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BUSINESS NO TICKS. Motor Oars, • MOTOR CARS BATTERIES "~ BATTERIES CAN now bo Charged at auy time of the day by an ELVCTETCAL INSTALLATION lately imported from the well-known Firm of Electrical Engineers, Messrs CROMPTON & CO., LTD., of Cheltneford, England, and set up in the Premises of T. E. KELWORTH, Engineer, Plumbar, etc., who will be pleased to shew the process to those interested in MOTOR CARS & MOTOE CYCLES. FOR SALE, Cheap—One small vertical Steam Engine and Boiler. Price £25. Thos. E. Kilwortli, Engineer* Plumber, Etc., TANCRED ST. ASHBURTON, F, It I1Y&E& CO., SANITARY AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, PLUMBERS, GASFITTERS, AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. In Thanking our Patrons for the liberal support accorded us in the past, we would like to direct the public generally to a few points of advantage respecting our latest Acetylene Gas Generators, which have found much favour at the hands of those who have brought our parent into practical use. In the first place the generators are absolutely safe and fire proof, and the testimonials that we have received unsolicited place our manufacture second to none in the market for superiority of light and make, economy, simplicity and general utility. It manufactures the gas as you require it, while it will supply a hundred or a thousand lights as easily and as brilliantly as it will supply one. To obviate any waste of gas, the generator is so contrived that the supply is in no case greater that the demand, which prevents accumulation of gas and renders a large gasometer or reservoir unnecessary, and our generator can be re-charged with absolute safety, while the Rights being of handy size, it can be placed in any building without occupying but a very small space. When illumination is not required, the generator does not manufacture gas, so that any waste of material is out of the question. In conclusion, we can safely and truthfully assert that our Automatic Acetylene Gas Generators tire now being extensively recognised as the standard of excellence. They produce a good light, a cheap light, and a reliable light, and a light superior to either coal gas or electricity. Orders or enquiries will receive prompt attention. F. R. HYDE & CO., Sole Patentees and Manufacturers. Tancred Street, Ashburfcon. Telephone 31. SALE —OF— SAMPLES, Bought at 13s 4<l in the & ALL NEW GOODS THIS SEASON, inoluding— Men's Shirts, „ Hats, „ Caps, is Ties, „ Underwear, Children's Hals, Caps, Etc, AND f Several Special Lines, MUST GO THIS MONTH. W. H, Pearce, Draper and Clothier, East Street. - NORTHERN STAR - - POTATO- - THE TALK OP THE WORLD. "OEAD WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT Jlu IT. Mr Thos. Thornton, a member of the Canterbury Fruit Growers' Association, from a single pound of the Northern Star Potato Seed planted last year, has just dug 264 lbs of good quality, A Grower near Dunedin dug 1,100 lbs from 7 lbs of seed planted. Another Grower states that he dug nearly 5 cwt from 2 lbs of Northern Star planted. We are taking Orders for this Famous Potato for delivery early in July, at Is per lb, or 12 lbs for 10s 6d. Fletcher Bros., CASH SUPPLY STORES. Money to Lead, I HAVE various Sums for Investment on Town and Country Securities at Lowest Current Rates of Interest. G. If. BUCHANAN, Solicitor, BURNETT STREET, Ashburton Special Lines ... AT ... Special Prices. T>LANKETS and Rugs, Woollen O Underwear, Ladies' Jackets ana Rainproof Coats, and a Large Assortment of Seasonable Goods for Winter Wear at — 11. C. Barrett's Drapery, Clotning, and Boot Warehouse. POULTRY. POULTRY. POULTRY. X ARGE ORDERS to Hand. A Rise in JU the Market. - C. R. WILSON — [s a Cash Buyer of Ducks, Rooaters, and Hens. Highest Prices given on Train any Station for all Poultry that pass Government Poultry Grader, AshburOon. Further Particulars apply C. R. WILSON, Auctioneer and Agent, t 44ti Christchureh. [B4MNBOVJH asktpo&WIPBM'OUT, I the Champion COUGH MIXTURE. 1 It never fails to oore. I ASK FOR WIPBM OUT, I the Champion Cure for COUGHS, 1 COLDS and ASTHMA. J

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXII, Issue 6615, 7 July 1905, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXII, Issue 6615, 7 July 1905, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXII, Issue 6615, 7 July 1905, Page 4