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BUSINESS NOTICES. Bfca-gjPOST your Orders for Men's Underwear DIC fill CHRISTCHURCH, i I The following list lias been specially pre- "j(5P*: I paredt to meet present-day needs. Every garment is just the correct weight for Winter, is unshrinkable, all-wool, and thoroughly de- J| » "■ pendabie. Men experience complete satisfac- ■ W I tion in shopping with us, as our stocks are so ■_*_/ 1 large and well assorted, and prices are always flUr i lowest—quality considered. " m MOSGIEL Underpants 5/6 6/6 6/11 7/11 8/9 9/11 W / Singlets (long or half-sleeves) \ § 5/6 6/6 6/11 7/6 8/6 9/3 10/6 k I Knicker Drawers, 6/9 W 1 EOSLYN Underpants .. 9/11 10/6 11/6 13/6 1 \ Singlets .. .. ..9/6 10/6 11/6 12/6 M WOLSEY Underpants . 9/6 10/6 11/6 «»Jk Singlete .. .. 8/11 9/6 9/11 10/6 12/- HU^P THETA Underpants .. 4/11 6/9 8/6 9/6 10/6 Singlets .. 4/11 6/9 7/11 8/11 9/11 11/- «■, REMEMBER—When ordering, to state size required, or give chest sod waist measures. BKMEWBEB—When cash i 8 sent witli order, you are entitled to 1/discount in every complete £. REMEMBEB —We are no further from you than the nearest Post Office. BBMBMBEB—Complete satisfaction is assured you, or money refunded. KUI ONUKU HOUSE, LITTLE RIVER. DIRECTLY OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. J P. ELLIOTT (late of O»ago)has recently taken over RUI ONUKU HOUSE, Little • River, including TEA BOOMB, BOARDINGHOUSE, GENERAL STORE AND STABLES. Hβ will be pleased to receive the patronage of the Peninsula uublio passing through Little River, and will provide them with every convenience and comfort. GENERAL STORE. The proprietor has a well steaked General Store. Petrol and Oil for motorists in stock. J. P. ELLIOTT. Proprietor. Public Trust ©ffice STATE GUARANTEE VALUE OF ESTATES IN THE OFFICE (In 1914) TWELVE MILLIONS STERLING. Estates, when converted into cash and held for Benefioiariee in the 0 mirOiF.ndof Public Trust Office, are credited with interest at a fixe I rate t wbiob Iβ capitalized jearly.and ] is free from all office charges. THE RATE OF INTEREST HAS BEEN INCREASED from 4£ per oent. od the first £3000 and 4 per oent. on the exoeßß to 41 per oent. ON THE FIRST £6000 and 4i per cent. «N THE EXCESS. CAPITAL AND NTEREST GUARANTEED BY THE STATE. THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE can be appointed Executor and Trustee of-the Will or Codicil , of any erson in ji e w Zealand or ehewbere. WILLS APPOINTING IHUi PUBLIC TRUSTEE ARE DRAWN FREE OF CHARGE. He oan bs appointed ;CUBTODIAN TRUSTEE, or may aot with ADVISOKY TRUSTEES. He oan be appointed Trustee in place of previously appointed trustees or in place of persons who wish to be relieved of their trusteeship. He oan be appointed Trustee for Marriage Settlements, Money Trusts, Sinking Funds, and other Truste. He oan be appointed Assignee or Trustee of iesigned Estates or Deeds or Composition with oreditora. the management of property as Attorney or Agent. He administers Intestates , Eatatee, Lunatics' Estates, and Unolaimed Lands. LOANS. Thfi Public Trustee has ample funde for investment on First Mortgage of Freehold and " certain Government Leasehold Securities, at lowest current rates of interest. No P«o curationFeeor Commiseion. Liberal Terms for Repayment. THE CHARGES. irmr PHABGES OF ADMINSTKATION are fixed on the lowest possible seal*, as the Office Komn for profit. botßeeks to be MERELY SELF-BUPPO&TISG .There ). ii Lninnad LEGAL STAFF which does, without costs, nearly all tbo legal woik oon. a "f For example, no charge is made for obtaining PROBATE or ADMIN. ?Sli? ON SfatpaSoß the STAMP ACCOUNTS, or for advising on the numberlee, f-«n« that are continually arising in the course of Administration Speaking generally uSS' S'2S Sat no lTw costs are charged except in proceedings before the Court. For full tartieulare apply to THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Wellingten. Or to any of tbe Branobee or Agenoies in New Zealand, H. Wj WILRINS, Agent AKaroa.

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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXIV, Issue 3464, 4 June 1915, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXIV, Issue 3464, 4 June 1915, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXIV, Issue 3464, 4 June 1915, Page 1