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Public Notices. THE MIRROR,? A HIGH-CLASS Weekly, Socia Political, Literary, »»d Dramatv paper, to be published ef cry FRIDAY price 3d, by the Centennial Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, Melbourne Place, Ru •eli;Stree* / Melboune* . i . John G. Rfstell, GENERAL MJERCHANTi WJSST STREET. HAS now m Stock, and |s prepared sell at Lowest Current Rates,— ■Building Material of all descriptions consisting of— Red and White PINESJ Boards and Scantlings ' j ' Black PINE, TOTARA, KAURI Shelvings, Linings, and Flooring. V.D.L. Timber for Bridgo Work, also for Hurdle and Gate-making. sft and 6ft PAI INGS. Galvanised IRON, Lysaght's Orb, the best (ron manufactured. ,,, ,„„,.,., CEMENT, LIME, etc., WIRE, Barbed nnd Plain,t an Fencing Staples. ; Posts, Stakes, Strainers;. COAL Besf NEWCASTLE, COALBROOEDALE, And MOUNT SOMERS. HorselFeed—OATS, whole OATS, crushed Oaten Sheaf CHAFF, Bran, etc. Also, — Sharpfc for Fig Feed, and a quaa •ot Barley, whole or crushed STATION AND FARM STORES Consisting of , Sugar, Candles, and Groceries, m whole sale lots, and the Celebrated CEYLON AND INDIAN TEA n its imported state. iV'd / Blended. /~i r^AwciT ~ry)DDS SURGEON DENTIST, Addbess : —Courb Chambers, above Mr H. M. Jones, Stationer, East Street. Private Residence, Tancred Street, Three doors below Masonic Hall. YOUR MONEY" /""IANNOT be better invested than m \J purchasing a COMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST containing Colemane and Son s Eucalypti Remedies. For a PostalNote or 22s 6d the following remedies ■will be sent,' enclosed m a Neat Box, to any address, pest paid :— —1 Bottle Eucalypti Extract, 1 pot Victory Ointment 1 box each Ladies and Gents Liver Pills, 1 pot Eucalypti Honey, 1 box voice Lozenges, 1 Cake Eucnlypti Soap. Full directions for use enclosed. All SAFF add SURE remedies. Beware of imitations. See that you got Colemank ani» 9on»' EUCALYPTI and no other. Wholesale and Retail Agent, W. J. ALEXANDER, 142 Ctshel St., Christchurch To whom orders are to be sent Send for circularsf AUTUMN &WINTEE, 189OOUR NEW GOODS now on hand, comprise the folio-wing : — Fancy and Plain DIAGONAL. Worsted Coatings, Black and Blue. Worsted Suitings and Trouserings, CHECKS and STRIPES. HEAVY TWEEDS FOR WINTER WEAR. We have also a few FANCY WORSTED \TE6TINGS, very Stylish. HQr TH inRAIGHEAD . & JDj, Uraighead CA I L 0 liS, TANCRED STREET ASHBUETON THE |"ASHBURTON GUARDIAN,! Published Daily, Offices : Burnett Street, Ashburto Printing of every deacription, mc ing Billheads^ Memos Pamphlets Handbills, Invitation Cards Menus Race^ Cards Receipt Forms' Posters, Opera Dodgers, Mourning Car^ Horse Cards, Ball Programmes Concert Programmes

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2540, 10 October 1890, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2540, 10 October 1890, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2540, 10 October 1890, Page 1