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MOTOR ANP WHICLE BYLAW. IN PUB'UANCI of the powe» and authorities vested in it by "The Counties Act, 1908," and "The Motor Regulation Aofc, 1908." and all Acta amending the same, end of ea/sh »nd every power in that behalf enabling it, the Wairewa County Oonnoll, acting on behalf o! the Chairman, Councillors, and Inhabitbate of the Connty of Wairewa doth hereby by Special Order make the following Bylaw:— For the purpose of this Bylaw and unless inconsistent with the ssrnUai :— "COUNT! C01N0IL" shall mean respectively the County of Wairewa and tha Wairewa County Counoil. '■MOTOK ,, shall mean and Include any vebiole inoluded In the delnition "motor" in the aaid "Motor Regulation Aot, 1908," and In any amendment thereof or any Aot whioh. may be passed in substitution therefor. •T>IGBW&Y" etaall mean and inolude any highway, road, street, square, 0 ,, any open epaoe which may for tse time being be under ihe jurisdiction or control of the County Council. "OWNEH" sball include every person who either alone or in partnership with any other person shall beep or be oonoerned in the keeping, employing, or letting of any vehicle to hire for the oarriage of passengers, and inoludee n corporation and an incorporated company, and also a bailee entitled to the possession or use of a motor or vehiole "VEHICLE" shall inolude every wheeled cart, carriage, or waggon whatever may be lta form of construction drawn or propelled by any animal or by mechanical power. "PA&BEN(JER" ehall include every person oarried by any vehiole, eicept one driver and (where there shall be a oon. duo tor to auoh vehiole) one conduotor, "PERSON" ehall inolude a firm end also a corporation. "INBP1OTOK" shall mean any and every person employed by tbe Wairewa County Council for the time being to inspeot publ o and ether vehicles Words importing the singular number shall inolude the plural, and words importing the plural number shall inolude the singular, and words importing the masculine gender shall inolude fenialos. PART 1. Relating to the we of Motort on roads within the County, ■ 1. THERE shall tie in obarge of every Motor when used on any llgnway a person competent to control and direct its movement. It shall be the duty of the owner of the Motor to see thai the fore< gitlng provision is observed. 2. No person shell oaube or permit a motor to be used on any highway or shall drive or have charge of a motor when used on aey highway, uneas the conditions hereinafter forth are satisfied, nanHy :— ' (a) The motor shall have two independent brakes in good workins order, and of tuob efficiency that the application of either to the motor shall, in the oase of a motor having two wheels on one axle, aause two ol its wheels on one axle, and in the case of a motor having only one wheel on one dx c cause one of its wheels to be efleotuklly prevented from revolvin , or shall have the came tffeot in ■topping the motor as if such wheel or whoeU so held. (b) Tbe Motor, if it exceed in weight unladen five hundred weight, ■ball be capable of being worked so that it may travel either baokWfcrds or forwards* (c) Tbe motor and all the fittings thereof shall be in such a •oi dition as not to cause or be likely to cause danger to any pereon on the highway. 5. No person driving or in charge of a motor when used on a highway thall causa the motor to tiavel backwards for a greater ctistAnoe or time than may be requisite for purposes of safety or for tbe purpobe of turning. 4. JEvery pereen driving a motor on a highway, or having oharge a m»tor wben it is stationary on a highway, shall comply with he following regulations, namely : — (a) He shall follow tha ordinary rule of the road except that when driving on a road formed on a hillside having a bank on oae aide (hereinafter 'oalled the inside"), and a fall from ihe level on the other side (hereinafter called the "outside) be shall, if requested or signalled to do bo by a person in oharge of horses or a horse and vehiole, drive his motor on or to the outside of the road so as to give the pereon in oharge of tbe faoraes or horse and vehiole tbe opportunity of taking the insiti" of tbe road. He shall carry uttaohed to such motor, and shall use when neoepßßiy a bell or oth. r instrument capable of giving audible Bnd euffiuunt warning of the approach or position of the motor and be ehnli by sounding such bell or other instrument give audible and eufii ient warning of the approach or position o! the motor at a reasonable diatanc from any corner or curve or from any approaching p-rson or oonveyanee or from any per* sen or conveyance whioh he may be overtaking. (a) Be et>all not n>e any cutout fitting or o> her apparatus or de« vice which will allow ihe exhaust gases from tbe engine of tbe motor rar 11,I 1 , escape into the atmosphere without fi st parsing through a silencer, expansion chamber, or other centriv anee suitable and sufficient for reducing as far as may reasonably be practicable the noisn which would otherwise be caused by the. escape of the said gases. (d) Be shall on the request of >»ny police officer in uniform or of any peieon having oharge of a horse, or if su<h offioor or per- , son shall put up his hand as a signal for that purpose cause the motor to stop and remain stationary as long aa may be rcaiooably neoessary to enable such person safely to pass the ' motor, and shall at the request of any such officer or parson render any assistance that may be necessary to enable such persen safely to pass the metor. (c) He shall if, daring tbe period between sunset and one hour before sunrise, or whenever it is dark, any person in oharge of a boree signals to a motor by waving a lamp up and down, or otherwise, prooeed witb the motor cautiously, and he shall if during the same period or whenever it is dark, any such person ligmils by waving a lamp from Bide to side or otherwise bring the motor to a standstill, (i) He chall on tbe reasonable request (in whatever manner conveyed) of a person in obarge of a horse desirous of passing a motor allow to suoh person for the purpose of paseing tbe motor the utmost width that the highway affords. (g) If he wish to overtake any horseman or vehicle he shall, before' attempting to pass, signal his approach to such horseman or to the driver of suoh vehiole, and shall also give suoh horseman lime to dismount and lead his horse or the driver of euoh vebiole and any other person or persons therein time to. leave such vehiole and lead the horse or horses should such horseman or driver indicate his wish in that behalf. (b) Hβ shall not drive recklessly or negligently or in a manner which is dangerous to the public, having regard to all the aireunißtanaes of the case, including the nature, oondition, and use of the highway, and the amoint of traffic which . AOtually is at tbe time or might reasonably be expected to be on the highway, aad alia to the degree of light obtaining at the time. (1) Hβ shall not, while drlvirg at nipht on any highway in the Coonty. exhibit or carry any lamp exhibiting light of suoh power or brilliancy beyond what is reasonably neoessary for the purpose, and so a to obscure or partially obscure tbe vision for the time being of any pereon approaching such motor. 6 ll' the driver of any motor who commits, or who is challenged by a police officer, or by any other person whatsoever, with having committed an offenoe under the last previous eeotion gives a false name or a false address, or refasee to give his true name and address he shall be guilty of a breach of this Bylaw, and any owaer of or paeeeng r travelling in a motor, who shall fail when required by any police officer to mvb information which is in bis power to give, and which may lead to the identification of any driver as aforeBiid, shall be guilty of an < ffenoe under tbe By taw. 6. Subject as hereinafter provided no motor shall be driven at a grrater speed than : — (a) 25 Bailee an hour on that part of the main Christohurch , Akaroa Road running from the the boundary between the Bpringe and Wairewa bounties to the foot of Lake Forsyth (b), 20 rrtiie* an hour from the last before mentioned point to the li-fca Foroytb Hotel. - (o) 16 rn'le* an hour f om tbe last before mentioned point to the Hiil Top. being tbe boundary of tbe County, (d) Along all other roads in the County at a greater speed than 20 miles an hour except on all roads having a bank on one side and a fall on he other side, and on such roads the speed shall nt ezoeed 15 miles an hour. 7- THE driver of any motor travelling oh any road within the County sball, where an interrupted view of such rand for at least 100 yards immediately in front of auah motor is from any oause whateor ever not obtainable, reduce the speed of suoh mo:or to not more than Bis miles an hour. ' PART IS. BtfoUng to ik* lictnting of vehicles flying for hire in tfu> County, . 8 NO vehiole shall be used or kept to ply for hire for the can risge of passengers within the County unless tbe same shall have been duly licensed as hereinafter mentioned, and any person using in the County, to ply for hire, an unlicensed vebioie shall be deemed to oommft an oflunoe on every day thet he shall so use snob, vehiole. 9 Lio'net-H for vehicles rnny be gr; nted by the Co'mcil, 10 The following fees shall be paid- by ibe owners tor such liopnspp s— (a) For every vebiole ueel for the caniage of passengers, which is drawn by t»o or more horsas, tbe yearly sum of £5 or £1 5a per quarter or part of a quarter of unexpired year. (b) For every vehicle o'her than those comprised in pub section (a) and other than motor vehicles the y*a !y sum of £1 or Ss per quarter or part of a quarter of unr xpired year. (c) For e»erj motor vrh'ole the yearly mm of £5 or £1 6s per qo!»rti>»'or part of a quivter of uriexpired year. II BEF< KB any such license ia granted an application for the OaflQn in tbn Form Number 1 in the Schedule shall be made to the Coonoil by the owner of tbe vehiole in respect of which the license ia Applied for, and in every application the Christian name, surname and plaoe of abode of the applicant, or in the etisa of a corporation or company lie full name, and of every owner of bugu veh cle sball ttt truly stated, and any applicant who states in hi) application the ntme of any person aa being ihe owner or an owner of tbe vehicle in retptotiot which the application is made who U not such an owner or wilfully omits to specify truly in "uoti application the name of every owne' of tbe vehiol-, shall be guilty of an offence. IS NO application for a license shall be granted until an Inspection of the vehicle to which tbe same relates shall have been made by the Inepsotor nor unless such vehicle shall, upon inspection, lie considered and certified ia writing signed by the Inspector ta be in h fit and proper oondition and sufficiently convenient ia all Nfpeotß for pnblio v b. IS. IN every license tbere shall be spociiW the number of tbe Hmdii, the ebristien name, the surname and place of abode of every owner (or in the oase of a corporation or company its full name) tf 'he vehiole in respect of which the license is granted and licenses •hull fee Iβ tbe form No. 2 in th»i Schedule hereto 14, PABTICUL&RS of every lioense shall be duly entered in a ngiftei &t ktpt in tbe Oouneil'B ofSaea for tbe j^rpoae.

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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXV, Issue 3500, 29 October 1915, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXV, Issue 3500, 29 October 1915, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXV, Issue 3500, 29 October 1915, Page 4