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j A Peninsula member of the mounted forces in Egypt writes as follows:— 1 Heliopoiis Camp, Zeitoun, April 24th, 1915. Wβ have had another easy week, and it has been much cooler, though to day ia a real acorcher. If it con. tinnes so hot, we will have to be shifted to Alexandria, near the sea. A lot of the obapa are feeling the beat very much, but I have not been troubled with it at all. The helmets make a great difference to us. To morrow - our church parade is at 8.45 a.m., before the heat eeta in, and,then moat of na wilt be off for the day. A huge sports meeting is being held in Cairo!; omorrow (Sunday) for the soldiers now in Egypt. The Sultan, and

Freocb, Greek ana Itali&n Cod su'ib, an J out- Generals are helping the thing along, and ifc is bping run by a committee of civilians. They have been making preparations for weeke now, po you can guepg »*; i» going to be a great.affair. Ali kinds of mounted and athletic sports are be ing held. The Canterbury Regiment has nipu nominated fot every event. The Peninsula men are nominated for the wreeiiiing on horse back (Bergeat Waghorn, Captain).. I have been nominated in the pack rece, end, of course, expect to have a win. Bet ling is brisk for ail event?, and thore is a lot of iutereat taken by all of our own men here. Very good prizes, nearly all trophies and medals, are to be given.

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Bibliographic details

Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXIV, Issue 3464, 4 June 1915, Page 2

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THE MOUNTEDS IN EGYPT. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXIV, Issue 3464, 4 June 1915, Page 2

THE MOUNTEDS IN EGYPT. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXIV, Issue 3464, 4 June 1915, Page 2