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HOTELS __ Haieira Hotojy LAVAUD STREET, AKAROA. 3 -|--|- PIPEb. (late Cbristoburch) wishes JLIL to inform the Public ol Akaroa and surrounding Bays ot the Peninsula and Chriatohureh that he has taken over the lease of the above Hotel, and that he ia i ready to aoeommodate tourists and visitors in his oomuaodious house, The Madeira Hotel aflords first-clasß accommodation, and oloja tha Rgoraatioa sport ground, pui a t3aai3 o'jarta, owqaat Uwn, bawling greaa and the Bath are a minute's walk. The comforts of all vifllting this Hcon3ad house will ba oarelully attaalad to, ani a splendid table will ba at the diapaiil of al» Patrons. BEST WINES AND SPIRITS SrOSSGD . crows xxxx beer os DRiuasr. TARIFF ARRANGED. Somerset Hotel UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT '11HB SOMERSET HOTEL, Duvftuehelle X has now pasaed into the capable hands of Mb Joseph Gaskih, late of Little River, who will endeavour by every means in his power to mako it a comfortable and eon • Yenient plaoe of for all visitors. The Travelling Publio are assured of an Excellent Table, Comfortable Sleeping Aooommodation, and the very best Wines nna Spirits, with great variety and with nothing but First Quality. A First-rate Luncheon be provided on Sale Daye. Good Stabling and Roomy Looso-boxei. Being an old Peninsula resident, the Pro prietor of the Houee trusts that his former friends will call at the Somerset, and he will spare no paina to make them comfortable. Tourists from Chrietchurch are invited to break their journey, and can be oonfident of getting goad lodging. jqs&piTgasion, PBOFRIETOB SOMERSET HOTEL DI^AUCHELLE. BEUCE' HOTEL ■ ■ - AKaroa MESSES. H. PARKIN AND W- ROB, INKON wish to inform their Friende Tourists, nnd the Publio generally that they have taken over the above new and beautifully situated Hotel overlooking thelov ly AkaroiiHatbour, and m olose proximity to the Domain—a unique spot —and hope by strict attention to business, and in supplying only the beat of Wines and spirits to merit a fair Bhare of publio patronage. Motor Launches, Fishing, Bathing, etc. CROWN XYXX BEER ON DRAUGHT MAPS OF BANKS PENINSULA. MAPS of the Peninsula showing the roads may be procured from the vkaisoa Mail Offio*, or the Tourist Offioe Akaroa. irice of tha map is Cd TIME AND WAGES BOOK. WE have all the required forms and will print TIME AND WAGES BOOK at the :— Book, 25 pages 3e 52 „ 53

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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXV, Issue 3513, 14 January 1916, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXV, Issue 3513, 14 January 1916, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXV, Issue 3513, 14 January 1916, Page 1