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Labor Questions


London, .-October 7. The Dockers' Executive have decided to refuse to issue strike pay until the fourth day of a strike, m order to discourage .any disputes. A general strike of compositors m London for increased wage.-; is being organised. Messrs Mann and Tillett, while admitting certain faults on the side of dockers, promise that the whole influence of the Union shall be used m favor of honesty and fair work. London. October 8. Mann and Tillett publicly deny the •charges brought'by the Allan Company against the dockers. The Scotch furnacemen out on strike have expressed their willingness to return. Sydney, October 8. The Labor Defence Committee has issued a statement accusing the employers of evading a conference. The manifesto asserts .that no settlement can be arrived at except at an intercolonial conference of both sides. The refusals of the masters even to meet to discuss matteip can only be construed that they prefer to let the strike continue m the hope that they may crush Unionism; hence it is necessary to resist this unwarrantable attack on the rights of labor, and the Committee recommend that all Unions should direct their energies to the collection of funds, and also actively avail themselves of their privileges _of the franchise to sweep monopolists and class representatives from Parliament. They accuse the opponents of the labor party of being assisted by the Governments of at least three colonies m endeavoring to provoke breaches of the peace. A mass meeting of the "Western miners decided to continue the strike to the end. Fifty non-unionists were despatched to work a southern colliery, but the strikers induced them all to decline when they reached the spot. Another detachment of free laborers will commence work under a police guard. One result 'of the strike is that the railway revenue is seriously affected. There has,been a falling off of £17,000 m a fortnight.

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Bibliographic details

Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2539, 9 October 1890, Page 3

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Labor Questions Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2539, 9 October 1890, Page 3

Labor Questions Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2539, 9 October 1890, Page 3