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Labor Questions.

[per press association.]

London, September 11. The strikers refuse to allow Lascar sailors to discharge barges into the Peninsular Company's vessels. ; A further dispute has arisen with the Dock Company, owing to the latter retaining the services of a ganger who is unpopular among the men. ; London, -September 14. The provinces, m response to an appeal from the London dockers, have forwarded £100 m aid of the Australian strikers. The National Coal I Porters' Union will forward £100 m & week, The Shipowners' Federation show great determination to prevent officers affiliating with labor organisations, and exhibit great firmness m defence of

officers who decline to become Unionists, and are actively supplying non-unionist labor so as to overcome the strike. Sydney, September 13. Representatives of the men on strike say they are perfectly willing to meet the employers, and are fully prepared to forego a portion of their demands, but say it is absolutely necessary that the owners shall agree to the fundamental principle of Unionism that only Union men be employed, and that the Officers' Association be allowed to use their own discretion as to the advisability of affiliating with other la,bofl bodies. The Committee were unable to agree on the question of non-union shearers, but it is understood that if employers will consent to recognise trade unionism m its entirety members of the latter are prepared to sign an agreement that no further demands be made for a long period. ' The Labor Defence Committee are considering the manifesto recently issued by the employers. Mr Davis, of the Seamen's Union, states that the manifesto shows clearly that the prime object of the employers is to crush Trade Unionism m all its forms. The total contributions to the strike fund so far amount to £5300. Sydney, September 14. The Labor Defence Committee has called out the trolly and dray men; and it is expected fully 1000 will be on strike to-morrow. The men had de^ cid«d on their own account to demand that their wages should be from 40s jto 45s per week, according to the number of horses they drove, and that twelve hours be a day's work. They also stipulated that meal hours were to be included m the twelve hours, ;and that they should knock off at three o'clock on Saturday afternoons. The Broken Hill miners, and owner* will hold a conference m Melbourne at an early date, and as the strike is the outcome of the maritime difficulty it is understood that representatives from both sides from all parts of the colonies interested will be invited to attend, with a view to arranging a general j settlement of the labor struggle., September 14. Owing to non-unionists working the cranes, the Jubilee and other Unionist steamers have liad to, load coal m wheelbarrows and baskets. Nineteen of the crew of the steamer Santon have been arrested for refusing to shovel a small quantity of coal from the top of the hatchways so that the hatches might be put on.

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Bibliographic details

Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2518, 15 September 1890, Page 2

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Labor Questions. Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2518, 15 September 1890, Page 2

Labor Questions. Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2518, 15 September 1890, Page 2