton Koad, 10/ Also, in wlous other atreess •* low rates. XMfinn TO LEND, iBHBmjS Of 810 and upXi'&VW vfatiE. on tsood secnrltiea. j?i7 A-YEAR-Level Allotment near top "Of * ' Boreaford-stTeot, to ba Leiaed for 50 years. Money lent to build with. MOUNT BiJEN — Well-flntahod Six-roomed House (now) for Sale; 1000 gallon tank laid on, large corner allotment; very cheap and OMy tormu. oncrt-OTVa-ROOMHID HcUSK for Sala In 3Jjj\J <J Newton; very convenient nnd Large oliotmont,; cheap. Also, Two Adjoining Allot iiii-n'B i( itoairi.'d. HUNUa— Htehty Acrea of Land.for Salo for £S5. Also, Hlghty Aorea at Waiklekie, for £C 5. A Bplondid ohanco for working man. /"IROCBHY BUSINi-CBS-Shop and dwelling VT honse for Salo, 7 rooms, iv rifling suburb well-eßtabltsliud basinets to hand, ■I? 97ft—Now and Well-flnlßhed Houae for a^t/W sale, at Rooky Nook, New North Road; allotment 40 x 120. Very easy terms. NOKi'HCOTa — Seven-roomed Honse, outbuildidga, ao., and SO acres of Land for Sale. Very cheap. Grand view of the harbour. #»1 QA-roUR-ROOMBD HOUBK for Salo, 3i> *■ •* v off Oook-atreot, with large allotment. i a iOKATOKA TOWNaHIP. — Two Large JL Corner Allotments for Sale for £20, having throe frontages. MOUNT KDKN—ITivo-roomed Eouse and two acres of voloanlo soil for Sale. Vise view, Orohard,&o. T>ONSONBY - New Slx-roomefl House for JL SsJe near the Three Lamps, Prloe, 8320. Kasy torma of payment. DEVONPOKT, Lake Road —Several very choice Villa Sites for Sale, having road and sea frontages, and possessing the finest landscape vlows to be found around Anokland, Very easy terms of payment. £9^ft-A NICK NBW COTTAQK In New &&O\) tOII , ur aaloi wltn foigQ BheQ> aUot . ment 40 x 100: vory oheap. WAITKMATA RIVBR FRONTAGB.-Land for Sale at £2 per aore, in large or small Weeks. Kasy terms. TjARNBILiL—HooBa and 1} acres orchard for JL Sale, in fall bearing; cowshed, workshop, fowlhouse. So.: fine Boa v(ew. SALB-STRKKT-Two Cottages for Sala with good well, register ffrate. eta Prloe filOO. ■l? 1 nn-FOUK-ItOOMBD HOUBE for Sale In lrfluu the City. Small deposit and weekly payments taken; Also, House at £126. ■OV&K— HOUSB for Sale in Willlam-Btreet, 3ZAOO near St. Jamea'Churoh. i?i ok— Threo-roomed Cottage off the Great xxo-i North Koaa tot Bale. SmaU deposit and weekly payments. EPSOM— Gentleman's Villa Residence, seven rooms, ooaoh-house, Btabllng, fee. £900. fi.l A.H— THKKE-ROOMKD HOUSK for Sale »«-*J In Newton, near King's Anna Hotel level allotment. Easy terms. "O BMUKR A-10 aores, for Sale i exoellont soli XV and splendid view BRIGHTON ROAD, ParneU - Six-roomed Hones foz aak., lUlotraent 40 z 100; water laid on. Price, «275. poNSONBY-Now Six-roomed House ani X Workshop for galei two allotments; two frcntasos; s&uy terms. — Pretty Cottage tt for Bale, naar St. James's Church: gas nnd water laid on; garden, && pARNBIiL. - Newly -finished Six-roomed X House for ealo \ plsaa-.nt view; £380, C^AKMB also For Sale nt Waikomitl, Pare- -*■ moremo, Btokos'6;PolnJ, Waitakerel, Mahutangi, North Shore, Papakura, &c, Alsa see Mm In New Zealand Herald and Wedily News, OH AS. WILLIAMSON B3T/.TS AGENT Vdloah Lam J. Mo L EN N oxEstate agent akd Vaujatoe, qoken-btbbbt, auckland. monby lent out for capitalists on first-class Beouritlbs, or invbßtkd in bank. insurance, or othbr sharks. FOR IMMBDIATB SALE — A Beautlrul Farm ot 200 acres, only 3 miles from a railway station. The farm is all in good English grasses, and subdivided Into 7 paddocks by flulok-thorn edges, lhe residence commands a beautiful view of a lake, wblch bounds the farm on one Bide. The house contains 5 apartmonte. There Is a stable, Btookyard, and shed upon the farm. I can confidently recommend thU faim to any Intending settler.— J. M. liODDOS, Betato Agent, Auckland. iOM FOX bALB-Lot 69. Section 7, Village Of Cnehunga, containing 3 acres 31 perches.— J. M. Lennox, Entate Agenc, Auckland. »9U FOB IMSMOIaTB SaLß—a Commodlouß Resldenco in Grafton Road. The resldenoe oontaiDS IS rooma, and la built upon a freehold section (160 z 332 linkß).-J. M. Lennox, Kstate AKent. Auokland. 88M FARM of 230 acres of first-clues soil, bounded on one tide by a river, all fenced and laid down in good English grasses,—J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent. Auckland. 3SM VOLCANIC SOIL, VALLEY ROAD-For Immediate Sale, a 6-roomed Resldenoe, with detached larder and Kitchen. The house Is well finished, and fitted up with register grates, colonial oven. Sea. Freehold allotment, SO X 150. Price, £300.-J. M. Lennox. 30M i? QfiO—A BARGAIN—House of 6 rooma and 3&30U Large Paddook, at Hamilton, Waikato. This desirable property commands a beautiful view ot the Walkato River. The owner la leaving the oolony, otherwise he would not sell.—J. M. Lennox. SIM TTiOR SALB (a bargains-Farm of 200 acres, adX Joining the farm of Messra Buckland and Shepherd, West Pukekohe, This flue property is mixed bush and fern, and Is well watered throughout. The farm must be sold, and la offered at £300 the lot,—J. M, Lennox, Estate Agent. Auokland. ISBL rpo FARMBKS-A Oholoe Farm of 78 aores, X Jof a mile from a railway station. The laad in flrst-olass—ls divided Into 7 paddocks, and all in grass, and well watered on every paddook. Tbere is a New 6-roomed House upon the form, also dairy and all neces-ary out-bulld-lngs.—J. M. Lennox, BBtate Agent, Auckland. 27M T> EMUERA—Two Villas, with about 2 aores; Ati most conveniently and pleasantly Bltuated. Price, £2000.—Ji U. Lennox. Kstate Agent, Auolilandi 28 M a LLOTMRNTS - Two AUotmenta In RlohIX mend, 100 x 200. Prloe, £100 the two.-J. M. Lennox, Katate Agent, Auckland) 32 M TO FARMSRS - A Desirable Farm and Homestead, about} of a mile from Buck- ■ land Railway Station, Tnere are 78 acres, all subdivided and laid down in grass, with a comfortable 6-roomed Residence, good orchard, &o. Price, £1000. — J. M. Lennox, BBtate Agent Auokland. 27 M ■P4.KA-FOR BALB, a Farm of 65 aores a *^Jv/ Papaknra Valley, with new S-roomed House and all necessary outbuildings. There are 10 aores In grass. The land 1b well watered. Price. £USO,—J. M. Lennox Auokland. , 17M CITY— A fine City. Freehold, produoing a rental ot £900 per annum. Price, £6000— £500 caeh, balanoo can remain upon the property at Si per oent.—J. M. Lennox. A, r\Qi\ ACKEis near the Rotorua railway.— a iuou J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent, Auolt-PONBONBY-A Seven-roomed Reßldenoe, commands a most magnificent view, In the best part of Ponsonby; freehold allotment (99 z 182), all laid out in ornamental trees and shrubs, Prloe, 700.—J, M, Lennox Estate Agent. SBAFIBLD VIEW—Four-roomed Verandah Cottage, with freehold allotment. Prloe, f1850.-J.-M. Lennox. Estate Agent CONQUEST PLACE, Parnall-Four-roomea Cottage, with two additional rooma dotaohed j freehold allotment. Price, £210.— J. M Lennox. ItHLJ £1 Qn-8101715-110011811 COTTAGE In Duke »x ° v street, with freehold allotment. Prloe, Al3O.—J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent 160 L OEMUKKA-vilia Residence and 3 aores of X\> garden, shrubbery, and pasture. Prloe, £1,000.—J, M. Lennox. IEOL A FIRST-CLASS FARM Of 123 aores In Wefr Pukekuhe, with good House, oow-Bhedi, dairy, &c The farm la all In gr&as, and Is only one mile from the railway station,—J, M, Lenncx, BBtate Agent, Auckland. 123 L' VILLA IIKdIDKNCS.—A Oharming Villa, commanding a magnificent view of the harbour; about 3 aores of pasture and shrubbery. Price, £1000. <J. U. licnnox Estate Agent, Anoklani* , «er For Houses, Bannm, and Allotments, sea my lons advertisement in 'Weekly Herald." J M. LENNOX, ESTATB AGENT. AUCKLAND, u-rocenes, so. JOHN HOBNE (Car many rears with Close Brest), FAints Gaocjßß, tea Dsaleb Sb Peotibioh Mekdhant, ocr of Wellington ana Nelson atrecti (OppoDlte St Jainea's Ohuroh), Mitiic Waited oh fob Ohdkbs. MCBSOK-SXKBBT STKAM OOFIfKB H. P, GIBBONS & CO,, TSX, COFfEB, AND SPIOB MEBOHANT Wbolesalb Am> Family Ghooebb, Coal, Fibeitood, and Psosuca Deaxb H. P. GIBBONS ft 00., HOB3ON-STBEBT. AtJCKXAMD |_» 1O« X B « 00. , AOBNTa 708 STDHn PAPE3 tOXLia, S-lf.vs alwuyi In (took a Large Supply ot PA Fa B, 03aisMtlJ22 Wnlte, Printing, and Tea Papei, arey and Brown WrovDins, and are prepared to indent aav ii»». aualluef, or cofouw requ rod. Ineao Papers are now largely uaaa ne?«, ana 1 are acknowledsed to ba superlot to .most.iltD OarsJler ffrire's Qeaulno Frsneb Bru(Ue« American Carrißges American Barness, To Aaiirra tfarm and Express Wagons Amerloan Fireproof Sales. Ah, ftu b, tones a pea

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Auckland Star, Volume XV, Issue 3757, 26 August 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XV, Issue 3757, 26 August 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XV, Issue 3757, 26 August 1882, Page 4


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