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SHIPPING. •HpKE KKW ZEALAND SHIPPING 1 COMPANY'S LINE Koyai Mail Stfi&j»er» for Lotidou. ■ ia Monte Video, Tecexifte, and Plymouth Bost accommodation for all clasoos of Pl*BP9m?BrE. I I Probable To Sail Steamer. | Tont Final Port, about ! j _ __„ _ j Kaikoura* 6998 Wyllingtop July 13 Kimut'ka* 77fi5 July 29 Tongiriro* 7661 Aug 31 Turakina* 8027 Sept 28 Papanni 6582 Oct 26 Turakina I 8027 Not 23

• Twin Screw. For farther particulars apply to FKIEDLANDER BROS., Ltd. SHAW, BAVILL AND ALBION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR LONDON. ROYAL Mail Steamers, with superior accommodation for all classes of passengers, calling at Monte Video or Rio, Teneriffe and. Plymouth. Vessel. Tons. Oomm'nd'r From Date. Tokom'ra 6238 Holmes Auck'd July 20 Matfttaa*' 6488 Maxwell Aug i lonio* 12232 Cartar Well'n Aug 17 Aotea 6364 Prosser (Sept Athenie 12234 Kemp3on WeH'nMept.l4 • Twin Screw tNo passengers carried Fall particulars as to rate* of Freight and Fsjuagß\&loney, etc., from NICOLL BROS.

David Thomas Mitcham. I HAVE been instructed by Mr Thomas Morland to find a Euyer for 1154 Acres Good Land adjacent to Mitoham Railway Station, either in one or two blocks D. THOMAS, Ashburton. Properties for Private Sale

Dayid Thomas. Folio. Acres. 263 1085 Subdivided into. 13 padpocks, and well watered. Good house, Granary, and Stable, All in first class order. Kyle. 269 515 Subdivided ; well watered. House of 7 Eooms, Stable and Outbuildings. Kyle. 272 900 Every improvement, good live fences, water races in every paddock. All first I class land. Methven. 275 272 All in new grass. Good live fences, and well watered. Good House of 6 rooms. Stabla, Pig Yards and Stye 3 Sheep Yards. Winslow. 277 1200 Hinds „ 295 610 Subdivided. Well fenced and watered. New House And Stable. Mayfield. ; 308 495 Well improved and feiicedj well watered; and laid down in grass. Lowcliffe. 823 570 Subdivided into 13 paddocks water in each. Two Houses, two Stables, Trap Shed, Cow Shed, Sheep Yards, neat Maronan Homestead. 825 240 Splendid Land; all in good heart. First-class improvements. Tinwald. 826 140 First class land and improvements. Tinwald. 829 300 Well fenced and watered. Good House, Stable and Yards. Methven, 843 200 Well fenced and watered. Good New House of 5 Eooms, Stable, Wool Shed, Chaff House and Wash House, all new. Two miles from a School. Winchmore. 844 1000 All in first class order. First class Buildings and all necessary Outbuildings. Near Station.' Lauriston. 350 1750^Leasehold. All well sown' t "and watered. 351 5171 P^Hy improved, water in every paddock, and all in ood heart. Lauriston. 355 600 Half heavy and half medium Land. All in good order. New House of 9 Booms Bathroom, etc. New Stable and other Improvements. Alford. 85S 85 Subdivided into 2 paddocks, plenty of water. New House of 7,Eooms. Winchmore. 867 192 Subdivided. House of 7 Eooms, 4-stall Stable, Wool Shed. AH in good order. Bucoleugh, , 372 1270 Subdivided into 11 paddocks. House of 10 Rooms. Woolshed, Stable, and Shed. Sheep Yards. Water in all paddooks and shelter plantar tione- All in new grass. 373 329 Land in splendid heart, and grows all crops to perfection, 7 miles from Eangitata Station, and 11 miles from Temuka. 375 76 Subdivided into 8 paddocks, with water in each. 4roomed House, Shed, Dairy etc., close to School. Mount Somers. 878 1066 Subdivided into 12 paddocks -roomed House, 12-stall Stable, Chaff House, 3 Loose Boxes, Trap Shed, Granary, well watered. Down country, all ploughable. Cricklewood. J 379 980 Well improved, first class fences and gates, well watered. House of 5 Eooms, 12-stall Stable, and Loose Boxes, Wool Shed, Implement Shed, Dip, Sheep Yards. Subdivided into 13 paddocka. All id good young grass. Darfield. , 880 500 Securely fenced and well watered. 2 miles from Eail. way Station and School Ealing. The above are all subject to sales. InBpection can be arranged at any time. Call at my office for fuller particulars. DAVID THOMAS, Ashburton.

I. W. Raymond & Co. Southland to the Fore. FARMS. -i O/\ ACRES, highly improved, suifciOV' able Buildingß; choice locality •">/'»/>i ACSES, improved, good stead O OVf in S» near Sch°ol and Factory rf^/\ru/\ ACRES, improved country, %y\)\)\J healthiest stock country in Southland, convenient to railway. These Properties are among the best value we have, and in less than 6 months the present reserves will nofc purcnase them I. W. KATMOND k CO., 249 lavercargillanaWyndham. miifiiif in; i,iLf*»wmijii.siiTi „ 1..— „, ' ILJB A BBEt Boot Polish the very Best. BAD soaps and chsmicftls called Extract iajur© olothe. "PAINUI doesn't

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXI, Issue 6620, 13 July 1905, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXI, Issue 6620, 13 July 1905, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXI, Issue 6620, 13 July 1905, Page 1