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WITH.TEETU 'A'ITHSUT TCLTtt THE CHRISrOHURCH DENTAL .SURGERY, Corner of Casliel and High streets. S. M™ AND G8: SURGEON DENTIST And at Dunedin and Westport WE have gained the FIRST AWARD at tlie Dunedin Exhibition for Artificial Dentures and Mechanical Appliances for the Mouth, and it is with the greatest confidence that we guarantee ;the highest class work and perfect fit at the most moderate cos A Single Artificial Tooth, 10s. Complete Set — Upper and Lowertemporary and permanent, £'10 10s. Natural, Durable, Comfortable Artificial Teeth Replaced Temporarily almost immediately after the extraction of decayed teeth or stumps without extra cc or charge. Arrangements can be made for part or monthly payments. ADMINISTERING NITROUS OXIDE j 3AS several times daily for the past ten years, we fearlessly assert that extraction of teeth under its influence is perfectly painless and positively safe , s '. Fee for Administration, ss. Extraction, 2s 6d. * Artificial Teeth and Dentures made by other dentists repaired or remodelled at small cost C. M. BROOKE CHEMIST, EAST S T R 38 E T ASHBURTON "pRF^CRIBES Foi COUGHS, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES, AND Other Minor Ailments BEOOKE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, Is Per Box, Is^the best all round Family Medicine. I. T. Kingston, wills street;-. NEXT COOKSON'S STABLES, ASHBURTON, TTAS had three years' experience with JZL Thomaa Talbot, .M.R.C.VJS,, of Scotland Yard two years with Cornelius Saunderson, M.R.C.V.S., Cla-pham Common, and ten years with George Balls, M.R.C.V.S., Brixton, all of London ; and has also gained' a good reputation m the Colony. Our specialty is well-known to be our ability and knowledge of the horse's foot. In a well ordered shoeing forge the following standard rules will always be observed:— 1. A shoe should never be removed without first cutting off the clinches, because by simply turning back the clinch m drawing the nail a piece of the clinch is often left m the foot, endangering the horse when the new shoe comes to be driven on. 2. The frog and bars require no cutting m a regularly attended foot. And m a healthy foot where there are no, symptoms of navicular disorder, the sole should not be cut. 3. The shoe should have a level bearing upon the wall of the foot, aud should hot be sprung at the heel, as is too common, thereby acting as a fearful lever upon the tendons 4. The nails should be driven level and uni- . form, and only on the toe side of the inside . quarter, the toot being thinner upon the inside and the greater weight of the body being sustained there. There is no comparison points of quality between the hand-made and the machinemade shoe. The machine-made shoe is of | A a coarser material, softer, and is imported, andit should be insisted upon that they be not used m the- colony R S T. T I M M O has removed from the Lyttelton Boarding House to those more commodious and central premises, Panama House, Where friends, old and new, will be welcomed Accommodation tor boarders a reduced rates. Meals prepared mMr TiiKmo's wftll known style. i Meals per week, lls ; Board and lodg- . ings, 17s 6d ; one meal daily per week, j 3^6d TTlarles.t> radd ell Licensed Landbroker and Valuator "The Land Transfer Act, 188 ESTATE, HOUSE, LAND, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. Office -Burnett Street, Next to " Mail Office TOWNEND S EUious and Liver Pills CURE Nervousness, Headache, Acidity, Heartrn, Pains between the Shoulders, Pa the Heart, Interr t ted Sleep, Harassing Dreams, Tendency start, to be Frightened, Spasms, Flatu cc, Cosivencss. Skin Eruptions, Impure Blood, and Bilious Disorders. Price —Is and 2s 6d. By post free for 30 stat/iDs. *W. P. TOWNEND, Pharmaceuticl Chemist, ; 183 Colombo Street, Christchurcn. SUITS TO MEASURE. rpHE Largest Stock of JL TWEEDS ever shown m Ashburton to choose from. QUALITY AND FIT GUARANTEED Cone and see the prices. ASHBURTON CLOTHING MART, SAUNDERS BUILDINGS. R. ALCORN

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2538, 8 October 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2538, 8 October 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2538, 8 October 1890, Page 4