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FOX SALE* Amusements. FOR SALE, a Krst-class and Well- -Tr^vSt^T QTAR OF FREEDOM established Broad and Small Gooos BdM- U *^>-Q; LODGE. ne<s In the best part of Queen-street, doing at» -,_ „, —i —. .• BP cndid trade. PaUlcularß en applying at thlt "»*»»*■ ThO Sixth Anniversary Of oifloe. Prlnoiimlii only doalt with. above Lodge will bo celebrated by a BELEOI ,' „. ,-a ~ £—: r B Kljh-la ">° I^rne-itreet HaU, on MONDAY, i/iOK fcjALE, very cheap, Spring Uart, August 28, 18S2. Dsnoing to oommenoa at 9 sJ Horse and Harness; owner no ugo for o'cloon p.m. sharp. Tickets, to admit Lady and thorn.—Apply w. A Thomas's New Store, Gentleman, 63 ;Kxtra Lady, 2a 6d; single Ticket Wood-street. Ponsonby. to Gentleman, 6b. Refreshment movldod, A, fpTVOSJPoKT.-Scvan Fine Volcanic HubUm ttnd Jl w- Marrl? tt'";°''* \_J Allotments in the centre of Dovouport J> PIUTOHAHD, for 8ale; rloh land, magnificent view; eaßj aeoretary. term?. Also, to Let, h very Neat cottage, exoohently famished.—Oliver Mays, Poßt-offloe © *J£ \S / Store, Levonport. M"W <<53* \H/ Sale of Valuable Land rjnhe at re royal. AT POVERTY BAST. TUESDAY, August 2Drn, 1882. rj.PAND -\J ABONIC ENTERTAINMENT THB NEW ZEALAND NATIVE LAND "LTi ~. ~. In aid of the SBTTLTIMENr COMPANY (Limited) MASOHIC HAUL BUILDINO FUND. Will offer for Sale, on easy terms, about the end TT . .. _ . '"__ „„ „, , < . o»niraiini>D i Under the Patronsge of the R.W. Provincial of SBPrEMBER next. Graua Master, 10.; the V.W. Deputy Dlfl- _ , , trlot Grand Master, K.C.; the R.W. Deputy FIFTEEN IHOOTAKD ACDES Provincial Grand Master, 8.C., and their , ... Officers, the Worshipful Masters, Offloers, (more or less) of Bn d Members of the Anokland Masonio VALUABLE AGKIODLTUKAL LAND, th<3 Maß°nl° Frat6rnity IB Selections of all else* to snlt purchasers. Qn Mnaloal Dramß( GUY MANNiSRISG ! The Land la variously situate from the Town T»kon from Bro-slr J™** Scott's well-known BoundarytolOmlleafromtheTownofGlsborne. wmba prodnced _ lth aU fte Orlg , nal Mn|ao Full particulars will be given at an earl? date and Characters in the Lirama, by Auckland Communications addressed to the Company's ramat o Amatenra. Offloe Gisborne attended to. TheMuslo will be under the direction of Bros. ~.„,, Gobdon Goocn, X.A.M., and Pooley, assisted The Title of aU Land offered will be nnauea- by a numbsr of our Leading Amateur Vocalists, tlonable. Permission has been granted to tbe Brethren O. DX 1, A UTOUH, to appear In Fall Regalia, Managing Director. Pawns of admission:-Dress Circle, ia.: Stalls and Pit, 2s. rsno SMALL CAPITALISTS. — For T lcketa oair be obtained from the W.M.'sof S Hale—Aisnng little Country Business.— tha various Lodges, the XrusteeSi and Hall Apply to John Bnohanan, Custom- gonse-Btreet. Committee. WEDDImG Rings and Keeper*, 18 Doorsopenat7.So,tooommenoeatßp.m. narat. 18s to 20i.-Jas. Adams, Watch- Box Plan at Upton's. maker, Vlctorla-atreef. ___ ■ ——— FOR O«E MONTH.—Selling otf.—All v. _, klnda of Millinery; no reasonable offer _3_MiSS^_E rflfnsed.-Mrs Whitehead, Milliner. Newton. w\lVw jTnOK SALE, Light Three-spring Wag<P gons, Auckland built with American l_(^S_ii. materials (ash ond hickory), thus combining »^ lightness with great strength and durability, at AMERICAN ORDER OF ODD less than importer's prices. Work guaranteed, I\ jininwu'Hiti at the builders. Kdwin Harvie, 822 and 324. 'c*- FELLOWS BALL, UpperQneenstreet. In Commemoration of the AjKWM*RKJST.-For Sale or Lease, FOUBTH ANNIVKHSABY 0» THK STAR Jji House Of Six Rooms, with kltohen range, OB" AUCKLAND LODQK. No. 28. register srate, and gas, next Royal George Will be held at the Chobai, halt, on WED-HoteL-B. Tanner. 8. Qaeen-street. NBBDAY, August 80, 1882. ~^i o X S A L" El TICKETS! To admit Lady and GentleH v X 2. m »n, 10/0; extra Lady. 6/; Blngle, -^ „.„,.. ~„„,,. ivrn uttoit 7/8; may be had from any of the followMANAIA SAWMILL AND BUSH. members ot the Committee j-Brothera H. ~~~~ _ _. Kfealng, Falconer, Cambie. Thomas, Bntler, For particulars apply to Jas. DuNBAB, or D, McOulsky, Kvans, Humphreys, Reid, Nelson, H. MoKenziic, gort-Btraet, Anokland. and W. Jones, Tobacconist, Queen-st. OR S«LE, the Unexpired Term of Ji MOREY, Lease, Goodwill, and Knrnltnre of tbe t4On. Hoc. Katno Hotel. Thin Hotel Is doing a large and N.B.—As the number ot tiokets are limited inoroaaine bußineßß.-Fall particulars by apply- early appUoation is neoeeßary. < Ing io W. and J. Frater, Land Agents, Queonstreet. "DOKTRAIT OF WINIATA, THE |j^OK SALE, 2 Pug Mills in good work- ■* KPdOM MURDBRER. toßuranc Be°Balldrn J g Vttn G B^ *°' *' Taken DeoemW. ug Ous^rlor to the comBJtuR SaLE, very cheap, Spring Cart, JD Horse, and Harness; owner no use for Now on Sale at the Waxworks. Prioe, Is each. them.—Apply W. a. Xhomafis New Store, • ■Woao-streat, Ponsonby. ; . Copyrtehted by 0. Wkqhtmaw. ijiOK SALK—An Kight-roomed House r for Sale in Yortsireet, >ewton;good y o.& T.-The Lodge Guiding Stir, No. sw-bh mB Ynr"^t°«rNSwu>S •*-. 11. assisted by members of stater Lodges, Frankham. York-atreet. Newton. wUI glv(J a Mnsl^Bl Bnd literary EntertainPKIZE POULTRY iIGGS FOR SALE, ment, in the Kilerslle eohool-honße, on MON_J flnrnwnll will disnoae of a limited DaY KVENING, SBth August, 1882. Bro Jno nnmbeT Jof CSittlnß"fr W a rn K&W-SSd jj"^.^!™ N.Z. to the chair. Doors. Stock of the folowing breefls :-Langshan B . open at r. to oommence at MO. Uark Brahtnas, Pile Game, and Rouen Duok. •>• O. ANGUS. Sec Of Committee. Price. 10b 6d per sitting of 13 eggs.-Forpar- —^.^..^ ~ TO T^^,^^ ticuiars apply to Bishop's Store. Ponsonby r\TOUNG WOMEN'S INSTITDIE, Koad. X ;, ,/,„ rat Tf/i'ho«ni Kimr xixoa nnhnln "W Annual OONVBRSAZIONK (for Yonng Ln| la« bymondMtreet, with lease of shop and good- NKBD _Y. SOth instant. AU who have at any i will; Btook at valuation.—Apply to Davies and t ini ß BBen members of the Institute are invited. i Baker- ! , Application for Mcketß to be made at tne Institi^Oß IMMEDIATE SALE (Cheap, tme as Boon as possible. Friends who are V Two Good ▲notnun.ts at Alendale. North> WSS^^n^i^n^ShtaJ*.^? S oote havlns frontaaes both to Qaeen-etreet, of l^° evening by lending objects of Interest, Sto'S. and the North Road!. Also. _rf §»?*?£ clurloB ' &0-' Bnd*» senttll1 8 donatlonßOf acres of real Good Land in Blind Bay. near uu'*er8* ; , ■iTrohenß Harbour, Great Barrier.—Apply to ■. ■ . . .. I" John Soppet, Honse and Land Agent, No. 8. , ' Qaeen-Btreet. _. , JUeotures. piOK SALE.—A BARGAIN, "—™ 875 Acres Kx K llenTla7d, comprlrtng anal- YOUNG MEN'S! CHRISTIAN luvlal valley-the slopes on either Bide mostly •*-■ ASSOCIATION, oovered with pohutukawa, puriri, and otner uomerof mediate possession can oo obtained If required. A n w v A li This is an excellent opportunity for anyone /~1 T wishing to combine farming with a lucrative VOUBBE OF X-KOTUKH3. IKB timber and sum business. Jfull particulars on appUoation to * 'V . MKTCAIiFK & TfTT.T.. tagos In Nelson-street, Anokland. Apply to ——. John Soppet, Honse and Land Agent, No. 8, To Commenoe at 7.30. Queen-street ~ Seats reserved tor Tioketholders till 7.20. "XTORTU SHOKE.—For Sale, House of Tickets for the Course (to admit bearer and 1 XrK four rooms, and Allotment, within two lady) 6s; Single Tloketa for Course. 8s Bd i minutes' walk of Victoria Wharf, oheau. Aleo, ai.,,1. Tinbofa la tn k« n w,i,«j fmm ti.. good Building Allotments at reasonable prloes. Beetle Tickets, Is, to be obtained from the -B. Tanner, 8, Queen-street. Booksellers, Members of Committee, and at the BJlUtt SALE, really caeap, a Compact Roo™'! Thomas nnnnr k I?. Farm of 150 aorea; abont 60 aores In grass. THOMAS BUDDLB, part nndsr crop, part good bush and fern i a """•oeo* Six-roomed House, Stable, Cow-Bhed, &o.; 3) = miles from railway station and only II miles . cs-/K,.i>-(rom town by good road, bpOl'tlEgj - < FOB BALK, a nice little Dairy Farm of » ■ — aores, all fenced and divided Into paddooks, tt totoHlaN T~v 1? t? r'v with good House, Stable, Sheds, and every con- V 1 ÜBlaa l^iSlißy renienoe, and deep-wator frontage, 10 miles and -M~r from town. ~\K t~^ Apply .to John Sopfet, House, Land, and XtXkLBOUKNK V^UP. General Cammißsion'Agent, No. 8, Qneen-street (npgtalrs . ; A MONBTBB NOVELTY COMPANY ON rg^O FARMERS AND OTHERS. ABOVE KVBNTS. 1 .. 10,000 JKVEBTOKS AT £1 EAOH. The anderslgned have oa Hand a Splended —— Sample of TAKTARIAN SUED OATS,also 6,000 V.8.0. DEBBY.-IS2 PRIZES. * sacks Prime FEED OATS, at lowest current first Horse ....«.««...-_..»„ ....£IOOO tates> Second Horso __„...."._ -o"« 400 K. MITOHKLSON SB CO.i Third Horse „ ~_ 200 No. 19, Queen-street Wharf. Other Starters (divided) 600 BjT~~o" R~ S A~ _ JS Non-BterMra (divided) 1800 JP . ■~-..„ T0ta1.... iSm MELBOURNE CUP.-128 Phizes. FIFTY (B0) AORSB OF . Seoonf HorseT"r."""".r.»"'.'.Z'.!"r. B1?00 SUPERfGU LEVEL LAND. ThirdHorae 1 -„_{ .-..._ 800 au j. &i\i.v i\ ii jq vau _«.ixi/, othergtarterg / alvlaed) im Inthe Non-starters (divided) „_....,.... 2500 PARISH OF TK !PAPA. TitnUKOA. _ . ~~~~" Application by" letter only, enoloslng two Fronta Main Rosd to Ohlnemutu, and extend stamps, with exonango on ohequss (payable to 4. tr«««—. „■,„ .„„., bearer), or by money order, bank notes, or to Kopnrererna River. &uttgt Kflßistered lettew or telegrams wIU - n .,.v> n A -^^r-r^^^-r, o -^ no' °D any account be received. COWPER, FUHRHOP & CO., Address-" ZOO JUMBO." care ot H. N 8. QrmßN-STRBET. Abbott, Box No. 2, Post Offloe, Anokland. . _ g -_— — — __ , XXTIIjI, CLOSE 25th OCTOBER. Kf\ TONS GALVANIZED CORUUHA- W •*" TED IRON , 14,000 MEMBERS AT TEN (IOs) SHILLINGS. 100 tons fencing wiRB neTrnzka. oca BARRICtiS KNIGHT Ss KVAN'B Melbourne Cup. •aOU OKMKNT. , 128 Horses. Cash Awards. — First _ _ £1500 SprizesofßlOO-«300 W R LATJRIE Seoond 050 6 prizes of 60— 800 v 10, WYNDHAM.STRKKT. 125 others divide U6O Mprlzesof 15- 760 —— . fiO prizes of 8— 400 USEiil SKKDI SKKDI £3850 lOOprlzesof 6- 600 CJ lOOprieesof 6- 600 FOR BALK, the following New Seeds, ex. Roman Empire i— £3150 Red Clover White Clover Cowgrasi «(j PRIZES, Alsyke Rape Lucerne Turnip Mangel *£ nße£* Each Tloket has 8 Chanoes, there belnfe 8 Hemp Canary &c, Ko. Drawings. A person taking Two Tiokets has The above will be disposed ol at Lowest ig Chances and the odds-1 in is. By Letter Current Prices. only with two stamps enoloted; Registebed POTTER AND CO,, Luttkrs and Com Not Acoepted; Cheques Durham-Btreot. (with Is exohange added), P.O. Orders, and Bank Notes Aooepted. Tiokets will not be sent FO X S A L a, till after presentation of any Cheque forwarded. . "ADA MANXUA," AT LOWEST MAKKKT RATES J Care of Mr Abraham, Rosin, Pitch, and Tar Box 351, P. 0., Dunedln. . Kerosene, Patat,and OUve CMls N,Bi-The only Oonsultatlonlst In the CclonlOß OluwSiS?T_S loii wn^S? storert amiaili6 that glveß the Public the opportunity of NomlUaSffiSS^sSS* nattngthel, own Committee. Large Btook of Canvas, varloon brands - —— Wire Rope, from 41 inoh to J lnoh Bolt Rope. Hemp, and Manilla Rope, all «ji IDEL IT V COMPANY'S Patent Windlass (wood), Frills, and PalU "~ J}e{\n(\ „„ X*at\l\(\ Anchors, from 16 owt to 10 lbs i* aboUOO ON ijuOOU Ohttlns, from i inoh to I Inch, ■ ■" -. ""7^7ur,., Melbourne Cup. Ooto and Flßh Oil, . ■**■*■ v D> ' TOBMraSraf 1'1 1!8 KOMINATIONS. March 18. 1882- —— OR SALE AT FREEMAN'S BAY rJJS.fsy»^ZZ^ZC'JZ mills, . mAI:.ZZTZ7IZ".7.ZZZ -- ,?oo Laib Soepeti 0. ' Other Starters (about i"w _____ Non-starters (about fi2o each). • T ;"- fl -; 1 ZIX10 BENUINKBONBDUST.WHOLKSALK-ND And Forty-seven (17) Vlotorlan Bonds l UQo RETAIL * -••••" - ""' TotalNo.l7s. Total, £6000 As Lowest M-ggra RATKB. - Programme No. carries a Double Interest BONES BOUGHTIH ANY QUANTITY, jtheflrstlU the Nomlnatu.ns, the second In the AT THB MILL, Proßramme£-£l eaoh, and two 2d. stamps. 1 Cheqaes (with Is exchange) to be payable only „„„„„„ toa No ——. or to Bearer. If otherwlßO drawn OATS AND MAIZE CRUSHED, out wIU be returned. No Registered Lettew or ' —~i»t— —• Telegrams. , D. H. MoKENZIHr Address only to " Fidelity Company," care Tort-street, April 26th, of Alfred A. Oameroa'n Box No, 251, DunoOln,

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Auckland Star, Volume XV, Issue 3757, 26 August 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XV, Issue 3757, 26 August 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XV, Issue 3757, 26 August 1882, Page 1


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